**Disclaimer: I do not own SiH or OHSHC. If I did, I'd be hella lit living in Tamaki's mansion and playing pranks on Onodera and Takano with the Hitachiin twins, and eating cake with Honey, Mori, Kisa, and Hatori. But I don't. ;_; So, you'll have to settle with this fanfic. Enjoy!**

"What?" The brunette leaned in closer to the woman, just to clarify that he hadn't heard wrong. "Shoujo manga? I applied for the literature department. Are you sure there isn't some mistake?"

"No, it says right here," The woman holds the paper out to him, pointing to a specific spot. "Onodera Ritsu, Emerald shoujo manga department. Come this way, Mr. Onodera, I'll show you to the Emerald Department.

Onodera sighs, standing from his chair at the same time the lady does. She sweeps her hand towards the hallway, and the brunette regretfully follows.

'This sucks' Onodera thinks to himself, looking downward. 'I came here because I wanted to work on literature. Now I'm going to have to quit and find another job again.'

The brunette man holds his stomach.

'I feel sick.'

"Ah, excuse me?" The general affairs lady turns as Onodera calls out to her. "Can I go to the bathroom quick?"

"Oh, sure!" The black haired woman smiles and turns her body towards the sick brunette. "The bathroom should be just down that hall there, you should have no problem finding it. If you can't find me when you get back, ask around for the Emerald Department."

"Ah, thank you." He bows, and quickly strides in the direction the woman pointed out.

'This is the reason I left my last company,' The brunette thinks to himself , making his way down the hallway with his arms wrapped around his torso. 'I wanted to work on literature. I want to be able to make real masterpieces, books people will cherish for a long time.'

Onodera sighs to himself as he arrives inside the men's bathroom, stopping at one of the sinks. He stares at his reflection in the large clean mirror. His vibrant emerald eyes glare back.

'Well,' He continues on in his head, turning the tap on and washing his face. 'This is what I get for being so jaded.'

The brunette man glares down as he wipes his face with a paper towel.

'No! That isn't my fault! It's...' His mind wanders off onto the memories of someone he used to cherish a long time ago.

Onodera catches himself, and rubs his face harder.

"What are you doing?" He whispers to himself, despite there being no one else in the restroom with him, and smacks the side of his head. "Stop thinking about someone who's face you can't even remember!"

Onodera sighs, for what seemed like the millionth time, and lowers the towel from his face. He returns to staring at himself in the mirror, studying his appearance.

Onodera shakes his head violently in attempt to clear his head of weird thoughts, and throws the paper towel in his hand away.

'Well, I might as well check out the Emerald Department before I quit, it's something I could take to my next company.'

There just so happened to be two female workers walking past, talking about the Emerald Department.

"Are you headed to the Emerald Department again after work today?" One of the women asks the other.

"Yeah, all I have to do is drop this off to the editor in chief and I'll be done with work today, so I'll just stay there until the building closes." The other answers almost smugly, giggling.

"Lucky! That damn Yokozawa is making me do a bunch of paperwork after my lunch break." The first one pouts, crossing her arms.

Onodera's eyes follow the two middle aged women, and soon he finds himself following them from a distance.

'These editors must be some legends or something if other editors and workers go to their department so often.' Onodera thinks to himself, looking down at the floor.

When he looks up, he is just in time to see the woman with the package wave to the other, and disappear behind a pink door.

"Why pink of all colors?" Onodera mumbles to himself, slowly shuffling towards it.

The brunette reaches down for the golden handle, and pushes on it, only to find that the door is heavier than it looks.

"You've got to be kidding me. Who makes a door this heavy?" The small brunette curses under his breath, changing his stance before pushing on the door once more.

The bright pink door finally gives way under his pressure, and opens very slowly.

But he was not prepared for, and is surprised by the abundance of rose petals that blow into his face, and into his mouth.

Onodera quickly spits out a few of the red petals.

'Now what the hell-'

The brunette's thoughts are cut off at the sound of unified singing voices.


Onodera takes a few seconds to stare inside the room, and blinks once. Then twice.

He finally spins on his heel and quickly walks away.

'What the hell was that? That was no editing department.' Onodera thinks to himself, just short of sprinting away from the pink door.

Suddenly he is stopped abruptly by a strong tug on the back of his shirt, and he is quite literally dragged back into the room.

'Shit!' The brunette struggles against the person pulling him. 'I knew it was a mistake coming here! I'm being abducted on my first day!'

"Where do you think you're going?" The person dragging Onodera asks playfully, dropping him onto the floor inside the room. Onodera holds his collar in pain as his kidnapper walks around him into his eyesight.

His captor looked young and very short, his black hair parted in the middle. Onodera glares up at him from the floor. 'How the hell did he manage to drag me here?'

"Oh look, our first male guest!" Someone cheers from across the room, and a man walks up next to the short one. He has light brown hair, and his eyes are closed as he smiles down at the brunette on the floor.

"I didn't know there were openly gay homos at Marukawa..." Another person with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes murmurs as he walks up beside the smiling man.

"Excuse me?!" Onodera bursts, irritated.

"Homo or no homo, they're still our guests." Another voice booms, and his shoes are just as loud as his voice as he walks over.

The tall man has dark hair swept over his amber eyes, and black rectangular glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He rests his hands on his small hips once he comes to a stop in front of the confused brunette, and everyone else moves aside.

"Oi." The man looks down at Onodera, and the latter flinches at the tone of his voice. "I know who you are. You're the newbie, Onodera Ritsu."

The amber eyed man clicks his tongue, and smirks down at Onodera. "I didn't think you were gay, though."

Onodera grits his teeth, his fingers rolling up to form fists at his sides. "But I'm not-"

"Nevertheless," Onodera is cut off by the big boss man, and the brunette's hate for him only grows. "We still welcome you to the Emerald Department, and the Marukawa Publishing Host Department."

"Haah?" Onodera peers up at the man, clearly confused. Then realization dawns on him. "You mean the Emerald Department is a host club as well?"

"Not just Emerald," The sandy brown haired man from before holds up a finger, leaning on the smiling one's shoulder. "Me and Yokozawa aren't from Emerald."

He points further into the room, and Onodera follows the path of his finger to another dark haired male, typing away furiously on his laptop.

"That's nice and all," Onodera finally takes this as a chance to get onto his feet, and begins backing away towards the door. "But I think I should be going."

As Onodera turns on his heel, a hand slams the door shut, blocking his line of path.

"Now then," The boss gives Onodera a fake smile, and the latter's eyebrow twitches in annoyance. "Which type are you into?"

"Type?" Onodera asks unbelievingly, really wanting to leave.

"There's the strong and silent type, Hatori-san." The short guy begins introductions, motioning over to a dark brunette who had been looming over the group in silence.

"There's me, Kisa Shouta, the boy lolita," He smiles, jerking a thumb towards himself. Onodera looks like he wants to throw up again.

"The cool type, Yokozawa Takafumi," Kisa gestures to the man typing away on his laptop, not paying attention to them at all.

"The mischievous type, Kirishima Zen and Mino-san." The two wave, and an angry tick forms on Onodera's forehead.

"And then there's-"

"Me," The boss man leans closer to Onodera, gripping the latter's chin and tilting his head up towards his face. "Takano Masamune, the princely type."

The brunette slaps Takano's hand away, escaping under his arm.

"Like I was trying to say before," Onodera finally has a chance to talk, and looks onto the entire group. "I'm not gay, I was told that I'm starting work here."

'Though not for very long.' He really wanted to add on, but decided against it.

"I'll just go down and get my resignation slip now." Onodera murmurs to himself, headed towards the door for the third time since he arrived.

"Hmmph." A new voice huffs, and Onodera turns to find that the voice belonged to Yokozawa. "Hasn't even been here five minutes and he's already resigning. Masamune, you've hired a quitter."

Onodera grits his teeth, and turns his body around to fully face the man.

"I am not a quitter!" Onodera declares, fisting his hands at his sides. "I never wanted to-"

"Well, we should show you the ropes if you're going to be working here." Mino is the one to cut Onodera off, throwing an arm around the brunette's shoulder.

"The guests should be coming in around ten minutes, make sure the noob is ready by then." Takano crosses his arms over the folder in his hand, and begins walking away towards his desk.

"Ten minutes?!" Onodera spins around to face Takano, utter bewilderment evident on his face.

Takano stops, and turns his head back towards the group. "I assume you should be able to do at least the basics, Onodera Ritsu."

Without another word, Takano turns back around and walks away.

'I'm going to kill him!'