Hallo Peeps... I know I have a bunch of other stories to... Complete and what not but, I go through phases and it's kinda ridiculous lol. So I'm in an Inuyasha phase and so I will be uploading Inuyasha Fanfic I suppose. omo

Disclaimer: I really own nothing relating to Inuyasha. I own the two+ OC's and I suppose some of the story line but like... Nothing else :( Sadly lmao.

Warnings: WHELLMP... If you've read my other stories you should know what's gonna be in dis one.
Mentions of Rape, the act of rape, lemon, lime (Whatever), uhm... Blood? Gore? Mayhaps? Stupid adorableness! I honestly don't know what will be in this fanfic, so I guess just expect the worse kinda stuff : )

Also the POV's will more than likely change, I'm trying to get a good grip on how to get this POV so... please bare with me : )


It started off as a normal day, growling low, squaring off against an opponent way bigger than myself. An ogre demon was smugly looking toward myself, it's gross glowing green eyes and stupid looking face roared at me. AT ME, stupid demons thinking they can just up and attempt to kill me whilly nilly. Stupid. A sigh escaped my lips, as he lunged for the first strike, luckily he was alone, I just wanted to get this shit over and done with as soon as possible. Flexing my claws, raising them slightly above my head, dug them quickly into my palm drawing blood. Immediately as it was done, slashed into the air directed toward the ogre "Blades of blood!" I yelled with a glare, it hit the mark right in the ogre's smug stupid face and neck, slicing its head right off. "HA!" I scoffed at the weak demon at my feet. I looked up at the sky, the sun getting closer and closer to the horizon. Another sigh escaped my lips flicking the blood on my hands off, not wanting to attract more low level demons than what I already am with my scent alone, being a hanyou, a lot of demons think me weak. Sighing once again for the third time in a row, left the pathetic dead demon to himself and walked away just as the sun was about to set. I headed to a nearby tree, a hole in the heart of it big enough to fit someone in on their knees or curled up in a ball. "Baby, you can come out now my darling."

I smiled at the little mini-me that crawled out of the hole. Her slightly tanned tiny frame surrounded by a black kimono, with a blood red sash holding it up, her raven hair flowing down past her little rear almost toughing her knees, adorable puppy ears twitching to and fro listening to her surroundings, bright cautious golden eyes flickered from left to right. "Okasan, is it safe?"

"Yes I took it down, shall we go bathe now?" I asked holding my hand out for hers to take. "Yes Okasan! I feel gross being in that tree, I think a buggie crawled in my hair!" She exclaimed with a mock scream. I laughed at her antics and started to walk toward the place I smelled water. "Oh my silly little girl! You know just what to say to make me feel better."

"I try Okasan." She giggled walking next to me, her tiny legs walking twice my own pace just to keep up. "Neh, Okasan…" She started, her tone had me worried as I looked down to her with worry. "Yes love?"

"Uhm…" She started and I could only watch her as she had an internal struggle with herself. "When… When are we going to see Otosan?"

Ah… There it is again… I looked down a bit, unable to fully tell her that she wasn't able to see her Otosan only because I have no idea on his whereabouts. "Well, ya know, I'm not too sure yet honey. Maybe you'll get to see him soon." I only smiled to her, as she then beamed at me. "Well I hope so! I miss him soooooo much! He's missed my birthday for quite a while now! Teehee~!" Giggling as she ran ahead of me a bit, I only smiled to her watching her be a child unlike myself. "I miss him as well my darling, I too hope we get to see him soon." I smiled until I felt odd. It wasn't much at first, but as the sun set more and more, almost completely gone from view I realized my mistake. Today was the new moon, that unusual feeling was my demonic powers fleeing my body as I slowly turned mortal. I began to panic, my child and I were still a bit away from a known village that we use on our human nights. "Okasan?" I heard my daughter ask of me fright clear in her voice as I watched with horror at my own fleeting mind on the new moon being tonight, my daughter's ears atop her head slowly started to vanish into human ones, pain coming across her features as my own pain took their effect feeling my own ears basically shrink into my head and new human ears growing on the side of my head. My vision blurred out and came back duller than before, my sense of smell also gone as I tried to sniff around. "I-I'm so sorry sweetheart I thought we had one more day. We need to find a village we need protection."

She looked to me with fear clear in her eyes and nodded frantically. "Come Tsukiko, I smelled a village just beyond the trees before I lost my sense of smell completely." Nodding more she ran up to me as I scooped her up in my arms and rushed toward the already set sun in the direction I had smelled multiple humans. Rushing as quickly as I was able to passed by many trees in my wake hoping we wouldn't run into any demons. However, my luck seemed to continue to go down as loud rustling caught my attention right to the right of where I was standing. In a bout of fear, jumped clear away from it holding my breath as well as my child in my arms tighter. Suddenly a loud roar, not just one but two where heard as ogres that resembled the one I had just slew walked from the bushes and behind a tree with a glimmer and gleam to their red vibrant eyes. "Okasaan~." Tsukiko whimpered in my arms as I squeezed her tighter to my body hoping to hid her from the threat in front of me. Panting in distress placed her on the ground and looked her straight in the eyes, I tried to stay as calm as possible looking into her teary violet eyes, they stared back to me with fear. "Tsukiko my darling brave girl you need to run." I told her sternly, however, she wasn't having any of that as she shook her head frantically, tears dripping from her little round face. "I need you to be brave for me, we shouldn't be too far from the village please my daughter. Run!" I screamed to her as I pushed her away from myself and the threat of the demons as I noticed they had stepped closer by a foot. "Buh- Okasan!" She yelled to me, I turned around with a glare toward her. "Run!" Instantly her already teary face was covered in fresh tears as she turned and ran as fast as her human legs could take her. Water began to form in my own eyes as I watched her leave, thinking it would be the last time I saw my baby girl for a long while. Steeling my resolve, looked back to the ogres smiling and drooling in my direction. A chill ran down and up my spine, instincts were telling me to run for it, trying to get them away from where Tsukiko had just run.

Gasping out a breath I didn't know I was holding, stood my ground and waited for the first attack. I was not disappointed as the ogre on the right, it's disgustingly green body trembled with a loud roar and suddenly it was right in front of me. I had enough time to suck in a handful of air before it rammed its hand at my gut knocking the air I had just sucked in out with a bit of blood. "Gak!" I gasped as loud as possible being thrown across the small clearing we were at and rammed right into a tree on the other side. The second ogre was instantly in front of me again, my human brain unable to follow their movements. Its purple hand grabbed at my throat hoisting me up into the air, squeezing the life out of me slowly. My vision began to blur, trying my best to claw at its hands with my human finger nails. I could feel them shatter and break against their tough flesh and wetness seep from the cracks. Tears falling freely from my eyes as my thoughts went to Tsukiko and how she no longer would have a mother to care for her, and her father missing for the longest of times. A sob racked through my body and out of my closing windpipe, trying desperately to get out of the hold. I knew it was futile, being human, but I tried my best. Before I passed out from lack of air I saw the green ogre turn and rush off in the direction Tsukiko ran to. My heart dropped as I couldn't do anything but watch as it disappeared into the trees and my world went black.


I was running around going to see my woman, it had been too long since I've seen her beautiful face beaming up at me, the way her chocolate eyes glistened at my many tales of the wolf demon tribe. Not to mention the hilarious look of the mutt face after he had eaten dirt for the thousandths time. I sighed longingly not able to wait any longer to smell her strawberry hair and touch her delicate hands in my own rough ones. When I inhaled I smelled blood instantly with fresh tears. What the-? I started to wonder as I slowed my steps and listened. The scent was familiar in a way I heard rustling as well as cries right in front of me, going to the village where my soon to be mate was. Running again came across the village rushing by the rice fields looking to a human girl banging on doors and running around screaming that her mother was in trouble. This I noticed immediately caught the attention of the mutt and his gang. I ran up to them hearing just a bunch of jumbled cries and words trying to leave the little girls mouth. My goddess Kagome kneeled down and put her hand on the little girl's shoulder trying to hush her sobs.

Unable to help myself, looked to her with lust filled eyes. Her kimono was so short, but it complimented her so well, it being green and fanned out like a fan around her body, her top white and a bit short with long sleeves, a green collar like thing around the neck and a red ribbon right at her bosom, a perfect excuse to look there if I do say so myself. "Hey sweet heart, what's your name?" I heard Kagome whisper to the wimping child. Sango, the demon slayer just to her right looking down with pity filled eyes. Miroku, the notorious lecherous monk stood right behind her and the mutt, well he wasn't near. So I smelled the air a bit and found him in the hut, just as I looked to the window I saw his black head peep out to us. His eyes widened and instantly he was outside with the rest of us scooping the child in his arms and hugging her tightly.

The child being caught off guard shrieked a bit but when he pulled back to look into her eyes she screamed with what seemed like delight as she wrapped her little arms around his neck and sobbed into his neck. Shh's were heard from the dog face as he calmed her down, I haven't seen him like that with any child. I for one was baffled, and it seemed the others were as well.


I noticed something was going down when I saw Kirara's ears swivel around and then a whine, that's when I heard the screams from a child and banging on wooden doors. I began to get up when my friends basically pushed me back down and told me to wait here. "I'm fine! It's just a child!" I argued. "We don't know what could be chasing the child, so just stay in here for the time being Inuyasha!" Kagome snapped back at me as Miroku and Sango basically leapt out of Kaede's hut with new purpose. "Keh!" I frowned crossing my arms together. Since it was the New Moon, my demonic powers were gone and I was resorted to being a human.

I sighed as the screaming stopped yet the sobs and hushed words jumbled together just outside of the hut. "I wonder what's wrong." Shippo whispered next to me, having stayed to I suppose look after me and the old hag that sat next to me. "Ye musn't leave the hut Inuyasha." She warned me with a stern look. I couldn't take it any longer and went to the window to look at the child for myself. As I looked out I immediately saw the mangy wolf standing a little behind Kagome looking at her rear with lust in his eyes and obviously that pissed me off I was about to go and beat him up for looking at my woman like that when Kagome's shh's weren't effective enough as the child screeched with sadness once again. I looked in the direction of the wales and it felt like ice water was dumped into my veins leaving me a cold mess. Without even thinking I ran out of the hut and scooped the crying child into my arms and snuggled her close to me frame. I heard a collective gasp as my friends jumped slightly at my appearance as well as my actions I'm sure. The girl in my arms shrieked, I must have scared her. Pulling back slightly I looked into identical eyes as they stared back at mine. I smiled softly, the girls cry turned into a big smile yet within a second her wales came back tenfold as she hugged me tightly. I began to shhh her softly rocking her back and forth, running my fingers through her raven locks soothingly. "I-Inuyasha." Kagome whispered getting my attention. I had forgotten them for a moment as I stared at a collective of wide eyes and disbelief on all their faces. I snickered slightly bouncing the child in my arms softly trying to get her to calm down.

"Do you know this child?" Kagome asked looking to her with interest. I didn't know how to really tell her how I knew the child. I looked down to her and saw her eyes fully on me now. "Okasan…" I heard her mumble out and the child that was already in my body cascaded down chilling my body as if I were locked in a block of ice. "What about your mother?" I asked feeling the blood drain from my face. "She's in trouble! O-Ogre demons! Save my Okasan!" Her eyes scrunched up again with fresh tears cascading down her face. In one swift movement I dropped her into Kagome's arms and ran off into the forest.

"Inuyasha!" Was the last I heard of my friends as I just ran. I had no idea where I was going but I would come across her if I ran and listened. I held onto Tetsusaiga for dear life hoping I wasn't too late. I was running for what felt like hours when I heard rustling to my left and stopped unsheathing Tetsusaiga in one solid movement was in my stance to fight. Panting loudly, I was about to strike when I saw the mangy wolf emerge from the bushes with an annoyed look. "Gah! I found you ya mutt!"

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked annoyed myself. "Whell… If you weren't as stupid as you were, you would know that you're a lowly human right now when the moon is gone! You need me, you can't defeat ogre demons!" It felt like I was slapped right in the face with full power. Gasping slightly frowned at how right he was at the moment. "Keh!" I grumbled and looked to the stupid face of the wolf. "Well… Where is she?" I asked impatient. She could already be dead by the time we get there. "Follow me if you can." Kouga snickered turning back where he was and started to jog, I followed as fast behind him as I could when he burst through a small clearing. Looking up saw the twinkling of stars with the disappearance of the moon. A gurgled gasp brought me back to reality as I saw what I had been looking for, for what seemed like 100 years. The blood drained from my face more than before, I swear I looked just like a piece of white paper. "K-Kouga!" I yelled pointing toward the female and ogre next to a tree as the purple ogre brought up its hand next to its face. The green one next to it looked back at us and began to run toward us. "Stay behind me mutt-face!" Kouga yelled as he dashed toward the ogre with his claws out and tearing into the ogres flesh as if it were butter.

However, I couldn't just wait for him to end it with the green one, I saw the purple ogre rush down its hand and tear at the clothes the female wore, the bright red fabric cascaded down her body tattered and ripped apart, the gold sash around her waist ripped into a million shreds pooling under her frame. I saw red and immediately I was on the purple ogre slashing at him with Tetsusaiga in its untransformed form. The ogre barely gave me a glance as its left hand that was tearing at the female's clothes and flesh turned on me, it knocking the wind right out of my lungs I was forced to fly through the air and hitting a tree on the other side of the clearing. "Gah!" I gasped falling to the Earth with a loud thud, this human body of mine wanting to immediately shut down and sleep. "Mutt!" I heard the flea bag gasp as he ended the life of the green one. I coughed blood a little as I stood on shaky feet and ran again at the purple ogre. I slashed with all my might on the right hand that held the female up and got a reaction. Though it was small, there was a gash big enough to hit a vein as its arm immediately started to spew blood. I gasped with relief as I quickly grabbed the woman into my arms and shielded her from the hit the ogre gave me to my left side making both of us glide through the air into the same tree I had hit before, my back hitting the tree and the female hitting into my making the effect worse as I coughed up more blood not only on me and the girl but on the floor. I heard a jumble of words before the roar of the purple ogre being slain. "H-hey… face! St..y….Aw..ke…!" I could barely hear Kouga, my vision blurring looking up at his frantic face, I smiled slightly as I could feel the female in my arms before darkness over took me.

Well, tell me what you think of this and if you like the POVs like this. I did something similar to this POV with my Naruto fanfic and got a good response with that one, however ti was between two people so... Yeah lol. Tell me what you think :)