Okay, so this is basically my first Twilight story. This is in a AU storyline and some things may or may not be right. I'm not a complete die hard fan, but I want to mess around with the characters.

Disclaimer: I don't have to put this down but to avoid flames and such. I don't own Twilight or anything dealing with the fanchise.

Remi's Point of view,

The buzz of my helpful but annoying alarm clock woke me out of another confused slumber. Ever since I was young I had dreams of people with cold skin that glowed like diamonds under the sunlight. And of wolves the size of bears, even though there weren't any reports on wolves or bears in Denver, Colorado. I groaned and but my head under my endless pillows as my over helpful alarm went off again. I was still tired since I had very eventful night. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a party girl, two of my friends are but not me. There's no way I can be out all night partying, not when I have a ten year old son to take care of and to take to school. Especially since one night of listening to my friends got me the bright, beautiful boy sleeping down the hall. Which reminds me, I have to get my little prince up for school. I pull my head from under the pillows and turn over on my back and sighed deeply before sitting up and getting out of bed. There's nothing I want more than to lay in bed but I have to get up and get myself together before getting my son up.

I did a few stretches before taking off my tank top and pj shorts. And tossed them in my hamper before heading towards my bathroom that was in my bedroom. Good thing too, since there was two other bathrooms in the house. The other one is on this floor, the second floor that I and my son is on. Which is a few bedrooms down from my son's room, the other is on the first floor with the living room and the kitchen. As I walked into the bathroom, I grabbed my lilac body gel and shampoo before running my shower. Once the water was nice and warm I got in and lathered my body with the soap and repeating with my now damp brown hair. My hair was a rich brown, richer than any model or actress and longer too. My hair came a bit below the waist, even though I never put instintions in my hair. All natural. After showering I got out and grabbed my purple towel and headed for my closet. I grabbed my navy blue uniform and placed it on my queen bed. I sprayed my body with my sex on the beach perfume before putting on my purple lace bar and my matching panties. Before getting into my uniform. For three years I have been a K9 officer, I just made Chief of the K9 officers last week. After looking myself over I headed out my room and down the hall to my son's room. I opened the door that had a 'beware' sign with a picture of a growling wolf under. I went ahead and opened the door and shook my head as my grey eyes landed on my son's full sized bed. There was our German Shepherd dog, Avenger. I know what some my think but my son loves the Avengers. When the last Avengers movie came out he either took me or his grandfather back to the movies at least three times a week to see the movie back to back before it moved. But honestly you have to know my son well to know that even though he likes all of the Avengers his number one hero is Hawkeye. For my own girly reasons I agree.

I shook my head before moving my eyes to my beautiful boy. "Jackson. Jax, sweetie it's time to get up."

A mess of brown hair groaned before sitting up. My son rubbed his eyes before looking at me with greenish-blue orbs that he had gotten from none other than his father, Robert. The one night stand. Avenger barked before jumping off the bed and walked over to me. I pet his head and let him out before turning my attention back to my currently yawning son.

"Jackson, I know you're tired but I told you not to stay up late and least of all watch a horror movie."

That was why I was up late. My dearest boy went behind my back and watched Jeepers Creepers, which gave him nightmares. I sighed inward, kids but I love him to death. I focused back on Jackson as he started to say something.

"I know mom. And I'm sorry."

I smiled before stepping back. "Good. Now get up and get ready. Breakfast will be downstairs."

I saw Jackson nod before I closed the door and headed down the stairs. I went to the kitchen and made Jackson's favourite, French toast, scambled chesse eggs and the round sausages that I put in the microwave. I poured Jackson a glass of milk before feeding Avenger and giving him water. After I went to get his collar-badge and his K9 bulletproof vest. When I came out of my office with Avenger's collar and vest, Jackson was sitting at the island in the kitchen eating his breakfast. I put the collar and vest on Avenger before turning to my son who was putting the dishes in the dish washer. I took a moment to look over my son's outfit, white v neck black leather jacket, dark wash fitted jeans and black sneakers. While his brown hair was a bit messy, but it was alright.

"Got everything?" I asked after I reached for the black leash on the wall.

Jackson grabbed his black and silver bookbag and nodded. I hooked the leash to Avenger's collar and headed for the door after grabbing my keys and wallet. When I opened the door I was surprised to see my father standing on the other side with a glum look on his tanned face.