
The Overwatch ship had been dead silent since it took off. And now, as it entered the Pyrenees mountain range, the team of Overwatch and junkers kept their minds on the mission at hand more than ever.

The team had decided to implement some of Ameile's ideas into the main plan. The basics remained the same. The junkers would attack the Talon base and draw enemy fire before the strike team would get inside the deep workings. But now, Ameile would infiltrate the base first, maintaining the guise she was still Widowmaker, but no longer blue because of Overwatch tortures. Once inside, she would provide intel on the current base conditions, locations, and where to find Reaper and the Talon leaders.

Plenty of the members questioned whether Ameile was mentally capable of going through with her plans. Ameile urged them all that she was fine thanks to Lena and Zenyatta. She would no doubt have some trauma come back to her from being at the Talon base again, but there was no use running. She wanted to charge at Talon head-on with everyone else.

Ameile was sitting beside Lena next to the hatch door, looking straight ahead. Through the crowd of standing junkers, she could see Ana sitting next to Reinhardt, who wasn't wearing his helmet. She kept scolding the giant German how stupid this was going into battle not fully armored, but Reinhardt's logic was that if this will be the last time Overwatch and Talon would truly fight each other, no matter who wins, he wanted his face out there.

"Ana," Ameile called out through the crowd. "I'm very sorry for what I did to your eye."

"You have no need to be," Ana replied, breaking from her talk with Reinhardt. "It's part of who I am now."

"But I ruined your life. You used to be the best sniper in the world."

"If either of us were really the best, we wouldn't be working together now, wouldn't we?"

Ameile reclined back into her chair, closing her eyes and trying to get focused. Lena noticed her humming to herself, rocking her head side to side. Compared to the other songs she sang to herself before, this one was simple, bouncy, and had no words.

"Oi, Ameile," Lena said to get her attention. "You never answered my questions."

"Questions?" Ameile said confused. "From when?"

"From when I was interrogating you? You know. Why did you call me Cherie and what's with the songs you were singing?"

"You were my only enemy who presented a challenge. I thought you deserved your own nickname. Cherie is French for sweetheart."


"Yes. As for the songs? Those were some of Gerard's favorites."

"What about what you were humming there? Is that one of his favorites too?"

"No, it's one of mine. I used it to get me pumped up before a ballet performance."

"Okay Ameile, we're at your point," Winston said from the cockpit. "Get ready."

"Roger," Ameile replied. At that cue, she pulled out a contact lens case out of one of the bags at her feet. Twisting the caps off, she tooks the lenses out of the fluid, and placed them on her eyes, giving the irises the same yellow color from when she was Widowmaker. She blinked a few times to make sure they were comfortable.

"How do I look?" Ameile asked Lena.

"They're the same color alright," Lena replied, staring into the eyes. "I think you're in the clear."

Torbjorn was looking at the ship's computer screen. It showed Ameile's vision, with Lena waving at her eyes.

"The camera lenses are working," Torbjorn said in delight. "You're free to head out."

The ship landed on the French side of the border with Northeastern Andorra, one of the few parts of the mountain range with proper roads going through it. From here, Ameile would go on foot to the north end of base.

"Good luck," everyone said as Ameile disembarked. "And remember," Ana added, "don't lose your head in there."

She waved back at the group before making her way. The ship took off to the next dropoff point. It was a few kilometers southwest to a place where the junkers would have a more straightforward path through the valley.

"Alright junkers, you're next," Winston said, giving them their cue once the door opened.

"Promise me you'll be careful," Satya told Jamie as the junkers were about to leave.

"Careful isn't in my vocabulary," Jamie replied. "How else are we gonna blow open a path for you?"

"Well, take this with you," Satya said as she proceeded to shine a light from her metal hand at Jamie's face. She did the same motion on to Mako and the rest of the junkers.

"What was that for?"

"A hard-light shield. It's invisible and will protect you all from incoming enemy fire."

"I was expecting another kiss from you, but that'll do nicely."

"Try and stay alive and you may get that."

The junkers disembarked and marched on, hollering and holding their weapons up high, making their way down the warpath.

"Alright team, now we wait," Winston said, waiting for the attack to start.

Ameile kept trying to keep herself calm as she walked down the roads, her infrared visor helping her see through the darkness. Some memories she had of being at this base came back to her. There were the torture devices used not only on her, but other Talon prisoners. She remembered being trained in use of her sniper rifle by taking far-away shots through the mountains. Shots she didn't want to take because her mind was still partly Ameile's. Not to mention when they moved her onto killing people as part of her training.

No, Ameile thought. Can't have that on my mind now. I need to focus. Think of something else.

Another memory popped into her head, but it was of Gerard this time. She was backstage at the Palais Garnier in Paris, her performance as the lead in Cinderella drawing respectable applause from the crowd. Her fellow dancers thought her performance was exceptional, but Ameile kept beating herself up about some moves she thought needed improvement. She sat in front of her dressing mirror, changing out of her ballet dress into street clothes, cursing at herself.

"Hey Ameile" one of the stage managers shouted making his way through the backstage crowd in French. "Someone wants to see you."

"Who?" Ameile asked.

"Just someone in the crowd."

"Okay, make it quick."

The manager motioned through the crowd, indicating for someone to come over. The man walking through was wearing a military uniform with some badges and patches on the jacket, indicating he was an Overwatch member.

"So, you're Ameile Blanchett?" the man said to her, continuing the conversation in French.

"That's what my name says on the program," Ameile said before turning and realizing the man who came to see her was. "Ah, what do we have here? An Overwatch soldier?"

"Yes, an active duty one."

"You're taking time out of your job just to see my show?"

"Any show happening at the Palais Garnier is an event. And I must say, you're the most exquisite Cinderella I've seen."

"Oh stop it, Mr. military man. My performance could've been much better."

"Really? I don't see how it could've been better. I've been to many ballets in my time, and I don't think I've seen a dancer perform so well."

"Someone is quite the sweet talker."

"I'd love to talk to you more over dinner, if you have the time, of course."

"Well, I don't have anything planned until tomorrow night's show. Where did you have in mind?

"There's a café down the street along the Rue des Petits Champs I've been meaning to try out. I just couldn't anyone to try it out with me."

"Well," Ameile said finally getting up from her seat and approaching the man, "Mr. . . what's your name? You never told me."

"It's Gerard. Gerard Lacroix."

"Well Mr. Lacroix," Ameile said curling her arm around Gerard's, "I would be honored to take you up on that offer."

Ameile became aware of her reality again, that she was walking towards the Talon base in the Pyrenees Mountains. Why did I come up with this idea? she thought to herself. The rest of the team should not have agreed to this. Angela was right. I'm not in the right state of mind. Talon's gonna see through this con and capture me all over again. This won't work. The mission will be a failure.

Then Ameile thought more about Gerard. All the times he brought her to Overwatch bases. Introduced her to the other agents. Told her about the missions he went on. Saying how he was proud to be part of an organization working to achieve world peace. The words Lena said to her appeared in her head too. The world could use more heroes.

Well, there's only one way to prove if I'm a hero, Ameile thought. And she could see it just ahead of her.

There, lying on a flat plain just over the border into Andorra, was the Talon base.

The majority of Talon facilities were underground, with only a few makeshift shacks and giant doors that opened from below were the only ways people could get inside. They still didn't take many chances with people getting on the grounds, which was why a tall chain link fence with barb-wire aligning the top was erected and numerous sentry points dotted along it's path.

It was a place Ameile had been at too many times for her liking.

Okay, Ameile kept thinking to herself, continuing to walk towards the gate in her path. Just try to act like how you did before. You can remember how to do that. Don't show emotion. How hard can that be?

As the French woman approached the gate, the guards didn't immediately pay attention at first, looking in other directions. But they certainly saw a woman in a purple bodysuit approaching once enough light was on her.

"Someone's approaching," one of the Talon guards said as he aimed his rifle. "Identify yourself!"

"At ease soldier," Ameile said turning her infrared visor off, hoping her ruse would work and the guards would recognize her.

"I said identify yourself!"

"You don't recognize Widowmaker when you see her?"

"Widowmaker? but you're not,"

"Yeah I know I'm not blue. Just get Reaper out here and I'll explain everything."

The guard reached for his communicator. "Reaper, Widowmaker is back. But she's, um, different somehow. She asked to see you."

Some buzzing from the communicator indicated that Reaper allowed Ameile to pass.

"You may enter ma'am," the guard said.

"As I rightfully should," Ameile retorted, walking past the opened gate and onto the base's grounds. It was just as how she remembered. Guards on patrol wandering the dirt grounds covered in Talon black and armed with heavy duty submachine guns.

One of the metal openings leading underground opened up, it's metal-like teeth revealing a ramp. Reaper and more troops marched up to the surface. They weren't going to take any chances.

"Look her over," Reaper said as he approached the woman with some Talon men giving her the patdown. He immediately noticed what was off about his former associate.

"What happened to you?" Reaper asked. "How come you're no longer blue?"

"Overwatch did this to me," Ameile said trying to emulate Widowmaker's tone to the best of her ability. "As means of torture. Trying to get valuable Talon information out of me. See this scar along my chest? They injected something into me that turned my skin back to normal. But I didn't crack. I didn't tell them anything of value."

Reapers attention was drawn to Ameile's right arm, where the scabs surrounding the tattoo had yet to fully heal. "What happened here?" he pointed out.

"That was from my first escape attempt," Ameile lied. "That girl who pilots the pink mech tried stopping me with scratches."

"So, how did you manage to escape?"

"Take me inside and I'll tell you everything."

Reaper was initially hesitant. Even in their current weakened state, it was close to impossible to successfully escape Overwatch custody. He had helped put an end to some escape attempts himself. This was also clearly not the same Widowmaker he previously knew. Her face was the same, her tattoos matched up, her eyes were still yellow, she even filled out the bodysuit perfectly. But there must have been something else different too.

"Alright, bring her in," Reaper ordered.

Ameile was lead to one of the shacks, a cover for an elevator leading to the underground base. The Talon soldiers who came up with Reaper kept a constant watch on her. Why are they taking me this way? Ameile thought.

"So what did I miss since I've been away?" Ameile asked. "Are Talon's plans still on schedule?"

"Ahead of schedule actually," Reaper stated. "The God program is almost ready for worldwide deployment. With that, we can take over the minds of susceptible Omnics everywhere. We're still on track for building our own Omniums. And we're working on raiding other Omniums too."

"Ahead of schedule? What changed?"

"Let's just say the Talon leaders finally saw the light and put me in charge of operations."

"You in charge? How?"

"Like I said. They saw the light."

Ameile knew Reaper liked to make death puns when bragging about killing someone. If he did kill the other Talon leaders as she suspected, then Overwatch's job just got a whole lot easier.

But Ameile noticed something wrong as Reaper didn't lead her back to her old quarters. Instead, he lead her to a prison area, lined with classic steel bars-type cells and giant monitors. More Talon guards were waiting for them.

"We have a new set of quarter's made for you," Reaper told Ameile.

"Reaper," Ameile said immediately worried for herself. "This a cell."

"I know. We can't take any chances of having a spy in our midst."

Two of the soldiers grabbed Ameile by her arms, forcing her into the cell. She tried exuding some of her strength to escape, but she was too-caught-off-guard to do it properly.

"Reaper, you can't do this me! We're teammates!"

"Why don't you tell me what Overwatch really did with you, partner? And where they are right now?"

"They only did the skin! That's it! I swear I'm telling the truth!"

"If whoever came up with this plan had any brains, they'd try to mask your heart rate. It's back to that of a normal human. And maybe it changed parts of your brain back to normal too. Otherwise, why would you be afraid of my threats?"

Reaper walked towards the cell door, pulling out one of his shotguns and aiming it through the bars. Ameile just remained in her spot, staring at the gun, determining not to break character again.

"So I'll ask you again, Ameile. Where is Overwatch right now?"

"Reaper," a voice coming in from one of the room's speakers said. "We have a situation happening up here."

"What is it?" Reaper responded unhappy with being interrupted.

"Junkers are approaching the gates, sir."

"Damn," Reaper replied. These Overwatch people are good. I'm on my way," and he made his way out of the cellblock with some of the troops. "Keep watching her," he directed towards the remaining guards.

As Reaper reached the surface, he saw all the Talon guards gathered around the base's Southern entrance. The junkers were lined outside the gate, rattling the fences and hollering.

"What are you freaks doing?" Reaper scolded at the Australians from the other side of the fence. "How did you find this place?"

"Junkrat, of course," Roadman shouted back. "You really shouldn't let your teammates run off like that."

"Do you really think you few can take on the might of Talon?"

"We junkers have fought against bigger odds and came out on top."

"Execute them," Reaper said to the Talon soldiers, paying no mind to the junkers anymore. They raised their rifles and were ready to fire.

"Fire in the hole!" both sides heard from a distance. The junkers cleared a path to the gate. A remote controlled tire with spikes on it was rolling down a hill straight for where the Talon troops were standing inside the fence.

"Get out of the way!" several Talon troops shouted as they ran away from the fence. The tire exploded when it made contact with the fence's metal, taking out the slow Talon men in the blast. The junkers charged through the gap into the base, immediately starting to shoot up anyone in black that moved. Jamie and Mako followed behind.

"We're lighting up the base now," Jamie said on his earpiece. "We could use backup any time now."

"Roger that," Winston replied from the ship, ready to take back off. "We're going in, team."

Winston piloted the ship through the mountains, having the hatch open. When the base was finally in their sight, Fareeha and Aleksandra were the first to jump out, firing rockets and photon energy before they hit the ground. Reinhardt, Bastion, Hana, and Lucio followed suit, with Zenyatta, Winston, Torbjorn, and Mei coming out once the ship landed. Through all the destruction caused on both sides, their main goal was to clear a path for the strike team. Protected by Reinhardt's shields, Mei's ice walls, Aleksandra's shields, and the turret fire from Torbjorn and Bastion, the group of Jack, Ana, Lena, Angela, Jesse, Genji, and Satya quickly made their way to one of the giant closed doors. Jack tried busting it open with his pulse rifle, with no success. None of the other members could help him as they were staving off enemy fire.

"We need some explosives," Jack declared. "Get Junkrat over here!"

Satya ran off from the group to find Jamie. She found him laughing while stuffing a grenade into the mouth of a Talon soldier caught in a beartrap.

"Jamie, we need your explosives to get inside," Satya quickly told him.

"On it!" Jamie replied following her. When they reached the door, Jamie placed some bombs along the center, and urging everyone to run away. They did the trick as a giant hole in the door appeared once Jamie pushed the detonator. The strike team was in the clear and ran towards the opening.

"Stay safe out here," Satya told Jamie, giving him a kiss before she ran off. Jamie briefly wondered what happened to her so-called "professionalism" before getting back into the battle.

Ameile's guards were watching the fighting happen on the monitors while also keeping an eye on her. She knew this was the best chance she was going to get.

"Despite what Reaper says," Ameile tried to convince her guards. "You should probably let me out of here."

"No can do," one of the guards replied. "We have our orders."

"Talon needs all the help they can get. You're of no use guarding me, you should be out there."

"Ma'am, Reaper has already killed plenty of men who've disobeyed him. I don't want to be next on that list."

"What if I give you a peek at something?" Ameile said rubbing her suit's material around her breasts.

"Don't try anything funny!" a guard said aiming his gun towards the cell door.

"Alright, suit yourself," Ameile said as she launched a purple poison mine from her wrist gauntlet, causing the purple smoke to spew around the cellblock and choke the guards. She then shot her grabbling hook at the guard holding the Widow's Kiss, piercing clean through his neck. She pulled hard on her rope, flinging the body and rifle towards her. The rifle slid just under the cell door, which Ameile used to fire a few rounds at the door's lock to open it. Once out of her cell, with her heart racing, she fired a few more to make sure her guards were dead.

Ameile took a few moments to regain her composure. It was the first time she's killed since her Talon conditioning broke. She expected to cry when that inevitable point did arrive. But she didn't. Her mind was too focused on reuniting with the strike team and leading them further into the base.

It's for the good of the world, Ameile thought to herself, putting her earpiece in. The team's going to save it. We're going to save it. I'll have to kill more along the way.

"Team, I'm in a cell block right now," Ameile told the others through her earpiece. "Did you get everything I saw?"

"We sure did Ameile," she heard the voice of Lena say. "Can you give us a location?"

"Cell block 4. It should be close to one of the entrances."

"Alrighty then. Satya is leading the way. Stay tight. See you shortly."

Lena's voice cut off and Ameile was along again with her thoughts. She looked at the fight happening outside on the monitors. Despite the superior Talon numbers, Overwatch and the junkers were still holding their own. Bastion was rolling around in tank formation with Zenyatta behind him glowing bright and proclaiming, "Pass into the Iris!" Torbjorn was running around setting up his turrets wherever he could manage to find room. Fareeha and Hana were firing at some troops caught in both a gravity well and a circle of ice. And Reinhardt was running across the grounds like a man possessed, convinced this would be the last fight of his life and trying to make the most of it.

Ameile was in awe of how well this was going. Maybe Talon would be destroyed this night. And Overwatch would stand on the charred remains.

Ameile heard some gunshots in the hallways, followed by some "umphs". After a few seconds, the strike team was standing in the doorway.

"Aye, did you miss us?" Lena exclaimed.

"More than you can know," Ameile replied.

"What happened?" Jack said with displeasure. "You were supposed to be taken to your old quarters."

"Reaper saw right through my lies. He knows this is all Overwatch's doing."

"I'd imagine he does. Given the way he fled back inside here, he must have something big prepared for us."

"The plan's still on. I know exactly where to go," Ameile said rushing towards the door, leading out into the labyrinth of hallways. "Follow me."

"Wait Ameile," Angela held her back from going too far ahead. "Are you sure you're okay? You killed all these soldiers, right?"

"Well I had to get out of my cell somehow. Now let's get moving!"

Ameile led the group of Jack, Angela, Lena, Genji, Ana, Satya, and Jesse down the hallways that quickly turned into a long and winding maze. She remembered where the Talon leaders would normally have their meetings, the boardroom on the fifth level down, but with Reaper in charge now, he probably moved his space somewhere else. It certainly wouldn't be his quarters either, so Ameile needed to think of where someone like Reaper would hide and plan. And she needed to think of where quick, lest the team got trapped.

"Wait," Jack said, stopping the group. Ahead of them, they saw Hanzo, armed with his bow running off in the hallways as aimless as them.

"Hanzo?" Genji said quietly. "What could he be up to?"

"Does he know we're here?" Angela asked.

"With all the commotion outside, he's probably suspicious. I'll see where he's heading."

Genji moved quietly ahead of the group, drawing his sword to fend off any attackers. He turned a corner Hanzo went down and didn't see anything. He turned back around to see Hanzo aiming his bow.

"What are you doing here Genji?" Hanzo asked ready to loosen his grip on the bow at any time.

"Brother, my friends and I are here to stop Talon once and for all," Genji said as the rest of the team came up to see the situation.

"You're all here to kill Reaper?" Hanzo asked everyone, loosening his bow and putting the arrow back in his quiver.

"That's our plan," Jack replied.

"Then I wish to help."

"Brother?" Genji said confused. "You want to help us?"

"Talon's been a complete mess in my time here. Reaper's going to drive this place into the ground. It's best we do it quickly."

"I'm sure we can find some use for you," Jack said, again urging the group to move forward to their objective.

"I know where he would be in a situation like this. Follow me," Hanzo said now taking charge. He and Ameile lead further down the hallways, and it took him a while to notice that the woman beside used to be Widowmaker.

"Widowmaker?" Hanzo said after taking a good look at Ameile. "What happened to you?"

"Overwatch made me normal again," she replied. "And my name's Ameile. I want to see Talon destroyed just like you."

"It's good knowing you found your lost humanity."

"I don't know if it's all back yet. Is it true that Reaper killed all the other Talon leaders?"

"Yes he did. I found that out as I demanded to leave. Your friends up above will have my men's assistance as soon as they reach the surface."

"Much obliged," McCree shouted from behind. "But you owe me an apology for shooting at my metal arm back in Lijiang."

"Hola, Overwatch," a feminine Spanish-sounding voice came over the hallways speakers. The team stopped in their tracks to process. "You've organized quite the assault here."

"Sombra," Ameile and Satya said at the same time, their minds in sync with what the upcoming challenge meant.

"I know where you are and I can hear your every move. Now, you have someone of particular interest to me. Uno Satya Vaswani. Did you forget our arrangement?"

"No Sombra, I haven't forgotten," Satya replied into the empty abyss of hallways, unsure of how the mysterious Mexican could hear her.

"You betrayed our trust abandoning us this way. Once you're all dead, I'll reveal all of Vishkar's wrongdoings to the world."

"Why don't you reveal them now? You can spare myself from doing that."

"Oooh. Sounds like someone has gone ultra-rogue."

"Why don't you face us? It's Reaper we're all here for, not you. I'm sure we can come to an agreement."

"What use do I have for you? Even without Reaper, I will become queen of the world with all the Omnics by my side. Even now, I'm activating all of the ones we manufactured and sending them to the surface. A few more will greet you in a few minutes. Darse prisa (Make haste) Overwatch. I'll be speaking to you again soon."

Sombra's voice cut out and the hallways became dead silent again.

"Any of you know about computers?" Satya asked the group, forming a plan in her head.

"That would be Winston," Lena replied. "He stopped the first Talon hacking on Gibaltar."

"Okay, I can work with that," Satya said before speaking into her earpiece. "Winston, we need you down here. Sombra's going to activate the God program on a massive scale."

"Understood," Winston replied, with the sounds of metal getting crushed and gunfire in the background. "Umph! She's definitely activated the ones up here. I'll be dropping in momentarily."

"We need to move, now," Jack urgently said, heading out ahead of the group. "Gabriel is still the main objective."

"Jack, don't go so far ahead," Angela called out. "We need to stick together."

"The faster we find where Gabe holed himself up in, the faster we can," Jack was cut off as he turned left down a hallway. He came face to face with a group of 5 Omnics heading his way. Unflapped, he brought up his pulse rifle and shot a helix grenade down their way, destroying them.

"We need to move now! There's only gonna be more," Jack shouted charging headfirst. The rest of the team had no choice but to follow.

Sure enough, after taking some more turns and going further down, the group of 9 did find themselves surrounded by Omnics on both sides.

"Preparemonos para la fiesta!" Let's get ready to rumble! the voice of Sombra shouted over the unseen speakers, as the Omnics moved in. Thinking on her feet, Satya quickly formed two circular laser turrets on the ceiling's edges to their right, blasting any Omnics who got too close to them. The rest of the team shot at the left to clear a path through. As they continued to make their way running down the hallways, more Omnics were unleashed to catch them. Satya kept setting up the turrets as quickly as she could, but they could only take out 3 to 4 Omnics at a time before being destroyed. Eventually, Hanzo fell back behind the group and aimed his bow at the oncoming Omnics, shouting "Ryuu ga wga teki wo kurau!" and unleashing the blue dragons. The Omnics chasing them were no longer an issue, but more were still in the group's way.

Both sides could hear a faint rumble from the floors above them. At first, they paid no mind to it, but the rumbling kept getting louder and louder. Then it started to sound like crashing. Finally, the source revealed itself to be Winston, breaking through the floors and crashing the ceiling onto the Omnics.

"Looks like I dropped in at the right spot," Winston proudly proclaimed, standing over the crushed Omnics. "Now who needed my services?"

"I do," Satya replied. "We need to find where Sombra is and disable the God program."

"Can do. Do you know where that may be?"

"Yes, I'll lead you there."

"Looks like this is where we separate again," Winston said as he and Satya ran off. The group of now eight was left to find Reaper on their own.

Going further into the base, they ended up discovering something in a big chamber. The prototype Omnium Talon had been developing. It was nowhere near as big as the professionally made ones, but had the basic components inside what appeared to be giant silver boxes. A conveyor belt out of the other side had Omnics lined up ready to battle, though they weren't moving.

"Come find me if you dare," Reaper's voice echoed in the chamber. He was somewhere in here.

"These Omnics don't have any of the sensors on their necks," Angela looked over the machines. "They're probably somewhere else on their bodies."

"Maybe Winston and Satya got did their job already," Jack remarked. "Otherwise, these would be at us right now."

"Your souls are ripe for the taking," Reaper's voice echoed again.

"Search all around here," Jack ordered. "We need to find Gabe and end this."

The team split up and made their separate ways around the giant chamber. Ameile grapple hooked up to the walkways above. She activated the infrared visor, trying to get a better location on her former comrade. "Allez, montre-toi," Come on, show yourself, she whispered, twirling around to locate the man. She could swear she felt it getting colder around her. And she thought she could see smoke gathering around her feet.

"Traitor," Ameile could hear Reaper's voice whisper in her ear. Then she felt a sharp pain in her leg. Reaper had been behind Ameile, and he just shot her. He pushed the weakened Ameile off from her perch, landing on the floor on her shot leg.

"Ameile," Angela shouted, flying over to care for her, immediately using her staff to care for the wounds. More shotgun blasts could be heard around the chamber, followed by screams from Jesse and Hanzo. Angela flew in their direction before she was finished with Ameile. Reaper finally appeared for everyone to see on top of Omnium, out of his usual cloud of smoke.

"I've come to claim what is mine!" the man in black shouted.

"And what would that be?" Jack replied.

"My revenge!" Reaper jumped down and started spinning around, firing off his shotguns, managing to hit Jack and Genji. In his immediate vicinity, only Lena remained standing, blinking around the room as the two engaged in a shootout.

"This is when Gabriel Reyes finally gets his time," Reaper shouted as he seemed to pull shotguns out of nowhere to continue fighting Lena. "He finally steps out of the shadow of Overwatch and the Talon flunkies who held him down." He finally managed to land a shot on Lena, floating over to her to make his final shot. "And after that, he'll cleanse the earth of the wretched."

Suddenly, Reaper felt something sharp stick through his robe and into the back of his neck. Upon grasping and pulling it out, he found a dart meant to hold some liquid inside. He immediately knew the culprit.

"Ana, what do you hope to accomplish?" Reaper shouted into the darkness. "Your numbers are dwindling."

"Wait for it, you bastard." Ana whispered as he hid above the fray, keeping her scope on the man. "Get on it Angela."

With a loud triumph, Angela shouted out from above, "Heroes never die!" A stream of nanobots poured out of her staff and dispersed throughout the room, quickly healing the wounded.

"Your souls will be mine yet."

"No Gabe," Jack shouted, the first to get back up. He fired a helix rocket, knocking Reaper back towards a wall. "Angela's serum should be taking hold now."

Reaper noticed something wrong. The blast from the helix rocket actually hurt him. Hurt him enough to have a hard time standing back up. He couldn't feels his wounds healing. When Reaper tried disintegrating into smoke, he was unable to. And everyone became fully healed.

"Everybody, take your shot!"

Reaper tried dodging every projectile coming his way, but to no avail. Whether it came from Hanzo's bow, Jesse's six-shooter, Ana's biotic darts, Genji's shuriken, Ameile's rifle, or Lena's pistols, Reaper felt something from everyone hitting him. Nothing he or his mysteriously appearing shotguns could do to delay the inevitable. Somehow, after all these years, he was vulnerable again. And with that vulnerability came defeat. All his body could do was collapse at the chamber's center.

Everyone circled around the bleeding body of Reaper, waiting for true death to take him out of this world. Jack took off his visor and reached down to unhook the latches of Reaper's mask. Upon the mask's removal, the face of Gabriel Reyes winced in pain, trying to accept it's final fate.

"What are you waiting for Jack?" Gabriel asked lying on the ground, powerless. "Just end it."

"It wasn't supposed to be this way, Gabe," Jack sputtered to this old colleague. "We were supposed to fight the good fight."

"We both know that was never meant for me."

"But why, Gabe? Why go through all this?"

"I would think someone else who died and came back would understand. Wanting to take back what the world took from you."

Jack couldn't stand the sight of this. Gabriel may have caused untold pain to Overwatch and the world at large, but he was still his old friend.

"At last, I can truly become death."

No longer standing seeing his former friend suffer, Jack took his pulse rifle and fired a few shots at Gabriel's head. The man known as Reaper finally had his soul taken to the other side. Jack may not have cried much in his life, but he surely did then, falling to his knees holding his head in his hands.

"Satya, Winston," Jack said into his earpiece, trying to pull himself together. "Gabriel is dead. What's your status?"

"We stopped the God program," the voice of Winston responded. "But something weird happened with Sombra."

"What do you mean weird?"

"We deleted the program and then chased Sombra. We found her body in a room full of computers, but there was a wire plugged into her chest piece running into the systems. There was also a message on the monitors translating into, 'You win this time Overwatch, but everyone has a shadow.'"

"This time? You think she's still alive?"

"If not here, in cyberspace probably."

"Alright. Meet us up back at the surface. I'm sure we'll figure something out. Reinhardt, what's your status?"

"Oh Jack," Reinhardt shouted in his earpiece. "It was one of the most glorious battles I've ever taken part in. It's such a shame you couldn't fight by my side. Were there always Japanese guys in suits with us?"

"That was something that happened from down here. Is everyone ok?"

"We did lose a few of the junkers, and plenty are wounded, but nothing we can't come back from."

"So you guys won?"

"Yes Jack, and I'll never forget what turned the tide for us. Remember those U.N. airships that came to destroy Gibraltar? Well a few of the same kind appeared overhead when all seemed lost."

The U.N.? Jack thought to himself. How did they know all this fighting was happening? Did they come to arrest Overwatch? If not, why did they help us?

"You sure it was the U.N., Reinhardt?"

"Of course it is," Reinhardt started to sound worried. "There are people in suits asking for every Overwatch member to show themselves."

"Alright, we'll be up there shortly," Jack ceased communications as he came back to the group, still observing Gabriel's dead body.

"Well everyone, it's time we faced the music," Jack solemnly told everyone.

"Jack, we just took down Talon!" Lena excitedly replied. "We need to celebrate when we leave here!"

"U.N. troops are waiting for us at the surface."

The team turned their attention to Jack, unsure of what he meant.

"Reinhardt told me that U.N. airships appeared and helped defeat the troops and controlled Omnics. But they're more than likely to arrest us as well."

"I don't understand," Hanzo brought up, since he was on the receiving end of Overwatch's other campaigns. "We did the world a great service here today."

"Tell that to the lawmakers," Jack bitterly said, with his eyes watering, something the hardened soldier wouldn't normally allow. Not at the fact that he killed his former friend, but that his family could be broken up again. "In the event that does happen, I just want to say it was an honor serving with you all. Past and present members. At this moment, I do not regret rejoining Overwatch at all."

"I don't think any of us do, Jack," Ana said consoling her longtime teammate. "I don't plan on running off again either."

After some more contemplation and thinking about the good times he had with Overwatch, Jack finally worked up the courage to yell out what may be his final order to his soliders. "Team, let's make our way to the surface."

Ameile lead the group to an elevator going to the surface, with the team silent the whole way up. They grew to accept their fates, but longed that their deeds would at least be recognized. The U.N. couldn't possibly work their way out of how Overwatch did most of the work in destroying Talon.

As the elevator car reached the surface, the team saw the destruction they were lucky to avoid. Dead Talon, Yakuza, and junker bodies littered the dirt plateau, joined by hundred of Omnic corpses. They could see Winston and Satya beat them, with Satya holding Junkrat as he lay on dirt with a busted peg leg. Torbjorn was doing some repairs on Bastion and Zenyatta, who both suffered heavy damage. Aleksandra, Fareeha, Hana, Lucio, and Mei were huddled together, covered in dirt and blood, waiting to hear what the U.N. people had to say. And Reinhardt ran towards Ana, just to hold her. For he had the same fears Jack had. Several U.N. airships had filled up with the living Talon troops. Towards one of the airships, Jack saw two young people in better suits than the other U.N. troops. He assumed that's whom he must talk to, so he made his way over to them. What did confuse him is why people so young must tell him the bad news, not the bossmen themselves.

"Who the hell are you people?" Jack asked them.

"Our names are Shahnaz Amirmoez and Denisa Dumitrescu." Dumitrescu started off. "We represent the secretary-general of the United Nations."

"So you're here to finally arrest us?"

"No Mr. Morrison, that won't be necessary."

"What do you mean? We're here operating as Overwatch and you caught us. Doesn't the Petras Act mean we'll be prosecuted?"

"We're here to tell you all before the press knows that the Petreas Act will be repealed and Overwatch will become our primary peacekeeping organization again."

Each member of the Overwatch team had gathered around Jack to listen and had their own surprised reaction.

"I don't understand," Jack continued.

"We've been observing you all plenty over these past few months," Amirmoez chimed in. "From afar and from, ahem, first-hand experience. And from this display tonight, we're more than convinced you're the heroes the world needs."

None of the onlooking Overwatch members spoke. They just made excited faces at each other.

"Do you accept our offer?" Amirmoez continued.

"Fuck yeah we accept!" Lena shouted, speaking for all the excited people. "We're official again!"

"Hold on, hold on," Jack tried to calm everyone down. "How can we trust this? You destroyed our Gibraltar base."

"We will rebuild it, make it your new full base of operations," Dumitrescu continued on. "Believe us, we wouldn't be asking this if we didn't think the world could use you."

"Well," Jack looked back at the teammates behind him. They were all giving facial and hand motions urging him to accept. There was no way he could disappoint them all. "I think Lena spoke for all of us."

"Excellent. The ceremony will be in one week at the U.N.'s New York Headquarters. We expect all the team members to be in attendance and dressed for the occasion. See you then."

The two assistants boarded their ships and took off, leaving Overwatch to celebrate their new legitimacy.


At the U.N.'s New York headquarters, crowds were gathered all along the 1st Avenue and 42nd street sides of the skyscraper. Plenty were holding signs praising the return of Overwatch, with the dissenters far and few in between. The situation was the same in the U.N.'s main council chamber, where some members of the public were allowed, mainly relegated to the back as to not disturb any of the delegates sitting closer to the front.

The Overwatch members were waiting in a dressing room, waiting for the call to march out onto the main stage. They were mostly pacing, talking about their future plans, and how to try and find any remaining Talon sects. Sombra did manage to escape after all, so her freedom couldn't be taken lightly.

The previous members, Lena, Angela, Jack, Ana, Winston, Mei, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Genji, and Jesse all wore their old Overwatch uniforms from similar events like this. Ameile wore a new uniform that resembled Gerard's. Fareeha, Hana, and Aleksandra wore their suits from their respective militaries. Satya opted for her Vishkar employee uniform. Hanzo wore a suit not to dissimilar from what his Yakuza wore in battle. Lucio didn't have any nice clothes to wear, so he just wore a blue version of his standard green concert getup. Neither Bastion nor Zenyatta wore anything extra. Jaime and Mako opted for tuxedo t-shirts, to everyone's dismay.

"Alright, we're ready for you now," Arsendse told the group himself entering the dressing room. The team followed him out and down some hallways, leading to the council chamber. Everyone was flustered, wondering if Overwatch would be greeted the way they intended.

"You nervous?" Lena asked Ameile.

"Of course I am," Ameile replied. "It's strange being able to feel this way again."

"Well I'm sure we all are, but I'm excited more than anything," Lena told her as they reached the door. Beyond, the main chamber. Their destiny waited.

Walking out onto the stage, Overwatch was greeted with rapturous applause as they went to their positions. They stood in front of a cloth sheet with the Overwatch and U.N. logos on it. Arsende made his way to the podium and the crowd finally calmed down to let him speak.

"Greetings to all those in attendance," Arsendse proclaimed. "It's my privilege to announce that after much deliberation between all the U.N. delegations, the Petreas Act will be repealed, and Overwatch will be reinstated as the U.N.'s primary task force."

Thunderous applause and cheers came from the council chamber, with some of the Overwatch members hardly able to contain their excitement as well.

"Five years ago, Overwatch was outlawed due to abuse of U.N. funds, public mistrust, and bad management on our part. These, however, were caused by the agent named Gabriel Reyes, whom the world knew recently as Reaper. As you all know by now, Reyes was killed during a raid on Talon's headquarters. All living Talon agents stationed there were arrested and are awaiting trail, with scheduled raids on suspected bases to continue into the future. This was made possible not by U.N. efforts, but the men, women, Omnics, and, um, gorilla, standing behind me. Granted, what they did at the time was against international protocol, but because of their actions, the world owes them a debt we can hardly repay. Which is why I'm also issuing a pardon of any possible crimes committed by these individuals during their time as fugitives."

Another round of applause and cheers from the onlookers.

"We will also be rebuilding their former base on Gibraltar as their new center of operations, thanks to an agreement with the Vishkar Corporation. We still have plenty of work ahead of us, in making sure Talon is dead for good and restoring the peace between humans and Omnics. But with Overwatch again on our side, those goals are achievable. Now without further adieu, the medal presentation."

One by one, each member came up to Arendse to receive their medal. For the most part, it took the form of a high school graduation. Person comes up to receive their award, the audience applauds, and moves on. There was the occasional lively celebration upon receiving. Both Lucio and Hana did dances on their way to and from the podium. Lena blinked up to the podium and raised her medal into the air like she was holding a newborn child. Aleksandra did a muscle flex, but not enough to rip her uniform. Mako gave a thumbs up to the crowd while Jamie simply laughed the whole way through.

"It's truly an honor," Arendse said giving the last medal to Winston.

"Thank you," Winston replied back. "Let's hope that this whole 'outlaw the organization keeping the world safe' thing doesn't happen again."

"And with that," Arsende addressed the crowd again. "I officially declare Overwatch reinstated. Let's give them another round of applause."

The chamber again erupted in applause as the attendees stood up. The honorees only had a few seconds to bask in this glory before Arsende and U.N. security escorted them off the stage, up one of the isles, and down a crowded hallways. They were being led to the 1st avenue entrance.

"Your adoring public awaits," Arsende said opening the door for them.

Once they were outside, the amassed crowd cheered the heroes' introduction. All the Overwatch members were eager to accept, going their way behind the controlled police barriers to wave, make conversation, and sign many autographs.

"So Hanzo," Genji said to his brother, "where does your path take you now? I'm sure Overwatch could use you."

"This life of heroics may suit you Genji, but not me," Hanzo responded bitterly, "I must return to Japan to restore our family's honor."

"Hanzo, you can't go back to that life."

"I didn't say anything about that life. When I mean honor, I mean finally cleaning up our family's act."

"Cleaning up?"

"The Shimadas are getting out of organized crime. After seeing how insane with power Gabriel became, I'm determined not to let anything like that happen to our clan. And the only way to do that for sure is to get out of the business."

"Well, brother, it's good seeing you making amends."

"Yes brother. Do try to visit. Hanamura is always open to you or anyone in Overwatch."

"Hey Zenyatta," Aleksandra called the monk out in the crowd. "It appears we'll be working together some more."

"That it does Aleksandra," Zenyatta replied. "Do you take issue with that?"

"No I don't. With Talon stopped, I suppose your kind won't be causing any more trouble."

"At least you're on the path to open-mindedness. I look forward to working with you too."

"Don't get too cozy. I'm still not your friend."

"It feels weird getting called a hero by normal people," Jamie lamented. "I'm sure we can smelt these medals down into something useful."

"You know Jamie, the offer for you and Mako to join Overwatch full-time is still available" Satya tried persuading.

'Satya! Satya!" she could hear coming towards her in the crowd. It was Sunder Misra and Swarna Jain. "We just want to say how proud Vishkar is of your work."

"I didn't expect you two showing up," Satya replied hardly paying them any mind. "I ought to bring up charges against the whole company."

"We're working on reforming our structure since the info about working with Talon leaked. The CEO resigned too."

"Oh really? Who's the poor fool stuck with that job?"

"It hasn't been filled yet, but we were hoping you'd consider the position."

Satya was left speechless. This offer was ludicrous. Vishkar had only trained her how to design and build, not how to properly manage a company. Plus, she had already committed herself to Overwatch.

"I, I don't know what to say. I only know how to build. I don't know anything about running a whole corporation."

"Everyone knows now you were involved with the team that took down Talon. Just imagine having someone as accomplished as you as the face of the company."

Publicity again, Satya thought to herself. Typical Vishkar behavior. Caring more about the company's image than what their employees actually want. But seeing how even more valuable she was in the company's eyes now, she wanted to stake her own terms.

"No, I don't want the job, but I will consider remaining on a few conditions. Vishkar has to work with Overwatch now and I wish to spend half my paying time with them. They can do a lot more positive action in the world than a few new shiny buildings."

"But Satya, we're giving you the chance to build the world in your image. Install order as you see fit."

"I have a new way of looking at the world, Sunder. And order doesn't come from forcibly instilling it on the masses. If you don't accept my conditions, I'll be with Overwatch full-time."

"Um, Satya." Jamie approached her from behind. "I know you want to stay with this crew, but me and Mako are going back to Australia."

"But Jamie," Satya said, immediately saddened by his decision. "This is the chance to turn your life around. For good."

"Saving the world just isn't my cup of tea. What would I know about putting it back together after blowing up so much of the shit we live in? I'm fine with the life I have."

"Well, if that's the case, can we still be friends?"

"Of course we can! You have to come build us all new houses at some point."

"What?" Jain said overhearing their conversation. "You promised Vishkar housing to these runts without company approval?"

"Listen here, you stale curry dish," Jamie lashed back. "We just helped take down Talon. Something that, as Satya tells me, has been giving you quite the trouble lately. If Overwatch can get a new base out of this, I think we're entitled to something fancy too."

"Yes Jain," Satya chimed in. "I did promise the junkers Vishkar housing. And since you're so concerned with the company image, consider how good it will look when the junkers don't commit more crimes because they're happy with their Vishkar-built community." Satya got closer to the two employees to make her threat clear. "You can add this to my previous conditions."

"Sure, sure you can have your Australia project," Jain replied sheepishly. "Any publicity is good publicity they say."

"Excellent. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go over this with Jamie," Satya broke off with them to turn her attention to the Australian.

"So, when are you coming back to Australia then?" Jamie asked.

"I'm not sure. Not for a few months since I have to assist building the Overwatch base. But I'll still talk to you, at the least to go over what ideas I have."

"Is that all we'll be talking about?"

"We can certainly talk about other matters, when the time is right."

"Well if Overwatch is ever in our neck of the woods, just let us know. We may not like saving the world, but we sure do love a good fight."

"I look forward to working with you again, Jamie," Satya said before giving him a hug. "We should probably catch up with the others. Got more publicity to do."


Satya and some other Vishkar architechs went to work right away in redesigning the Gibraltar base. It same basic amenities were maintained, like sleeping quarters, kitchens, bathrooms, laboratories, workshops, and ship hangers but they were expanded. New additions included a dock for watercraft, a manufacturing area for quick weapon-making, and outdoor leisure areas.

After a few weeks of design and construction work, some of the familiar structures rose out of nothing. Where the previous base was not in good upkeep when it was destroyed, the new facilities had a shiny structure and a fresh coat of paint in the Overwatch blue, orange, and grey, as if it was the previous glory days of Overwatch.

The Overwatch team moved back in when they felt a satisfactory about of the base was accomplished. Construction was still ongoing, but nothing being built would interfere with their core operations.

They also felt it was as good a time as any to throw themselves a costume party. Just like they used to do.

The festivities were mainly held in the ship hanger, one of the first buildings to be fully completed. It consisted mainly of Torbjorn testing some new alcoholic concoctions, people giving each other shit for their dress choices, and talking about what the future had in store. Lucio had put on a playlist of various party tunes for background noise. Right now, a later-years Jackson 5 song was playing.

Angela, dressed as an authentic Valkyrie, noticed Reinhardt and Ana sitting by themselves, not dressed up, but mainly observing the fun.

"How come you two aren't dressed up?" Angela asked the old couple.

"These costume parties were never our thing," Reinhardt said with his arm around the old Egyptian.

"Jack and Torbjorn are in the spirit," Angela said pointing towards the other two veterans. Torbjorn was dressed as a biker gang member and Jack as a Rambo-style soldier dressed in green and various shades of brown. Even his face had the same color scheme.

"Angela, do you remember all those times Jack dressed up as a stuntman?" Ana brought up. "They were always more into that than us."

"Think about this Ana," Reinhardt told her. "The first official batch of recruits in years will be here any day now. Such a weird thing to think about."

"You're not considering retirement, are you?"

"I got a few good years in me left! Someone needs to give the newbies some backbone!"

Jesse was dressed like a more authentic American South cowboy. He was in the middle of looking down at his plate of food when he noticed that Fareeha was aiming her cannon arm at the plate. Jesse saw that her raptora suit was now colored orange and white, and she had facepaint of the same colors. Her hair was braided in a new fashion too.

"Get off of my land, John Wayne," Fareeha said in a faux tone.

"Fareeha, what are you doing?" Jesse asked the Egyptian.

"I'm a Native American," Fareeha replied lowering her cannon. "Thunderbird is my name."

"Yeah, but the thing is, actual Native Americans don't like it when non-Natives dress up like them."

"Tell that to Genji and Zenyatta," Fareeha pointed out. The monk was going around wearing a traditional Egyptian pharaoh's headdress and Genji was covered in nomadic robes. "They asked me beforehand if their outfits were okay, and I had no problems. Besides, I thought we'd play cowboys and Indians."

"You sure about that?" Jesse said obliging her, pulling out his revolver. "It seems like I'm outmatched here."

"Then it'll be a challenge for you then."

Lucio and Hana spent most of the party together, with Lucio wearing a purple hockey jersey and pants and Hana in a dirty outfit of a white tanktop, brown jacket brown pants, and brown goggles. They noticed Satya in perhaps the most outlandish costume anyone what wearing. Her skin was covered in blue makeup, and she wore just a red skirt and crop top, exposing her midrift.

"Woah Satya," Lucio told her in awe. "That's some crazy look you got here."

"I put a lot of work into this," Satya replied back. "Getting all this makeup on me took forever."

"What are you supposed to be?"

"I'm a Hindu goddess," Satya replied. "And you two are a hockey player and a hoarder?"

"Um excuse me, I'm supposed to be a junker," Hana corrected. "Those were some pretty neat dudes to hang around."

"Yes, they definitely were."

"So you ever hear from Junkrat again?" Lucio asked.

"I recently went over the plans I had in mind to build his settlement. He wanted a large city, but I told him that was unrealistic given the landscape, so we settled on a suburban-like design he liked."

"You're building it yourself too?"

"No, I'll definitely bring Vishkar help when I travel there. The thing is, Jamie promised to take me on the 'Grand Australian Tour' when I go. I suppose it's to the major Australian cities that are still standing."

"Ooooh, someone's got a crush on you," Hana jittered to herself.

"He's just showing me his gratitude, that's all."

"That's not the only thing he's gonna show you. Ohhhhhhh!" Hana reached a hand up towards Lucio, expecting a high-five. He eventually gave her one before she continued. "So do you like him too?"

"He's a very, how should I put it, explosive individual. And his presence unnerved me when I first met him. I wouldn't say I'm in love, but I do enjoy his company. When I showed him what I would be wearing to his, he told me he had a scarecrow costume ready to go and he'd be on the next flight out here."

"Well good luck with that," Lucio told her. "If it's anything like the job you did here, it'll be fantastic."

"Lucio, I wanted to ask you if you are comfortable working together now, given our history."

'Satya, we worked to bring down an international terrorist group and I watched you save the junkers from an African jungle. Anyone who can care for their fellow man like that can work with me anytime."

"Thank you very much."

Aleksandra, dressed as a Soviet weightlifter, followed Mei, dressed as a firefighter, around the party. The Russian was trying to convince the small Chinese girl to go on a date.

"Come on Mei, give me a chance," Aleksandra pleaded. "I'm not one of those limp mail-order bride Russian girls. I can treat you as well as any man."

"Aleksandra," Mei meekly replied. "I'm not sure if I like girls that way."

"Neither was I at first. I mean men are perfectly serviceable, but there's something about the feminine figure that just does things to me."

"Could you at least give me time to think about it?"

"Hey Aleksandra!" Torbjorn came along interrupting the conversation. "You ready for a round of shots?"

"Oh you know it, dwarfman!' Aleksandra as she ran off to follow him, briefly turning back to Mei. "I'll convince you yet, tiny girl."

Torbjorn lead her to the makeshift bar, which was a table with empty bottles littered on the floor with more open ones ready to be emptied. Everyone else was looking on either from around the table or from a distance.

"So what do we got here?" Aleksandra boasted. "More of that tap water you Swedes call hard liquor?"

"No, this is something of my own creation," Torbjorn explained as he mixed the beverage together. This included dropping a warm screw nut inside the mixing bottle "A mixture of vodka, fireball whiskey, orange soda, and a hint of steel you send a shiver up your spine."

"Please, this will be easy to down. Just like your other 'creations.'"

After some hearty shaking of the mixture glass, Torbjorn poured out the shots for him and Aleksandra. They clinked glasses and downed. Aleksandra initially showed no hesitation, but after a few seconds, she started coughing. Torbjorn burped loudly after he finished his.

"Torbjorn," Aleksandra tried saying through her coughing and now laughing. "What was that? My mouth is on fire!"

"It's the drink that finally made you crack, Russian," Torbjorn exclaimed. "I've never seen you flinch from shots up till now."

"Come on, give me another shot. I swear I won't break down this time."

Lena was dressed as a racecar driver, sporting a black helmet with an orange visor, a white jacket with yellow and orange on the undersides, white tight pants, and orange shoes. Among all the fun and festivities happening, she noticed someone was missing.

"Has anyone seen Ameile?" Lena shouted.

"I think she went outside," Angela shouted back.

Lena followed the directions and went outside. Ameile was standing by some rocks staring out at the Mediterranean. She was wearing a frilly purple jacket, purple pants, and a frilly white undershirt beneath the jacket.

"What'ca looking at?" Lena said approaching Ameile.

"I thought it would help me think about," Ameile said before turning to see the gaudy colors of Lena's jacket. She did not take to them. "A racecar driver? Really?"

"Not just any driver. ! At least people know what I am," Lena said taking her helmet off so she could talk easier. "No one's going to get who you are."

"I'm a comtesse. A countess as you'd say."

"You sure you're not female Prince?"

"You Brits had frilly clothes in your history too, you know."

"How come you're not inside with everyone?"

"I was having fun, don't get me wrong, but I just wanted some time to think."

"So, what's next for Ameile Lacroix? Have you made your decision?"

"Yes I have, Lena. I've decided,"

"Yes, yes?"

"That I want to get my tattoos changed."

"Oh come on! Don't lead me on like that Ameile!"

"Hehe. In all seriousness, these tattoos are as tacky as the Widowmaker outfit," Ameile explained as she rolled up her right sleeve, showing the Cauchemar tattoo. "They might as well have said, 'Mauvaise persona va te tuer' (Evil person going to kill you). And the spider on my back? It's as stupid-looking now as Gabe's skull mask."

"What are you going to get instead?"

"Something at least more positive, after I get these other one's removed. On my left arm I'm thinking. It will say, 'Qui Vivra Verra.'"

"What does that mean?"

"'She who lives, shall see.' I'm in control of my destiny now. I should get something to reflect that."

"That sounds jolly good, but you know what I'm really asking about, right?"

"Oh of course. And I did decide to remain with Overwatch."

"Ameile, that's great!" Lena said leaping up to hug Ameile. "We're gonna go on so many missions together! Taking out the bad guys with speed and pinpoint precision!"

"I don't know how often that will be," Ameile said eventually forcing Lena to get off of her, "but yes, I do look forward to working with you. Of course I'm going to have to get an actual Overwatch uniform. No more of that skin-tight suit showing my boobs. Something more in line with what you agents normally wear."

"Are you gonna have your down call-sign?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like how people call me Tracer, Fareeha goes by Pharah, Angela goes by Mercy, and so on."

"That's something I need to think about too. I certainly can't go by Widowmaker anymore."

"Don't think about that too hard love," Lena said as she reached in to kiss Ameile on the cheek. "I'm sure you'll do great."

"Thank you Lena. For everything you've all done."

"I expect we're gonna hear that a lot more now. You wanna go back inside now?"

"I think I'll stay out here a while longer. I'll catch up with you."

"Suit yourself," Lena said putting her helmet back on. "See you back in there," as she blinked off.

Ameile just looked further out into the sea, imagining what the future held. Not just for her, but for Overwatch too.


Broadsword – Jethro Tull

Encore Une Fois (Future Breeze Mix) – Sash

Fire on High – Electric Light Orchestra

Come to Daddy (Pappa Mix) – Aphex Twin

Can You Feel It? – Jackson 5

Sacred - Erasure

Thank you to those who have followed and read this story the whole way through. I do intend on writing more in this particular world, including one long story about the "Reformed Ameile Lacroix." But until I'm ready for that, I'll just be writing more one-offs and AU's. Thank you again!