Maxwell Trevelyan was sitting at a seat within the conclave that was located at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, he was a handsome black haired man with pale blue eyes. He was also the youngest of House Trevelyan of Ostwick. The Trevelyan's were a noble family within Ostwick and had a lot of connections to the chantry, Maxwell himself was a brother of the chantry and was here with most of members of his house to help end the Mage-Templar War.

There were many people across Thedas that had attended, including representatives from both mages and templars. He noticed several Qunari patrolling the place, he knew that since the Chantry had lost its military arm they had to recruit mercenaries. These Qunari were actually Tal-Vashoth, outsiders of the Qun, that banded together and called themselves, Valo-kas which meant greatsword in their tongue.

They were actually led by a lieutenant by the name of Adaar, who was actually a female Qunari. In truth he had never seen a female Qunari before today, they looked like their male counter parts, but looked slightly more human apart from the large horns that were sticking out of her head.

There was much talking amongst the other delegates and Divine Justinai seemed to be absent which did not bode well. He then noticed that one of the Qunari was approaching the lieutenant and whispered something into her ear.

Frowning she left the Conclave, Maxwell had a bad feeling about this and followed her. He soon met up with her in the corridors.

"What's happening lieutenant?" Maxwell asked.

"Please, sir, remain seated everything is under control," Adaar assured.

"We have mages and templars practically at each other's throats and Divine Justinai has not shown up, I can only surmise that something has happened," said Maxwell.

Adaar looked slightly troubled. "She's not in her quarters and evidence shows signs of a struggle."

This did not bode well for the Conclave. "Do you think it was either the mages and Templars?"

"We've checked every single delegate from me mages and templars forces gathered at the Conclave," said Adaar.

"And no one has left their seat," said a voice behind him.

Maxwell turned and saw dwarf approaching them, he could tell instantly that he was casteless judging by the markings on his face. Also beside him was a beautiful blonde haired elf and he noticed that she was wearing Dalish tattooed and had a staff strapped to her back.

"And you two would be?" Maxwell asked.

"The name is Edric Cadash, a member of the Carta," said Edric crossing his arms. "They sent me to spy upon the Conclave to see how the trading lyrium might swing."

"And my name is Ellana Lavellan, I'm the Keeper's First and I too was sent here to spy upon the Conclave to see how it would affect my clan," said Ellana. "And what the dwarf speakers true, no one has left."

Adaar looked at the two of them suspiciously and Maxwell couldn't blame her. The two of them had just announced that they were spies, but under the circumstances they need all the help they can get.

"We need to find the Divine," said Maxwell. "If she does not show the peace talks will crumble."

Edric raised an eyebrow. "You make it sound as if it was possible for peace."

"Let us just find most Holy," said Maxwell.

"I am sensing powerful magic close by, likes of which I have never seen," said Ellana. "I can guide you to it."

"Then we follow you," said Maxwell.

They followed her up a flight of stairs into a large door, but as he went to open it everything went black.

Maxwell then found himself in a strange place, strange rock formations and some sort of green mist all around. Next to him were Addar, Ellana and Edric, who looked as confused as he did.

Then he saw something in the distance, he couldn't quite describe it. It looked like a woman, but she was in a bright golden light and offering her hand towards him, behind her was a large tear and pasta he could see ruins of some kind.

They made their way to large stone steps that led to the woman and then suddenly they heard strange sounds behind them. They turned and saw large spiders heading straight towards them and they looked hungry.

They then began to climb the stairs even faster towards the glowing woman and the large tear. Edric looked worn out and Ellana had to support him, Addar didn't look much better and somehow managed to acquire the scar along her eye. Maxwell was completely worn out and he fell forwards, he then outstretched his hand towards the glowing woman, who held her hand out.

He was inches away from and then suddenly there was a bright green light and everything went black.

The four them then found themselves at some sort of ancient ruin with strange red crystals going out. Maxwell turned and saw that Addar, Ellana and Edric were knocked out and he felt his head was slightly dizzy. He then noticed that his left hand had some strange scarlet that glowed a bright green. It burned like it was on fire and it seemed to grow worse as it sparked.

Then before he lost consciousness he saw armed men approaching him and the holding their sort out towards him as if he was some sort of demon. Then everything went black.