Sherlock and John were young when they met but soon became good friends. Through the years they are there for one another. A story where two friends become more. There is fluff, love and apples. :-)

(Each chapter is at least a decade after the previous one.)

Sherlock twirled a leaf stem between his fingertips. From his spot on the edge of the playground, he frowned at the other kids. Yesterday his class had visited a nearby orchard and it was an event the seven-year-old had been looking forward to for weeks. But a stomachache the same morning had forced him to stay home from school. It had taken him most of the day to feel better but that didn't stop him from being disappointed.

Too focused on feeling sorry for himself, he didn't notice the new blond student coming his way. It wasn't until a shadow fell over his face that Sherlock looked up. There, in his worn clothes stood John Watson, an apple in each hand.

"What do you want?" Sherlock grumbled from his spot on the grass.

John didn't answer until he had dropped down to the ground as well.

"I noticed you weren't in class yesterday."

Shrugging, Sherlock looked at the dry leaf still in his hand.

"Before we left the orchard the owner, Mr. Griffin, let us each take home an apple and since you were home sick, Mrs. Sanders let me ask for an extra one."

Six days ago, John had walked into their classroom for the first time. Used to being teased by the other kids, Sherlock had given him a cursory glance and then almost forgotten the new boy.

"So would you like one?" John asked as he held out both hands.

Surprise caused Sherlock to think for a moment before John's earnest expression had him reaching out. Arm fully raised, he paused as he saw John reach down and bite into the apple in his left hand. The boy chewed for a moment, swallowed and then did the same with the second piece of fruit. Certain he had been the target of a prank, Sherlock was about stand up and stalk off when an apple was thrust in front of his face.

Before he could scoff at the piece missing, John silenced him with the words, "Here take that one, it's sweeter."

Sherlock knew his confusion must have shown because John continued to talk.

"Each day you eat the baked goods in your lunch first. My Gran says you must have a sweet tooth which means you'll want that one."

To say Sherlock was shocked was an understatement. Not only had John noticed him but he had also thought to bring something back for him from the orchard and then given Sherlock the one he would like best.

"Thank you," he whispered, as he took the red apple in hand and sank his teeth into it. He couldn't help but smile at the wonderful taste.

John grinned.

"So, what do you think of Seb?" he asked.

"Ugh, he's an idiot," Sherlock said as he rolled his eyes.

Grinning wider than before, John nodded. "Yeah, he seems a bit ridiculous. He and Tim are always showing off for Mary."

Once again, Sherlock had to admit John Watson surprised him. After all, he'd met very few people who really paid attention to what went on around them. Maybe this John was different.

The two boys heard the bell and knew it was time to line up for class. Groaning, they stood up and made their way back. Wanting to talk some more, Sherlock tried to think of something to say but John beat him to it.

"We're supposed to choose partners for our science project this afternoon."

Sherlock nodded when John didn't continue.

"So would you, I mean, would you like to be my partner?"

Looking down at the tops of his shoes, Sherlock shrugged as if disinterested and said, "Sure, I guess I could if you want. It might be all right if we worked at my house."

A quick peek at John, and the smile he wore, showed he hadn't fooled the other boy at all.


Suddenly grateful his mother had forced him to stay home the day before; Sherlock grinned as they continued to walk, "Yeah."

My plan is to post a chapter a day. I already have the first three finished and looked over and am working on the fourth. :-)