Author's Note: Now there's a surprise face for Boromir indeed.

Boromir winced as he woke once more. He was aware of someone else in the room, which he didn't recognise for a few moments, until he looked around. Taking in the intricate stone pillars and walls, he realised he was back in Imladris, in the room he'd been given by the looks of things.

"Glad to see you awake again," a voice commented as a face shifted into his view.

Ah, it was Berilorn.

"Started to wonder when you'd show up," Boromir countered. "You certainly took your time arriving in Imladris, I think I'd been here two days?"

Berilorn shook his head.

"I've been here two days now. You've been asleep that entire time. Talk about worrying me. How am I meant to protect you, if I don't know why you're injured in the first place? Why couldn't you stick to the plan?"

Boromir winced.

"Plan? What plan?"

It seemed he had forgotten what they had planned to do, when it came to Imladris. Perhaps that had happened when he had realised that Faramir was here too.

"You were supposed to stay in the valley until I arrived, you fool. We both knew it was dangerous outside the valley, how many wargs and orcs have we fought on the way here? Yet, here I am, about to cross that river, and I find you lying on the ground, blood coming out of your head! Care to explain?"

Boromir sighed, he had to think back for a few moments. What did that elf and I find at the river? Memories of a black cloaked figure, and a feeling of dread that he remembered feeling in Gondor rushing toward him, inhumanely fast…

"I went to take a look at something with one of the elves. I did not think it wise for him to go off on his own, didn't realise just what was going to be waiting for us when we got to the river. One of the Wraiths… at least I think it was. It hit me over the head with something before I could get away."

Berilorn's eyes widened.

"Then you are twice the fool for going¸ as well as managing to survive that encounter and not become a wraith yourself! Whatever do you think your honoured father would do if he learned that you became one of those things?"

"But I'm not one of those monsters!" Boromir replied indignantly.

Berilorn sighed.

"As far as we know anyway. Hopefully things remain that way or you could indeed pose a serious threat to Gondor, considering most of what goes on there with our armies tends to be strategies you've had a heavy hand in!"

'Indeed, you could be quite the friend to me. For now, don't tell anyone you can hear me. I will not be of any trouble to you.'

Wait who? That's not my mind thinking!

'Do not worry, you will be alright. Just let me listen to the things that go on around you and I might be able to help from time to time. You wont even know I'm here most of the time.'

Boromir sighed.

"Sorry Berilorn. I don't know what I was thinking at all. It's not like me to rush off like that without thinking things through."

"Indeed it's not. For now, just rest. We have time to spend here at least, and I know you're safe, now that you've woken once more."

Several days passed before Boromir was allowed out of his room, and he had grown quite bored during that time. While some of the elves insisted that Faramir had come to visit him from time to time, apparently he'd been asleep every time, and really what more was there to do when he wasn't allowed out of the room? It was that or brood about home. At least sleep was helping him heal, there were no complaints about that..

He sighed as he walked down one of the corridors, pausing at the sight of one of the many painted walls. It was a scene that he remembered from one of the history lessons he'd had as a boy. His eyes looked at the wall, quite surprised that such a thing would be painted here, in the middle of an elven house. Isildur about to cut the ring from Sauron's hand.

"You seem surprised… surely you know who that is, Boromir…"

Boromir turned swiftly. I cannot be hearing him of all people! He should have been dead long ago! He stared at the grey eyed man opposite him. Yes, this man was older, but still, quite a surprise to see him.


The older man smiled slightly.

"It's good to see you again, Boromir. You gave us quite the scare, though I wish I had been here when you arrived. I'm sorry for the trouble one of my friends caused you."

I cannot believe he's here!

"That's all you can say after leaving without sending any word at all?"

Thorongil nodded.

"I had to return to my people. Your grandfather knew that I might end up doing so, though the circumstances couldn't have been much worse than they were. I have wanted to return to the White City, but I know Lord Denethor would never allow me back into service.."

Boromir winced.

"That's true. I think he grew jealous of you in the end, if I remember correctly. He's told the city guard, well at least for the last decade that they are not to let you in. Of course, last year or two he stopped that, considering he figured you wouldn't be alive any more."