Rainbows and Weirdos (Soulmate Au - Same hair color)

Word Count - 1,165

Summary - Blossom was seriously going to kill whoever her soulmate was.

This is the first in a series of one or two-shots on different soulmate aus. I'm getting the ideas from silentpeaches on tumblr, so none of the aus belong to me.

I hope you guys enjoy and please review and tell me what you thought. I'm also excepting ideas, if you guys want to give any suggestions.

Disclaimer - I don't own the Powerpuff Girls.

Blossom was seriously going to kill whoever her soulmate was.

The teenager had just expected it to be a normal morning when she got out of bed that day. She expected to get up and have normal day afterwards.

She was not expecting her hair to be rainbow colored when she woke up.

What the hell was her soulmate thinking?

Blossom was seriously considering skipping school. But it was only the second week, so she had to attend. She had to get used to the path she would take for her classes. Blossom was still in the process of finding the perfect route to get to every class early or on time.

Plus, she wasn't one to take a day off unless she was sick. And even then, she was still going to go unless they told her to go home.

Back to the problem. There was no way she was going to get her hair back to normal in time. Blossom was just going to have to deal with having rainbow colored hair for the day.

The girl sighed and prepared herself for the day ahead.

"Oh my god, look at her hair!"

"Who would dye their hair rainbow?"

"She's always been really weird anyways! I would just ignore her." A laugh sounded after that. Blossom scowled.

Princess Morbucks. The bane of Blossom's existence since kindergarten.

Blossom spun around to glare at the redhead.

"I'll have you know, Princess, that I did not chose to have my hair this way." She gestured to her hair, which was in a bun in hopes to draw less attention to it. "My soulmate was the one who did this to their hair." Princess laughed again.

"Ha! So you even have a weird soulmate! This is just too good. Probably someone that just as much as a freak as you are." Blossom grit her teeth and walked away to her locker.

She was then greeted by her friend Robin as she gabbed her stuff.

"Mornin' Blossy! What's with your hair? Not that I don't love it, cause it looks pretty awesome." Blossom sighed and closed her locker.

"My soulmate. They apparently thought that dyeing their hair a rainbow, was a good idea." Robin chuckled.

"Don't worry, it looks pretty good on you!" The former redhead let out a laugh.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to Princess." Robin rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I wouldn't pay any attention to that girl. She's probably just jealous that you can rock a rainbow and she can't." Blossom giggled.

"Thanks Rob. So, how's it going with you and Mike? You find out if you guys are soulmates yet?" Robin sighed.

"No... It's just that...both of us are pretty scared to find out. I mean, what if we aren't? What would happen?" Blossom gave her a smile.

"Don't worry too much about it. Even if you guys aren't, nothing would change, right? Who cares if you're not soulmates? If you think that you belong together, then you do. End of story." Robin grinned.

"Yeah, thanks for that, Blossy."

"Come on, let's get going. Don't want to be late."

Blossom and Robin sat, unfortunately, next to Princess's table at lunch that day. Not out of their, choice of course, there was just no other spots since they were held up in the library. Everyone just had to check things out at the same time, right?

Unfortunately for them, the queen bee noticed them right away.

"What are you dorks doing near my table?! I was supposed to have lunch with my Bricky today! Now we're going to be too disgusted by you freaks to eat in peace." Robin rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Morbucks. And how do we know that this 'Bricky' isn't going to be disgusted by the chick in front of him?"

"Ah! How dare you say that?" Blossom just watched them in amusement. She was fine if they argued, but if a fight started, she'd stop it.

"You nerds could never understand. I'm beautiful and you're just jealous that you don't compare. Bricky certainly thinks that I'm prefect." Robin laughed.

"Oh yeah? Where is this guy? I have to confirm that lie." Princess grit her teeth and looked around. She stopped when she saw him.

"There he is. BRICKY!" Robin and Blossom looked to the person Princess waved at. Everyone's eyes widened when they could see him better.

His hair in particular.

Blossom stood up. She glared at the rainbow haired boy now in front of her. It was partly covered with a cap, but was still very noticeable.

"YOU." She pointed at him. His eyes widened. He grinned a bit making Blossom tilt her head in confusion.

"Huh. Rainbow looks good on you." She blushed and resumed her glare.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Who in their right mind would dye their hair a rainbow? Are you insane?" 'Bricky' just shrugged.

"Eh, I thought it would be fun. And it was. I also happened to prove that she," He pointed to Princess. "Is not my soulmate. Killed two birds with one stone." Blossom was going to glare at him, but he made some valid points. She sighed. She would want to prove that someone like Princess wasn't her soulmate either.

Gosh, Blossom felt sorry for the poor soul that was.

"Yeah, okay. That's a valid reason. Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Brick. Brick Johnson. It's nice to meet you soulmate." He smirked and Blossom blushed.

"I'm Blossom. Nice to meet you as well." Robin watched the whole scene, a grin on her face. Princess, however, was not as excited about the whole thing. In fact, she was so angry that she left the lunchroom, her followers behind her. Blossom turned her head to look as she left.

"Huh. I guess she's upset. Robin laughed.

"Yeah, cause she totally upset that you have the boy she wants." Blossom's head turned to her and then snapped back to Brick.

"Oh yeah, we're...soul...mates..." She blushed and was hit with the full realization. She plopped back down to her seat. Robin stood up and started to walk away.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone." She grinned and went to find Mike to tell him all about the encounter. Brick walked over and sat in front of his soulmate. He smiled.

"I'm guessing that, that wasn't how you'd thought to meet your soulmate?" Blossom laughed and shook her head.

"Nope, not at all." She raised her head and looked at him. "You know that you are a complete weirdo, right?" Brick laughed.

"Yeah, I've realized that." Blossom smiled.

"Guess we can be weirdos together then, huh?"

Blossom got him back a few weeks later by dyeing her hair pink.