okai i dones nowz ^รท^

"Uurgghhhh..." Onodera holds his stomach in pain as the elevator doors slide open with a ding. He slowly drags himself around the corner, headed down the hallway.

'Maybe reading 100 manga wasn't the brightest of ideas... I'm no good with coming up with good ideas.' The brunette grumbles to himself, struggling to peel his emerald eyes open.

He pushes open the bright pink door, bowing a tiny bit as he tiredly greets his coworkers. "Ohayo, good morning."

"Ohayo Ricchan!" Kisa is the first to notice the brunette's presence, and rushes over with a large white box in his hands. "I was given a cake this morning when I went to see my author! Want to have some during break~?"

"Ah..." Onodera takes a moment to yawn loudly, and sets his bag down onto the desk. "Hai, sure Kisa."

"Ricchan." Kisa juts out his lip, and wags a finger in a discipline motion. "I thought I told you you didn't have to read all those mangas."

The brunette yawns again, small tears speckling his eyelashes. "It's fine. I couldn't sleep anyways."

"You're lucky that it's still the beginning of the cycle." A New voice joins, and Mino strolls next to Kisa, a folder pressed to his chest as he crosses his arms. "If it weren't, you'd be lucky enough to be able to get a night's worth of sleep."

"At least he won't have to start training at the end of the cycle." Kirishima grabs a file from Takano's desk, and tucks it under his arm as he heads for the door. "I'm headed to my department, I'll see you all when work is over with. Ja ne!"

"Ja ne!" Kisa and Mino call back.

"Ja ne, Kirishima-san." Onodera mutters, collapsing into his chair.

"I'm gonna go put this in the fridge in the break room!" Kisa smiles, then quickly exits through a door beside the desks.

Onodera lifts his hand from his side, and scratches his head in an attempt to somewhat fix his horrible bedhead.

"Ohayo, Onodera. Ohayo Mino" A deep voice greets, followed by the sound of a bag dropping to the floor. Onodera lowers his arm, and meets the strong and silent man's gaze.

"Ohayo Hatori-san." Onodera grumbles, finally sitting up in his chair.

"Is Takano-san here yet?" Hatori sweeps his eyes around the desk area, at the same time that he pulls a manuscript out of his bag.

"Not that I've seen yet." Mino answers for the brunette, walking around Onodera's desk to reach his own.

"Oh yeah, he's here alright." Onodera mutters under his breath, looking angrily down at the floor.

This morning Takano had woken Onodera up bright and early at 5 in the morning by pounding on the door and ringing the door bell. When the brunette finally opened the door and was ready for work, Takano was staring at him through the subway window's reflection. The whole situation just pisses Onodera off to no ends.


"Ah!" Onodera flinches, grabbing the back of his neck as his consciousness returns. He whips his head around, to find the editor-in-chief standing behind him with a rolled up magazine in his hand.

"What was that for?! That hurt!" Onodera retorts, spinning in his chair a little to face his boss.

"You're wasting time daydreaming when you could be getting work done. Just because you're a noob doesn't mean I'll let you slack off." Takano tells the brunette calmly, in a scary tone.

"If I knew what to do, I would have started when I got here." Onodera replies, spinning in his chair to escape Takano's scary glare.

"Mino, Kisa, get him started. Hatori, do you have the manuscript done?" Takano dismisses his new subordinate, and heads over towards Hatori.

"Yeah, right here." Hatori hands over the large stack.

"Here, Ricchan." Kisa passes a clipped stack of papers, with the Emerald Department's name on the front.

"What's this?" Onodera lets the anger subside, and immediately flips open the packet and begins reading as Kisa explains.

"This is our catalog. It has every book we've ever published. I never use mine anymore, but it's nice to have just in case."

"Ah, arigato. I'll read through this later to see what things we've done before." Onodera takes a few seconds to look at the bland white cover, then sets it aside.

"You're not going to look through all of them, right Ricchan?" Kisa leans a little forward in his computer chair to look Onodera in the eye. Onodera closes his eyes in a smile, and turns towards the black haired male.

"Of course. I'll probably read them all too, it would help me to get into the flow of comic style works rather than literature." Onodera turns back to his own desk, as Mino slides a few sheets of paper in front of him.

"Impossible!" Kisa violently shakes his head, and Onodera turns back towards him. "Do you know how many thousands of works that we've published already?! There's no way I could even do that!"

Onodera's warm smile returns on his face. "I already told you, I'm used to reading a bunch. Piece of cake."

All heads turn towards the head of the table, as a loud chuckle is heard. Onodera glares at his boss, as the latter tries to cover his laughter up with a fake cough.

Takano's amber eyes find Onodera's green ones, and this time he can't help but let a secret smile slip onto his lips.

Onodera's cheeks grow a tad bit pink, so he tears his gaze away from Takano, and refocuses on Mino's finger on the stack in front of him.

"This is photo composition. We use it to apply text and toner with a X-acto knife, otherwise called a cutter, and a ruler." Mino begins his lesson, placing an X-acto knife and a metal ruler next to the photo composition sheets.

"Here's a few pages from the magazine we published last month." Mino places a small stack of manuscript next to the photo composition. "You can practice putting the text on here."

"Hai." Onodera picks up the X-Acto knife and ruler, and begins cutting out the text box for the first page.

"Generally with the next technology, we put the text on digitally, but this is a good skill to have." Mino adds on as Onodera gets to work, and the brunette nods his head to let him know that he heard.

"Careful you don't go crooked!" Mino alerts Onodera, who nods again and slowly and carefully cuts out the text.

"You know, they say that a crooked photo composition is the sign of a broken heart." Kisa informs the newbie, sticking his index finger in the air.

Hatori walks past behind him, and tells Kisa: "You were crooked last time, Kisa."

"Wah?!" Kisa whips around in his computer chair towards Hatori, bewildered. "I was?! Where?!"

Oh how I hate filler chapters, they always just serve no purpose and are annoying as hell. But this one was necessary, don't kill me.

Onodera: Takano is annoying.

Takano&Mina: And you love it.

Takano&Mina: Jinx! Double Jinx! Triple Jink! Onodera is a sexy wittle baby!

Onodera: ... What the hell...

Takano&Mina: Onodera's password to his laptop is lit9867! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?! Stop talking at the same time as me!

Onodera: Just shut the hell up!


Onodera: *leaves*