Full description: "Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn." ― Mahatma Gandhi
I never expected for there to be another life, another chance, lying in wait for me after I died - I never believed in the idea of reincarnation, though my parents were both hard-core Buddhists. I never agreed with them on the idea of there being life after death; I was a psychologist, a scientist - I wasn't supposed to believe in the mystical. Imagine my surprise when I was proven wrong in the worst way possible, in my opinion.
When professional psychologist Alice White died of a sudden and fierce bout of lung cancer, she never expected to wake up again, and she most certainly did not expect to wake up as an infant in its mother's womb. She didn't expect to be born again and remember everything, and out of everything she hadn't expected, the one thing she expected the least was to be reborn into the Naruto universe.

So I read a bunch of fanfiction about an otaku being reborn into the Naruto-verse, and I was like, "Hey! That looks like fun; might as well try my hand!" Well, I started brainstorming, and as such Alice White/Sayuri Kita was born. I hope you like her and enjoy her story, much like I enjoyed writing it. :)

Disclaimer: Holiday Thorne here! I'm sure you know the drill, but I'm legally (and morally) obligated to inform you: I do not own the rights to Naruto. However, Sayuri Kita/Alice White is mine, along with the changes that I make to canon ('cause shhmrh, canon is depressingly sad); if you take her, or try to copy her, I shall bring the wrath of mine Hell down upon thine head, with the birth-right that is mine since I am the daughter of Satan (just kidding, but seriously, please don't).

The Lily of the Valley

Part 1

"Always do your best; what you plant now, you will harvest later."
― Og Mandino