Mpreg Birth Sequel.

Deanna Troi (me).

10 years had passed since Will gave birth to Beverly, and we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our newest addition to the family.

"How do you feel?" I asked Will.

"Like I am on top of the world." Will smiled.

As you could guess, Will was pregnant again. Like last time, it was an unplanned pregnancy, and we had no idea what the gender of the baby was. Will leaned on me for support, closing his eyes as he had another contraction. Beverly was in the room next door, oblivious to what was going on.

"You're doing very well." I smiled.

"Could you get Bev to page Dr Crusher? I think I need to be checked over." Will opened his eyes.

"I will." I vowed.

I called to Beverly, and she immediately came through.

"I need you to page nanna Bev for us." I said to Beverly.

"Is the baby coming today?" Beverly was curious.

"It looks like it." Will smiled.

Beverly placed her hand on Will's stomach, before running into the other room to page Dr Crusher.

"Hard to believe that she is 10 years old already." Will was surprised.

"It feels like yesterday that you gave birth to her." I smiled.

"I must have been a right sight with my legs in the stirrups and my asshole being stretched to the max." Will giggled.

"You were a beautiful sight, and being by your side as you pushed her into the world was nothing short of a blessing." I replied.

"Like it will be for her when she witnesses the birth of her sibling." Will smiled.

At that moment, Dr Crusher appeared. She looked tired, as if she had just performed major surgery on a Klingon.

"I came as quick as I could." Dr Crusher panted. "How far apart are your contractions?"
"Judging by the times, I would say that they are every 7 minutes." Will admitted.

"Well then I will take them to be that. Do you want me to check up lying down or standing up?" Dr Crusher replied and asked.

"How about right here?" Will suggested.

"Okay then." Dr Crusher put on a pair of gloves. "You already know what this feels like, as it will feel funny at first."
"I do." Will closed his eyes.

Dr Crusher inserted 2 fingers.

"You are 3cm dilated." Dr Crusher announced.

"Am I?" Will was surprised.

"You are indeed." Dr Crusher smiled.

With that, Beverly came rushing in. She'd heard what was just said, and she had an excited look on her face.

"And why does that not surprise me?" Dr Crusher giggled.

"Huh?" Beverly was confused.

"You've been nothing but a ball of excitement ever since we told you that I was pregnant." Will giggled.

"How long will it be until the baby comes?" Beverly was eager to know.

"Judging by the way things are, it could be just a couple of hours... here it comes again!" Will closed his eyes.

"Contraction?" I was worried.

Will nodded.

"Is daddy okay?" Beverly was confused and worried.

"The pain that your daddy is experiencing is called a contraction." Dr Crusher explained. "These pains come and go, and when the time comes for the baby to be born, they will help bring the baby down."

"How will the baby come out?" Beverly then asked.

"We've already talked about it, as daddy will push the baby out of his... doughnut." I replied.

That made us all laugh.

"Trust you to say that." Will opened his eyes.

"Well what else could I say?" I blushed.

"Words that we don't use when we have pleasure time." Will hinted.

"Like what?" I blushed.