I am sorry...

my apology will be this fic, and more updates to come!

But let me explain.

Yes, there is such thing as competitive roller skating that ISNT ROLLER DERBY. It is ballroom dancing on skates, you can find some of it on YouTube. Uhh... My family actually does this, and I have been roller skating since I was three or four. I have won competitions over and over, but my brother and cousin have won Nationals twice in partner skating, and have even been to worlds( World competition idk if you reader would catch that) many times.

But quick vocab!

Chase, is Cha-sei, and all it is, is lifting the foot strait up and putting it down.

Inside edge- the inside of your foot, but when you're skating on an inside edge your on one foot

outside edge- see above but outside of your foot

swing- foot goes in front in a swing^^



Shizuo groaned, arms crossed, sunglasses firmly on his nose, eyes narrowed, and knees together. His brother sat next to him, emotionless expression but happy.

"Mom and Dad wanted us to do some brotherly things." Kasuka said, holding up a pair of black roller skates. Four death strap wheels in two rows of two, small toe stop at the font and too many hooks for Shizuo's taste." They paid for the lessons."

"I. Don't. Roller skate." Shizuo muttered, he already had his on after a good ten minute struggle." It is too early for this crap."

"Nii-san... You promised." Kasuka placed the skates on the carpet, a new one with the same 70s sickening disco print.

Shizuo wished for a smoke, he looked at the other people there. They were at a skating rink, at six in the fucking morning, waiting for the old man to start teaching. There wasn't even a small crowed, and they all weren't kids even.

Once Kasuka finished tying on his death traps, as Shizuo liked to call them, they stood and wobbled their way over.

The old man, Mr. George, introduced himself and his two granddaughters.

"Skating is a magical thing." The older granddaughter, a blond with green eyes and an American accent, spoke an explained why it is a good sport and other bull crap.

Shizuo crossed his arms, loosing his balance for a moment, then proceeded to pout. Thought in no way would he admit it was a pout.

Behind Ms. Pane, her cousin the other granddaughter skate in a wide circle.

"In skating there are competitions where people do free style dances, or ballroom dancing. Believe it or not." Ms. Pane smiled and looked over her shoulder, her little cousin flying by faster then anyone had seen before." My cousin, Miss. King, will demonstrate. Roller skating and ice skating are similar in moves but it you fall roller skating you aren't met by ice." As if on cue King jumps, spins once in the air, but lands side ways her wheels stopping but her momentum bringing her to the floor in a nasty fall." There is no lea way if you land side ways, and no sliding. But don't worry, the first thing we teach is how to fall. And how to stand up" Once again on cue King gets up on one knee, then stands pushing her hands on it." Now my other assistant isn't here yet." Pane says," but we will split you into groups according to your level. So everyone! Skate to my cousin, Miss. King!"

The adults stumble, some even fall, Kasuka makes his way arms out and knees bent, very slowly to the wall where King is standing. Shizuo follows, posture up, but legs too stiff and is the last one to reach the wall, but was unable to turn around.

"Come on~ just bend you knees, turn your foot like this and hold out your arms." King had skated over to help, and returned the glare she received from behind the sunglasses." It's better I help then Orihara-san. He took one look at you renting skates and keeled over in the workers lounge."

That pissed Shizuo off." I-ZA-YAA!" He roared causing the class to jump, and said raven to appear from one behind the half wall that covered half of the floor.

"Sorry I'm late~" Izaya sang songed, smirking broad and bright as the sun." It's nice to see new people in class today~ We should all introduce ourselves again! I will go first, I am Izaya Orihara, or just Orihara-san."

"Sam King, or Miss. King or just King." Miss. King skated behind Izaya going backwards to be next to Mr. George who introduced himself again, and Miss. Pane.

Shizuo didn't care for any one else's name. His eyes were glued on one person, and that was the smirking bastard Raven he wanted to smear across the wooden floor. He growled when Izaya skated by, and watched the informant kneel before a little kid. His ember eyes seethed hate, until he saw hold out a hand to the child.

"It's ok. Skating can be scary at first, but it gets real fun once you roll." Izaya, the worse of humanity, was helping a nervous little boy." Mr. George I'll take beginners today." He called up to the old man.

"Alright, well if you hand Miss. Pane go to that wall over there." A group sped off leaving wobbly skaters behind." Miss. King will take those of you who can roll and stand on one foot." Another group left until Shizuo was standing with three adults and six kids in front of Izaya. Mr. George took the kids, and Izaya skated by Shizuo again eyes filled with mirth.

"Can't kill me now Shizu-chan." Izaya teased," you brother knew I was here and has even gotten some private lessons for you two."

"And why should I not?" Shizuo asked, hands fisted and taking a step. It was the wrong step, for he fell immediately to the floor wheels spinning.

"Because without me you can't go two feet, plus you don't want to upset you little baby brother, ne~?"

This was going to be a very long class.


The skating hell ended with doing the limbo, the kids giggling and trying their best to reach Pane as King and Mr. George held the bar. Shizuo stood with the adults on the side of the wall, their group having special lessons once the children left.

Miss. Pane went around the floor cleaning it up, before suddenly music came on. It was a waltz, and she swirled around a corner of a turn. She came to a stop, froze and listened to the music, before taking off elegantly. She was flying across the floor like a swan on a lake, and everyone clapped as she went by, suddenly turning backwards on one foot as the pattern called for it.

"This is what we also do." Izaya came over," competitive ballroom dancing, but on roller skates. Most of you aren't on the level to be able to do these dances but you are welcome to practice going around the floor while we do our own practices."

"Excuse me?" A lady raised her hand," are there partner dances?"

Izaya nodded," every dance has a partner dance."

"Do you have a partner?"

Laughing Izaya nodded, her was being charismatic and is was pissing the blond off." I do have one. Miss. Pane had skated with Miss. King's brother, they even went to nationals in America three times and won two gold, and have been to worlds three times as well." He winked, but not at her, at Shizuo." But I'm always open to a different partner if I find someone good enough." The adults who were more confident went out to the floor, moving slowly, but surely with their arms out and knees bent working on punishing themselves foreword. Shizuo though, refused to move from spot, eyes glued to Izaya still.

"Sheesh Shizu-chan, it's almost as if you hate me." Izaya pouted," what? Shocked I have a hobby?"

"I thought your hobby was stalking and getting people to kill themselves."

"That's only part of it~" Izaya smiled, once again causing a feeling to burn in Shizuo's gut." This is a great place to people wa-"

"Izaya!" Mr. George called out," show Sam the carry foxtrot if you could." He was organizing a binder which had prints of patterns and symbols Shizuo could not for the life of his read." I don't have the base line."

"It is only a base line." Izaya sighed and skated off . He stood in front of King, back to her and waited for the music. When it started the beat was a little faster then a waltz. He counted, then glided on his feet." Three pushes, a chase and swing, inside edge, out side edge, chase swing, three more progressives, inside edge, outside edge, swing." He said and was half way around the floor with her following copying him." All done~!"

King pouted, Shizuo tsked, and Kasuka finally fell.

"How many weeks is this?" Shizuo asked Mr. George when the hour was over.

"Ten weeks, two lessons a week. And then competition." Mr. George didn't smile, but like Kasuka, Shizuo could tell he was happy." I haven't seen Izaya so lively before. He usually just takes on the kids, but he wanted the adults this time."

"Maybe if Heiwajima-kun gets good enough he could be Izaya's new partner!" King had skated over. Over her shoulder Shizuo saw Izaya and Pane, arm in arm gliding across the wooden lake." Pane is going to break up their partnership soon and start practicing with Narade."

Shizuo looked at the floor again, seeing Izaya and Pane in synchronization turn 180 on one foot each. It was perfectly done." Why does she want to split off from him?" He found himself asking.

"For a very stupid reason," King frowned turning to face the floor," He's gay."


Red: SORRY! SORRRYYYYY! SSSSSOOOORRRRRYYYYYYY! *is on floor bowing* I am busy! I have college! I am an adult who teaches karate now too! So updates will be scarce, but I am not giving up! I WILL FIND A SCHEDULE AND TUNE! But here is a dabble! I hope you enjoyed it! I will prolly update this soon sadly...

and yes I still roller skate... I haven't stopped since I was 3-4 years old. And I do the ball room dances, and figures... Figures is boring af... Oh! And I don't have a skating partner so I don't have to go through that torture

BUT do not give up on my other fics!