Merry Christmas

and have

a Happy New Year

Chapter .2.

"What no welcome back?" Tony asks amused at the shocked expressions

They jaws had all dropped but Jimmy and Sec Nav. Tony looked at the beds and supressed a wince they did look bad. He saw Gibbs was hooked up to the most monitors and assumed he had the worse injuries.

On one of the beds looking at him was Ducky looking at him in shock and Tony saw regret and sadness in his eyes too.

Tony sees Sec Nav and put his duffle bag down and walked up to the Secretary of the Navy and saluted him.
"US Navy Seal Captain Anthony DiNozzo reporting for duty", Tony tells him saluting

Jenny, Ducky and Vance's jaws drop at hearing that Tony. THEIR Tony was a Navy Seal and a Captain at that.

"At ease Captain and give us that coffee", the Sec Nav replies

Tony grins and hands them all the coffee. And takes a look around.

"Commander", Tony replies nodding to Jimmy to everyone but again Sec Nav's shock

"Captain", Jimmy replies saluting

"At ease you have done a good job", Tony replies

"Thank you sir", Jimmy replies relaxing

"You have known me a long time Jimmy save the formalities", Tony tells him amused

Jimmy laughs, "Good to see you Tony"

"You to Black Lung", Tony replies telling an old joke

They clasp hands and give a man hug. Tony pulls away and looks at the figures in the bed. He really felt bad. Oh the bastard who did this was going to pay. Tony was going to shoot the bastard.

He looks at the one awake person on one of the beds.

"How are you going there Duck? Heard you had a heart attack you got to take more care of yourself", Tony chills gently

"Anthony?" Ducky asks whispering

"Yes it is me. Unless you know another Anthony. Or someone has stolen my identity again", Tony jokes

"DiNozzo", Jenny says looking at the man who walked out so angry and bitter four years ago

"Director", Tony replies nodding

"Or is it Captain DiNozzo?" Jenny asks looking stern about him lying

Tony shrugs, "Depending on the circumstances. And it is Sec Nav's decision"

"Your back to Captain DiNozzo or Agent DiNozzo", Sec Nav replies

"I'll need a badge", Tony replies offhandedly

"One will be ready for you and your team by the end of the day", Sec Nav replies

"Your coming back?" Jenny asks shocked

"You need someone to catch this bastard", Tony replies simply, "And what better person then me?"

"When is your team getting here?" Sec Nav asks Tony

"Team?" Jenny asks

"They will be here any minute. They are doing me a favour", Tony replies sipping his coffee, "So sit rep?"

"The perp is Harper Dearing. Been on the NCIS most wanted list for a while", Jimmy replies telling his Boss about what happened

"Injuries to the Personal?" Tony asks talking the file and looking at in

Jenny was surprised at how quickly Tony was getting himself into the investigation.

"10 dead like I said and many injured", Jimmy replies

"What about them?" Tony asks glancing at Gibbs, Tim, Ziva, Abby and was that Stan?

"Abby has 2 broken ribs, a split in her liver and a concussion as well as several cuts on her body. She had had surgery on her liver and we are waiting for her to wake. She should be the first the doctors say. Agent McGee has a serve broken leg and a collapsed lung and a small bleed in his spleen. He had pins put in his leg with be off work for a couple of months, his spleen was removed. He also has a concussion. Agent David has a broken arm and leg both had to have surgery on them and she had 5 broken ribs, a collapsed lung and internal bleeding. She has had surgery and will be off work for months. Now Agent Gibbs is bad. He had a brain bleed, that they operated on. He also has a dislocated arm, broken wrist and broken leg", Jimmy reports

"Time frame on Gibbs", Tony asks

You could hear the concern in his voice.

"They don't know when or if he will wake up after his last coma. You were there the last time he was in one", Jimmy reminds him
"Yes. The bastard had us all worried. Then running off too Mexico. He better not to that this time. I'm not here to lead the team permeantly", Tony replies

Jenny just looks at him and wonders if Tony really meant that. After all he was here, he has too still care.

She see Tony go up to Gibbs and lean down to Gibbs ear she doesn't hear what he says but sees the gently tap of the head.

Tony leans down to Gibbs ear he had to say something to the Gibbs. And he had the perfect words to say.
"You don't have permission to die Gibbs. If you do I will drag you back. After all what is NCIS without Leroy Jethro Gibbs. You got that?" Tony whispers tapping his hand

A familiar scene to when to have the plague. He straightens up feeling better. But decides to give the others messages too.

He goes to McGee and leans down.
"Probie, McGoo you better get your ass back here. Otherwise I will glue your fingers to your keyboard", Tony whispers in his ear

He then goes to Ziva. She was still as beautiful as she was 4 years ago.

"Zee, you have a long way ahead of you but I know your just strong enough to do it. So your better wake up soon if you want to see me. Jimmy has told me some interesting stuff these last four years so I think we should talk", Tony whispers in her ear

He moves to Abby. One person that he would probably forgive on the spot.

"Abs, it is time to wake up. I believe I owe you a Caf-Pow. So if you want to collect you'll have to wake up and get better", Tony whispers in her ear

He pulls back hoping they heard him when his phone buzzes. He looks at the message and smiles.

'Be there in 5 Cap'

"My team will be here in 5", Tony announces to those that were awake

"How many in your team?" Vance asks

"6", Tony replies, "All have their own talents. 4 boys and 2 girls"

"Good men and women?" Jenny asks

"I am like Gibbs. Won't work with anyone but the best", Tony replies to her a glint in his eye

There was silence then except for Tony and Jimmy talking. Jimmy telling Tony all about Bree.

"I better be best man", Tony comments smirking

"You are. Going to turn up?" Jimmy asks causally but knowing it was a loaded question

Tony raises an eyebrow.

"If nothing else comes up I will", Tony replies

"Hey Cap!" a voice says from the doorway

All eyes turn to the 6 figures in the doorway. All dressed like they were in the Navy. The men where bulky and the women looked stern.

"Sec Nav, Director Shepherd, Deputy Director Vance, Doctor Mallard I would like to introduce my team…"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)