Elena's POV
I've lost track of how long I've been asleep after about 4 years. But to tell you the truth, this spell isn't all that bad, I mean yes, it did put me to sleep, preventing me from seeing my loved ones for 60 years. But besides that, it's sometimes...peaceful. I dream about my family, my friends, and of course Damon. Ah, the dreams I have about him, they just kill me inside. I can't wait 'til they come true one day.

Bonnie's POV
I just got back from my doctor's office, lets just say, it didn't go well. He basically told me in the kindest way possible that I should spend as much time as I can with my loved ones...you know what I'm trying to say. I'm sitting in my car deciding whether or not to call Damon and tell him this news. But this little voice in my head is telling me that if I told him he would be happier than sad, because once I die he gets his Elena back. And yes, I want him to be happy but I also want him to be upset and focus on me, his dying best friend. I'm just scared, I'm scared that the second I die he will leave me and go running to Elena. I don't know, I don't know what to do... do I tell him so that he can go running to Elena or do I have these last days normal, and well, happy...

Damon's POV
It has been exactly 65 years since Kai put Elena under that shit spell. Elena... just her name brings back all these amazing memories of her. Our first time meeting, our first kiss, our first time (if you know what I mean), the time she told me "I love you", summer of our lives, and our last night together. I remember that day like it was yesterday, that's a good and bad thing, I want to remember it but I mean who wants to remember the girl they are in love with being taken away from you...

Bonnie's POV
After a lot of thinking I decided to not tell anyone that these may be my last days on this Earth. I know, I know. Bonnie but why? You're being so selfish. But I just want to not have to worry that on my death-bed the second I die my closest friends won't be like, okay Bonnie's dead, let's go get Elena now and be all happy and totally forget about Bonnie being... dead. I'm probably being paranoid.

Third Person POV
Bonnie passed away later that night. Before this, Bonnie decided to not tell Damon. She planned on telling Caroline because that was her best friend, but Bonnie never got the chance to. Now she lies in bed, never to wake up.