Welcome to The Seduction Of Ginevra Weasley!

This is going to be a story filled with sexual situations. Just forewarning you. It'll also be a story that involves an affair (which in real life I do not condone) so if that isn't your thing, don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own Queen Rowling's characters. I just like to put them in awkward situations.

Chapter 1: The Mission

Voldemort paced the marble floor of the Lestrange Estate, where he was seeking refuge with his most faithful servant, Bellatrix Lestrange. He could feel the need to end this feud with him and Harry Potter growing near. He had been unsuccessful in killing the boy too many times already. He couldn't understand it. He had his blood coursing through his veins, so Harry's mother's protection was useless now. The boy was of age now, so he didn't have a lot of the defenses of Dumbledore on him anymore. What was it that he himself was lacking? Why couldn't he kill him?

He had began writing down tactics on what's he could do, methods he could use. Nothing.

One day as he was writing out his thoughts, he thought back to 1992, the year that Lucius Malfoy had given his diary from at that time 50 years ago to the 11 year old Ginevra Weasley. Ahhhhh Ginny. Unwillingly she had proved to be a better servant than his most willing Death Eaters. She had connected to his 16 year old self extremely well. Her mind back then was so venerable, so innocent, so weak. He made her do everything he ordered her to. And then boom! Diary destroyed by a basilisk fang. Damn Potter.

Suddenly he found himself remembering something. His diary CONNECTED with her. His 16 year old self left something within Ginny. Yessssss...how could he forget? She was the key to his undoing! And also the key to his victory if he got a hold of her.

But she had to be what, 16 now? Probably a lot wiser than her 11 year old self. Giving her a cursed item wouldn't be the thing to get her to him. No, no...he had to use something else.

Wait...not something...someone...

"Bella dear?" he called out.

A few seconds later Bellatrix ran in and bowed at his feet. "You called me, my lord?" she whispered, as if serving him was the most precious contribution she could make to the world.

"Your nephew. I am in need of him. Contact him and let him know his presence is requested immediately."

"Yes my Lord." said Bellatrix getting up and kissing Voldemort's hand. "I will call for him right now"

She rushed off and flooed her sister, Narcissa Malfoy. When Bellatrix had told her that he needed her son, she had refused at first. Narcissa had tried hard to keep her son out of Death Eater business. She nor him wanted any part of it. But Bellatrix made a threat that she knew would come, so she went and retrieved Draco from his room. She told him what was going on and though he protested, in the end, he knew he had no choice.

He flooed over to his aunt's where Bellatrix took him into his arms.

"Now Draky dear, the Dark Lord has a mission for you. You will do well to accept it yes?" explained Bellatrix smoothing down a few stray strands of Draco's fine hair.

Draco felt a coldness go down his spine, but he nodded in agreement. She then took him to the room where Voldemort was residing.

"Ah Draco my boy, do come and sit by me. We have grown man business to discuss." he said, pointing to the chair across from him.

Draco nodded and sat in the chair, trying his best to hide his fear.

"You are going to be in your seventh year at Hogwarts, correct?" asked Voldemort.

"Yes sir, I am." said Draco.

"I trust that you are well acquainted with the Weasley family?"

Draco involuntarily sneered at the mention of that last name.

Voldemort grinned. "Yes, yes. I can see. So you are familiar with the youngest Weasley, Ginevra, correct?"

Draco's attention was perked. While he terrorized the Weasel along with Potter and the Mudblood, he never messed around with Ginny. He had seen her hex a number of his housemates and learned quickly that she was a force to be reckoned with. He found himself somewhat respecting her. That and he didn't really have run ins with her to where the two of them would interact.

"I know of her sir. But I don't know her that well." answered Draco.

"Ah. Well Draco, I will be needing you to get to know Miss Weasley very well. Extremely well actually."

"Sir?" questioned Draco, suspicion filling his head.

"I need you to get Ginevra in your possession if you will. She has something that I need. Normal methods of retrieval will not work with her. I trust that you understand what I am saying to you?" said Voldemort, eyeing Draco closely.

Draco kept a stone face on the outside, but inside his mind was going insane with yells of no. "You want me to become friends with her." he said.

"Deeper than that Draco. Surely you can accomplish that. I have heard you're quite the lover in Hogwarts."

'Shit' thought Draco to himself. "I'm not certain if that's possible sir. She is already with Potter. Has been since my 5th year. And she is very much loyal to him."

"Are you doubting your abilities to seduce a woman Draco? Are you saying that you cannot take Ginevra away from him?" antagonized Voldemort.

'NO BUT I JUST DON'T FUCKING WANT TO!' he screamed internally. "No sir, I'm not." said Draco.

"Well then. You will take on this mission I am entrusting you with." ordered Voldemort.

"Yes sir."

"Excellent. I trust you will get on with it soon. I expect monthly reports. And take your time. I am a patient man, however, I do want results. Do not fail me. It will be the last thing you will ever do. Do I make myself clear young Malfoy?"

"Yes sir." said Draco in a somewhat shaky voice.

"Excellent. Now be gone Draco. Begin preparations. And I repeat. Do not fail me."

"Yes My Lord" said Draco as he bowed and walked out the door.

He flooed back home where he avoided saying anything to his mother. He went straight to his room and locked the door.

He stepped in front of his floor length mirror, his gray eyes showing all the emotions that was moving through his body at the moment; anger and fear being the main two. He truly didn't want to do this. Especially for Voldemort.

He thought about the last time he had seen the girl. She was exiting the train behind her prat of a brother and his Mudblood know it all girlfriend. She had hugged that Saint Potter boyfriend of hers before he went off with the large man that picked him up every summer.

He remembered she wasn't bad looking. For a Weasley that was. Actually, she was very attractive if he remembered correctly and himself to admit. She was indeed a far cry from 11 years old, but still, he really did not like the idea of getting close to a Weasley. One thing he remembered very well was that she was the last of seven and the only girl. He didn't feel like dealing with six brothers, especially the Weasel.

"Dammit. Why does my father bow down to such a freak? He's going to get us all killed. Fuck me, I do not want to do this! On the other hand, befriending her will piss Potter and his shadows off. And making the Dream Team mad is always a treat." he said to his mirrored self.

Befriending her would be easy enough, he figured. Draco Malfoy could be very charismatic when he wanted to be. The only hard part would be making it more. Not that he was hideous or anything. Quite the opposite. He was tall and slender, but also muscular. His face had lost its baby fat and now looked as if it was chiseled out of the finest marble. His platinum blonde hair was so long it went past his shoulders some and he no longer gelled it back as he did as a kid. His grey eyes had the power to make even the student teacher assistants who were 3 years older than him swoon with one well placed look. He was what you called a modern day Adonis.

But all of that wouldn't work right off the bat with Ginny Weasley and he knew it. No, she was one tough nut to crack. She was stuck so far up Potter's ass that she probably couldn't even see another man.

He decided that he needed some help, so he owled his best and most trusted friend, Blaise Zabini. He knew her a lot more than Draco did. Blaise was unlike most Slytherins because he was more open minded and friendly and was not all about pureblood supremacy. His late biological father had even battled alongside the Order long ago. But he still had that cunning arrogance and charisma that could smooth talk even the most faithful lady out of her knickers.

A couple hours after he sent for him, Blaise arrived in his room. He was the same height and build as Draco, only he was black and had dark curls and waves that he kept short for the most part but had allowed to grow out over the summer. His eyes were almond shaped and a deep deep blue color and seemed to stare into your very soul.

"You summoned me raja?" joked Blaise as he leaned against Draco's door frame and winked. A move that made one of the passing maids do a double take and almost drop her cleaning supplies.

Draco rolled his eyes and motioned Blaise to come in and close the door.

"Really Zabini? She's like 25."

"I'm of age now. Besides, I like em a little seasoned. She could teach me a thing or two and they still have a lot to learn." said Blaise smoothly.

"Asshole. You're supposed to be here for me."


"Hardly. You would never be my type. You lack three body parts that I so desperately love about a woman."

Blaise laughed. "As do you. And even if I did swing that way, you're not my type. I like em tan and submissive."

"That hurts Blaise. Anyways enough of this. I need your help with something." said Draco sitting down in a chair near his fireplace.

"Sure mate what's up?" asked Blaise sitting opposite of him.

"What do you know about a certain Gryffindor by the name of Ginevra Weasley?" asked Draco.

Blaise looked at his friend confused. Why did he want to know about her?

"Don't you hate the Weasley's?" asked Blaise.

"I do, but I've decided to at least befriend the female one."

"You wanna fuck her don't you?" smirked Blaise.

"Zabini! That's such an inappropriate word to use! I'm flabbergasted at your behavior" said Draco in mock disgust.

Blaise laughed. "Well besides the fact that she is dating Potter ("Fuck him" said Draco), she's an okay person. Pretty nice. She has a temper and she can throw a mean hex at you which I'm sure you know. She's feisty and smart and can also match wits with the best of them. She doesn't take any shit, Drake. She's fine as hell too. You know. For a Gryffindor."

"Checked her out before Blaise?"

"How can you miss her? You must not have been paying attention all last year. Has Pansy finally won your favor?" laughed Blaise.

Draco looked as if he was going to vomit. "See why did you have to ruin a perfectly good conversation by bringing that banshee into it?"

"Kidding, kidding. But why the sudden interest? She is with Potter as I said. No way you getting past Wonder Boy's wall."

"Walls are meant to fall Zabini." said Draco, confidently.

"Riiiiiiiight. So what you're trying to tap that to get to Potter or something?" asked Blaise, skeptically. "Come on Draco. I know there has got to be more to it than that."

Draco sighed. He didn't want to tell Blaise a thing. He knew he didn't want any parts of Voldemort just as much as he didn't. But he knew he had to. At least to have someone keep him sane about it. And at least he knew he could trust Blaise not to let it slip.

He explained his unfortunate mission. Blaise looked at Draco with pity in his eyes. He wished that he could help his best friend more. Keep him away from dealing with Voldemort. However, being the son of Lucius Malfoy, he knew Draco basically had no choice.

"Alright. I'll try to help you but only because you are my friend and I don't want you hurt." said Blaise.

"Oh Zabini, you do care." said Draco, placing his hand over his heart.

"Sod off prat. I just need you to promise one thing. Because this one thing will keep you from sudden death."

"What is it?"

"Don't fall for her, mate." said Blaise.

"Fall for her? Why the hell would I fall for her? I'm going to treat her just like any other conquest." said Draco annoyed that his friend would even suggest that he would like her.

"I'm just saying, mate. You are gonna have to actually share shit with her. Be more than nice. Try to connect with her. And she isn't just any girl. She's not easy. Especially since she is with Potter. Just be careful mate." said Zabini, praying that Draco would heed his warning and take it seriously.

"Fine, Blaise. I got you. No falling for her. As if I would but for you I will reiterate it." said Draco shaking his head.

"So, when are you going to start this glorious plan?" asked Blaise.

"I guess next week when we go back to school. Ugh. I am not looking forward to doing this shit. Not at all." said Draco, shaking his head.