"Thank you Officer Black, for meeting with us on such short notice."

I am greeted as I pull open a large oak door. 'Sargent Miller' is etched into a bronze door plate, as well as on a small table card. The man himself, George Miller. Sat behind a metal desk. Shutting a blue file folder gently and looking up at me through a pair of thick black glasses. Grey eyes boring into mine with what could be read as sincerity.

"It's no problem Sargent." I speak politely, moving to sit in a black chair in front of the desk. A second empty one sat beside it to the left.

"Yes well. In any case. We need you for, a rather special undercover mission." He folds his hands into each other looking at me seriously. I quirk an eyebrow.

"Alright, what will I need to do to prepare?" I ask. Pushing my long black hair over my shoulder.

He coughs awkwardly. "Well um. This is very unorthodox. As every officer we generally assign for a mission like this is currently deployed. And every other man we've sent in has either been injured, discovered or killed. We didn't want to ask you, as of the dangers. But you're our best. The best of our best." I look down blushing lightly. "Well thank you Sargent. What is the mission?"

He adjusts his tie. "We need you, to go undercover in a level 4 prison. You will be alone. Only one guard will be aware of your true identity. An illegal smuggling operation has been traced back to there. And we believe an inmate is building a bomb to escape. We do not know who, or if its near completion. Its up to you to find it, and discover how contraband is entering the prison."

I nod. "Hmm. Dangerous. Stupid. Completely over the top. Just about suicidal. It sounds kick ass, I'm in."

He nods. "Good I'm glad. But just, one more thing."

I look up at him as he passes me the blue file. "You'll be pretending to be a man, in an all male prison."

"Well fuck."


::Author Note::

Hello everyone! My name is Rex.

Now for this story I've decided that I WILL take direct ideas and requests from you the readers! So if y'all have an idea, or want Vanta to fraternize with a specific character all you have to do is ask. I will choose what happens based on the majority vote, so remember, your opinion counts.

Thanks for reading!