Hi everyone! Thank you for all the lovely messages and reviews I've received! I know this chapter isn't very good but it needed to be put in so I can carry on and branch out from here so I hope you enjoy it!


No, you know what? I'm not just dropping this. You wanna know my plan? My plan is I love you, okay? I've probably loved you ever since Georgetown. So phone me. I'll meet you anywhere, and we will make a plan. If none of this makes sense to you, just ignore it. No embarrassment, nothing. We'll just go back to how things stood.

"Will!" The snapping of Diane's fingers in front of his face were what brought Will back from his thoughts of the first time he confessed his true feelings toward Alicia. As hard as he had tried to hate Alicia for going behind his back he always knew that Alicia was the love of his life and nothing would change that.

"I just saw her a few hours ago. Alicia...she came to tell me my clients parents were thinking of switching over to Florrick Agos." Will could hardly speak as thoughts of Alicia continued to swirl through his head.

"We should really get to the hospital, I.. All I know is she's just come out of surgery and is critical." Kalinda did put even hide the tears that streamed down her face as she made a weak attempt to wipe them away. Diane and Kalinda began to walk out of the office but the older woman noticed Will hadn't moved from his chair.

"Will?" Diane tried to get the younger mans attention as she approached the desk that sat in front of him.

"I've got no right see her. Not after the way I've treated her the last few months." Will was struggling to speak past the lump that had resided in his throat which didn't go unnoticed by either of the woman in the room.

"If it were you laying critical in a hospital bed, would you want Alicia to be there when you woke up?" Diane questioned as she came to kneel beside Will who had his head in his hands. The question had the desired effect as Will got up from his seat and gave a weak smile and nod to Diane.

As the trio made their way to the elevator all Will could do was hope with all his heart that Alicia would forgive him for all he had put her through.

All that could be heard in the hospital room was the sound of a ventilator helping to keep Alicia alive as Zach and Grace sat beside their fragile mother who had yet to show any signs of waking up since her surgery an hour ago.

"She will be okay, won't she Zach?" Grace asked as she lent her head down on her older brothers shoulder in exhaustion.

"You heard the doctors Grace. We won't know for sure how well the surgery went until she wakes up."

"What if she doesn't wake up?" Grace tried to hide the sobs into Zach's shoulder but it was no use as he tried to console his younger sister, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead. "Hey c'mon now don't cry Gracie. We both know how strong mom is, she's going to wake up. I know it." Zach's determination was clear as he reached over and placed his hand over Graces that clasped Alicia's tightly.



"How's about you say a prayer?" The question took Grace off guard but was grateful Zach was trying to make her feel better.

"Lord, we ask of you-" Grace began the prayer but was cut short when the sound of raised voices could be heard from the corridor outside the hospital room. The pair looked at each other as they recognised one of the voices as their dads. Grace lent over and placed a quick kiss on Alicia's head before following Zach out to see what was causing the fight in the corridor.

"I can't believe you actually have the arrogance to come anywhere near my wife!" Peter shouted as Will came walking down the corridor of Alicia's room with Diane and Kalinda by his side.

"Mr Florrick, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or else you'll have to be asked to leave." A voice from behind stopped Peter from reacting further as he turned to come face to face with Alicia's doctor who didn't seem pleased with the tone of Peters voice. Will tried to stay where he was but was more or less dragged by Diane closer to where Peter was standing.

"I'm not going to calm down when the man who slept with my wife thinks he can show up here like its not a problem!" Peter's face was turning red with anger as the thought of Will comforting and being near Alicia sent him into a jealous rage. Will tried to walk away from the situation but Kalinda and Diane wouldn't let him go.

"It's fine. I'll leave but don't expect me not to come back when my oldest friend is lying critical in a hospital bed." Kalinda and Diane gave up on stopping Will from walking away as the lawyer set off toward the elevator.

"Friend? You still see Alicia as your friend after you publicly humiliated her in front of your employees and her colleagues and then stole her clients from under her?! You should ALL be asham-" Peter was pointing his finger at Will, Diane and Kalinda when Zach and Grace emerged from the hospital too right next to him.

"Dad, stop it! That's enough!" Zach demanded. As soon as Peter heard Zach's voice he immediately calmed down as he locked eyes with Grace who almost looked frightened at his behaviour. The doctor who had been hovering around in the background nodded his head at Zach in a silent agreement that he would handle it and at receiving one back from the younger boy carried on walking toward the door at the end of the corridor.

"Will has every right to be here. He might have fallen out with mum but you were the one who publicly humiliated her when you slept with all those hookers." Looking over Kalinda's shoulder he motioned for Will to come in.

Will looked on at Alicia who lay peacefully on the hospital bed. Even the many wires that were attached to her didn't make her any less beautiful to the him. All he could think is if he was offered to switch places with her he would do it in a heartbeat. All the lies and deceit didn't matter anymore, all he wanted was for her to be the same Alicia she was before.

"..they managed to relieve the pressure on her brain but we won't be sure if it's done any damage until she wakes up." Will only caught the end of what Zach was saying about Alicia's injuries but what he had heard didn't sound very optimistic.

"Did they tell you roughly when she should wake up?" Diane's voice came out as a whisper as the fear of the answer was creeping in.

"They don't know if she will.."