So this was it, huh? The end of humanity as we know it?

The Green Flu had begun in the Eastern United States. And it wasn't long before it spread eastward across the continental divide. Major cities, such as Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Dubai, Shanghai and Tokyo had fallen. Now, the Green Flu had reached the Pacific, taking out Hawaii, and had now spread across the Western States.

And there was only one question left in the entire world…

Now what?

Orange County, California…

Three survivors sat in the saferoom, surrounded by weapons and supplies. A radio that was their only way of communicating with the outside world, refused to work properly. All that could be heard was static. The girl holding it sighed.

16 year-old Morgan Davidson. Rebellious, street-smart, highly trained for someone her age. She had dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. She wore a tank top, a vest, shorts, and a pair of boots. She was a high school dropout, instead wanting to learn military training. As a result, she became a tough, hardened girl, who immediately understood and came to accept the world for what it was now.

Then, there was Drake Cheung, a Chinese-American rapper. Brash, shady, and in his early thirties, Drake was a man with a violent past. Having been bullied in school, always getting into fights with two boys named Francis and Nick, having a criminal record, and making aggressive rap tracks, he wasn't a very friendly person to relate to. Reluctant to trust anybody, Drake sees himself as a one-man band, wanting to only look after himself for his own survival.

Last but not least, Captain Jason Galloway. SEAL Team Six. An imposing, brawny, burly, no-nonsense soldier in his mid-thirties, standing at six feet five inches tall. He was bald and had a beard. He also had a Samoan tribal tattoo on his left shoulder and breast, and a brahma bull tattoo on his right shoulder. He wore an outfit similar to Section's from Call of Duty: Black Ops II. He started out as a paramedic for the Los Angeles Fire Department, before joining the Navy SEALs and being promoted instantly due to his medical experience. Out on the battlefield, he saved the lives of many of his fellow soldiers, as well as many others during his time as a paramedic. Now that the apocalypse was happening, he could put his skills to good use.

From outside, a large group of teenagers fought off waves of Infected, only for them to be outnumbered quickly. All they could do was scream in pain and terror as they were torn open and their organs were ripped out of their bodies.

Drake grabbed his gun and attempted to go out and rescue them, but was stopped by Morgan.

"Stop. No. It's too late." said Morgan.

"We can still save them, can't we?" asked Drake.

The screams of agony quickly died down.

"See?" said Morgan.

"She's right. There're a lot of those things out there." said Jason. "Even if we tried to help those kids, they'd still die anyway. And we would've gone with them."

Drake sighed.

"I guess you're right." he said, facing Morgan.

"Of course I am. Now load up. We gotta move." said Morgan.

Jason grabbed a Chrome Shotgun and loaded some shells, before pumping it. Morgan picked up an MP5, put in its clip, and cocked it. As for Drake, all he did was place six bullets in his revolver pistol.

The trio walked toward the door, prepared for what was coming.

"You guys ready?" asked Jason.

"Yeah. We're good." said Morgan. Drake just simply nodded.

"Alright." said Jason. "On my count…three…two…one…"

He kicked the door open.

The three survivors charged out of the saferoom. They began shooting down oncoming Infected.

Morgan dispatched ten Common Infected within seconds, thanks to rapid fire and without missing. Even as a girl in her mid-teens, she had impressive accuracy and knew how to handle a weapon.

Jason blew the heads off several Infected. His firepower was extremely dangerous, which made his enemies fear him on the battlefield. Once he had to reload, he resorted to using his gun as a bat instead. Before long, twelve zombies had their heads smashed in, because of Jason's brute strength.

"Jason, don't be near me when you kill those things. I don't wanna have gross stuff on me." said Drake.

Jason rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." he said.

The survivors continued to move through the street, taking out lurking Infected as they went. All of a sudden, they saw a man running towards them.

"Help! Someone kill this thing!" he yelled.

The other three saw what he meant. He was being chased by something that was leaping across several cars. It was a Hunter.

"What is that thing?" asked Morgan.

"It's called a Hunter." said Jason. "Now shoot it!"

But before he and Morgan had the chance to fire, the Hunter was shot in the head and killed. Its body crumpled and fell off a car onto the ground.

Morgan and Jason turned towards Drake. His revolver was smoking.

He turned toward them.

"You're welcome." he said.

The man came over to them, panting in exhaustion. He had curly brown hair and a stubble.

"Thanks, dudes. And dudette." he said.

"Actually, it was like 99 percent me." said Drake.

"Shut it." said Jason.

"Knock it off, guys." said Morgan, before turning to the man. "No trouble at all." she told him. "What's your name?"

"Stevie." said the man. "Biggest geek in the county."

"Nice to meet you Stevie." said Morgan. "I'm Morgan."

"Captain Jason Galloway. SEAL Team Six."

"Name's Drake. I ain't gonna be around long, though."

"Awesome meeting you guys." said Stevie.

"Listen, we're trying to get out of here." said Jason. "Why don't you join us?"

"Ah dude, I seriously need to be in a group right now. The last group I was with kicked me out because I was too annoying. So, count me in." Stevie answered immediately.

He picked up a machete that was lying on the ground.

"Well in that case, let's move then." said Morgan.

The group of four headed towards parts unknown. Probably a warehouse or something.

"What do you mean, your group kicked you out because you were "too annoying"?" asked Drake.

Here goes Chapter 1. Hope you guys enjoyed it.