Hey guys! I'm back with another story because this idea wouldn't leave me alone until it was written. I've had bursts of inspiration for the most random things this past week, like an Mirage/OC story. There's not a lot of them out there. From what I've seen, most of the fandom romances currently revolve around Bumblebee or Sunny/Sides (guilty :P) so I guess I wanted to try something new.

This will take place right after the 2nd movie.

*Takes deep breath* Okay, here you go.

Chapter 1: Meteors

"That'll be thirty-nine thirty," The woman behind the cash register muttered, ringing up the last item. She had long hair that was dyed multiple colors, heavy dark eyeshadow, black lipstick, and two slim silver rings through her left eyebrow.

I forced a smile, digging through my back pocket to find my credit card. When the space was empty, my eyes widened. Crap. Sighing, I switched to my wallet, and grabbed a wad of cash out. The Gothic Cashier Lady snatched the cash out of my hand, and I smiled wryly as she handed me the receipt, and muttered "Have a good day," without even looking up at me before shouting;


"The service just gets better and better every time I get groceries." I muttered, dropping my bags into the passenger seat, before starting the engine of my 1980 Ferrari 308 GTB. Most people gave me strange looks when I mentioned I drove a Ferrari, and then they give me stranger looks when they ask me to show them. It was pretty old, but still valuable because it was a Ferrari. The only reason I could get it was because my brother worked as a mechanic in an auto-shop downtown.

And the only reason I really needed the car was because I was moving. Last week, I was emailed an acceptance letter to the New York School of Interior Design, which was my dream to always go there. I was so excited and I pretty much screamed and flailed my arms around the kitchen for twenty minutes. But since I lived with my brother, I just drove his car to where I needed to go, until of course last week.

I drove down the long, winding road that seemed to go on for hours. Living out in the rural parts of Missouri was great if you liked having 2 acres of land for yards, and colonial houses, with neighbors living a good fifteen minute walk away. But I guess I didn't mind it as much since we lived here since we were kids. I pulled up into the long driveway, to a large white house mostly made out of wood. The paint was a faded off-white because of all the weather, and my brother and I usually re-painted it over the summer. Guess we might have to do it a little earlier.

I noticed that his blue Shelby Mustang wasn't parked at the top, and sighed loudly.

"Now I'll have to carry all this in by myself." I muttered dejectedly, before shutting off the smooth engine. I smiled, and patted the steering wheel of the car. It was a pretty nice car.

Once I finished lugging all of the groceries in, I decided to make myself a peanut-butter sandwich and hopped on the couch. My hands fumbled around for the remote, and as I turned my TV on, I couldn't help but notice the red flash of letters scrolling across the bottom of the screen.

Warning: Small meteors approaching. All citizens who reside in the midwest are encouraged to remain indoors.

"Well that's not good." I took another bite of my peanut butter sandwich. I only hoped that since my brother was still out, he'd been working hard on a car and not driving around with his goofy friends.

Suddenly, a loud noise shattered the peaceful silence, creating an earth-wracking shake that felt like an earthquake. The whole house shook, and some pictures that were on the top of the shelves fell off and smashed on the ground. I was thrown off my couch, and landed on the floor with a harsh thump. Ouch. My head throbbed painfully, and I rubbed it was I sat up and looked around frantically. The lights had flickered before turning off, and I was in the dark. The power was out.

What the hell was that?!

It sounded like someone had just dropped a huge boulder right next to my house! The trembling earthquake had left as fast as it came, and as I walked around the house, I surveyed the damage. Pots and pans that were normally hung up where sprawled on the kitchen floor, and some of the cabinet doors were hanging open. I went upstairs to check on my room, which was still mostly intact.

I went to grab my cellphone when I noticed something odd floating up from the window.

It was smoke.

I raised an eyebrow. That was strange, because the generators were on the side of the house, and my window was facing the back. What could be smoking back there? I pulled on some combat boots, and grabbed a mini-flashlight before going back downstairs to investigate. I rolled open the back door, and walked down the steps of our long, wooden porch. I looked around for a moment, and then froze as my eyes widened.

Out in the distance, a meteor had landed...in my backyard!

The meteor was huge! It left a trail of blackened grass in it's wake, and was billowing up thick black smoke. I jogged through the tall grass that reached up to my knees, trying to get a closer look at the rock. I had to stop myself at the last minute, nearly tripping forward as I realized the ten-foot drop between me and the meteor from the huge crater it created. But my flashlight wasn't so lucky, and it slipped out of my hands and fell into the darkness.

I cursed loudly, before slowly staring up at the large rock. The more I looked at it, the less it looked like a rock. It actually looked metallic, with strange curly symbols written all over it. The whole thing seemed to glow a faint blue, and I wondered for a moment, if it was something more than just a rock. The smoke was still there, but it had faded a little bit, and I just stood there in awe of the thing.I can't believe a meteor just landed in my backyard.

"I have to tell Zach," I said, shuffling through my pockets for my phone. But I couldn't find it, and I grumbled as I realized I must've left it inside the house.

I turned around, getting ready to sprint back to the house to get it when I heard a loud tearing sound, as if something was trying to break through. The sound was coming from behind me, and slowly, I turned around to face a giant, and when I mean giant I mean enormous, mechanical being. It was taller than my house! The robot-looking being had dark, shiny armor that blended in with the night sky. The only thing that stood out was its bright, red eyes. It looked around for a moment, before throwing its head back and letting out a deafening roar.

I couldn't help it. I screamed, my heart felt like it was jump started, and I turned around and ran again. Okay, definitely not a normal meteor! I nearly tripped over myself twice as I pushed past the grass and climbed up the porch steps. The ground shook as the robot approached, still snarling and roaring, but from time to time it kept making weird whirrs and clicking noises.

I shrieked again, and threw the back door open before racing inside the house. I had to get out of here! I raced into the kitchen, grabbing my purse and the keys to my car which had dropped on the ground sometime during the massive earthquake. I yanked open the front door, and nearly leaped off the steps as I unlocked the car and slid into the the driver's seat.

I could hear the footsteps getting louder, and the snarling coming closer.

"Come on...Come on!" I mumbled, trying to start up the engine, but it wouldn't work. "No, no no no! Now is totally not the time for you to be an old car and die on me!"

I tried cranking the engine again, but it still didn't work.

I sighed, frustration and panic building up inside me, as I banged on the dashboard...even though I was pretty sure that wasn't going to work. If only Zach was here right now, so he could just hot wire the thing and I could get the hell out of here. The robot was close, and I cloud see it over the roof as it's glowing scarlet gaze darted to the car.

I'm so dead.

"Get out." A random voice said out of nowhere.

I jumped, startled, "Who just said that?"

Maybe I was being hysterical because a giant robot was about to kill me. Because there is no one else in the car, or around for a good few miles.

"I said get out, femme!" That time, I shrieked. And looked at the dashboard, where the radio was.

Did the car just talk to me?

"No," I shook my head, grabbing my hair, "No, this is not happening. This is all a bad dream. I probably fell asleep on the couch, and I'm dreaming right now."

"Do you want to live?" The radio asked, and I could pick up on a thick Italian accent.

"What?" I blinked, and then nodded, "Yes, I want to live!"

"Then please get out of the car." The accented voice replied.

Okay, I'm going crazy. But the robot had roared again, and suddenly there was a large cannon in it's hand. I unbuckled myself and got out of the car, just in time too before the blast went off. I skidded to the side, and before my eyes, my little old Ferrari grew into a large, robotic being. He had red armor, with striking blue eyes that glowed so brightly I was sure I could see them from my backyard. He was significantly shorter than the dark robot, but that didn't seem to matter as he swiftly dodged the blast. Two blades came from the side of his arms, and he crossed them for a second before attacking the robot back.

I just stood there, to in shock to do anything else but watch the robots red one was much faster and quicker than the other one, even if he was only fighting with blades while the other one had a huge cannon. He managed to dodge another blast, but instead of it hitting him, it hit my house. I gasped the part I knew where the kitchen was went up in flames, and I squeaked as I moved out of the way before they could trample me as they crossed over to the driveway again.

"HELP!" I screamed, running down the driveway, but my voice was probably drowned out over all the noise from the fight.

I ran faster than I ever thought possible, my heart was racing by the time I made it to my mailbox. There was another earth wracking explosion, and I landed on my back as I stared up into the sky. My ears were ringing for a moment, before the ringing died down and the only thing left was silence. The battle must be over, but I wasn't sure of who won.

The sound of an engine rumbling to life startled and I looked back at the driveway as a car made its way down slowly. It stopped just a few inches away from me, and I realized it was my old Ferrari.

I blinked for a moment. "W-What just happened?"

"I believe it is time I introduced myself," The car rumbled in that thick Italian accent. I jumped, and staggered backwards as the car split itself before transforming up into a robot. It's blue eyes shined brightly as it leaned down to see me better, "My name is Mirage."

Well, what did you think? Sorry for any mistakes.