Red: It's a short chapter, but it's just going to be a short story...

OOC, Izaya and Shizuo being civil! And Izaya being nice, he'll be more Izaya-ish later

I own Pane, King, and Mr. George.


Izaya was a very proud skater. He had started when he was a small child, had skated with the best in Japan, even went to Worlds Competition in America on three occasions. So finding that his world class partner was going to leave him soully on the fact of his sexuality did not go over well with him.

No it did not at all.

"My cousin is an idiot." King said," she ditched you nine weeks before she the competition, so she's going to suck at it. But you're already signed up for partner dances."

"I am aware." Izaya said finishing tying up his laces. He stood, popped his lanky back, and opened his Ruby colored eyes." I will get a new partner." He looked at her," but I will be making a point by it."

King smirked, she was similar to a little sister to him even eerily with the same hair color, but she was no where as cruel as his own blood sisters. Mairu and Kururi were regional champions in roller skating as kids, but quit when their obsession with everything Kasuka took up their practices.

"We have to warm up before the kids class." King stood and looked at her grandfather, waved like a kid, then took off like a shot across the floor.

"No hard feelings." Mr. George said coming up to Izaya," Miss. Pane just didn't... Didn't feel comfortable skating with a gay man."

"I figured." Izaya forced a smile," don't want to hurt her feelings."

"If she has any.." King muttered passing by slowly. She was nothing but a useful human, since that provided enough distraction for Izaya to slip by her grandfather onto the floor.

The raven pushed himself across the floor, crossing his arms and spreading his feet out and in, making a pattern.' Freestyle, ballroom, figures...' He thought to himself,' I need someone to do lifts with... A passionate, strong person. And for ballroom...dances are Progressive tango, Watlz, skaters March...that one dance that turns backwards with that terribly swing... Some one balanced... And more importantly a male.' HIs eyes flitted up seeing students showing up. He noticed only one among them though. He was everything Izaya need, passionate hate, strong, and willing for a price, to help.

"Ne, Shizu-chan!" Izaya called, smirking," I have a proposition for you!"

King snorted from the entrance onto the floor," holy shit... You're seriously going to do it." She laughed and began helping the class as Izaya took the tall brute aside

"I will not go into Ikebukuro for six whole months, if you help me." Izaya started out with the sinker, the told what the hook was." Revenge. On a girl who needs to open her mind to others and see there's nothing wrong with differences. You'd help teach that lesson and you would be able to get rid of be for half a year."

Shizuo didn't think twice, his brutish mind only hearing that Izaya would stay out of his territory and that is all the reason he needed to assist." What must I do?"

"Be my skating partner and win the competition coming up in nine weeks."

Kasuka laughed this time, it was a sweet sound, and only grew sweeter when he fell to the wooden floor, death traps rolling." N...N..." Shizuo longed to reject, the word at the tip of his tongue." Fine." He failed though, he lowered his hands, not even knowing that he had raised them, and nodded." Fine. But once this is over I don't want a single whiff of you for a year."

"Fine." Izaya said holding out a hand," you will be taking private lessons from me. Three hours, four days a week here. The other three days will be ballroom dancing lessons at my apartment for three hours as well. We need to teach you how to dance and how to skate."

Gritting his teeth, Shizuo agreed. He wanted Izaya gone, since there was a non violent way to do it he was going to take it.

"The rules are no trying to kill me. Not violence unless instructed. I choose the music, and you take this all seriously."

Shizuo nodded, reluctant but agreeing." Fine. Where do we start, flea?"

"New skates."


Kasuka still laughed every time he thought about his older brother skating with Izaya. It did bring a smile to Shizuo to see his usually emotionless sobbing smile, but he wished it wasn't about him having to get along with the flea.

The damned, annoyed, flea that was taking this seriously. He traded numbers with Shizuo, gave him a paycheck, and offered to pay for the brute's new pair of skates.

"You cannot skate on rentals. You need new, formal black skates." Izaya tutted," I have Sherly's, there low cut around the ankle, and the axles are national brand which allows me to have a loose axle for sharper turns. For you I think something stiffer would be better." He said, pulling the tale blonde along don a wide empty street. There were old shops run by even older people, selling traditional wares to hand me down clothes, and even a soup kitchen at the end of the street.

"Where are we going flea?"

"The Skate Shop." Izaya said and smiled," don't worry Shizu-chan. You are officially one of us, so now you must wear the shoes to fit."

Shizuo frowned," that makes no sense..."

"Aka, shut up and follow. You agreed to do everything I said. We have a lot to cover." Izaya opened the door to an old shop, the smell of old books, musty fabric, an grease hit Shizuo as he followed the shorter. The air itself seemed to be still, old, but for some reason it was like a hug." Hello~" Izaya knelt by an orange cat, fat and lazy by the looks, and scratched his ears." Hey, Mariki-San. I need a new pair of skates."

The cat meowed and got up, it waddled out of the room and an old lady came out coughing." Ah! Izaya-kun, skates you say? I thought Aku's old ones fit you fine."

"Not for me, ma'm." Izaya walked to the desk, behind it hung a wooded walk with hanging pairs of skates in all colors." My new partner needs skates for dance and freestyle."

The lady nodded," alright. How does he skate?"

"He doesn't." Izaya sighed," his second lesson was this morning. He fell three times, complained about ankle pain, snapped the axles, and flattened two wheels. He needs a sturdy pair, new."

"I assume he's a big boy." The granny smiled, looking over Izaya's shoulder to the frowning blond." Well, I have more skates in the back. Go ahead and look." She lifted up the divider keeping them from the cashier area. Izaya ducked under and pulled Shizuo with him into the back rooms.

"It's a small community." The informant spoke," very small. We all know each other by sound of voice, let alone name. It's a dying sport though..." His eyes flashed a strange saddness, Shizuo felt it. He could see Izaya did care about skating, and it was weird. Very weird.

"Why is this such a big deal?"

"The last of a dying breed wants to enjoy every second of the sport while they still can." Izaya shrugged," I'm attached to it. I will be sad when all the older members die, and I want to give them another show like they used to see. But, the partner I could of done it with found out...something and couldn't handled her distaste."

Shizuo knew already what that something was and scofted," you are weird, flea."

Izaya smirked, pulling up a box with black shiny skates," thank you. I pride myself on that fact."

The bar tender clad blond took the skates and sat on a stool trying them on. He yawned as Izaya inspected them, and nodded giving approval. After they bought the death traps lunch was in order. They ate in silence, Izaya getting a bagel and coffee, Shizuo getting a hot chocolate and sandwich. He followed the flea back to the rink, minding not to get annoyed at the cute skip Izaya did.

'Wait,' he though,' not cute. This fucking flea is not cute.' He itched to smoke, and lit up behind Izaya. The moment the flame sprung to life though, the raven turned cutting the cigarette in half.

"You're going to need you lungs, Shizu-chan~. You have a ton of dance lessons." He giggled, fucking giggled, and turned back down the street." We are going to a dance studio, you'll meet my dance instructor Wanda."

Wanda was not a forgettable girl, and Shizuo was more then glad to have Izaya between him and her.


Red: Comment please~ this is just an Drabble I'm expanding on, but it'd be nice for some feedback:D

Until next time~