Author's note: I left you all disappointed for long hiatus. I'm very sorry. I've been dealing with family drama for far too long and now I'm not talking to my mother for months. It looks like it'll never end… I hope someday things will get better. It's just not right now.

On the bright side, omg I got a fanart from Kastanie31! thank you for your fanart. Wow! It blows my mind that this story makes people happy! I won't lie that I felt terrible from the drama for a year, but when I found msg in my inbox asdfghjkl thank you thank you! I'm such a terrible writer! Thank you for everyone who waits for this story too!

Again, some conversations are from LoU script.

He was small, smaller than the others. And they were so young, too young to go outside. He couldn't remember the first time they were out of the sewer. For hunting? Playing? He had hazy recollections of three days of nonstop rain. The ground was damp and foul smell filled the tunnel. Everything was dirty and wet and he kept falling on his bump. He cried not because of pain, but because Raph teased him whenever he fell (but he would help him up later so it was okay). As soon as he got up, Raph started running and Sensei came to check on him (why Raph didn't fell, not fair!). He tried to follow his brothers. Unfortunately, his legs refused to cooperate and he fell on his butt, again, in front of Sensei. It was never fair! But his pride didn't let anyone help him. He was determined to get on his feet by himself. Raph and Donnie already ran to the end of the tunnel, excited by the sunlight that shined through the metal bars above that separate them from the outside world. Donnie turned and waved back at him.

He tried, but the ground under his tiny feet was slippery and he fell again. And Sensei probably came to pick him up if he started to cry. So, not gonna cry, not gonna cry. Just a little more...

Suddenly, his feet left the damp floor. Noooo, Sensei came too early! He was going to show Raph and Donnie he can do it! But then he heard a giggle from above and saw Leo's closed-up grin. He wasn't used to his big brother's giggling so he was in awe for a moment. Leo rarely laughed with them (but he never laughed at him like Raph did so it's okay), then their eyes met.

Suddenly, it didn't matter anymore whether he could walk properly or not because Leo picked him up and ran towards Donnie and Raph. He didn't have to fall on his bump again and get embarrassed in front of their dear father, plus it was one of a few moments in his reborn-as-mutant life that he saw Leo being happy. So he returned the biggest smile to Leo. It was the very moment he felt that it was good to have siblings, to have a big brother.

His legs kept moving, though he couldn't feel them anymore as they were knee-deep in snow. He would never know if his already frostbitten legs were fall-off and he was moving on his stumps.

But he had to keep going.

He was the only one who can move. Leo was passed out shortly after they found each other, probably worn out after searching for him in the middle of a blizzard. Must be that reason, otherwise he might have thought Leo collapsed after seeing his bloody work on the floor. But Leo wasn't afraid of blood that covered his skin red, right? He couldn't remember what he had done. No wait, of course he remembered. He hacked that monster's face open and he would do it again if fucking Dav-

He's dead. He's dead. Mikey took a deep breath to calm himself. Chilling air almost froze all the way down his throat. Numb. He needed something to numb his train of thoughts. He's dead and can't come back from death. Yeah, right. Last time I checked no one comes back from death.

Leo let out a whimper as if he heard Mikey's inner thoughts and reminded him to get to the safe place fast. Right, Leo always knew what to do even though he's unconscious. Despite the worst weather and his excessive injuries, Leo still managed to find him. Although it might not be that hard because of the fire on the house that shone brightly in the dusky sky.

The shelter. I have to take Leo back to our place.

But Mikey flinched every time he heard a human's voice in the wind, someone in distance shouting, humans probably knew about the chaotic scene he left behind. And the hunt would begin again.

No, no, no, I can't go back! They can find us! They'll find me!

His mind was debating because all supplies he gathered were at their shelter. Leaving them meant he had to search for more. It might take days to get what they need. But, to think he had to be in the human building again made him shudder.

Humans! Humans will find us! Anywhere just no human!

Mikey took a step back from where he headed, adjusting Leo's weight on his back and breaking into a run towards the mountain. He would get far, far away from human and treated Leo's open wounds. They're gonna be fine. They would be.

The red trail from the katana on his waist painted the thin line on snow. But Mikey wouldn't worry about it. Fresh snow would bury the blood strain. Splinter had taught them how ninja removes their traces so they could stay hidden even in plain sight. But Mikey was the worse when they came to camouflage lesson, Leo and Raph were better than him.

"Huh, I'm thinking about Splinter and Raph," Mikey whispered. It was like he forgot how to recall his moments with family, like he forgot how to think about happy things, like he forgot he had a hope to see his family again and didn't have to be chopped into pieces to be human's dinner. Happy thoughts should come easy to him but it seemed like this world drained happiness off of him.

David's blood covered the blades of katana. He knew a trace of blood would disappear during the storm of wind and snow, but the blood bothered him more than he thought. Breathing heavily, Mikey wiped both blades with a nearby tree, turning white snow into crimson red. He spared a void, emotionless stare at the red spot for the last time and turned back, hoping the snow would bury part of his memories tonight.

Donnie said it was a sea, Raph said it was a very big lake. Mikey just didn't care about their small argument. He leaned towards the sewer bars as much as Leo allowed to admire the vast water in front of them.

This was the furthest area of an underground water tunnel for their first field trip since Splinter couldn't resist Donnie's puppy eyes when he found about 'world above us' and asked their father to let them explore. Mikey loved playing with Donnie, but sometimes he couldn't follow Donnie's exceptional idea. Mikey didn't know what to expect when they came here because he thought when they lived in the tunnel, everywhere was the same. But the views of endless saltwater changed his mind. It was different. It was beautiful.

Mikey saw something moving on the water surface. It was a large boat with some humans on it. He knew what humans look like from the torn-paged magazine from the world above; this was the first time he actually saw one. Mikey shifted slightly in Leo's firm embrace to get a better look. They were floating too far away from them.

Then he pointed at the boat and asked out of the blue. "Why can they go outside? Can we go too?"

While Raph never took his random question seriously, Leo acted as if his answer could be the end of the world. He knew Leo learned a lot of things from Splinter but he was too serious at everything, which was why Mikey didn't ask his oldest brother as much as he wanted. It took too long just for one question, and Mikey didn't want to wait now that his attention moved elsewhere to a flock of birds. His eyes were still following the birds when Leo finally answered, carefully as always.

"Because we're different from them, Mikey," Leo said quietly, a hint of sadness in his voice. "Maybe one day, when we're older."

"And bigger?" Mikey asked, eyes still locked on the birds.

Leo chuckled. "Yes, when we're bigger."

He finally found a cave that had enough space to protect them from the wind, though it provided a little warmth. He approached slowly to check if it was occupied because the last thing he wanted was to meet another stranger, bear included. He was exhausted enough for today. Mikey found a spot for Leo and quickly put down his remained garment to make a bed. Leo let out a grunt when he lied down, he grimaced in pain whenever his body was moved.

And I can't find a single bottle of antibiotics for him. I'm so stupid!

Mikey was angry at himself. It was all his fault that he trusted that particular human. Leo's wounds wouldn't have been worse if he didn't meet that scum. His mind was boiled with anger and regret, but there was nothing he could do at the present. After a few minutes, Mikey sighed tiredly. He had to rest as well before thinking about what to do tomorrow. He could survive this. Leo already taught him what he needed to do to survive. He got shelter now; he would find food and water tomorrow.

It's like starting all over again.

He'd lost everything. All he could do was to curl shakingly beside Leo. It was a shame that turtle couldn't provide their heat body. But he just wanted to stay close to hear Leo breathed, knowing he was alive. It became a habit after months of their trip together.

He startled awake when the storm got stronger.

Every spot on his body was screaming in agony. He groaned as his hand touched the wound that James shot him on his left arm. Luckily the man's aim wasn't good, otherwise Mikey would have a bullet stuck in his arm and bled to death before Leo found him. The bleeding was stopped already, or it was frozen? He could worry about his own injuries later. He needed to check on Leo.

Inside the cave was pit black, so he used light from his T-phone screen to see Leo's injuries. His wound was bleeding again. So you can't stop the bleeding by freezing the wounds. Mikey sighed. His works from yesterday were thrown out in the wind and he had to start over again. Mikey didn't have a new bandage to change so the only thing he could do was re-adjust the dressing. When he took a closer look at the liquid smeared on his fingertip, he found the color was wrong. Blood was supposed to be red even for a mutant, right?

So… why does it turn black?

Mikey checked again and again. He cleaned Leo's wounds as much as their little supplies allowed but the dark blood was still oozing through the bandages. Leo also had a high fever and unusually fast breathing. His skin was getting paler, too.

Black blood? What does it mean? What's happening to Leo!?

Mikey began to panic. His older brother still showed no sign of waking up. The light from T-Phone must trick him.

"W-What should I do? What's happening?" Mikey wanted to shake his big brother to wake up and tell him what to do next. Does this mean Leo won't get better? He won't wake up again!?

It came back to the same old decisions again: go out to find something to help his brother, or stay with him. Last time the result of his choice didn't go well and he didn't want to repeat it. Mikey pressed his lips into a thin line and curled his fists.

But what I can do?

Last time I checked no one comes back from death.

Is Leo going to die?

Eyes frozen wide, he hated it when his question echoed in his head like this.

Stop saying that! We've come this far without dying so shut up!

the voice in his head had gone silent. He's the only one who can help Leo, so he must keep calm. They'd been through so many things and he couldn't give up now. Like the time Leo waited for him to turn, he would wait until…

Until what?

Mikey couldn't imagine how Leo being patience and wait like that? Three days? Alone? He couldn't wait for the rescue that never comes. He was on his own. Mikey gulped. His mind was not ready to face it.

"A-Are you…?" Even his voice was shaking, Mikey rubbed his brother's shoulder, afraid that he would break him if he pushed too hard. "L-Leo, wake up, please..."

Leo was still here, trying his best to breathe and stay alive, but it felt like he would have slipped away if Mikey didn't keep watching him. Suddenly he couldn't keep it anymore. He wanted to run from this cave, away from here, hoping to run and wake up from this bad dream even though he perfectly knew this was the reality.

He wanted to run away, and keep crying until the world falls apart.

Thankfully, the snow had stopped falling.

He'd like to think he was taking a break, and they needed to find some food. Leo was still unconscious; he didn't wake up at all after they got away from those awful people. Mikey had a difficult time to support his brother's head and let him sip water so he wouldn't get dehydrated. He only knew Leo was alive just because he was still breathing.

But this morning he didn't show any sign that he got better even though he had been sleeping for a day. His skin began to resemble gray more than green.

And the smell of black blood was even worse...

Mikey climbed on the top of the tree and looked back at the small town. The smoke from the burning house was gone, and there were no traces of humans. They probably moved out to another place after the incident as he recalled some conversations during his escape that only a few people actually followed David's leadership. It was good for him since he didn't have to worry about them, but he couldn't let his guard down. Mikey bitterly thought about how he trusted a stranger too easily and nearly got eaten. When Leo's awake-he'd get out of here. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to see his own brother dies.

Leo said to him once that he might make a mistake and they'd die; he even remembered his own words of encouragement saying that he couldn't keep thinking about things in the past because he couldn't fix it.

Now those words came back and hit him in the face.

Mikey didn't think that one day it'd be him who made a mistake and failed his big brother.

Suddenly he almost fell off the tree when he heard a beep from his long-forgotten T-phone. He quickly took it out of his pocket bag, looking at the screen in surprise.

Is it finally working? Can I call home now?

He pressed the on-screen button and the screen changed into a video that he didn't record, but he gasped as he saw Donnie in it. Finally! Finally…! But he was disappointed again when he realized the phone just revealed an automatic response that Donnie recorded specially for him since he often forgot to charge his phone after playing games on it. Mikey blinked dumbly at Donnie's face since he didn't actually see him for a long, long time. The background of the video was Donnie's lab in the lair, their home.

He didn't know Donnie installed a special reminder especially for him.

"Okay Mikey-" Donnie on the screen rubbed his hands. Oh god he missed him so much. Mikey covered his mouth, trying not to cry. "-I set up this special video when the phone's battery is at 5% as a reminder that you need to charge your phone now. I want you to charge your phone right now. And I mean it. If you don't do it now T-phone will be turned off within 3 minutes-"

There's no one else for him to talk to. Leo hadn't regained consciousness and he craved for someone, something to talk to. He blurted out before he could stop himself.

"Donnie, Leo's gonna die,"

Even if he knew Donnie couldn't hear him, he kept trying.

"-Just save your game and charge the phone, Mikey. We don't want to lose contact with you-"

His grip on T-phone tightened as if he wanted Donnie to stop talking and listen to him, his voice rising.

"I-I can't do anything D! I'm going to watch him die!"

"-If you have any problems with it just come to see me at the lab asap, okay?"

"It's not fair! Why're you not here!? How can I watch him die!?"

"-Don't make me go out-"

"You can't leave me too, you gotta help me!"

"-and drag you back."

The video ended abruptly with another beep, LED light flashing red for a moment before it faded out. Mikey still clutched on it like a lifeline. He knew he couldn't really charge T-phone with solar panels in this kind of weather. Soon the screen would turn dark and he would have no light to use inside that cave again.

Mikey stared blankly at the phone in his palm, feeling his remained sanity dies along with the phone battery. He clutched it to his chest, his gaze down and his body numbed, not by the cold for certain.



When he was a little turtle, he used to wonder why humans can walk under the sun while he had to live in the sewers.

Though he learned that they're too different and would never be accepted as a part of society, he never thought humans would fall so low to devour their own kind.

You saw someone's going to die in front of you, and you choose to devour them!?

Yes, they're different. And he would never fall down to their level.

This sickly dimension, he wanted to burn them all.

He hated them all.


Another day passed. It's been quiet. The only thing that nailed him to sensible thought was Leo was still breathing.

Mikey gently rubbed his brother's arm, hoping to bring Leo back… from wherever he was now. His skin was paler than yesterday. There was nothing he could do with the open wound as he couldn't find any first aid kit. The bandages soaked in dark blood and began to form a reek in the air.

He couldn't… he couldn't...

He couldn't risk bumping into another human again. He couldn't go out and ask someone to help. His T-phone accident with Donnie didn't help the situation at all. He couldn't even look at the screen without losing his mind. There was nothing he could do. No magical bathtub for Leo. No calls from Donnie. Nothing.

But he decided to go out again today for his sake. Breathing a cold wind rather than a dull air in the cave. He couldn't… lose his senses right now.

His plan was to go to get some fresh air and then detour to the nearest creek to get more water. It shouldn't take too long. But when he climbed the tree to scout around the area, he saw a sight of human struggling on the white ground. His first instinct told him to leap on the tree as high as possible, and he did. This was the first human he'd seen up close since he escaped from David.

Did they follow him? Are they searching for me?

The blade of Kusarigama flashed out instantly as he wrapped the chain on his hand, preparing to strike when he got closer.

They shouldn't be here they shouldn't be here they shouldn't be her-

Gotta kill them before they kill me-

'Wow, hold your horses. What do you think you're doing? Buzz buzz.'

He almost fell from the tree when he heard his own voice on the right side of his face. It's been a long time since he heard them.

'Wha-!?' Mikey exclaimed. 'You!? You guys come out of my head again!'

A little version of Turflytle and King-Mikey laughing and did a high-five. They spun around his head and acted too happy for his current situation. Even though Mikey was confused, he wasted no time to lash on them.

'Where have you been!? What happened to 'we'll keep you company until Leo wakes up'? You left me alone! I fought that monster alone and you never show up! Even my mind's betraying me! Don't you know how much I need someone to talk to before I go insane!? I hate you!'

They stopped laughing and turned to him. Mini King-Mikey looked a little guilty, while Turflytle was just being his usual cocky self. But when they knew Mikey wasn't fooling around, Turflytle coughed a few times and held up his most serious face.

'Dude, you gotta know that we tried to reach you so many times, but you didn't hear us, man.' Turflytle touched his trembling hand. Some small part of him yearned for someone's touch to feel that he's safe and not alone, even if it was a touch from an illusion. 'We knew, Mikey. We saw what happened to you and trust me we tried to reach you 'cause, you know, you hurt and we hurt too. We're scared just like you. We didn't abandon you. But we know that in dire situations you kinda ignore a voice from your own consciousness.'

He even forgot to say buzz buzz, so Mikey believed he was telling the truth.

Another little Mikey stood on his shoulder and reached to rub his cheeks. 'I swear we're with you the whole time, Mikey. We didn't leave you...'


'It's a truth. We can't reach you at all. Your...fear was blocking us the whole time.'

'B-But why now?'

'Today your head's calm enough to hear our voice clearly, that's all.' Turflytle said, 'But you're thinking what am I thinking? Buzz buzz.'

'We feel what you feel, Mikey, so please...' This time it was King-Mikey that spoke, 'Don't do it, okay?'

Mikey ground his teeth with annoyance. Everybody was so annoying, including himself.

'So you come out of nowhere to tell me what to do? Fine, I didn't believe you when I trust that bastard,' He turned to the evil one, Turflytle. Then he snapped at little crowned-Mikey, 'But I listened to you last time, and look what happened!'

Little Mikey flinched at the accusation and quickly hide behind Turflytle who was crossing his arms. 'Hey dude, no need to be a cricket, buzz buzz. If you blame him that means you blame yourself, buzz buzz.'

Mikey narrowed his eyes. 'Aren't you supposed to be an evil one?'

'I still am! But even devils don't bash themselves, buzz buzz.' Turflytle threw his hands before he took a glance at the human. 'She's around April's age, buzz buzz.'

His eyes fixed on the figure that lay on the snow. Yes, I noticed. Mikey thought, yet his blade was ready to attack. the sound of King-Mikey sniffing behind Turflytle didn't sway his decision at all. 'So what? She's human! She's with them!'

As stubborn as he was, Turflytle didn't back down. 'You don't know for sure. What if she's just passing by? What if she needs help?'

Something inside him cracked, then he exploded.

'What if I need help!? No one's helping me! Leo's dying and no one comes to help me! It's not fair! Why should I spare her just to let her kill me later!?'

King-Mikey stepped out to stop them before they argued any further. Although he still felt guilty, he needed to be a voice of reason here. 'You need to calm down, Mikey-me.'

'Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!'

Suddenly, the tiny versions of himself flickered like they're fading away. Their mouths were moving but there was no sound. Afraid of their sudden disappearance, Mikey quickly reached out as if trying to hold them.

'No no no no no no no! Don't go! I'm sorry please don't leave me!'

'-key! Ah! You can hear us again!' Little Mikey adjusted a crown on his head and tried his best to hug his face. He resembled the younger version of him so he was capable of those puppy eyes that melt anyone's heart. 'Take a deep breath, all right? We're still here with you.'

'Yeah, don't push a little voice from your head away like that, buzz buzz.' Turflytle looked displeased as his lower body slowly became solid again.

A single tear ran down his face, landing on little Mikey's crown. The little one whispered comforting words while Turflytle fidgeted awkwardly on his shoulder.

'You remember this?' Turflytle cleared his throat before touching a scar on his right arm 'What do you feel when you not actually become a mushie? It's like you got an extra life to continue playing the game, and this is a game we're gonna finish together.'

Mikey was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. This time his voice came out almost as a pleading.'Why do you do this to me? If you're really there with me the whole time, you can feel my pain, right? You know what they did to me, what they're going to do to me. Why can't you allow me to despise them?'

Turflytle was lost for words for the first time. He couldn't help it when he was supposed to be the evil one, so he left the good side for Little Mikey as he came to rescue. 'We need to be your reasons, Mikey. If we're all lost, then we go insane together. And that doesn't help anybody. I'm sorry to see you going through difficult times alone. It breaks our hearts when you cannot hear us. We miss Donnie as much as you do, and we're worried about Leo too. But we're you, so we know that deep down you still care.'

Mikey shook his head. 'I shouldn't, but I-'

'We know, buzz buzz. We're you. No need to explain yourself.' Turflytle stood on his right shoulder, while little Mikey was on the left. 'Just remember this: everybody deserves a second chance, even human.'

It felt good to finally have someone to talk to, even if it was himself. It was better to feel that he's not alone. But he's hesitated to approach the girl. 'If it's an ambush...'

'We just have to be really careful. We'll help too!' Little Mikey jumped enthusiastically. 'Right, Turflytle?'

Turflytle was ready for some actions. 'Of course! This time we won't underestimate our opponent. We will strike fast if anything smells fishy. And I can fly! We'll help you lookout for a trap, buzz buzz.'

Mikey sighed. With a clear mind, he could heighten his ninja sense to cover this certain area. But what to do next-?

'I suggest we should go a little closer to see why she's stuck there. You don't have to show yourself, just hide in the shadows like always.' Little Mikey whispered as if he was afraid someone would hear him (but no one can hear him anyway since he's in Mikey's head.) Mikey was grateful for their words, though. He performed better when he had someone to tell him what to do next (even if it's his own mind.)

Three Mikeys recoiled at the same time when the girl cursed. Yup, definitely a girl, and she's around April's age. But he couldn't lower the guard, not again. It seemed this clumsy human fell and her foot trapped under something... a foothold trap?

'Are there more people?' Mikey looked around but he didn't see or hear anything except the girl's loud curse. 'If someone lay a trap here, then they might come back soon.'

Little Mikey flew ahead and spot something buried in the snow. 'Hey, that's a gun. It's out of her reach. I think she's unarmed.'

'Hmm, and I don't sense other humans, buzz buzz. No adults come with her. I see her horse, though.'

He kept an eye on her, contemplating what to do. She's alone and probably hurt.

And she could be one of David's group.

It's going to be one of the tough decisions in his life again. Mikey pinched his beak. 'What should I do then?'

Turflytle shrugged. 'Say hello?'

The rust already ate away half of the metal trap, but its strength was enough to restrain her ankle. She tried to take it off but it was impossible to do so with her bare hands. Now she was vulnerable with legs and hands were bleeding. Her weapons were out of reach when she fell. She sighed and lied down on her back again, thinking about how careless she was. It was supposed to be a short trip to observe the source of the smoke. Instead, she's stuck in the cold for hours.

"Fuck it all. I'm such an idiot."

"Yes, yes you are."

She scrambled up to her elbows when she heard a voice. "Who's there!?"

Nothing in her sight, not even a shadow. A few moments passed in silence. Either she imagined things or the stranger decided to be quiet. But it didn't stop her to scowl.

"Is this your trap? So what, you're gonna tear my foot off and carry my body back to eat? You sadistic fuck!"

It seemed that this stranger didn't like her accusation and threw back a response immediately. "No, and no to that too."

She turned her head and still couldn't find this person, but she caught something in his voice and realized that he couldn't be older than her. "Wait. Your voice... How old are you?"

The stranger's defensive reply came a little too fast.

"None of your business."

"Hey, are you alone?"


"Did you escape from their group?"

This time it took a few moments before he replied.


Oh god, she always had a soft spot for victims. She knew too well for being too young during the apocalypse. Her voice softened a bit.

"Can you-" She gasped when she tried to move her leg "Can you help me? It really hurts."

"How can I know you're not one of them?"

His tone was full of suspicion. It wasn't going to be easy to convince him. If he said he escaped from the group, then she might as well spoke the truth to gain his trust.

"I come here to see what's happening. Someone attacked them and burned their house, I guess. I only saw the smoke yesterday." She muttered to herself. "So glad their group's destroyed. Fucking sick bastard."

"How old are you?"

"Huh?" The question came out of the blue, "I-I'm fourteen."


The pain from her ankle became intolerable minute by minute. She got stuck here for too long and wanted to go back as soon as possible. "Hey, do you live alone? If you help me, I can take you back to our camp."

"No, I..."

"Are you hurt?"

"No, not me."



Regardless of her efforts, the boy was still scared. She would do anything to get some help right now. She gritted her teeth and tried again. "I won't hurt you. See? That's my gun and I can't reach it. Can you at least show yourself?"


She heard a shuffling coming from above, then something landed with a thud in front of her.

It wasn't something she expected at all. But the boy, probably shorter than her, stood with a sickle ready in his large hands. His greenish skin was not natural at all, but it didn't look similar to the clicker. Most of his face was hidden under the tattered cloak, but she could see something inhuman about him.

"Oh my god..." What did I get myself into?

Before she could crawl back in fear, the boy spoke again.

"FYI I'm not infected."

She blinked. Knowing too well that if the person was infected, they wouldn't be able to speak at all. But this... person in front of her had a different aura. Not a bad kind but something far beyond her comprehension.

"Jesus Christ..." She decided to get it over with because her leg was protesting again, "Can you, umm, help me remove this?"

"I could," The boy simply stated but didn't come to aid her yet. Instead, he tilted his head. "But you're not afraid of me?"

Ah, so he knows he's different. She thought. "I've seen worse. Trust me."

The boy didn't say anything else. He twirled his sickle and kneeled down to break the trap. It was the moment she could see his face clearly.

The large eyes, the unnatural mouth, and the hairless skin carried a sense similar to a horrifying deformed clicker she'd met before. Everything screamed at her to make her run away from him.

But his voice, she's certain that it was a human's voice, not one of them.

When the trap broke, it wasn't her that scooch away. The boy watched her carefully as if to gauge her next action. He was still scared of her, and ready to jump off anytime. She sighed and rubbed her ankle. Too many questions in her mind about his appearance, but she decided it can wait for another time.


They shared a few awkward moments since she couldn't move yet and he kept staring at her.

"So, umm, what about you? Are you... hurt anywhere?" She assumed from the few cuts here and there on his arms. His wounds seemed to be neglected for some time. Nothing looked serious, though.

"No," The boy blinked, before looking down at his fidgeting hands. "I-I..."

Her guess based on his behaviors told her that he must be very young. Even though he didn't look... normal, she couldn't leave a young boy here. Especially he just escaped from David's group so he definitely needed some help. "Do you live alone? Because my offer still stands."

The boy murmured to himself, then his tears began to flow from his incredibly large eyes.

"H-Hey! Don't cry! What happened?"

"I-I need help too." The boy wailed miserably. "My-My brother's dying and I don't know what to do… no one helps me. Everybody left me… It's not fair."

"Okay, alright, umm..." How did it turn into comforting a baby? He might be younger than I thought. "Look, I can help you. We have loads of medical supplies at our camp. I promise I'll help you, umm..."

The boy sniffed and rubbed his cheeks. "Mikey, I'm Mikey."

"Mikey, just don't cry okay? I'll help. Shh. Please don't cry, okay?"

It was kind of alarm to cry in front of someone you didn't know. The boy probably reached his limit. She spent some time comforting him until he felt better. Then she got on her feet slowly and winced when she put her weight on an injured foot.

"Can you walk?" The boy named Mikey took her hand. It was oddly large, but right now she welcomed any sort of support to help her walk.

"Give me a few minutes... Ahh it fucking hurts." She closed her eyes for a minute then turned to him. "You said your brother's injured? Where is he? I can let him ride my horse to go back to the camp."

"Umm...okay..." Before he took her to see Leo, he asked. "What's your name?"

The girl smiled.

"Ellie. Called me Ellie."