"What if I want to be the most powerful though?" I looked at my student Yacob as he asked the question. "Surely being the strongest is the best, right?" I knew he wasn't being egotistical, Yacob just liked to know how everything worked.

I tilted my head as I leaned against the desk. "Not quite. Power is all very well and good but you have to know how to use it." I looked around the room to the young faces. "Take my husband for example; he is a Death Reaper with power beyond even he knows. Or Maka Albarn; one of the best Meisters around and able to bring out the best in her weapons or even Tsubaki; who has her multiple forms she can take and a relentless fighter. What do they all have in common?"

I waited for an answer. "They all know you?" I, along with the class chuckled at Kayleigh's answer and I gave her a little wink.

"While that's true, not the answer I'm looking for." I smiled and waited to see if any would pick it up. I saw a small hand raise and I grinned. "Yes Hisa?" I asked Maka's daughter.


I clicked my fingers and grinned. "Precisely." I walked around slightly as I spoke. "Control is essential; you can have all the power to defeat all the evil in all the worlds. But if you have no control over that, then you could end up hurting those you care about. I mean if I had no control over what I am this whole place wouldn't be standing." The room let out a slight chuckle. "Control isn't just essential but it's healthy. You have too much going on up there then you're gonna go insane trust me on that one." The bell went signalling the end of the lesson. "Okay guys we'll pick this up tomorrow." As the class began to file out I noticed Hisa walking towards me. "Hey Hisa, how you doing?" I asked.

The girl grinned at me showing her pointed teeth she inherited from her dad. She had Soul's white hair as well, but her eyes were all Maka. "I'm good thanks, mum's still recovering from her trip."

"You looking after your brother?" Maka and Soul also had a son called Nao who is only 3 years old.

"Naturally." She winked. "Anyway mum said to let you know she's still fine for lunch at the weekend."

"Fab, tell her to take it easy. I bet she's still trying to do stuff around the house." I joked with her.

"Yeah but dad swiftly grabs her and takes him ages to get her to say in her room." Yeah I'll just bet that's actually going on. It wouldn't surprise me if they already had another little one on the way. "I'll see you later Hannah." She waved as she went back to her home.

As I entered our home I felt a pang of loneliness. Kid and I have been trying to have kids for a while now, I was beginning to worry I couldn't have them. Maybe it was me being a witch? Would he leave me if I can't have kids? The thought sent shivers down my spine. "Hi love." I heard his voice from behind me. "What you doing stood in the hallway?" His arms wrapped around my waist and I turned around to face him. He had finally grown a lot taller and towered over even Soul, his amber eyes still remained the warm loving eyes I remember from when I first met him. I gave him a kiss and was about to walk to the kitchen but he caught my arm. "What's wrong? Your wavelength is all off."

Ever so perceptive. "I just got thinking again." I shrugged. "Just stupid thought I'm unsure of."

"Don't shut me out love. Tell me, please." I couldn't resist him when he started to stroke my face.

"I want a child Kid. But we've been trying for so long and I just…" I looked to his confused face. "What if I can't give you kids? What if it's me that's the problem?" A tear slid out of my eye. "Would you leave me if it was?"

His eyes went wide before he knelt in front of me. "Never." He grabbed my hands. "I married you because I love you. I love you for all of your good qualities and your bad ones, just as you do for me. Life without you would hold very little meaning to me." He stood up and pulled me closer to his body. "Yes I want kids, but I want you more." When he kissed me I could feel the power behind it. I wound my arms around his neck and things began to escalate. I felt my back hit the wall and he wrapped one of my legs around his waist and I could feel something very familiar to me. He pulled back slightly and smirked. "I guess we're just going to have to try harder." I let out a squeal as my feet left the floor and he carried me to our room.

I woke up feeling exhausted and I smiled as I felt amazing. I looked to the other side of the bed to see Kid's bare back sound asleep. I went into our bathroom and chuckled at how everything was symmetrical to a T. Even though I love him… I still had so much of a giggle if I pushed the vase 1cm to the left. I looked in the cabinet and saw a pregnancy test. I held it and shrugged, can't hurt just to check. I haven't actually checked for several weeks as I hit a bit of a low with it all. I did my business and washed my face waiting for the minutes to pass. I couldn't be bothered to look at the negative result so I walked out and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I was cooking some perfectly circular pancakes for him humming to myself. "Why didn't you wake me?" I turned to see Kid holding the negative test. He looked shocked.

"I didn't even look at it Kid. I haven't check in a while so thought why not." I took the pan off the heat but he still looked shell shocked. "Honey what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's positive." He whispered.

I dropped the plate. "You're lying." I ran to him and snatched the test of him and sure enough it said those words: 'pregnant 2-3 weeks'. I slowly looked to him and I didn't know what to do. "We did it."

He smiled and lifted me up in his arms. "We did it!" He shouted. "I can give you a family you've always wanted." He kissed me once again.

My face softened slightly. "What do you mean?"

He kissed the tip of my nose as he sat me on the counter and stood between my legs. "You weren't the only one thinking it was their fault."

I smiled sadly and brought his lips back to mine and his hands began to wander once again. "Right that's it get your butt back to bed you're not going anywhere this morning."

** 4 years later **

"I honestly have no idea how you do it Hannah." Tsubaki asked as she saw me wince slightly as I sat down. "You two are just…"

"Oh I know the 'problem' is we have an odd number." I said sarcastically. Tsubaki knew I was joking really, as I honestly had no complaints whatsoever. "We need to have 4 children to make it even."

Patty burst out laughing and Liz let out a chuckle. "I'm surprised he's not freaking at how the number 4 isn't symmetrical."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't get me started. The man wanted 8 as soon as we found out we could have kids."

Maka let out a howl. "Of course he did!" She wiped a tear of laughter. "You're loving it aren't you?"

I smiled. "Every second." I watched my children playing in the pool. Our first child was a beautiful girl we named Miya. And then we had the twins; Kyle and Isas. He was overjoyed at how identical they looked… however it meant we had an odd number.

The boys joined us with drinks and I smiled at my husband as he winked and sat next to me and nuzzled my hair. "So I suppose there's still something on my mind Hannah." Soul remarked.

Black Star nodded in agreement. "We all have a question on our mind."

I shrugged. "Go for it."

"If you could go back and choose…" Soul started. "Would you want to be brought to our world?"

I looked to all the friends I made being here. "I wouldn't trade this for anything."