Just a fun story written for entertainment. :-)


Nine-year-old Cade dashed around the large barn and swung breathlessly through the open door. "Where are you going?" he asked between gasps as he sucked in air from his wild run. Eighteen-year-old Ryden looked over his horse's shoulder and shook his head, smiling at Cade

"Don't you have chores to finish, Kid?" he asked with a laugh.

"Nope. I did 'em all," the nine-year-old stated.

"Sure you did," Ryden returned sarcastically.

"I did!" Cade crossed his arms over his chest and attempted to look offended, though that was hard as a grin spread across his face.

"Mhm..." Ryden replied, if that could be called a reply.

The older brother went on tacking his horse without ever answering Cade's question of, 'where are you going.' At first, Cade hadn't noticed, but after about a minute, he realized what had just happened. His eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed. "You changed the subject! You didn't answer me!" Cade exclaimed. Ryden laughed in reply as he slid his horse's bridle on.

"Ryden, c'mon just tell me."


"Why not?"

"Because I'm older."

"RYYYDDDEEENNNN..." Cade groaned loudly, then added, "Please tell me."

Ryden sighed exasperatedly and rolled his eyes. "I'm on patrol... just to the village of Rehlik," the older brother stated.

"Just? Daddy says it's dangerous there. I don' want you to go," Cade announced.

"Well, we don't always get what we want. Move it would you?" Ryden asked as he led his horse toward the door of the barn. Cade shook his head and replied that he couldn't. "What do you mean you 'can't move?'" Ryden asked, poking Cade; an action which sent the nine-year-old flying out of the way, gasping with laughter. "There, you can move now. You're welcome," Ryden chuckled.

"Poking is cheating!" Cade said through laughter.

"Not if it gets me what I want." Ryden smirked.

Again, Cade groaned. "You don't gotta go... do you?" he asked, taking the hem of his brother's jacket in both hands and looking pleadingly into Ryden's eyes.

Ryden sighed and pushed Cade's hands away. "Yeah, I do have to go."


"Do. Now stop arguing with me you little brat," Ryden laughed.

"I am not a bat!" Cade exclaimed.

"No... clearly not. Bats aren't deaf," Ryden teased.

"Ugh... Jerk," Cade growled, though he was still smiling. "Can't someone ELSE go?"

"Yes, someone else is going, with me. You know patrols are never fewer than three," Ryden reminded Cade.

"Yeah, so?" Cade questioned.

"So I'm going. I promise I'll be back within four days... Probably sooner," Ryden said finally

"Yeah? You better," the nine-year-old stated.

"Of course I will. Wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read! Hope you enjoyed it! :-)