Disclaimer: "Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog" and its characters are owned by Saban as well as whomever else was involved with the creation and production of this show. Any new characters and story lines that come into play are of my own creation. No copyright infringement is intended. This is a fanfiction intended for entertainment purposes only and no money is being made off of it.

Chapter 17: Plans

Garrett drank deeply from the goblet of water and set it down when it was empty. He had just finished telling his fellow Mystic Knights, Macha, Aderyn, King Conchobar and Cathbad what had happened.

"I must return to Reged and tell my family about Griffin. I shall leave in a few days." He didn't speak the words that he would have to tell his family the treason he had unleashed as well as the attack on Kells, one of Reged's oldest allies. It was unfortunate that he wouldn't be able to return Griffin to Reged since he would forever be turned into stone.

He looked around the room and saw that everyone there was giving him their full support. They didn't blame him for the deeds that his brother had brought down on all of them, but Garrett still felt that he was still to blame.

Rohan set his own goblet down and cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to him. "Griffin was correct about one thing."

"What is that?" Angus asked his goblet stopped halfway to his mouth.

"I have a responsibility to the people of Temra. To my people," he corrected.

"You are still the Mystic Knight of Fire, Rohan," King Conchobar acknowledged. "You are still and always shall be a part of Kells."

"You are not alone," Macha said. "Running a kingdom is not a solitary job. You have allies, friends," Macha paused, her bright, green eyes locking onto his light ones, and spoke softly, yet firmly, "and family."

He gave his sister a smile.

King Conchobar rose from his chair and stood before Rohan, placing his hands on the young man's shoulders. "You shall be a great ruler, Rohan. You are wise and have a steadfast heart which has lead to you proving yourself as a Mystic Knight and as Draganta."

Garrett walked up to Rohan and held out his arm. "Reged will be glad to aid you in any way."

Rohan clasped Garrett's forearm as Garrett did the same to Rohan. "I am glad to hear that Temra shall have allies," he responded with confidence.

"Now all ye need to do is convince the people of Temra," Angus reminded his best friend.

"Yes, that will be difficult since Temra and Kells have been at war for a long time," Ivar warned. "It will take quite a bit of time to build up trust and faith."

"That is why I need to meet with the people of Temra on my own and not as a Mystic Knight," Rohan said as he unbuckled his sword and handed it to King Conchobar. "I ask that you hold onto the Sword of Kells."

King Conchobar nodded and held back any words of protest, knowing that it would never break through Rohan's wall of stubbornness. "So shall it be, but you will need a sword." He walked over to his throne and grabbed his sword. "This has been by my side for a long time and it would honor me and Kells that you wear it as you bring peace between Kells and Temra."

Rohan thanked the king and accepted the sword.

"I believe this calls for some farewell wine," Cathbad proclaimed.

"Farewell wine?" Rohan asked with an astonished look on his face.

"Yes, farewell wine to those whom we have lost and to those who are leaving, but of course, shall return."

Cathbad left and returned a few moments later with a couple jugs of wine. He poured a generous helping into each goblet and signaled for everyone to wait before drinking. "To Griffin, who was lost, but in the end he discovered what being a true hero entails," he nodded his head respectfully to Garrett while everyone took a drink. Then Cathbad continued, "To those who shall be leaving, may you have fair weather and a safe path to bring you there and back again."

Everyone cheered as they drank deeply of the sweet, lightly colored wine.

"So, Cathbad," Angus said casually as he swirled the wine in his goblet this wine, where did ye get it?"

"It is one that I make and you shall never find out where it's hidden."

Angus looked over his goblet at the Druid, with a grin spreading across his face. "Is that a challenge that I hear, dear Cathbad?"

"You dare not search my rooms, Angus. Remember what happened the last time," the Druid said, pointing a finger at the Mystic Knight of Earth.

"What happened?" Macha asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Angus responded, trying to brush the subject away with a wave of his hand.

"If I recall, I believe that you had been turned into a frog," Ivar said with a smile.

"A frog," Macha said as she leaned to Angus and whispered something in his ear. When she brought her head back, Angus' face was red.

Laughter filled the room as another round of the wine was poured and the full story of Angus being turned into a frog by Cathbad being told in great detail by Ivar.

Garrett had arrived at his room and began going through the items that he would need on his trip home to Reged. He picked up a dagger and looked at the handle. It had an engraving of a boar. He remembered fondly when Griffin had had the blade made especially for him after they had taken down the boar.

Knuckles rapping on the door brought him out of his reminiscences about his brother. "Enter," he answered as he returned the dagger to its sheath and set it in his traveling bundle.

He knew it was Aderyn the moment she entered the room and stood next to him.

"So, what should I bring to Reged?" Aderyn asked as she looked down at the items that he had gathered on the bed.

Garrett turned and looked at her, surprise on his face. "What should you bring to Reged?"

"Yes, I need to know what I am going to need since I am going with you." She turned her head and her green eyes looked right into his blue ones. "I am with you, Garrett. Always," she declared as she slid her hand in his and squeezed his hand.

"Aderyn," he began but he stopped as she brought her other hand up and placed the tips of her fingers gently on his lips.

"I have made my choice, Garrett and there is no changing my mind."

He smiled and her hand fell from his lips. He leaned toward her and when she leaned the rest of the way causing their lips to meet, he knew that he had made a choice and he was glad that nothing was going to change his mind either.