Egao: I'm so HAPPY!

Ikari: Yes, yes, you are always happy.

Egao: No, no, this a different happy!

Fu: Does it have to do with yumiyang?

Egao: YES!

Owore: But-

Egao: I don't care if they are a guest they are great.

Naku: *rereads yumiyang's comment and blushes* They were very adamant in not believing this is CeeCee-senpai's first story.

Fu: Well in technical terms it ain't.

Owore: Yes, but it is her first yaoi story ever.

Egao: Basically yumiyang said that there was no way that 'The Catch, Collar and Care Festival' was CeeCee-senpai's first story. Well no it's not. She's written a lot on Wattpad and she has done a few originals even self published one. But to be clear this is her first yaoi ever.

Fu: CeeCee-senpai doesn't own Naruto or any of its characters.

Egao: Recap Time!


Naruto's head really hurt.

It was hard for him to stay standing on the platform. He had seen a water bucket just outside the room, but Sasuke had told him to stay.

But his head really hurt.

He whimpered slightly when the room started spinning. He tried to balance but his foot slid off the side of the platform. His yelp rang through the room as he fell.

"Naruto!" he heard Sasuke call.

He tried to call back but his throat had gone dry. The room started going dark. He was almost naked but he felt so hot.

The door burst open. Naruto felt cool hands wrap around his neck and gently lift him up.


That was Sasuke's voice.

Cool hands ran over his face. They felt amazing, so he purred.


The hands ran down his neck and his back. He continued to purr. Something soft and cold was placed on his forehead. He purred at that as well.

The room started to come back into focus. The first thing he saw was Sasuke's worried face.


Naruto gave him a weak smile.

"Hey Sasuke."

"Baka, don't worry me like that!"

"Sorry, I'm just a little thirsty."

Sasuke's mouth fell open.

"There's a bucket right outside the door."

"But you said stay."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHAPTER 5 SICKNESS, PERVS, AND SCARY FATHERS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sasuke stared down at his little Uke, lost for words. Naruto in turn smiled weakly up at him.

"Gomen'nasai*," Sasuke breathed hugging Naruto close.

"Why are apologizing?" Naruto asked softly.

"My first priority should have been your health not your clothes."

"But I like what you picked out."

Sasuke looked behind him to see the few outfits that Rin-san and him had chosen laid across the chair while Rin-san herself went to get some more cool rags.

Sasuke shook his head and looked back down at his Uke.

"We can come back in a little while, I need to get you to a healer."

Sasuke, oh so gently, picked up Naruto's fevered body.

"But I'm still-"

Sasuke looked again to see Naruto was still in the boxers he had brought in earlier.

"It's fine," came a voice.

Rin-san was standing in the door way with a bag full of ice.

"As long as it doesn't take to long you can take one of the outfits now," she smiled at the pair.

~~page break~~

Sasuke carried Naruto, now full dressed in dark black jeans and a black top with a red swirl in the middle completed with a red and orange belt to keep his slightly to large pants on his much to skinny hips.

He ignored the looks the villagers were giving him, his only focus was on Naruto.

When he finally got to the healers five minutes later he found how fast word got around in the village.

The assistant healer was waiting for him outside the clinic.

"Uchiha-sama is this the boy," she reached out to touch the boy only to have Sasuke growl at her.

Her arm retreated but Sasuke was suddenly slapped in the back of the head.

"We can't do anything if we can't touch him," came a weary voice.

"Tsunade-sama," Sasuke moaned lightly.

"What seems to be the issue?" she leaned in to get a better look at the boy in Sasuke's arms.

Naruto had fallen unconscious shortly after being dressed.

"What the hell? This boy is near starvation!"

Sasuke's heart almost stopped.

"What the hell are you just standing there for, hurry the hell up Uchiha."

Tsunade presided to push the nearly frozen Uchiha into the clinic.

Before he could react Naruto was pulled from his hands and he was shoved into a chair in the waiting room, Naruto being taken out of his sight.


Sasuke went to get up and follow his Uke.

"Oh no, you stay right there, Shizune watch him."

The assistant from earlier pushed him back down and kept her hands on his shoulders to hold him down. He tried to struggle but she put all her chakra into her arms and hands keeping him subdued.

Sasuke could only watch in frustration as the door closed behind Naruto, blocking his view of the little blond.

"Wait, he needs-"

"What he needs is for you to remain calm. Your of no use in the back. He's only a little starved, a few supplements and you can be by his side once again."


"No buts, if you really care for him then try trusting him."

Sasuke looked sadly into the assistants eyes.

"I just found him, I don't want to loose him," he almost whispered.

Shizune for her part had to use every bit of her training not to film this for blackmail later on. No one would have expected the stoic Sasuke Uchiha to be left a quivering, scared mess just by the loss of a small starved blond.

"Tsunade-sama will take care of it," she said kindly.

Sasuke looked one last time at the door before nodding and sitting back in the chair.

It took about an hour for Tsunade to come back out from the back.

Before the door was even fully open Sasuke was looking her in the eyes asking how Naruto was doing.

She nearly jumped out of her skin at the look the Uchiha was giving her. It was not a angry or pointed look but one of pure worry and almost fear, almost.

"How is Naruto doing?"

"Oh, so it that his name?"


"Then where's his name tag**?"

"The Festival just started, I collared him this morning how was I supposed to know his name?"

"Normally you court the Uke first Uchiha," Tsunade said dangerously.

"Well this Uke is arleady mine so I'll court him from now on."

"At least learn the Uke's name before you try and collar them!" she almost screamed.

"I named him, so I was the first to even know his name!"

"What do you mean you named him, that's for the parents to do!"

"He doesn't have parents!"

This made Tsunade-sama hesitate.

"Please just tell me how Naruto's doing."

"He's fine. I just need to get some herbal supplements ready then you can take him home. He needs rest and food above anything else."

Sasuke nodded.

"He's in room 3 if you want to see him. I suggest you be gentle he's a little scared."

Before she was even finished with 'if you want to see him' Sasuke was running down the hall.


He ran through the door and saw Naruto jump at the sudden noise, then his eyes lit up.


Sasuke sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Naruto close.

"I was scared."

Sasuke held his little Uke closer.

"I thought you had left me because I was weak."

Sasuke shook his head and held the little blond even tighter.

"I'm never gonna leave you do you understand me?"


"What did I just say?"

"You're never going to leave me."

"If you can't remember anything else remember that, dope."


Suddenly their acute hearing heard steps outside the door. Naruto tensed and held onto Sasuke's sleeve a little tighter.


Naruto flinched.

"At least let me finish my statement before you going running off!"

The blond healer from before came running in.

~~page break~~

Sasuke was once again piggy backing Naruto through the village. They were on their way back to the Uchiha compound. Naruto was falling asleep.


The loud sound right next to his ear almost caused Sasuke to jump out of his own skin. Naruto's tightened hold on his neck didn't help much.

He turned his head to not only see Naruto with his eyes shut in shock but a extremely pale man standing right behind them. He felt Naruto's tail grab for his tail. When he tried to intertwine there tails he felt a foreign object around Naruto's butt.

He finally understood what had made Naruto make that sound.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He growled as he turned to face the man, keeping Naruto's ass out of the strangers reach.

The man was a little slow to realize that Naruto had moved for his hand stayed where it had been.

"What a fine specimen you have there, may I have the pleasure of taking a look," the strangers voice was soft and gravely, just like a snakes voice should be. His hair was long and his eyes slits. And his skin was awful.


Before Sasuke could answer he heard his brothers voice behind him. Without turning his back where Naruto could be in danger he looked behind him.

"What do you want Nii-san?"

"Father would like to see the two of you."

Sasuke growled again and turned back to the stranger only to find that he had disappeared.

"What are you looking for Otouto?"


Sasuke turned to follow his brother.

"Sasuke he touched my-"

"I know I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

Naruto nodded and dug his head into the crook of Sasuke's neck.

~~page break~~

Sasuke followed his older brother back to the compound. He was careful to send out a 'Don't come near us unless you want to die' aura.

His brother seemed to be very curious in the Uke on his back but Sasuke wasn't going to start any conversations.

Finally they made it back to the Combound.

Itachi lead the way into the main house.

Sasuke felt Naruto try to look at everything at once.

Naruto had every right to be amazed. While the individual houses were more of a traditional Japanese style, with low furniture and tatami flooring, this house was hard oak at much of the lower floor appeared to be title. The entrance was like a cavernous cave with arches and paintings of beauty of all kinds.

"This is the entry way as well as the front of the ball room," Sasuke explained.

There were three different staircases leading up from the entrance and two leading down. Itachi lead the soon-to-be-mates up the smaller staircase on the left.

The hallway was lined of portraits. Some were of a man and a woman, others were of two men. One thing was clear the one on the left was always a man and always a Seme. The one on the right was easily identified as a Uke by the collar.

"This is the Heads Hall. Every Head of the Family and his mate are portrayed here," Sasuke said.

"Yes and I really don't feel like sitting in one place for that long and I know Kisame will agree, are you sure you don't want to be head Otouto?"

"That's not for me to decide."

Itachi half-smiled.

Finally in the middle of the hall way next to a portrait of two people that reminded Naruto of the two brother with him was a door.

"This is the current head and his mate," Itachi said turning to Naruto.

"Also known as Otou-san*** and Okaa-san****," Sasuke pointed out.

Itachi nock end on the door next to the portrait.

"Who is it?" came a very loud angry voice.

"It's Itachi, I've brought Sasuke."


Naruto flinched. Otou-Uchiha-sama was on the other side of a door but his yell was so loud Naruto swore the man was right next to him.

"Good luck Otouto," Itachi said gravly.

"Good luck my ass," Sasuke muttered.


Sasuke turned the door knob.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^END OF CHAPTER 5^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

*Gomen'nasai – 'I'm so sorry'

**Then where's his name tag – because it's custom to collar Uke's it's not strange to them that Uke's also have name tags (some Semes like to decorate their Uke's collar and some even go as far as not letting their Ukes out of the house without a leash)

***Otou-san – father

****Okaa-san – mother

Fu: That's interesting.

Naku: W-what is? Is it sssad?

Fu: Look at what this guest said.

*all look at guest post*


Fu: No, no, this one.

*all look at other guest post*

Egao: Well they do have a point.

Owore: Yeah but we're on chapter 5 it's kinda late to change now.

Naku: Um…

Egao: But what they said makes perfect sense.

Ikari: But this post likes it the other way.

Naku: Well…

Fu: But this way could create more drama.

Owore: But this person wants a second suitor for Naru-chan.

Naku: That's…

Egao: We've already added a second suitor. But if we do it this way it could have a cool fight scene.

Ikari: While I LOVE a good fight scene it wouldn't make sense with the collars. Plus Orochimaru isn't really a suitor is he.






Egao: Great idea. Okay listen up, a guest suggested that we change the whole Seme/Uke thing to Alpha and Omega. CeeCee-senpai's not opposed to this but at the same time we are on chapter five and she's loathed to change the wording for five chapters.

Fu: If you want the Alpha/Beta/Omega then please tell us. But if you like the Seme/Uke then please let us know. We will take everyone's point of view into account.

Naku: Until next time, review, favorite, and follow.

Ikari: Is no one gonna point out that little Naku cussed.

Egao: That's right! Naku, we're not allowed to cuss.

Naku: Ikari does it all the time.

Fu: That's Ikari for you.

Ikari: I resent that!