A/N: Alright so this is technically the last part however, I think I'm going to write an epilogue to post along with it. I do want to continue the story/AU but I'm not sure exactly when it would be posted. Hopefully it is sooner rather than later but with stories such as the one I have in mind I like to have mostly completed if not fully written before posting. I think I might make it a point to focus on it so I can post it. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter!

Amal leaned back in his seat as he watched his friends talk with one another like no time had passed since the last time they'd seen each other. If he closed his eyes it was almost like he was sitting in their quarters in the Golden Palace and not in a tiny booth at the Crown Cafe and Arcade. If his classmates could see him now they'd have had a coronary! No trace of uptight Amal in sight. He hid his smile behind his milkshake as he took a drink. He had no idea how he was even going to leave them at the end of the night let alone in the morning when he had to fly back to Egypt.

Jadeite, or rather Yun-qi, sat catty-corner to him eyeing the games on the other side of the Crown. He'd already figured out that the place was only a few blocks away from the apartment he'd be staying at while attending school here in the city. Nephrite, Parker from Northern California, was sitting beside him and busily showed off the pictures on his phone of his parents, little sister Jenny, and the teammates on his American football team. Apparently he was already in huge trouble for not inviting his friends along on his Japanese adventure and his sister was only going to forgive him if he got her a "good" souvenir. Zoisite, Rene this time around, was just as exuberant as he had been in his past life. He sat beside Amal and every time the waiter, Motoki, walked past he would smile handsomely. Motoki remained completely oblivious and all of them were snickering at his attempts. Rene shot them glares each time.

The only thing that was missing was the fifth man of their group. Endymion. Amal could feel his absence hanging over his head like a giant unanswered question. No matter how he tried to push it aside, Endymion was not an easy person to forget. Not even for a handful of hours. There might as well have been a hole in his chest. The milkshake in his hands suddenly tasted like sand. "Are you okay Amal?" Rene asked, catching sight of the grim look on his face before he had a chance to hide it again.

"I don't want to worry about it now." he said simply.

"A lot happened tonight…" Parker ventured. "Maybe we… maybe we should talk about it now that we've all had some time to, you know, process everything."

"The Dark Kingdom still exists. It didn't die with the Silver Millennium." added Yun-qi. "We came back too. I wonder, do you think…"

"You're all wondering what or who else came back to." Amal supplied.

Everyone shifted in their seats. The light mood was gone. Parker had put away his phone. Yun-qi was no longer looking over at the game consoles. Rene fiddled with a knife at the side of his plate. Yun-qi met Amal's gaze evenly and said, "We all heard what Beryl said. The Golden Crystal and the Ginzuishou are here on Earth somewhere. Something had to bring us back."

"The Golden Crystal most likely." Rene mumbled. "Our powers were closer to it than the Ginzuishou. Us being from Terra and all that fun stuff. It would also explain why we have the sudden magical ability to understand and speak Japanese."

"Terran language, Terran magic. I get it. I'd bet everything I have that the owners of the crystals are back too." Parker told them. "It would make sense."

"I agree. It does make sense. I'd go a step further and wager that Endymion at the very least is somewhere here in Tokyo." Amal told them.

Rene raised his eyebrow, "How can you be so sure?"

"Simple… we were all drawn here to Tokyo. Whoever he is now, he probably lives somewhere close."

"Do you think he's aware of who he really is?" Parker asked.

"It's hard to say."

Rene shook his head, "Do you really think if he knew he was the heir of Terra that he'd have just let a relic from the Dark Kingdom rampage through his backyard? There's no way he'd have stayed away. Endymion would've been right there with us in that fight. He's probably clueless."

Yun-qi and Parker nodded in agreement. Amal found it hard not to agree as well. "The Moon Princess… Beryl specifically said something about the Ginzuishou." Yun-qi said. "Are we really sure that it's Princess Serenity that's back and not her mother. The Queen held possession of the Ginzuishou."

"There's no way that the Moon Queen would give herself a second chance at life when there was a possibility that her daughter could live again instead." Amal told them.

His friends fell quiet as they thought it over. The Moon Queen's love for her daughter had been well known. It had been part of the reason that the Princess and Endymion's love had been branded as forbidden. Her Majesty had spent years ensuring that her only child and heir was well protected. Her entire court, her closest friends, were trained as lethal warriors. Battle tested and proved. Contemporaries of they themselves, the Shitennou. Princess Serenity was the entire universe to the Moon Queen. Or had been. No, the Queen would've given up any chance at being reborn in favor of her beloved child.

Princess Serenity lived. Amal was sure of it.

"Hey," Rene's voice cut through the silence but it was barely above a whisper. Amal and the others looked over at him. His face was downcast with his hair pulled over his shoulder to help hide it. He still played with the knife on the table, spinning it on the surface absentmindedly. His unoccupied hand tightened into a fist.

"Rene what is it?" asked Amal.

Rene said nothing. Yun-qi rested his hand on Rene's shoulder. Parker nudged his foot underneath the table. Amal looked at him in concern. "Tell us." he urged quietly.

"If we're sure that both Endymion and Princess Serenity have been reborn then do you… do you guys think it's possible that…" Rene's voice trailed off.

Tension rose around the table between them all. Yun-qi and Parker's faces all contorted in a separate but shared pain. Amal's own heart physically ached. Golden hair pulled back into a single, simple orange bow and a smile he'd work so hard to see danced through his mind. Not a single one of them wanted to finish Rene's question. Amal took the bullet though. "That the Guardian Senshi have been reborn as well?"

"Yeah," nodded Rene. He didn't sound hopeful. Not at all.

"You're the genius. Why don't you tell us?" Yun-qi mumbled under his breath as he now fiddled with the straw wrapper by his cup.

Parker closed his eyes and shook his head, "The stars are completely silent. They might as well be completely mute."

Amal could feel the despair mounting around him. Including in his own chest.

"It could be possible." he finally said. Everyone snapped around to face him. He set his face against the building pressure. This was a logical assumption wasn't it? "We were reborn weren't we? It could be possible that the Senshi were too."

"Do you really think it's possible?" pressed Parker. His eyes were wide as he leaned closer to Amal.

"There's no way of being certain. We'll have to wait to see what happens. Only time will tell." Amal told him.

"I don't want to wait and see what happens." Rene said petulantly. He bore holes into the table with his glare. "I want to know now."

"Yeah, well that isn't going to happen." snapped Yun-qi. His hand tightened into a fist on the table. "You're just going to have to stick it out like the rest of us."

"That's easy for you to say. You didn't argue with Princess Mars right before you left." Rene hissed. Yun-qi immediately ducked his head and winced. Amal reached out and squeezed Rene's shoulder. No one said anything about the fact that he looked as he was on the verge of crying. "The last thing I ever said to Phoebe… I screamed it at her. I don't even remember what I even said. I just know I hurled it at her like a knife. She screamed back too. Whatever it was we were fighting about, I hope it was important."

Amal squeezed Rene's shoulder, trying to infuse every ounce of support he could into that one gesture. Parker reached over, taking Rene's hand tightly. "We won't give up hope. It isn't in our nature." he murmured.

"Yeah," Yun-qi agreed. His voice shook as he spoke.

Amal swallowed the lump in his throat. "In the meantime, we'll do what we have to. We keep an eye out for the Dark Kingdom. We stop youmas and slow Beryl down until we can find her and put an end to her once and for all. We'll find Endymion and the Golden Crystal. We'll protect him, regardless of whether he's aware of who we are or not. We look for the Moon Princess and the Ginzuishou. When we find her… we protect her. If it were the Senshi in our place it's what Cytherea would do."

"Hemera would do the same." Yun-qi added.

Parker nodded, "As would Juno."

"Phoebe would as well." Rene said. He shifted, sitting taller in his seat. A new determination had taken over them. Amal could feel the underlying sense of purpose running through them.

"Then it's settled." Amal nodded decisively.

"Where do we start?" Rene asked. He finally perked up.

"We were all pulled here to Tokyo, Japan for a reason. We were destined to meet here. If we're right then it's because Endymion lives nearby." he said.

Parker closed his eyes for a moment. "The stars agree. Endymion is close. Probably in this city."

"And wherever Endymion is… Princess Serenity isn't far off." Rene added. He had a mischievous smile on his face. The way he waggled his eyebrows also made it clear that there had quite clearly been a double meaning in his words.

Yun-qi glared at him. "Is sex and love really all you think about?" he growled.

"Dearest Yun! It's the only thing that matters." Rene shrugged as he waved his hand through the air dismissively. The mischievous smile on his face never faltered.

"It's Yun-qi." he growled again, face turning bright red.

"Anyway, it's better than thinking about video games all the time you lazy sack of baguettes." Rene said loftily.

"Why you little!" spat Yun-qi as he started across the table. Parker grabbed him by the back of the shirt and hauled him back into his seat.

"Just like old times isn't it Amal?" smirked Parker. Yun-qi was still struggling to climb across the table to wrap his hands around Rene's neck.

"Allahuma thabetna," Amal groaned. He ground his forehead into his hand vigorously, trying to massage away the irritation of Rene and Yun-qi's eternal rivalry. Someone give him strength. He loved these men but it was too soon to be worrying about them trying to kill one another. "Yes, it seems like some things never change. Behave Rene. Don't antagonize Yun-qi."

"His flirting and romance has always been lacking. Maybe that's why he's so uptight about it all." Rene replied easily. Yun-qi immediately began to bristle again.

"And we all know that your flirting is parallel to none." Amal said. He quirked an eyebrow.

"Of course." smirked Rene. He sound rather high and mighty.

"Hm… is that so then. I found it rather lacking earlier." Amal told him simply before taking a sip of his milkshake.

Rene turned bright scarlet all the way from the roots of his hair to the tips of his ears. He'd fallen for the bait. Hook, line, and sinker. Parker and Yun-qi turned to gawk at him with jaws on the table. "You… you flirted…" started Parker.

"You flirted with Amal? You flirted with Kunzite!" Yun-qi finished oh so eloquently. Both he and Parker burst out laughing so loud that few patrons there were turned around to look at them curiously.

"Sh… shut up!" stammered Rene, still bright red. Parker and Yun-qi only laughed harder. They had to support each other and were practically falling over on one another. "Yeah. Keep laughing you two oies. I was hoping you hadn't noticed that little bit."

Amal couldn't help his own mischievous grin. "Oh I noticed. Stop aggravating Yun-qi."

"Yes sir." Rene said. He saluted Amal and settled back into his seat. Yun-qi and Parker were still snickering under the breath. It was time to get serious. Amal looked between his men once.

"Rene I want you to use that genius intellect and start looking into possible places that Beryl could be hiding. I want to know what dark corner she's lurking in before she gains enough strength to move against us." Amal said, pointing directly at Rene.

Rene smirked, "Leave it to me."

Amal pointed to Parker, "Parker, see what you can find out from your divination. Help Rene where you can. What I really want you to focus on is looking into other places that the Dark Kingdom could running operations out of. It would be really stupid of them to just focus on one place. Beryl has her agents collecting energy from elsewhere I'm sure."

"I'll see what I can dig up." Parker grinned. He gave his knuckles a crack.

"Yun-qi, you're staying here in Tokyo this school year correct?" Amal asked.

"I'll be a foreign exchange student at Moto Azabu High School." replied Yun-qi.

"Perfect." Amal said curtly, "You'll stay here and look for leads on Endymion and Princess Serenity."

"What about you Amal? What grand plans do you have?" Parker asked, turning his head to the side.

"First and foremost, I'm going to figure out how to purvey us some real blades. Second of all, I'm going to see if I can determine exactly how much energy might have already been taken from innocent civilians."

Authority seeped into his voice. "Listen to me. All of you. If any one of you starts to feel like you need help… tell someone! The last time we died because we weren't able to stick together and watch each other's backs. That cannot under any circumstance happen this time around. Am I clear?"

"Right," Yun-qi agreed as Rene nodded enthusiastically. Parker on the other hand…

"I mean it Nephrite. Don't do anything stupid." Amal told him. The old name added even more weight to Amal's authority. He felt more like Kunzite in that moment.

"I won't," Parker promised finally.

"Good." Amal sighed in relief as he leaned back in the booth.

Parker smiled. "Beryl's not going to know what hit her."

"Gentlemen," Rene said suddenly as he sat forward. He raised his milkshake into the air. "I propose a toast. To finding old friends and rekindling the bonds that tie us together."

"And may the Dark Kingdom come crashing and burning to the ground underneath our feet." Parker said as he raised his own glass.

"And let Beryl rot in the darkest pit she crawled out of!" Yun-qi grinned. His glass joined the others.

"Long live Prince Endymion and let Elysion rise again." Amal added his own glass to the mix. The sound of ringing glass filled the little arcade along with the laughter of four brothers finally reunited with one another.

Thank you to everyone who followed, favorited, and reviewed!

Sage McGavin: Lol, I hope that fight's ending was satisfying for you. Originally I didn't have them really using a grounding rod. They were just playing chicken and trying to use trees to take the shots. Needless to say it didn't really work...

RaquelQ08: Rene, Zoisite. I interchange them depending on the circumstance lol. His ending line was actually something that I'd planned almost as soon as I came up with this plot bunny. The battle and confrontation with Beryl was something that I also thought a lot about and I'm really pleased with how it came out. I'm glad you liked it too. Without going to much into details about a future continuation, I will say this: in this AU the Shitennou are the first to come across Sailor Moon or rather Usagi and she instantly gains four big brothers.

gabicg93: I want to continue. I just want to make sure that I could update on a reliable schedule with as few plot holes as possible lol.