Hello! So, if you read my other story then you know why I'm so late. But if you don't, then let's just say that instead of fighting monsters like Percy, I fight with MLA papers. They're scary as Tartarus! I'd rather spend a day with Hades (alive thank you very much.) And, by the way this is going to be one of those stories where their (Artemis and Percy's) relationship grows quickly. Oh, and on FictionPress, I published a little snippet for a new story. Check it out it's under the same username and the story is called There's Another World Inside of Me, One you May never See DONT FORGET TO VOTE ON MY POLL IF YOU READ MY OTHER STORY!

Artemis and I were panting by the end of the song, both of us blushing. Thalia looked amused between the two of us. Artemis cleared her throat when she caught me st- Wait. Staring? I shook my head. She sat down on one side of the bed while I sat in the other. For some reason, I feel like the song made us connect, as if our feelings were somehow connected or described from the lyrics. "So… want to go mess with Aphrodite?" I randomly asked. Artemis seemed to think about it before nodding her head yes. "What do you have in mind?" she asked. Thalia leaned forward on her chair. "Well…" this is a plan worthy of An- someone I used to be very close to.

*A weeks later, on Olympus*

I took in a deep breath as I knocked on the pink door of Aphrodite's palace. When no one answered, I walked in. No one seems to be home. I poked my head outside and spotted Artemis "Coast is clear" I whispered/yelled. She nodded her head and silently slipped into Aphrodite's palace. If I didn't have to go through two wars, I would've said that this is a nightmare. Everywhere, there's a statue of people kissing, pictures of naked people er… in bed. So many different ways of love being shown. Ugh! Disgusting! I think I've been spending too much time with Artemis and Thalia. Anyways, Artemis and I split up to find her bathroom and makeup room. There's like, 200 bedrooms! Why on Olympus would somebody need so many rooms?! Worst part is, some of them were occupied. Let me tell you. Never. Ever. Open a door. Without knocking first! Otherwise, if you have luck half as bad as mine, you may regret it. Bedroom…bedroom… bathroom- Wait, bathroom! "Found it!" Artemis and I yelled at the same time. I guess she found Aphrodite's makeup room. I walked into the bathroom, after knocking, and looked for her shampoo. I know, not a very good prank but this is just the beginning. I poured blue hair dye into her shampoo with some honey. In the conditioner bottle, I put in yogurt. I replaced her liquid soap with some icky stuff Artemis give me. Then I went to her hair dryer and filled it with flour, a bit of dirt, and that's it. Then, I went to her toothpaste and replaced it with some red dye. This is going to be good. Aphrodite hates being ugly. Personally, I think Aphrodite would be more beautiful if she didn't put on makeup. Don't tell her I thought that. Anyways, I think my job here is done. Let's see how Artemis is doing. I walked over to where I last saw her, but saw a door labeled Closet. I smiled a crooked smile. I pulled out Riptide and started slashing at all of her clothing. Shoes, shorts, blouses, shirts, dresses, etc. Artemis walked out of the room and gave me a thumbs up. I came here to get revenge for my fu- messed up love life. She came here because Aphrodite keeps on bothering her about finding a love. Artemis and I pulled out some spy cameras that Hermes leant us. She placed one in the top of the vanity, I placed one in front of the bathroom door, and we placed another one outside the door of the dressing room. We smiled widely at each other, smiles that didn't last long, "Oh dear. I forgot to grab my purse! Now, where did I leave it?" Aphrodite walked back in. Artemis stood there frozen while I pulled her into a room. I started looking for a light switch and soon found one. "I think I left it in one of these rooms…" uh oh. We are in huge trouble. "Get in bed." I told Artemis. She looked at me with wide eyes, "Excuse me? Are you crazy?! There's no way I'm going to get in bed with you, or anyone!" I quickly shushed her and covered her mouth with my hand. We heard the noise of a door knob turning. Artemis and I stared at the door knob, horrified on what is to come. I pulled Artemis to the bed and pulled the blanket over us.

Artemis's POV:

Percy pulled me under the covers and for on top of me, but tried his very best to not make contact with me in, certain areas. My girly girl instincts/hormones kicked in and I felt all my blood rise to my cheeks. Stop! You can't be thinking like this. Percy and I locked eyes. Silver and sea green. Eyes that I can sta- WHAT AM I THINKING?! He's a MALE! A mere BOY! I'm a maiden goddess! My brain yelled at me.

So then why does it feel so good? Something I call my heart countered.

At the end, the heart always wins. These past few weeks, I've been having the same internal debate. I guess it's the fact that he is untamable like the sea, but can only be controlled by me, like the moon and tides. Or the fact that, even though he may be miserable, he always makes sure everyone is happy. It can also be the way he is so loyal, how he jumped into Tartarus, just to save the girl he once loved. Or maybe because ever since he saved me from Atlas, and yet never bragged about it. It can also be from the amount of respect I hold for him, after finding out that he was able to befriend one of my most loyal hunters. All this went through my head as I looked at Percy's lips. Percy seemed to be looking at mine. "You know, for a goddess, you can be pretty clueless at times." A voice said in my head. "You know, they say when Prometheus made man, he made us with four legs, four arms and two faces," Percy started, leaning in. "Mhmm" I hummed for him to continue, "Zeus felt threatened by their power, and cut them in half…" he leaned in closer, to where his lips were barely a centimeter away from mine. "…leaving them, longing for their other half. Searching for the one to make them feel whole again. To heal the pain they gained during their journey. I think I found my other half. I just hope she feels the same way." Then, our lips connected. The door opened, but we don't care. The kiss was full of need, passion, want, and in my side, over thousands of years of lust.

About fifteen minutes later, Percy and I left Aphrodite's palace.