Egao: My name means smile and I-

Ikair: Yeah yeah you're always happy, they don't care just-

Fu: I don't think anyone is even reading this so it doesn't matter what she says.

Naku: Wait so no one pays attention to us.

Owore: But how will they know who we are? Will they hate us.

Fu: They won't care enough to hate us.

Egao: Okay Fu that was going a little far.

Fu: Does it look like I care?

Egao: *sigh* Anyway please introduce yourselves in English please.

Naku: Cry.

Ikari: Anger.

Owore: F-Fear.

Fu: I don't give a shit.

Egao: FU!

Fu: Negative.

Egao: And I'm Smile, nice to meet you. CeeCee-senpai is currently away so you will have to bare with us. CeeCee-senpai does not own Naruto or any of its characters. Please remember this.

Fu: This story has yaoi, drama, a little violence, and mpreg. If you don't like get the hell out. I will not have Naku crying because of you damn haters.

Egao: Ah, Fu you do care.

Fu: No she just cries to much as it is, so she doesn't need another reason.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHAPTER 1: THE FOX^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The Village Hidden in the Leaves is the last village that can still claim purebred. Why is that? The Uchiha Wolf clan, the oldest known clan in existence. The only clan historically known older than the Uchiha was that of Uzumaki Fox. But the Uzumaki Fox clan died with Kushina Uzumaki, who was not mated, died of pneumonia.

That was it. As of now the Uchiha Wolf could claim purebred but that was the last generation that could. Interbreeding was not allowed and there were no more pure breeds to mate with. Well except for the Hyuga Leopard, but leopard and wolf don't breed well, the kits always turn out weak. The Uzumaki Fox clan had excellent breeding versatility so both clans would choose from them, but sadly the clan had died out unmated and unheired.

Or so everyone thought.

+=+=page break=+=+

The Catch, Collar, and Care Festival was rapidly approaching and with it mating season. The oldest of the Uchiha brothers, Itachi had mated with a water demon named Kisame the year before. Water demons have an attribute that allows them to take many forms of water creatures. Kisame's favorite is a shark.

The youngest was about to enter his first CCC* Festival and man was he unhappy about it.

Sasuke Uchiha did not want to catch, collar, or care for any of the Ukes** anywhere near his age. None of them were even close to his level of strength and most weren't even close to Kisame's level of strength.

Fugaku Uchiha, Sasuke's father as well as head of the Uchiha Wolf clan and leader of the pack of demons since his best friend Minato died unheired, was more than a little frustrated that his youngest son wasn't even considering courting anyone. He wondered how anyone could be so picky.

Itachi understood where his brother was coming from. He himself found it hard to believe he had mated outside of a purebred. But Kisame was different, he was exactly was Itachi was looking for. A dangerous Uke with a short temper.

Sasuke just wanted someone strong so that they would sire strong cubs. He didn't care about the breed much anymore but he cared about strength.

~~page break~~

Naruto, as called himself, was scared. He had always known he was a Uke and until now he didn't care. But as he read more of the breeding book he had stolen from...well, let's not go into that, he was starting to wish he was well, anything else.

Here's what 'Human's Guide to Demon Mating Ceremony' has to say on the subject of The Catch, Collar, and Care Festival.

The Catch, Collar, and Care Festival is an annual two week long festival held in most Demon villages. Semes*** will pinpoint a Uke they want to mate with (normally by their scent) and try and put a collar around the Uke's neck. This has two purposes. 1) the Uke can and will do anything and everything to not get collared. If the Seme can't collar or gives up then the Seme is unworthy of the Uke. 2) if the Seme succeeds in collaring he or she has now put a physical claim on the Uke and therefore owns the Uke****.

After the collaring, the Seme must take the Uke away from the families and care for the Uke for a month (mating season) before returning to the family and living the rest of their lives together. In the time of that month the Seme must provide for the Uke and the Uke must submit everything to the Seme (sex included).

Naruto didn't want to be chased, he didn't want to be collared, and he certainly didn't want to be owned by some Seme that only thought about sex*****. The taken care of part was actually inviting though. He had never been taken care of by anyone. He had grown up all alone.

He was just glad he was far enough away from the Hidden Leaf Village that he didn't have to take part in this Festival.

But, he thought his ears falling flat on his head, that also means my first heat will be alone.

~~page break~~

Sasuke stocked****** his way through town. He had just had a huge fight with his father. The CCC Festival started tomorrow and his father had brought two female Ukes that had yet to be claimed for Sasuke to choose from.

One was a cat demon with pink hair and green eyes. Even with her natural pink hair her ears and tail were more of a pinkish brown color.

The other was half Uzumaki with flaming red hair to prove it. She was not a fox however but a hawk. She didn't have the ears or tail like other types of demons, but instead of arms she had large wings.

Sasuke hadn't even bothered to learn either of their names.

He wanted a strong demon to sire his children, not some weak noble. Sasuke spotted Neji. he approached cautiously looking around for the young demon Neji hoped to collar. A young raccoon demon named Garra. He was half Uzumaki like that red head from before. His breed was a cross of fox and dog. Suddenly he spotted Garra and Kiba talking quietly to each other. Sasuke looked around for Shino who never let Kiba out of his sight for very long, finding him in the tree above Neji.

"Sup?" Sasuke said.

Both Semes looked as the purebred approached. Neji was also a purebred. A leopard to be exact but like the Uchihas without the Uzumakis around there was no way to find a purebred mate and have strong pups. Shino was a coyote, a mix of a dog and a wolf.

"Oh hey Sasuke," Neji said, a hint of warning in his voice.

"What's going on?"

"Not sure -"

Shino suddenly sucked in a breath.

Neji and Sasuke looked up at him, but he had already jumped down and was frantically looking around. Suddenly Neji tensed and looked around as well.


Garra and Kiba were nowhere to be seen.

"We just saw them!" Neji said a little worriedly.

Shino took off towards the spot that the two Ukes had just vanished from. Sasuke shook his head, not a clue what they were so worked up about, but before he could walk away Neji grabbed his arm and dragged him towards Shino.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke growled, his inner wolf not liking this leopard having the better of him.

"You have a good nose, find him."

"Them," Shino said angrily but not loudly.

"Why me?"

"Because you're the reason I lost him."

Shino growled.

~~page break~~

"Kiba are you sure about this?" Garra asked.

"Positive, we can't let a Seme find him."

"What are you talking about? The fox?"



"Because he's mine."

"Huh, it's a cute fox that needs a home, and I'll give one to him."

"But why do we have to keep Semes away from him."

"I think he might be a demon."

"Kiba, foxes don't exist anymore."

"But it's a fox, a carnivore*******, he has to be a demon."

"I will explain simply, when Kushina-sama died foxes ceased to exist, period, as in no more foxes ever."

"I know what I saw."

"Then you were high or something, foxes don't-" Garra froze mid-sentence when the view of the clearing met his eyes.

A little golden fox was standing next to a small stream drinking happily. It's golden fur looked softer than silk its ears just tipped red.


"But...but...that's not possible."

Suddenly the fox tensed. The two boys did as well. They felt Semes near by. Kiba and Garra turned around, knowing two of the scents and recognizing the third but couldn't remember who it belonged to. They heard rustling and turned around the see that the fox had disappeared.

"There I found them, happy now?"

The two Ukes looked up. Neji, Shino and Sasuke were perched on branches just above them.

Neji growled.

"Why are you in the forest by yourself?"

Garra stuck his tongue out at the Seme.

"He's not alone, I'm here too," Kiba said.

Neji chose to ignore the dog demon, he didn't care for anyone but his Garra.

Kiba was a purebred in a sense, but not a high ranking one, so he didn't really like the higher ranking purebred.

Unnoticed by the three Semes, Garra grabbed the back of Kiba's sleeve.

Many years before the two friends had come up with signals to use when cornered by Seme. Ukes might be submissive by nature but that doesn't mean they don't fight.

Suddenly both shifted and ran in opposite directions. Shino went after Kiba and Neji after Garra.

Sasuke couldn't care less.

He jumped down and shifted so that it would be easier to drink from the stream.

He relished in the idea of drinking fresh water, don't get him wrong the water in the village was fine, it just lacked that nature taste.

He reached the stream and licked his lips, but as he leaned his head down to take a drink a new scent filled his nose and rewired his brain.

He stared attacking the ground that held the scent away from him. The scent of fresh jasmine and morning dew filled him nostrils and enticed his entire body. Not only that it radiated power, strength, and submissiveness. And the scent was as fresh as the morning sun. It jumped over the stream and went deeper into the forest.

The wolf stocked into the forest after this delicious prey.

~~page break~~

Naruto ran for his life. After reading that book he wasn't taking any chances with any Seme, ever. So he ran.

He didn't care if the Seme was chasing him or not. He just wanted away from them. The two Ukes he smelt hadn't been a threat, but the three Semes. His little legs moved faster, not caring that the brush around him was starting to scratch at him slightly.

The smell was getting stronger. And Sasuke was starting to catch glints of golden fur among the brush. He was going to catch his prey. He picked up the pace, making sure to gather all of that delicious scent as he did.

~~page break~~

Shit, Kiba thought as he ran. Shino was definitely persistent you had to give him that. But Kiba had to get back to that little fox, something told him that fox was in danger.

~~page break~~

Garra really hoped that Sasuke had followed Shino. Nothing could be worse for that young fox than an Uchiha.

~~page break~~


Naruto ran faster than he ever had in his life.

How is he catching up to me?

Crashing could be heard behind him.


Naruto smelt the village, he had been careless, he had run straight to the village.

Why does he want to catch me so bad?

The sun started to set. Naruto started to get scared. All he wanted was to go back to his den and sleep this nightmare away. But that Seme was closing in on him. He ran faster and started to zing zag trying to find a way to turn away from the village. The Seme followed.

-page break-

A fox. That's what that beautiful smell emanated from. A fox. Sasuke would have that fox to be his. And only his.

He was catching up to that delicious creature ready to make him his own.


A mass of fur ran straight into Sasuke, blocking the delectable creature from his view. Sasuke tried to keep the smell, but it was quickly replaced by his Nii-san's.

"Otouto, why are you running?"

"Get out of my way Nii-san*********," Sasuke growled.

"Father wants you," Itachi noticed that hungry look in his brothers eyes.

"Do I look like I care?"

The delicious smell was quickly disappearing.

Itachi's eyes narrowed.

"Father wants you," each word was growled out of gritted teeth.

Sasuke glared back at his brother before turning around and trotting off. His eyes a set of daggers waiting to be thrown at whoever angered him.

Itachi couldn't understand his brothers actions at all. If he didn't know any better he looked like he was chasing a runaway mate.

Sasuke walked into his father's office and sat on the floor, his mother would have a fit if he sat on the chair in wolf state, but he didn't feel like being naked in front of anyone at the moment, he had a little problem that had formed at the sight of that little fox.

"What?" it came out as a bark.

Fugaku turned to his youngest son, surprised by his harshness.

"Is something the matter Sasuke?" he asked.

Sasuke just growled, wanting to get this over with.

Fugaku sighed.

"Sasuke, I don't care what happened at this point. Just know this. The Festival starts tomorrow, and you will choose a mate, if not tomorrow in the next two weeks or I will choose one for you," Fugaku had meant the talk to go a different direction but all wolves had a short temper that seemed to be contagious to other wolves.

Sasuke growled again.

"You will agree to this or I will pick one out tomorrow."

Sasuke was silent.

"Sasuke," his father warned.

"Neither will be necessary," Sasuke growled.

Before his father could respond Sasuke left the office. He needed to pick up some things. His father had just helped him more than he thought.

The Fesival starts tomorrow. He looked at the sun, he didn't have much time.

~~page break~~

Naruto was finally safe. That Seme, for some reason or another, had stopped chasing him. But he didn't slow down until he neared his den. It was next to a large waterfall. He enjoyed listening to the water at night. It calmed him down. His breathing came out heavy as he crawled into the tunnel in the side of the drop off.

Naruto didn't have much, well he had a worn out blanket and that was about it. In his effort to escape from that Seme he had forgotten to hunt and now he was extremely hungry he hadn't caught anything for a couple of days now.

He looked back to the entrance of his den and saw that now the sun had fully set. He read once that some foxes like to hunt at night but not Naruto, he had been attacked far to often to trust the night. So he curled up under his blanket and put his back to the wall. It didn't help much, as the dirt was cold, but it was better than sleeping in the middle of the den. He shivered slightly as a gust of wind came into his den and whirled around a bit.

His thoughts shifted to that Seme. Naruto had been scared but, well, the smell that Seme gave off wasn't unpleasant. He smelled like dark chocolate and fresh sugarcane. And he radiated power, warmth and dominance. Naruto had never had either chocolate or sugarcane, but he had once snuck into the village and found a bakery a great place to watch other demons and smell wonderful food. But like always he had heard someone coming from inside, obviously checking out the who was giving off the scent of pure bliss. Naruto wasn't sure how people would react in the village, but since he had always been attacked by every being he came into contact with he wasn't taking any chances, so he ran.

Naruto had spent most of his life running.

The thought saddened him and he some tears form in his eyes before the day finally caught up to him and his eyes closed for the day.

His day was over.

~~page break~~

Sasuke's day was far from over. The sun was just starting to set when he reached the Seme Store. A store that sold anything and everything a Seme would ever need to Catch, Collar, and Care for their Uke.

The owner of the shop was about to close for the day, but when he saw a very angry Sasuke Uchiha heading directly for his store he decided that 8:45 was just far to early to close. I mean what was he thinking he normally staid open until about 7:30.

But even before the Uchiha a leopard and coyote had decided it was time for some late night shopping and spent a hour picking out the perfect items for their soon to be mate.

That was nothing. Two hours later the Uchiha was still trying to make everything perfect.

Sasuke knew he only had a little while longer, but he would have nothing but the best for his fox.

Then he saw it, an evil smile graced his face, unnoticed by the half-asleep store owner.

~~page break~~

Sasuke hadn't gone home that night. He made his way into the forest, a bag of goodies hanging from his mouth.

The fastest way to find a demon was his scent and Sasuke's sense of smell was much better while a wolf.

He backtracked to where his stupid Nii-san had interrupted his hunt. He sniffed around for a few moments before he picked up that delicious scent once again.

He had the urge to howl, but he didn't want to attract his family or any other demon for that matter, that fox was his.

He started following the scent. It lead deeper into the forest. Sasuke found this odd, the fox had been running towards town, why had he gone back into the forest. Another thing Sasuke found odd was the fact that the fox was a fox. The pure fox blond line died with Kushina Uzumaki nearly 15 years ago. She didn't have any siblings and neither had her mother before her. She was truly the last purebred fox. So who was this demon.

Sasuke decided it didn't matter, the fox would be his and his alone.

The scent led him all the way to a small clearing with a waterfall and small pond. At first glance Sasuke thought that the fox had just stopped here for a drink, but at first sniff the fox's scent was everywhere in this clearing. Most prominent from a small hole in the side of the cliff the water fell from. If you weren't looking for it you wouldn't see it. Sasuke crouched to his belly and army crawled to the hole, still in his wolf form.

When he got a glimpse of the inside of the cave he had to hold back a growl. Why was his little fox living in such poor conditions. Then he saw his fox.

Only the fox was now a boy.

Sasuke's ear perked at the sight of the little angel. His golden hair was made of silk and shown even in the dim moonlight his golden ears were tipped with a burning red. His tan skin was visibly kissed by the sun. Sasuke growled softly at the sight. Why had the sun been able to kiss the boy when he himself had not. He decided he would curse the sun for the rest of his life. He focused on the boy's face. Three little scar like lines were carved on each side of his face, marking him a purebred fox. Only foxes had those markings.

Sasuke suddenly saw the boy shiver in the cold night air.

Where are his clothes dammit?

Sasuke wished he could warm that beautiful body, but he couldn't trust himself not to jump the gun if he entered the cave now. So he just watched the boy sleep for now. Sasuke found he was very content watching his little blond fox. The waterfall was soothing and the silence of night was welcomed.

Suddenly a very quiet chime murdered the silence of night where it stood. If a wolf could grin evilly Sasuke did in that moment. He crawled the rest of the way into the small cave before turning human once again. He took the bag out of his mouth and made his way over to the blond fox.

"Father you said the Festival started tomorrow. Well it's tomorrow."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^End of Chapter 1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

*CCC - Catch, Collar and Care Festival (for anyone who couldn't figure it out)

**Uke - submissive; literally means 'receive/received'

***Seme - dominate; literally means 'attack'

****owns the Uke - some semes can take the whole 'I now own you' thing a little to far this will come up later

*****some Seme that only cares about sex - this is worst case scenario of above, well this and abuse

******stocked - I don't know if this is the right word or if it is even a word at all but basically he's angrily walking through the village

*******a carnivore - this will be explained later but basically all carnivores are demons and all herbivores are just regular animalsn (omnivores are considered carnivores (humans are humans))

********Otouto - little brother

*********Nii-san - a way of saying big brother

Owore: Do you like it?

Ikari: No they hate it!

Naku: Th-they do! They really HATE IT?

Egao: *sweetly* No I'm sure they don't hate it.

Naku: Really?

Fu: I'm sure they at least mildly dislike it, greatly.

Egao: That's not very nice Fu.

Fu: Does it look like I care?

*Naku cries in the corner*

Egao: Um, well, please prove both Ikari and Fu wrong and please comment nicely. Remember this is CeeCee-senpai's first yaoi basically ever so be nice please. And thank everyone else who favorited. You have no idea how much it takes to bring me out at the moment.

Owore: Yeah right. The Internet be nice. That will happen right after meteors destroy the earth!

*Owore hides in the other corner*