A/N: I... Don't really know where this came from. I was bored, took a nap, and woke up after an Undertale dream where, basically, Sans made it to the surface... Without anyone else. And then I thought to make an explanation for it, and I did what I do everything I wake up from a story prompt in the middle of the night: Lay under the covers, thinking of an entire fanfic. And then, if I like it, I write it in notes until I fall asleep. So. Here we are now. Let's see if this is any good...

Disclaimer: I do not own Undertale, that is owned by Toby Fox. I do, however, own this story plot. Nothing else.

-(May 8th, 201X)-

I lay, staring at the ceiling of my messy bedroom. Trying to figure out the sum of the most complex problem to ever cross paths with me. The solution to breaking the barrier. But it eluded me.

I sighed and turned into my side, squeezing my eye sockets shut and trying to sleep.

I waited ten minutes.


Another two hours...

And yet I was still awake.

I groaned as I twisted my body around, trying to find a comfortable way to sleep.

And it worked.

-(May 9th, 201X)-

I yawned before squeaking at a sudden banging on my door.

"WAKE UP, SANS!" My brother screamed at me through the wall.

"okayyyyyy" I moaned before getting up and stretching. Suddenly, I screamed as my eye was engulfed in blue.

"BROTHER?!" I heard Papyrus' panicked voice as he jiggled the door knob a little before opening it, revealing an extra key in the lock. He gasped before running over to my side.

"BROTHER? S-SANS, A-ARE YOU OKAY?!" He asked timidly, trying to to be burned from the flames coming from my eye. I took a deep breath before a thought came to my head, out if the blue.


I immediately shot up. "I KNOW HOW TO BREAK THE BARRIER!" I shouted, catching my brother off guard.

"Brother?" Papyrus asked, his voice quieter for some reason unbeknownst to me. I grabbed his glove before dragging him out of my room and telling him to wait before closing my door and quickly getting changed.

I then slammed my door opened, grabbed Papyrus by the arm, and teleported to the Judgement Hall, before dragging Papyrus behind me as I ran towards the throne room.

After making it there, I put my hands on my knees, panting as Papyrus looked at me weirdly, while Asgore looked up from his flowers, which he was currently watering.

"Oh, hello Sans, how are yo-"

"I KNOW... HOW... H-HOW TO... GET EVERYONE... P-P-PAST THE BARRIER!" I shouted, interrupting Asgore and gasping heavily. 'Note to self: NEVER RUN LIKE THAT AGAIN.' I thought as Asgore stared at me with shock and disbelief.

"Sans... We already know how... We need-"

I cut the King off again. "seven SOUL's? Yes, that is one way. But... We only have three and... Asgore. I can teleport past the barrier." Both Papyrus and Asgore stared at me in shock.

"Tha-that's not possible!" Asgore retorted in dibelief.

"no. If I can SEE the Surface, I can get there. Trust me." I continued trying to convince the King. "It's how my Shortcuts work! I'm not lying! Let me see the barrier and I can at least try!" I said before Asgore stood up and nodded.

"You may try. But if it doesn't work, you will not bring up this subject again, understood?" I nodded and followed Asgore, Papyrus following behind, lost in this whole situation.

After getting to the barrier, Asgore lead me to the very end, where a small patch of land could be seen. Asgore stepped back as I put a hand on the barrier, before recoiling at the sudden pain. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before they shot open. I felt my magic build as my right eye socket became blank while the left was fill with a fire like magic. It burned, and I held back a whimper as the fire built up with my magic.

Both monsters stared in shock at me as the left side of my entire head became consumed by the fire. I left our a whimper before glaring at the spot and putting my entire being into it, transferring it through the VOID.

And then I was there. I was on the surface.

Welp. Yep. Would you guys like to see more? Please review if ya do!

Salkeya, Out!