Hello there! I know I really don't have an excuse for my ghastly hiatus on this story! I hope this chapter will appease you all!

A warning, the first part of the chapter is rated M. Those of you who prefer not to read can skip on to the next line break. I marked the end so it could be skipped on to there if you prefer.

Also, this chapter is in DPOV, 6 months later.

Hope you guys like it!

Start 'M' Scene

Dimitri found himself in a situation he didn't think he'd ever be in again, at least not any time soon. His head was curtained by long locks of beautiful, wavy brown hair, obscuring his view of everything else around him. As much as he longed to touch it, he much preferred where his hands were at the moment, gripping the hips of the beauty that was straddling him. He loved the way the silk of her nightgown felt underneath his grasp, urging his hands to slide up and travel to the swell of her breasts. Nevertheless, he kept his hands locked at her hips, setting the tempo of her gentle rocking –urging her to go faster and harder. Not that she minded –he knew she loved it when he was in control. He could feel her breath on his neck, and hear her gentle moans that were only getting louder with need. He could also hear her rapid heartbeat, almost as fast as a hummingbird and inwardly smiled.

Even though the room was dark, he could see everything clearly. He noted that although there was a slight pallor of her almond skin, her cheeks were flushed with need, and her lips were swollen from kissing him. The deepness of her wanton brown eyes were offset by her pupils that were fully dilated with desire. Desire only he could insight in her. He could hardly see the gold flecks in her irises as she was staring down at him.

She quickly grabbed his hands and locked them above his head and smirked at him, "Didn't think I still had it in me, huh comrade?"

As much as this action would have excited him before, he didn't have much of a taste for it now, so he quickly flipped them over. Hovering over her, he ran his hands possessively over her body while he pressed his desire for her into her core –earning a loud moan in response. Her desire for him was palpable, and the sweet fragrance of her want filled his senses.

"Is this what you want, Roza?" He asked her, voice husky.

Panting, she could barely nod in response.

He tsked her. "I want you to tell me." He deepened his accent, just the way he knew she loved.

"Yes," she let out breathlessly.

"You can have it all, you know. You could have me. All you have to do is say the word." He told her, grinding deeply into her soaked panties to further drive his point. She writhed beneath him and dug her nails in his back, but still didn't say what he desperately wanted to hear.

"I, I don't know." She said unsure.

'After all of this, how could she still refuse?' He thought angrily. His patience was wearing thin, and his desire for her was almost past his breaking point. Using desire was a double-edged sword, after all. If he takes her now, he was sure he'd kill her in the act. Being a new strigoi, he would undoubtedly lose control during coitus, and drain her dry –he knows this as a fact since he's done it before. Although he didn't regret it then, he knew he would now if it were Rose. He'd have no choice but to turn her. But still, he wanted her to choose. Knowing Rose, she'd kill him immediately for unwillingly turning her. No, he couldn't risk turning her involuntarily. She had to choose this life on her own.

Before letting out his frustration on her, he decided to pull back, lest he take her now and all of his careful planning would have been for nothing. He didn't miss the noise of protest she made, but with one cold glare he cast her way, she remained silent.

He ran a hand roughly through his hair. Things were not going as planned. Her time in this gilded cage was limited. Galina's patience wasn't limitless, after all. Nathan didn't help matters either; crowing about Rose having to help take down the last Dragomir. Dimitri didn't give a shit about the Dragomir princess. He had his sights set higher –much higher. Why aim for a measly title when you can have the world at your feet? 'The buffoon', Dimitri thought.

Seeing as Dimitri wasn't going to get what he wanted tonight, he got up to make his leave. He didn't get very far, however, as Rose's hand quickly shot out to grip his forearm. He turned to her, glaring at her for stopping him. He then noticed she moved her hair to the side, and tilted her head exposing her neck. He smirked thinking, 'Maybe this will be easier than I thought after all,' before taking the offering that was clearly given to him.

End of 'M' Scene

Dimitri woke up gasping and drenched in sweat. His dream had been so vivid, he could still taste Rose's blood in his mouth and his desire for her made it back to the here-and-now. He groaned, completely repulsed by himself. How could he have such desires after everything he'd done to her? How could his treacherous body react this way?

He still dreamt of his strigoi days. He honestly couldn't decide which were worse, the ones he dreamt of killing others, or the ones when he dreamt of Rose. Nevertheless, he has been learning to forgive himself –slowly but surely –with the help of his adoring family. The Belikova's had been ecstatic at the news that he'd been reallocated to St. Basil's. They hadn't had him in such close proximity, for such a long period of time, in years. Although Dimitri failed to tell them the circumstances of his reallocation –him leaving to give himself and Tasha much needed space, not to mention it was the only place that would take an 'ex-strigoi' in with little to no questions asked –his family had been ecstatic and didn't ask many questions, so Dimitri didn't offer any real explanations.

Every other weekend he'd head home to visit and was met with a beaming Olena bustling in the kitchen, making his favorite foods. He'd also play with Paul, and taught him easy chores to do around the house –'man duties' –while he's away. Sonya and Karolina were ecstatic to have another helping hand with the kids. And although Viktoria had seemed happy, she was also standoffish towards him. He suspects it had something to do with the fallout between Vika and Roza –no, not Roza, Rose –but no matter how much he probed, he never got any answers, so he eventually let it go. The only person who seemed to be dissatisfied with his arrival had been Yeva. He remembers the day clearly.

Dimitri finally made it home after a long flight, and even a longer time on the road. Luckily he arrived just before sunset. Dusting his boots on the doorstep, he let himself in and switched into his domashniye tapochki* that his mother had so thoughtfully set out for him by the door. He smiled as he gingerly put them on, unsure if they'd still fit. Once on –although a bit snug –he set out into the kitchen where he can hear a flurry of pots and pans banging, with the melodious voices of his family chatting about this and that. Dimitri couldn't help but be a silent observer. It had been so long since he'd seen his family, let alone see them working in such contentedness that any greeting he had shied away, and left him leaning at the doorway of the kitchen, with an amused smile on his face.

Olena had been the first to acknowledge his presence.

"Dimka!" She squealed, as she hurriedly made her way into his arm, his sisters following soon after.

After the greetings and happy exclamations from everyone present, Olena enquired as to his presence. "Not that I am not happy to see you, my darling boy, but why are you here? The last we heard, you were guarding Tasha Ozera. Did something happen?" And with a look of trepidation, she cleared her throat and inquired further, "Are you engaged to her?"

"No mama, nothing like that. I realized how much I missed you all and decided it would be best for me to return here, or rather, St. Basil's. I'm the new guardian there." Although Dimitri let out some key points, he didn't want to worry his family further, regardless, there was not much that could be done about it now.

Most present seemed to take his answer for face value, all but Yeva, of course. Shortly after his proclamation, Yeva stated she needed him before dragging him out into her personal sitting room. Although every room was a basic free for all in the Belikov house, Yeva reserved her sitting room just for her. Yeva claimed she was entitled to it, as she was the matriarch of the family. All were smart enough to not argue with her edict.

Once she ushered him in and closed the door behind him, she turned around and wacked the side of his head.

"Ow," was his only response as he rubbed the spot she hit. He dared not ask why, he knew he likely deserved more.

"Why are you here?" She questioned.

"I told you, babushka, that I came back because…"

She cut him off before he could finish, "I know what you said to the others, but why are you here? You shouldn't be here, Dimka." She chided softly.

He could only stare at the rug on the floor. He knew she was right, but felt he had no other recourse left. He couldn't continue guarding Tasha; that was for sure! And who knew if he would even get work at court, seeing the stigma of him being an ex-strigoi, job offers weren't exactly forthcoming as they once had been.

He sighed, shoulders slumped, "I don't know what you want me to say, babushka. All I could say was that I could not remain there, not as things were."

"That what you need will only be given once you have forgiven yourself," was Yeva's only reply. Dimitri wasn't sure what to make of this statement. How could he ever forgive himself for the harm he'd caused? And what did she mean by need? Surely he had everything he needed here in his hometown, with his family. What he really needed was peace, and though he doubted he deserved it, he desperately hoped he could find it here with his family.

Before Dimitri could reply, Yeva turned and left the room, muttering something about 'headstrong, idiotic grandson's that don't know what's good for them, even if it fell on his lap.'

Although Yeva warmed up to Dimitri, how could she not? He was her favorite (and only) grandson, after all, she never gave her approbation of his presence. These days she'd regard him, give him a dark look before muttering something underhanded and walking away. Though it pained Dimitri, he decided it was best to let her be, there was no arguing with Yeva, as he well knew.

Shaking his thoughts, Dimitri gets up to get ready for the day. He settled into the same routine he had been for the past six months. He showered –a cold one, he needed it –dressed, and enjoyed a good dose of strong coffee. Dimitri had been working the night shifts for the past six months while at St. Basils. He tried to see the brighter side of the situation –literally –as he had the delight in being able to bask in the sun. Although there wouldn't be much to enjoy come winter, but that was a worry for another time. It was spring, and although it was cold, it was still manageable.

He enjoyed walking in solitude along the ward lines. St. Basil's was cleverly situated in the middle of a forest, thus it was surrounded by breathtaking views of pines, spruces and larches as far as the eye could see. Although Dimitri –ever the vigilant guardian –would keep on high alert of his surroundings, he'd find that often times than not, he'd think back to the moments after his restoration. Regret and anger –at himself, of course –would eventually course through him without prevail. He'd also berate himself, wishing he'd done things differently. If only he'd ran to Rose, instead of avoiding her. If only he'd accepted her love for him, instead of pushing her away. But none of the "if only's" could turn back time, they couldn't let him repair all the damage he had done.

Time and space helped Dimitri see things clearly, and with clarity came anger for his complete and total stupidity. Granted, although Tasha didn't help with matters, he had no one to blame but himself. He just wished he could make things better, even now. He desperately wanted to go back to court and make things right with Rose, but knew he couldn't, at least not as soon as he wanted to. Firstly, there was the matter of monetary considerations, him being a guardian at St. Basil's hardly paid enough, and most of the money he was making was going towards his family –why should he keep all of it? He definitely did not deserve it, and they needed it now with all the mouths to feed at home.

Second, was that he feared the reception he would have once he arrived back at court. What would Rose think of him? Him abandoning her for a second time, he was the worst being of all time, and most definitely did not deserve her forgiveness. He felt wretched. He knew he needed to clear things with Rose, but given his reception the last they spoke, he doubted she would even give him the time of day; though he'd have to say it would be much deserved. He already tried to contact Rose, several times in fact, and all he received in return was her unmitigated silence. He just hoped that once he finally made it back to court he could beg the woman he loved, on his hands and knees if need be, for her forgiveness. He could do nothing less. His anxiety was that with the passing of time, he would forever lose the chance (as dismal as it may be) to ever earn her forgiveness.

With a wistful sigh, Dimitri withdrew his precious letter –worn from the constant folding and unfolding –from his duster pocket. Since he had done this various times, he already knew the letter forwards and backwards by heart. However, for some odd reason, he felt just a bit closer to Rose while reading her messy scrawl. There were times when he'd even trace a finger over some of the letters, wishing he could take the pain from its owner away. He knew he couldn't though, and so after several times of reading it over, he'd pocket his precious letter –the only remaining item he had of Rose –and continued his journey with thoughts only of the dhampir woman who stole his heart and the utter feeling of woe that he would never have her again.

Dimitri was interrupted from his melancholic reverie by a phone call. Looking at his phone's screen he was shocked at the name that appeared on the screen. It was a call from a person he wasn't expecting, let alone ever dreamed would be calling him.

With much trepidation he hurriedly answered his phone, "Belikov."

For the sake of not having to google translate a big chunk of the chapter, when Dimitri is speaking to his family, let's assume they're speaking in Russian. ;)

Any guesses on who the caller is?

A special thanks to Lllaria6 and SwimmingTheSameDeepWaters, I showed them that first scene a LONG time ago! I hope you both like the improvements! Thanks Llaria6 for that extra nudge I needed to post this update.

Also, thank you all for your encouragements to continue this story!

Oh, before I forget! There is a petition bring VA back guys on change dot org! won't let me post the exact site, but if you google: Bring Back the Vampire Academy series change dot org, you should find it! Please sign guys! Lets make Frostbite Happen!

*domashniye tapochki= house slippers