/!\Author's note 1: … I've got a question for some of you: if you don't like One Piece and you got your reasons, then you wouldn't go out of your way to keep watching or reading it, right? How is it that some of you think a fanfiction is the best place to rant about it? GenieNight08, I'm talking about you. Why write three long-ass reviews just to rant about One Piece and its flaws? That's not the place to do it. And making a comparison with Fairy Tail is hilarious, because we can say the exact same things about Fairy Tail. It's not untouchable, neither is One Piece. Your opinion is yours, and we have ours. You might not even like mine about Fairy Tail and end up insulting me (again), so I've already blocked you ahead. Insulting Oda is slander, so I'd refrain from doing it on any fanfiction. People can also insult Mashima for the exact same reasons you insult Oda of, so be careful. If your reviews have nothing to do with my fanfiction, go the hell away. Get that negativity outta here.

Author's note 2: Happy new year to all of you!

Chapter Twelve: Alabasta's Last Stand (Smell the Fear)

Somewhere in the Grand Line...

This kid... needs to say goodbye, Vergo thought sombrely as he cast a dark glare at the Vivre Card in his palm. The big piece of paper, which had Lelouch's name written on it, shifted slightly toward the direction of his pupil, still left untouched and intact. The fact that it hadn't burnt a single time for a few minutes had relieved the pirate, but it hadn't lasted long; the bitter feeling of having to say his goodbyes to the boy left a very bad taste in his mouth, which he'd always found weird. Vergo had always known this day would come sooner or later, so why the hell was he pissed that he'd have to view Lelouch as his enemy from now on?

All these years spent training the boy, shaping him to become a fearful opponent, should have meant nothing from the second he was entrusted with the blacklisted Terror-Terror Fruit to give it to Lelouch. It should have just been honouring Sphinx' last request before his regrettable death, as the man saw something in the aristocratic-looking brat, and that was it. Unfortunately, Lelouch had wormed his way into his heart and made him... feel a strong sense of protectiveness throughout the years, and this bond had only strengthened when they both hid into the Marines corps. That shouldn't have happened. Because the only one I should be loyal to and be worried about is Doffy, Vergo thought with a scowl.

It had started with Doffy all these years ago and it shall continue with the Warlord, as he'd promised himself before he adopted his pupil. That man was his King of the Pirates and the only person to have his complete trust and faith, so where did that leave Lelouch? A brat like him couldn't compare to his king—that's what he used to believe back then, and back then was a fucking long time ago. Now? Lelouch may very well have the will to shake this world to pieces if he wanted to, even if he wasn't a D or a Celestial Dragon like Doffy, and that fact worried Vergo. No, it scared the shit out of him.

"So, the Government wants their... 'little experiment' back now that they've seen it's a success?" Joker asked in all seriousness, the Transponder Snail matching his expression. "He's not fully awoken his Devil Fruit powers but he's already got a good grasp of it, which must suit them. Whatever they've planned for him can't be good and I don't think my former status can save him."

Vergo hummed, crossing his fingers under his chin. "As far as we know, Lelouch is the only one who might have successfully bonded with the entity inside the Terror-Terror Fruit and has lived. That is, for now. His predecessors couldn't stand the pressure from the power and ended up taking their own lives as soon as the entity living inside the Devil Fruit has had enough of them... but I believe Lelouch will be different. Since I can't have no more information now that he knows I've betrayed him from the start, we can kiss updates about him goodbye but I've got my theories about his ability to find a way to master it without losing his life."

"Oh? Do tell."

"He is, without a shred of doubt, completely insane. Probably has been from the start and was able to hide it very well as a child. From the confidential reports I've been given along with his Devil Fruit the day I received it, every last one of its hosts must have definitely been saner than Lelouch when they were given the Terror-Terror Fruit. It's more than just a battle of wits and willpower—it's a deadly confrontation in which your mind has to triumph over the entity's power. There could only be one winner out of this mental battle, who will have sacrificed something to gain something else." Vergo dipped his head a little. "This is a case of equivalent exchange, which is of more staggering importance than losing the ability to swim: fear... is an emotion that preys on any sane mind and slowly deteriorates it."

The Vice-Admiral scowled, an air of unusual uneasiness floating around him.

"Can madness beat fear when the person is not all there in the head? It would seem that Lelouch has found a way to use his Devil Fruit without becoming insane in the process—he already was, in a way. Which will make him more dangerous than he already was."

Doffy was silent for a few more moments before he spoke again, his voice carefully controlled.

"We might have created yet another monster. We nurtured Lelouch, uncovered his monstrous potential by training him like a madman while he taught himself navigation and, the cherry on top, you even had to do what the World Government ordered you to do—make him eat a blacklisted Devil Fruit so he can become their new prize. The old geezers wanted a trained mutt who would do their bidding, should the Cipher Pol not be sufficient enough, and keep the world under the fearsome domination of their organisation." The Transponder Snail snarled. "Vergo... I know Lelouch means a lot to you despite your denial, but you can't keep him in the Marines any longer."

Vergo stayed quiet. Carefully so, because he already knew where this was going.

"He knows too much. Though it pains me to say it because I and the others considered him and Sabertooth part of the Donquixote Family... he has to be taken out. By your hand. Even if your superiors believe that you'll follow orders and will capture Lelouch to hand him to the old Five Elders, the World Government can't have him. Not them, not that big bitch of Big Mom, not the Marines—no one should get him. I've always been suspicious and wary of him while training under you, not just because of his Devil Fruit powers, but because of his genius. With all his knowledge about our operations, I'm still amazed that no one has come to arrest you, that no Admiral has barged his way to Dressrossa to get me arrested and stripped of my status. For all we know, the real danger right now is Lelouch alone. You can't sneak him back to the New World and to Dressrossa so he can have the Heart Seat, those bastards from the World Government already took care of that, then he can't be captured either. That joke from CP9 can't even be considered as a threat either if he hasn't sent his best agents to get him, but if Spandam gets a hold of Lelouch, it's over. If he talks..."

Vergo was already on his way to do just that. That would be disobeying direct orders from above, as he'd been told by Sengoku to handle Lelouch's capture personally, but he couldn't risk another 'blunder' that could fuck up Doflamingo's status in the World Government. The Family had too much to lose and his pupil would be their downfall if he decided to switch sides. He had no choice but to get rid of Lelouch, which should be easy to do if he managed to focus. But something still nagged on Vergo's mind and had him concerned. Very concerned, because it validated Doffy's fears about his pupil.

If there was anything he'd learnt about Lelouch, it was that he wouldn't talk to the Marines—just like the Warlords, they were tightly bound to a leash. Anything he'd tell them about Doffy and his operations as the underground criminal Joker would be directly redirected to the higher-ups of the World Government, who actually closed their eyes on the activities of their dogs as long as they did their job. So Lelouch won't go the Marines, who would most probably ignore him and alert the Five Elders that they've captured him. The Marines themselves tolerated the slave trade, as Celestial Dragons sometimes came down to Sabaody Archipelago to purchase their newest toys. And that particular slave trade was Joker's business, one of them that actually earned him a lot of money. Having the slave trade destroyed, or worse, his SMILE business terminated, would incur the wrath of not just so many Celestial Dragons but also of an Emperor.

The Vice-Admiral gritted his teeth, slamming his fist on his desk. The wood screamed as it broke under his strength, digging a hole through the furniture. Fury pulsated strongly in his veins, solidified by a thick layer of fear he'd deny on his death bed. He didn't know what to do because his pupil hasn't made a move yet, which also concerned Doffy—Vergo may have tried to groom Lelouch as his descendant for the Heart Seat in the Donquixote Family, as Law had defected years back following Rocinante's death, but there had been this nagging, persistent thought that prevented him from fully trusting him. He was... something else. Such rare potential wasted. By a blacklisted Devil Fruit and the World Government.

"Goddammnit," Vergo hissed between his teeth, seething.

So what the hell would Lelouch do to get back at them for trying to kill him because of a Devil Fruit? How would he get back at them? Vergo betraying him from the start was already a hard blow, but there was a sneaking suspicion that the prodigy would do something much worse. What he and Doffy needed to know was how. They weren't mind-readers and Lelouch was out of Violet's reach, so she could listen to his conversations with the Mink, and he'd never really share what was in his mind with them. For all they knew, he could have planned to betray them as well if something big and important put a wrench in Doflamingo's goals and his genius mind might have thought of so many ways to destroy the Donquixote Family.

But they didn't know what or how. Thus, as long as he breathed, Lelouch had them all on their toes. And that wouldn't do. He could fuck them all up if he wanted to, as his mentor was on his way to end his life. If he survived their confrontation, decided to destroy everything they'd worked so hard for, their lives would be over, Doffy's Warlord status and privileges would be revoked and they'd all be sent to the deepest level of Impel Down. Whatever would happen to the rest of the Donquixote Family also weighed on Vergo's mind, as although most of them were fond of Lelouch, they were still loyal to Doffy and bowed to him. If some of them managed to escape Dressrossa when the arrestation would be made, most of the others would still be captured. Plus, the Riku family would be reinstated and the years spent turning many civilians and soldiers into toys would be wasted.

If anything, Lelouch was an impending disaster and monstrous psychopath that could be the downfall of so many people, should he be played. Sending him to Alabasta and having him confront a Warlord would only make him stronger, even though Crocodile heavily relied on his Logia Devil Fruit powers—Vergo had basically given his pupil a new 'training assignment' before all this shit went down. He knew Lelouch would ace this 'training assignment', with brownie points if he killed Crocodile. Sphinx, Vergo thought bitterly with his head bowed, his fingers gripping his destroyed desk, you found a monster and I raised it. Shame his old friend had already died, as he must be laughing from beyond the grave.

His personal ship had better hurry to his pupil's position, as Vergo's resolve was slowly driving him crazy. Orders from the higher-ups in the World Government be damned; if Doffy's status as a Warlord and a former Celestial Dragon couldn't protect his former student, then Lelouch had to die. Orders from above be damned, no one will use the genius and the power he possessed. If he was allowed to live even just for two more months, who knew how much more he could grow?

Back in Alubarna...

A strange sensation tickled Lelouch at the back of his mind, igniting his Devil Fruit powers instantly, and he turned his head sharply before freezing on his spot. Both of his eyes glowed intensely, giving him an eerie look that made Vivi gape at him. He unconsciously sniffed the air, then he frowned. The scent of this spike of fear, though he hadn't smelt it in a long time, smelt very familiar to him; the person himself didn't get afraid much and wasn't a coward, so it shocked Lelouch to actually feel it this time. A confused frown marred his face as his eyes returned to normal.

Vergo? It was definitely him, as he couldn't forget the very first time he'd sensed the older man's fear and had imprinted it in his mind forever. And it was weird that Lelouch could sense him; when was the last time Vergo was that scared of something or someone? Or both? He was aware that things would change drastically since their last conversation via Transponder Snail, but how would this turn of events affect his mentor? Last time he checked, he was the one being hunted for his power, he was the one who—wait.

Wait a goddamn minute. Vergo's fear was... moving. Its essence was slowly drawing near, potent and thrumming in a barely controlled way. Towards Lelouch. Worse than that, it was drawing near to him. Vergo was coming to him with a strong sense of fear hidden by a thick layer of killing intent he'd soon learnt to make his, which could only confirm the navigator's suspicions about the pirate's loyalties. Lelouch smirked bitterly, even snorted before standing with the princess. When some of the Straw Hats got in view, Vivi spared him a glance, to which he absent-mindedly nodded at her, and she ran off to meet with a blonde-haired man with hearts in his visible eye, the reindeer with the pink top hat who was giving a ride to a heavily bandaged long-nosed man, the Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro who was giving a piggy back ride to a screeching red-head. He looked like he'd been in a nasty fight with a cheese grater.

I'll be damned, Lelouch thought with another bitter chuckle, extreme sarcasm rolling off him in waves as well as his own killing intent, I knew I was always second to your first love, Vergo. He'd always foreseen this turn of events as a possibility, therefore he had to have a back-up plan in case he was going to be betrayed by someone he 'trusted'. The betrayal of the Dark Knights had been enough, he wasn't going to allow anyone else to even think of the sweet reward his bounty could offer—heads would roll and blood would be spilled, no matter where he'd go and if he didn't have any choice in the matter.

"Sabertooth?" he called, turning towards his best friend.

The Mink frowned as he strolled in his direction and Lelouch beckoned him with a finger, waiting for his palm. Once the swordsman brought his palm forward, he used his fingers to say what he couldn't say out loud with an unwanted audience near them.

'Vergo is coming to kill me. Maybe not here, but most certainly when we'll be at sea. He'll probably kill you too.'

Sabertooth literally froze on his spot, shock registered on his face as green eyes slowly widened in realisation. He looked up at his best friend for confirmation and when the latter nodded with the same bitter smirk, he snarled angrily and his deep green eyes flashed. Lelouch continued.

'This was a long-time coming, as we know too much about the operations led by the Donquixote Family. Dear Vergo must not want his king to be thrown off balance and would bend his neck to please him. So I must be taken out.' The navigator's smirk widened and he slightly tilted his head on the side. 'Not without taking them out as well, starting with the head of the snake. Some helped me immensely during my years in and out of Dressrossa and I intend to give back what has been stolen because I'm about to be executed for existing.'

Then, he squeezed his best friend's hand.

"We'll be the ones laughing our heads off to hell, Saber," Lelouch drawled, a terrifying glint in his mismatched eyes as the golden one had its pupil reducing and widening on and off. "My little spy must be looking for a hideout to call me as of... right now."

Sabertooth gaped at him. "Your 'little'... wait, she still has the hots for you?!" he whisper-yelled, disbelieving. "Sorry for not really believing you, because that's a bit of a stretch here."

Lelouch's smirk softened to a mock expression of pure insolence, but his eyes were still glinting. "It was her fault for trying to claim me as hers back when we were children. I simply... indulged each other."

"You better not have fallen for her charms, Lulu," Sabertooth smirked, chuckling. He slug an arm around Lelouch's neck to give him a one-arm embrace. "Otherwise, I'd be sorely disappointed in you if we get captured by the Marines. I'd like to have a chance of burying my brothers again. Alive."

The navigator gave him an aggravated look. "Don't insult me, I have experience. Had I been the slightest smitten with her, we would still be in Dressrossa and I would still be trying to behead Trebol with my guillotines." He marked a pause, thinking about it, then smirked pleasantly with a strange glint in his mismatched eyes. "Not that I can't try from afar, this should be an experimental test."

Falling for her charms would have been his doom years before he could finally make it on his own, but since his spy wasn't as skilled as he was in manipulation and silver tongue, Lelouch quite easily made her like him enough. It was different than having a horde of fan-girls back at Ashford, but he'd been pleased to find out that his skills weren't rusty. He just had to be... a growing child again, without Britannia. And being a child again was quite the test, but since he'd needed to get rid of Doflamingo and the rest of his blasted family somehow, Lelouch had to look the part.

What a mental and physical pain it'd been, he thought with a slight twitch of his brow and a huff. But oh so worth the patience. Once he survived his confrontation with Vergo and got his Vivre Card back from the bastard, he'd take down his king. He couldn't be let himself be tracked down, so it really was some Devil's luck that the pirate hadn't had the genius idea of giving another one to Doflamingo or someone else in the Marines. Had he been too confident that he'd be able to handle his protégé once the World Government finally decided to take back their 'offspring'? Power had gotten to his head and made him sloppy.

But still...Lelouch will have to be careful when making his move, because Vergo will most certainly try to see it coming. Better stay quiet for now, keep them all on their toes for as long as he was still alive and fuck them up when they expected the least. This ought to be entertaining as hell.

"Lelouch? Mr. Monkey?" Vivi called out to them, getting their attention. "Can I introduce you to my friends?"

Sabertooth huffed as he strolled towards the group, looking annoyed. "What kinda nickname is that? Did you already forget my name and opted for this?" he grumbled unhappily. "You should get it right, I took care of that bomb for your country!"

Lelouch smacked the back of his head with the golden hook, irritated. "Mind your manners, she's still a princess and you're being a bit too callous and familiar," he scolded before throwing a look around in search of Noctis and Nasse. When he saw no trace of the twins in the chaos, he turned back to everyone, where he found himself the subject of many disturbed, horrified gazes. "What is it?"

"I-Is that... Crocodile's hook?! And his blood?!" the red-head almost screeched at him. "How in the hell did you manage to rip his arm off?! Are you some kind of monster?!"

"Such a kind compliment coming from you, witch. I shall bear it proudly." Lelouch even had the nerve to bow to her mockingly, an infuriating smirk on his face. He straightened up, pleased to see a pissed off expression on the red-head's face. "But no—just a navigator who's really good at fighting, navigating and killing. The reason I haven't finished off Crocodile is because the World Government is going to sack him for attempting to destroy an affiliated kingdom. But we've got more pressing matters: where's your captain, assuming that the Warlord hasn't killed him?"

The blonde and Vivi sent him a look akin to an offended scowl, while Roronoa Zoro openly scowled savagely at him. "Luffy won't die here, he can't," he stated firmly.

"But he still has been beaten, hasn't he? If he didn't manage to figure out how to hit a Logia by narrowing down the main weakness, Straw Hat clearly stood no chance. He may not be dead, but I sincerely doubt Crocodile left him unscathed. If anything, he's severely injured and must probably have a hole into his stomach all the way through his back, made by this golden hook. I told you so, didn't I?" Lelouch narrowed his mismatched eyes at the Pirate Hunter. "You're not experienced and strong enough to take down a Warlord. Not yet. Should you actually manage to, it would be out of pure luck."

A vein throbbed at Roronoa's temple and his eyes flashed in restrained anger. He put down the protesting witch without even looking back at her, then stalked forward to stop inches away from Lelouch, who remained so unfazed that it became grating. Vivi tried to get in between them, but the blonde clad in a classy suit caught her arm and shook his head no. Her worried eyes caught Sabertooth's, who nodded at her with a carefree smile. The atmosphere got heavy between Zoro and Lelouch, who stared each other down.

"Luffy will live through this. He'll pull this off, luck has nothing to do with him surviving a Warlord. I don't have to explain myself to you, freak, but I know my captain better than you. So..."

He unsheathed his sword to pull the blade at Lelouch's throat, as if to slash it, but the navigator calmly raised the golden hook. Lelouch blocked the Wado Ichimonji very easily with the hook, his cold unfazed gaze never straying from the swordsman's fiery eyes. Roronoa's hold trembled as he seemed to be struggling to move his sword, but the navigator wasn't budging an inch. Not a damn single one.

"So don't you dare say that Luffy won't make it or I'll lop off that head of yours! Our captain is going to become the King of the pirates!" the Pirate Hunter growled like a beast.

As soon as his words were pronounced, a familiar sensation emanated from Roronoa Zoro that got Lelouch's attention. It was the same Sabertooth exuded whenever they were fighting, but much, much weaker—the Swordsman's Spirit, which was something akin to one's Conqueror's Haki. The only swordsmen capable of using the Swordsman's Spirit had a strong will and were sure to become great in the future. The navigator didn't have to glance at his best friend to know that the Mink was smirking. He'd felt Roronoa's spirit. So not only this one had a growing spirit, but he also seemed to believe in his captain's ideals. Interesting.

Lelouch slowly smirked, his eyes glinting.

"Oh, is that so? You still have such a long way to go, Strawhats. But for now..."

He easily pushed the swordsman away feet backwards with a blow to his gut with his free hand. It wasn't strong enough to cause much more damage, but it was still powerful enough to nearly knock him into a wall; Roronoa managed to half stop his flight by planting both his feet and blade into the ground, then he slowly skidded to a halt against a wall. It cracked loudly behind the Pirate Hunter, who doubled over with a pained gasp and coughed up some blood.

Lelouch turned towards a shocked Vivi. "You have to do something about this battle, Sabertooth and I need to find Crocodile and put an end to this madness. Let them hear you, Vivi."

"Zoro!" Tony Tony Chopper wailed, running towards him to check him over.

"You bastard!" the classy blonde man snapped, readying a leg.

He lunged towards Lelouch and swung said leg at him in a roundhouse kick, but a monkey tail with a giant tuft of black and white hair wrapped itself around the limb to immobilise it in mid-air and Sabertooth blurred to catch the struggling blonde man in his arms.

The Mink smiled toothily at him, green eyes shining. "He's the one who started it, you know? My best friend was just defending himself. Besides, it's not like Lelouch was lying about the chances of your captain winning against a Warlord," he chimed. "You were most likely unprepared, since you knew next to nothing about Crocodile and how his Devil Fruit powers worked."

"Get off me, monkey man!"

Sabertooth shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, sure. After you've calmed down."

"We're not here to fight, the fate of Alabasta depends on what you do next, Vivi," Lelouch said, raising his fisted hand to make a placating gesture for all the Strawhats to see. "We don't have time to wait for Monkey D. Luffy, seeing as the Rebel Army is too far gone to listen to any voice. The rain has to come back and for that, Crocodile will either need to bleed to death like a pig or be defeated. This might be the only thing that will get everyone's attention for sure." His eyes glowed eerily as he turned towards one direction only—the Tomb of the Kings. "I'm going."

Sabertooth strolled to his side, cracking his neck. "Coming too. Remember Miss All Sunday? She's got to be over there with the king... get her and treat her injuries if she's hurt." He gave Lelouch a sidelong glance. Worry was written on his features. "Crocodile must not be in the best state of mind after you ripped his arm off, so I guess he'll take it out on his partner. I'll take care of the Warlord."

"Sure," the navigator conceded.

He couldn't let Nico Robin die here. Lelouch won't have it, there were a lot of things he'd like to ask her because she seemed to be knowledgeable about him. Was there something he actually didn't know about himself? If there was, then she needed to live, to survive Alabasta. She hadn't survived the World Government for twenty long years just to be finished by a greedy Warlord, Nico Robin couldn't get captured here; the presence of the Marines could lead her to her downfall and if Lelouch himself was captured here by Smoker, he'd be immediately handed to the Five Elders.

Wait, what's that sweet smell?

"Just you wait a second, how are you going to find him in this chaos? And just how did you find the bomb? How did you defuse it?" the red-head demanded in just one breath.

Sabertooth huffed, aggravated. "Hey, would you breathe one second and do something about those soldiers and Baroque Works goons? I'm in a rather sour mood, it's fucking hot and you're bloody annoying. I might kill someone by accident." He waved his hand towards the violent battle. "Go reason with that voice of yours, you seem to excel at screeching your way out of everything."

"What's that?!"

"Hey, watch your tongue! Don't talk to Nami-swan this way!"

"Excuse me, is she a goddess or what? She was the one being rude, I was being the standard nice version of myself with a complete stranger who smells like greed!"

While Sabertooth and the red-head exchanged a verbal spat, the navigator was experiencing something weird. The pupils in Lelouch's eyes expanded again, just as his sight... changed. He twitched violently, eyes now wide in muted disbelief and his jaw slightly hanging open. They also darted everywhere in their sockets, moving so rapidly on their own that he couldn't control himself. It was as if they were possessed. Or he was possessed and his will wasn't strong enough just yet.

"Somehow, I can smell him. His fear. You can't see the world the way I see it with my eyes, witch."

"What does that even mean?!" Nami screeched.

To his amazement, it was the honest truth. Lelouch sniffed the air and, brutally so, his nose was suddenly hit with so many flavours that he had to cover it with a honestly shocked expression. There were many smells at once but there were two that stood out among the throng—one had a pleasant, flowery scent that Lelouch would breathe in every day, and the second smell was more aggressive, wild. They didn't belong to any of the Strawhats because none of them smelled like this, not the soldiers or the Baroque Works goons. So that only left...

Nico Robin. Crocodile. Realisation struck him hard as he almost recoiled, his eyes still going insane. The Warlord was bloody scared, Lelouch could practically taste his fear. Of all the smells of terror surrounding him and belonging to so many people at the same time, Robin's and Crocodile's stood out the most because one could either die of blood loss or be stripped of his status to be thrown into the deepest lowel of Impel Down, and the other would be... well, the last thing she'd want was to be recognised by name. Everyone in the fucking world had at least heard her name once, because the young child that she used to be was a brilliant one who managed to learn how to read the Poneglyphs. Anyone would be tempted by the coin.

But that still doesn't explain why my eyes and sight are going wild!

What the hell was wrong with his sight? Lelouch looked from right and left, seeing so many 'things' that weren't there just a minute ago. Not only has his sight somehow changed, but it was now a black and white environment with the people around him having taken a strange shape; will-o-wisps of different colours represented the fighting soldiers and hiding civilians. The Rebel Army and the royal soldiers were all painted in a bright red colour, vibrant in Lelouch's strange 'reality' and pretty representative of the rage and killing intent he could feel from their auras. Curious, he glanced at Sabertooth and nearly gaped when he saw the calm green and bright yellow—his best friend looked like a sunshine all on his own!

Are you seeing this? Are you the one doing this?

No. It's you, Lelouch. The Wraith pondered his host's confused state, then blinked from within his mind before chuckling mockingly. And you don't even seem aware of how you just activated the Sense Mode... just like last time when you were Lelouch Lamperouge; you didn't know how you activated your Geass. No matter, I'll teach you how to use it properly... maybe.

Lelouch blinked many times and shook his head in the process, disturbed. His eyes just wouldn't stop fucking moving in their sockets like a damn pinball machine. He closed them for a few seconds, grinding his jaws in rising irritation, then opened them again. Nothing had changed—everything was still in black and white, and will-o-wisps still made for the people fighting. This is too much for now, but what on earth is that 'Sense Mode'?

Didn't you just say that you could 'smell' Crocodile's fear? And didn't you smell Vergo's just a while ago? So, do that. That's the Sense Mode. Smell him. Smell him and you'll be able to track him down like a hound. His fear is now imprinted in your mind, so you'll recognise him very easily. But first, go somewhere else. Higher, where you can see all of Alubarna.

"Hey, you okay?" Sabertooth asked in a whisper for his ears only, grasping his shoulder. "Your aura is so disturbed I can barely—the hell is wrong with your eyes?!"

The navigator struggled, really struggled, to meet his best friend's gaze and gritted his teeth. "My Devil Fruit is going insane. I know what's going on and I don't know how to make use of it, so come with me," he growled as he stalked away, dragging the Mink with him.

Since his eyes couldn't concentrate on what the hell was in front of him because of his ever moving eyesight, Lelouch mostly relied on instincts to avoid bumping into objects. So much that it annoyed Sabertooth, who finally took to pick him up and throw him up with his tail at the nearest building that stood above ground. Surprised, he tried his best to soften his landing and scrambled to not slip on the rooftop on all fours. Somehow, he still managed to keep hold of the golden hook.

"Okay, what's up with you right now?" Sabertooth demanded once he landed next to him, eyes hard and serious. "You're starting to freak me out more than usual and 'usual' with means almost all the time."

Raising himself to one knee, Lelouch surveyed the chaotic capital with one eye open and a disturbed expression. "I can smell everyone's fear out and when I say 'smell', it has two different meanings: I can see its scent, follow it to wherever it leads, narrow it down to a certain location, and identify the owner of said scent. You can call it 'sensing', that's what the Wraith dubbed it. But..." He pinched the bridge of his nose, snarling. "There's too many at once! There's Vivi's, the cowards' in Straw Hat's crew, the soldiers—everyone in this damn capital!" he shouted, both of his eyes wide open and still moving so fast in their sockets. "I sense everyone but not just the most important targets at the moment!"

He didn't even let Sabertooth talk, as he was too distressed to be calmed down the easy way—someone had to knock him out or... he had to kill someone.

"The rage they're feeling is fueled by this fear they're trying their best to swallow down, but it merely serves to bubble it up! It's dripping from everywhere, calling to me! My Haki is going insane, picking up too many presences at once and with all this noise, I can't bloody concentrate on anything! All those voices dying one by one because one's life was just taken on the battlefield are too distracting! Why the hell can't they... why can't they..."

And it was driving him mad not being able to have any control this instant; his Devil Fruit powers were humming through him, making his entire being buzz with such dark excitement and stress. Lelouch had felt anxious and stressed before, when Nunnally's life was threatened, but this was a new level; this life was a much harder challenge because it contradicted everything he once knew in his previous existence as Lelouch Lamperouge. The concept of the impossible actually being possible in this universe shouldn't be a surprise any more, but the Terror-Terror Fruit still managed to reveal itself the most stressful thing he'd encountered. It seemed to heighten his Observation Haki, extending it to cover much more land. There were already too many people in Alubarna, but his powers picked up countless other smells of fear located days away from the capital... were they in Nanohana? I don't believe it, the navigator thought with a shocked expression.

It was as if once someone was scared, Lelouch would be able to channel his Haki and Devil Fruit powers, pinpoint the target's location and imprint its fear in his mind forever. Sometimes, maybe he wouldn't even need his Haki. Though it was something he'd already made hypothesises about the Terror-Terror Fruit with Portgas D. Ace, it was somewhat more terrifying than exhilirating to find out that he might be spot on.

Listening to the Wraith's haunting laughter in his mind made him want to snap hard. He wanted to. Because the bastard was laughing at his misery instead of helping him, intent on watching his host unravel and crumble mentally in front of such mayhem that not even the princess' cries would be able to reach them. Nothing! Vivi would be bloody useless, even if she lost her voice screaming for everyone to stop. Unless...

I can't think! Why the hell can't they shut the fuck up?! He snarled, gripping his head. A headache was already creeping its way in, taunting and reminding him of his sudden uselessness at the moment; if the Strawhats couldn't do anything to stop this madness, then even Lelouch himself just couldn't wait for the rain to miraculously fall. Crocodile was still awake and alive, his sand powers being the last rampart against the weather of the country, and the soldiers and rebels were far too gone to listen to anyone. Not their king, not their princess. Unless...

Do it.

Lelouch slowly raised himself to his feet, breathing so heavily that he felt like his lungs and heart were about to give out any minute. His ears were ringing and hurting his head, feeding the damn headache, and the noise just wouldn't die out. He screwed his eyes shut, hoping to lessen the pain, and cursed when it seemed to worsen. Too much noise. If these bastards didn't shut up now, he was going to blow. The pression stirred up in him, constantly building up and waiting to be released; it felt like a volcano about to erupt any second.


Mismatched eyes snapped open, pupils now weirdly different, mismatched eyes shining bright and now steady, and Lelouch opened his mouth.

"QUIEEEEEEEEET!" he roared at the top of his lungs.

The sensation within all but exploded. Lelouch thought it hurt at first, but it felt absolutely thrilling and cleansing. It was as if the air was all of a sudden heavy with a crushing pressure that made one feel like he was drowning underwater; as powerful as the sensation was at that second, it burst through him like a tidal wave and washed over all of Alubarna. All of a sudden, all sounds died out for a small and pregnant pause in the capital, before thudding noises and the clang of swords falling to the ground got Lelouch to blink and look down. He gaped when the first, then a second, then so many other soldiers fell, their eyes rolled to the back of their heads and foaming at the mouth. The navigator couldn't count how many actually lost consciousness to the powerful wave he'd just released, but a good handful of soldiers and rebels were positively knocked out as their voices died out all at once. And just like that, the capital slowly grew a little bit quieter as he'd wanted it to be, though there were still some that remained awake.

Stunned out of his mind, Lelouch stumbled back with wide eyes and heavy breathing. "N-no way...," he mumbled weakly.

He knew what he'd just done, as he'd witnessed the phenomenon himself a few times around Doflamingo to recognise the sensation, but the navigator had never once thought he'd be able to unlock it. The fabled and rarest type of Haki had indeed been lying dormant inside him, waiting to be triggered by the right amount of stress building up, and Lelouch had just used it without fully knowing how. The Warlord had been nagging him about training so his Conqueror's Haki could awaken, finally making him one of the few who could wield all three types of Haki. Alabasta's strife had somehow helped in 'awakening' him.

"I'll be damned," Sabertooth breathed next to him, slinging an arm around Lelouch's neck. His green eyes were bright and shining in mirth and elation, if not nervous. "That one has been a long-time coming, Lulu. And if I'm not wrong, you managed to combine this burst of Conqueror's Haki with your Devil Fruit powers. Unconsciously so, but still..." He gulped uneasily. "I felt the shift in my mind. Felt nauseous for a second..."

The navigator gaped again, then closed his mouth and eyes with a troubled expression. It soured even more when laughter exploded in Lelouch's mind, absolutely mirthful and thrilled.

Is my brat of a host this shocked of his own dormant power? You should be proud. Only the chosen ones with a will powerful enough to shake the world can manifest the Conqueror's Haki. There was a beat of silence during which Lelouch didn't dignify his mirth with an answer. The Wraith straight stopped laughing and almost balked. Don't tell me you're... scared? Of your own power?

"You good, Lulu?" Sabertooth asked. "Because we need to get going if you want to get Nico Robin alive and in one piece. Right now."

Sighing in frustration, the navigator opened his eyes. He blinked in surprise as he finally noticed that his surroundings and people were no longer shaped like will-o-wisps. Even Sabertooth. Was his sight finally back to normal or was everything else just temporary before hell broke loose? "Yeah, let's go before—huh?" he interrupted himself, looking up.

The shift in the atmosphere and the weather was so faint and could have gone unnoticed by lesser navigators, but Lelouch definitely caught it. His navigating skills instantly kicked in, recognising the phenomenon at once; the atmospheric pressure was slowly shifting, caught between dropping and rising just a tiny bit. As if the weather was being moody... or as if a certain Warlord with Logia powers was about to pass out of blood loss. Even the sky right now was slowly, but surely, being swarmed by dark clouds that could only mean one thing. Lelouch felt his mouth curve into a small smile.

Looks like rebirth is right around the corner, he thought with a blink of his eyes. They were, strangely enough, stinging right now. Just a little more, Alabasta.

"Do you mind hurrying it up? Just a little bit?" Sabertooth shouted from below, already down and ready to go. "I'm leaving you behind!"

"Can that rotor mouth of yours go to rest a little bit? You're giving me a headache," Lelouch grumbled as he jumped down the building and softened his landing by kicking the air. He huffed when he saw his best friend already running towards Crocodile's location. "Such impatience."

He ran after the young Mink, keeping hold of the golden hook. As he evaded or counter-attacked blows from soldiers and Baroque Works agents, Lelouch thought about how he'd approach the last Oharan. There was so much he needed to ask her—he had no idea how much the woman knew about him, but he was ready to bet Sabertooth's money that she was skilled in getting information on persons of interest. Maybe... she knew things about blacklisted Devil Fruits? Just the mere idea of talking to Nico Robin made Lelouch run faster and blur past Sabertooth.

"VIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" a familiar voice yelled loudly in the air.

Someone had strong lungs and was a damn screamer, probably has been this way forever. Lelouch rolled his mismatched eyes in mild annoyance, skidding on the ground to make a hard turn on his left. "Would you look at that, Straw Hat Luffy actually came back from the land of the dead and is louder than my best friend," he drawled.

"Weren't you the one who just made a huge racket with a burst of Conqueror's Haki?"

"Do shut up! C'mon, we're nearing the Tomb of the Kings!"

Mismatched eyes blinked in slight confusion at the poor sight of the Marine girl, Tashigi, having serious trouble getting up. She looked like someone had run her over and stomped on her body. She was also pale, close to passing out, and her eyes were wide in terror. The navigator did a double take. Had his Conqueror's Haki nearly knocked her out along with his powers? Because her will couldn't have been that strong if that wave of Haki was enough to overwhelm her spirit. And that leg looked messed up, probably broken. Clearly, Nico Robin hadn't been kind to her when she came this way with King Cobra to look for the Poneglyph. Lelouch would have blocked her pressure points and rendered her unable to walk as well—Marines and their twisted, darkened sense of justice. Always looking to be the 'heroes' in every story.

"The hell happened to you, trainee?" Sabertooth wondered in surprise as he skidded to a halt in front of her.

Tashigi stubbornly refused to look at either of them with a snarl, so they wouldn't see her face. The shame was written all over it. And the smell of fear was also strong around her, hanging around like a thick, persistent fog that only the navigator could see. Glancing at the golden hook, he decided to throw it at Tashigi's feet, who yelped and recoiled.

Lelouch passed them, barely sparing a glance at the defeated swordsman. "She lost, as she wasn't ready to face an unexpected opponent. It happens. Let's go," he urged nonchalantly. "And I'd put that arm in ice, if I were you."

"Geez, a little tact wouldn't hurt you, would it? She's a girl!" Sabertooth shot back, baring his teeth at him in outrage. "You'll never get laid if you keep acting like you don't care about women who are interested in you!"

Never get lai—what the absolute hell? The navigator whirled around with an incredulous expression before whipping his hand in their direction, sending the two swordsmen a Rankyaku. Gaping in shock, Sabertooth gathered Tashigi in his arms and jumped nimbly to the side to avoid the attack. The building behind them was sliced neatly in half, nearly collapsing.

Ignoring the blush on his cheeks, Lelouch immediately turned back on his heels with an extremely aggravated expression. "I said let's go! You got a Warlord to defeat or I'll trim that tuft of yours with your sword!" he threatened before stalking inside the Tomb of the Kings.

"Tch. Sour puss," Sabertooth sniggered before following.

"Ask the Marine girl if she has a water bottle, I'm going to need it!" Nico Robin was going to need it, if that strong smell of fear leading down to the Tomb was what he thought was.

"My name is Tashigi!" Marine girl shrieked. "Master Chief Petty Officer Tashigi! You best remember that, Canterbury Lelouch!"

Not taking any complaints, Lelouch thought.

"Whatever," the Mink grumbled unhappily, but still went back for it. "Uptight bastard."

I second that. You need to relax a bit more, Lelouch.

He ignored both of them. Royally so. That didn't even deserve an answer. So he dashed down the steps instead, ignoring the chuckles in his mind with a resting bitch face he'd worked on for years ever since Vergo presented him to the Donquixote Family. Cold anger brewed in the pit of his belly at the thought of the man who had betrayed him. So much for being his precious 'protégé' if the meaning had suddenly changed.

When Lelouch skidded into the main room, he had to restrain a gasp of shock when his keen eyes fell upon the dried up body of the Oharan. Horror and dread filled him as he lunged himself at Nico Robin's side, thoroughly inspecting her for further injuries; the mummified skin looked dead and ragged and if it wasn't for the shallow rise and fall of her chest, the guttural wheezes and the panicked movements of her eyes, Lelouch would have believed her dead. But other being severely dehydrated by the Sand-Sand Devil Fruit, she would make it. She had to.

A severe coughing fit and coarse cursing got his attention and blank, emotionless mismatched eyes slowly rose to find a half-dead Warlord stumbling around like a madman, ashen and sweating profusely. His eyes were mad, wide in utter disbelief from finding out that his great plan had been thwarted out—maybe not by a rookie pirate named Monkey D. Luffy, but by someone else much more sinister. Ah, and that concealed stump on his left side, where the Warlord had lost so much blood, did look... appeasing. King Cobra lay on the ground near the half-mad Warlord, just as dehydrated as Nico Robin.

Crocodile froze, then suddenly turned towards Lelouch. Unbridled rage contorted his scarred face as he recognised the bane of his existence.

"You!" he roared, but then coughed harshly again and bent forward. Crocodile whipped his head back up to glare at the emotionless navigator. "Death will be your eternal companion once I'm through with you, miserable insect!"

Lelouch didn't react to this outburst. His mind was too busy flashing through numerous ways of torturing this one-armed bastard without killing him accidentally, because that would give the World Government more reason and incentive to capture him. One Warlord killed would mean that the whole world would have its eyes on him, pirates, Marines and bounty hunters alike.

That should be fun.

Fortunately, for both of them, Sabertooth chose this particular moment to bound his way inside. Green eyes took in the surroundings and assessed the situation very quickly—severely dehydrated Nico Robin and King Cobra on the ground, half-mad Warlord who needed to be taken out and Lelouch who looked like he could kill Crocodile with his gaze. The atmosphere was... yeah. He needed to take charge on this one. They were already in deep shit just because Lelouch existed and had ate a blacklisted Devil Fruit, so they might as well finish this with a bang and laugh at Smoker's face for getting the credit (there was no way the World Government would reward Lelouch for taking out Crocodile, no way in hell).

The Mink's face melt into a toothy smile and crinkling eyes and he handed Lelouch two water bottles. "Chill out, Lulu," he chided. Once Lelouch finally breathed after a long minute and took the water bottles, he gently knocked him on the head with the hilt of the sword. "I've got this. Take her and the king outta here, will ya?"

Still, Lelouch won't answer.

"You don't do well with my Electro."

This time, he snorted with a scowl and vanished from sight. Green eyes looked towards the fallen king and found Lelouch crouched in front of him. Carefully and gently, he slipped his arms beneath his thin and dried up legs and back to lift him.

"Like hell you're going anywhere, brat!" Crocodile roared as he lunged.

Sabertooth heaved a tired huff as he watched Lelouch balance himself on one foot by the toes, spin on said toes and deliver a swift, powerful roundhouse Haki-fueled kick to the half-dead Warlord's side. All the while keeping a firm hold of King Cobra's body in his arms. Crocodile hit the wall hard, leaving a deep crater on it, and slumped uselessly on the ground on his stomach. Snarling, Lelouch turned back to walk towards Nico Robin and carefully lowered a desperately heaving King Cobra next to her. He uncapped one bottle to pour water into the older man's waiting mouth. Slowly, the once dried up royal started to spring back to life; his skin regained its healthy tone, like a sponge absorbing water.

Lelouch sighed in slight relief as the king abruptly sat up coughed like a sick man, his hands at his parched throat. One was saved, now on to the most important injured; his keen eyes surveyed Nico Robin and when he noticed her blue eyes, he noted the silent plea in her gaze. Please, she was saying, because she was either choosing to save her breath or was too shameful to admit that she didn't want to die here. Either way, the smell of fear was strong as it hung around her like a halo, a beautiful shade of violet that reminded him of his right eye.

"This is the wrong way to die, Nico Robin," he said to her ears as he made her drink.

With a painful grunt, the lady accepted the precious water and drank greedily. Once she was rehydrated, she sat up and started coughing as well. Lelouch leaned back with a huff, watching Nico Robin like a hawk. When she got her bearings straight, she raised dubious and suspicious eyes at him with so many questions in her mind.

"Why?" she asked, her voice guttural.

"You can't die here, can you?" He pointedly looked at the Poneglyph standing tall in the room, then nodded at the ancient stone. "You still serve a purpose in this world, as you haven't found the right Poneglyph you must be looking for."

She gasped and her blue eyes widened in utter surprise. Jackpot, Lelouch thought as he shifted on one knee. For all he knew, she'd probably question his motives for saving her life. By trying to break all the bones of his body in pieces. She already viewed him as a mystery to unveil and understand, an enemy who could end her life right here so the World Government won't get to her first.

Frowning, Nico Robin threw him a cold look. "That's none of your business."

"No, it's not," Lelouch conceded, his tone lighter, but guarded. "But still: if you were to prove the World Government right by dying before you got to fulfill your dream, Ohara and its people would have been obliterated for nothing."

He regarded her blankly.

"So live, Nico Robin. You're allowed to do that, contrary to what people have been bleeting about. If those bastards want to enjoy life so much because 'they're not of your ilk', then there's no reason for you to not taste life on your own."

The woman stared at him like he was insane. He truly was. Nonetheless, Lelouch could swear there was the telltale shimmering of tears in her blue eyes before she abruptly turned from him. He didn't blame her one second; when had been the last time she'd been told something so hopeful? There was no devil in her

Humming, the Mink tilted his head at the fallen Warlord, who was trying to get up once again. Sabertooth whistled in awe, his green eyes crinkling. "One thing for sure, you are persistent and stubborn!" he chuckled heartily. "Wonder if that's a requirement for becoming a Warlord... oh, why do I care? The World Government already have Jinbei and the Minks sure won't even think about considering a place in their organisation. Alright, I guess we're nearing the grand finale and you need to get off the stage. Asap."

"Don't kill him, Saber," Lelouch reminded him, his tone clipped.

"Can't promise that."

"Don't. And survive."

"... tch. Get outta here with Nico Robin and the king."

Hiding a smile, Lelouch grabbed both injured and skillfully heaved them on his shoulders without so much difficulty. The woman was the first to react, astonishment and anger visible on her lovely face, while the king merely looked resigned.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?!" Nico Robin shouted at Lelouch, before breaking into a coughing fit.

"Getting you out of here," he simply responded, walking up the stairs. "Since you weren't immune to sand, there's no chance you can actually be immune to lightning. Shall we see?"

Only a harsh coughing fit and a firm reprimand from Cobra answered him. Lelouch chuckled as he climbed back up.

Sabertooth cocked his head to the side as Crocodile finally heaved himself up on his feet once again, and frowned a little. Though clearly exhausted, the Warlord was still grasping at the last remnants of his strength because he refused to lose. Was he that determined to get the Antique Weapon just to go up against the World Government? As if Nico Robin would have given it to him. The organisation was just going to get rid of one of its dogs, toss it into a forever 'shelter' and get a new one.

"The Pluto isn't in Alabasta. You came here for nothing but possible death. So, here's my request." Sabertooth smiled like the insolent man he was. "Be my lab rat?"

Crocodile managed, in his half-dead state, the most hateful snarl. Talking seemed too straining.

The young Mink smiled even more, taking a stance with his feet wide apart—the left one behind while the right stayed in place. His right hand rested on the hilt of the sword, gripping it tightly. The smile never faded as he inhaled, his breath producing a strange hissing sound. Slowly, very slowly, the air started to vibrate with electricity; sparks were roaming all over Sabertooth's body, growing stronger and bigger. The solid ground beneath his feet fissured crack by crack, while his green eyes disappeared to leave nothing but glowing white eyeballs.

Crocodile gasped, his exhausted eyes now wide in fear.

"Thunder Style, Fourth Movement: Thunderbolt and Cross," Sabertooth announced steadily, his eyeballs fixed on the Warlord. "Fivefold!"

Sand flew desperately around the hall as the older man attempted an escape. Sabertooth snorted. Sparks danced where he stood just one second ago, and a bright ball of thunder bounced around at lightning speed to create a particular pattern around the Warlord in order to trap the man inside. On the last bounce against the ceiling, Crocodile was slow enough to float just beneath the Mink, who attacked.

Thunder roared and echoed around like a thunderclap as the swordsman slashed the Warlord and landed gracefully on the ground in the blink of an eye. The sword didn't seem to have moved from its sheath, per the iaido martial arts he'd been taught all his life and he now honed. Blood spurted from the big cross-shaped wound on Crocodile's chest and from his mouth, who let out one last gurgle before crashing painfully.

Sabertooth took another breath to relax, slowly rising to his feet, and cracked his neck with a smile.

"Not bad, but it still needs work," he commented, turning back to the fallen Warlord. "But thank you, sir. You were an excellent lab rat from start to finish. Time to get you out."

As he moved to grab Crocodile, something finally caught his eye and he stood still for a moment to study the target. The writings on the gigantic stone made absolutely no sense whatsoever to him, as it looked like the nonsense he used to write as a child, but Sabertooth knew he was looking at one of those famous Poneglyphs the priest of his hometown talked about. Just how many were there in the Grand Line? How important were they to those who could read them?

A curious thought flashed in his mind as Sabertooth thought of the moment Lelouch awoke his Conqueror's Haki. Very few people could awaken the rarest type of Haki in the Grand Line, as his grandfather and father used to tell him, as those people were fated to become fearsome powerhouses in the future, but there were even rarer cases of people who could have it. It was probably the rarest power in this world...

"I wonder if you can unlock it too, Lelouch," Sabertooth mused mysteriously, taking hold of Crocodile's ankle and proceeding to come out of the Tomb of the Kings.

As a child, Lelouch had been very thankful for every day it rained, because the desert used to beat his ass with its insane heat. He'd soak in it, resume training with his first master under it, or just sit inside to admire the stormy weather. Back then, it had been quite wonderful. Now, he just... didn't know if he should cry as well or laugh at the sheer irony of not having come back sooner.

Because in these memories, Sphinx was still alive.

Those around him, who had managed to wake up from Lelouch's burst of Conqueror's Haki, were too stunned to understand or process everything at the moment. The rain had finally come back, after three long years of dryness and strife. Though it meant that their nightmare was over, Lelouch could hardly rejoice with them: he stood in retreat, leaning against a wall, and was looking down with a blank, exhausted expression. He felt so... empty. And tired. A bit further, Cobra was reuniting with his daughter and the Strawhats. Relieved smiles were engraved on the king's and the princess' faces, which was good, as this must be the first time they'd ever looked that happy. Alabasta could be reborn from its ashes now.

"Why the long face? You should be celebrating with the others, as Crocodile's plan has been thwarted," Nico Robin said, hidden from view. "The World Government will strip him of his Warlord status, convict and throw him in Impel Down for his war crimes. He's finished."

Lelouch crossed his arms. "I... can't be celebrating for now," he replied, his voice ashen. "I'm late. Thirteen years late."

"Pardon me?"

He fully stood from the wall, sighing deeply.

"This was a long time coming, I suppose. Coming back to Alabasta in such dark times may have resulted in a victory against a greedy Warlord, but I've lost. I've lost more than anyone else. I probably should have come back home a little sooner, but..." Lelouch snorted softly, closing his eyes. "Excuses won't do. I need to go see him."

He caught Sabertooth's gaze, saw the comprehension and sadness in it, and turned away. His gritted his teeth.

"I need to go see my master."