Al sat silently beside his brother's bed. Ed has been ill for nearly two weeks and showed no sign of improvement but refused to see a doctor. This frightened Al to no end, Ed slept most of the time, leaving the younger Elric brother to his thoughts and memories.

"Please Brother, get better. I'm worried about you, I know you don't like doctors and hospitals but I need you." Al whispered. Al's thoughts often turned to his mother and how sick she had been. He reached over to the small table, taking a cloth and dipping it into a bowl of cool water, he squeezed the extra liquid from it and carefully placed it on his brother's head.

"Al?" Ed called weakly, opening his eyes to look at the suit of armor.

"I'm right here Brother, are you feeling any better?"

"Maybe a little bit." Ed replied, Al wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure, you don't seem like you do. You're still really pale and-"

"I'll be fine, we've been through worse things. I just need some rest." Al sighed heavily.

"That's what you've been saying, maybe you should see a doctor, you probably need medicine so you can get better, you're not doing it on your own."

"I am getting better, I told you I feel-"

"You also try to protect me, that's what you think you're doing right now, but it's-I don't want you to just say things so I don't worry."

"Al, I wasn't trying to-" Ed was cut off by a harsh coughing fit.

"Brother!" Al stood up, moving closer only for Ed to pull away, trying to catch his breath. Ed groaned softly at the pain in his ribs, chest and abdomen.

"It's okay." the ill boy said after several moments.

Go to a doctor, please?" Al pleaded.

"I'm going to be fine, i don't need to-"

"I don't want you die!" Al shouted suddenly, catching Ed off guard. The younger boy lowered himself down into the chair. Ed forced himself to sit up, ignoring the dizziness that followed.

"So that's what this is, I'm not going to die Al." He said softly. He turned to lean against the wall and face his younger brother.

"That's what we thought when mom got sick and she did." Ed didn't know how to ease his brother's pain. He could tell Al was concerned from the start of the illness but it didn't cross his mind that it would frighten him this badly or bring back such memories. He could think of only one thing that had worked to calm Al's fears in the past.

"Look at me Al." Ed said causing his brother to turn to him. "I told you when we were little that I'd be here for you no matter what, you're my little brother and I promised you I'd look after you, I haven't done the best job, but-"

"You have, you brought me back and you're here. You're the best." Ed gave a faint smile.

"You give me too much credit, I shouldn't have let it happen, I couldn't accept hat she was gone and I take the responsibility of what happened to you. I promise I won't leave you Al. I swear on our bond as brothers you will always have me. " Ed vowed.

"Will you make me another promise?" Al asked.


"You'll do what you need to do to keep the first one, even if it means seeing a doctor or going to a hospital and taking medicine. I love you and I don't like it when you're sick. Please?" Al reached out a hand to Ed, who took it.

"Okay Al, if you're that worried about it, I'll do it."

"Good, and no matter what they say you need, you have to do it. A promise is a promise, and between brothers, they shouldn't be broken."