Xukun's Burger: haha~ bathroom conversations for Akira and Reisi always seem to be like some sort of good luck 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。 And yes I absolutely love Fushimi he's so precious and cute and he doesn't even notice, lol. Also, it's been a while and I sure hope that you are well. It's the cold season so please stay warm and try not to catch a cold.❤ I caught 2 of them already aahh. I'm better now though haha, and I'm being more careful!


Thanksgiving is tomorrow I can't believe it. This year is going by super fast. Eat lots and have fun, and please stay safe if you do black friday shopping.

I apologize deeply for the wait, and I thank everyone for your patience.

I'm taking 6 classes this semester and doing honors assignments and it's... like... killing me ? 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。

This year has been quite interesting too, it's almost like I'm on a wild roller coaster and I personally am terrified of roller coasters lol.

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter! And I apologize for any errors.

Thank you so much for reading.


Chapter 64

The sound of wind and distant car horns. Gleaming buildings and shape shifting clouds. Those are the things I can see and hear as I stare out the hospital window. Sounds and sights like this have long gotten old. Perhaps I wouldn't mind it if I still wasn't trapped here.

It's been three months since I woke up. Three whole months, and I'm still here. Spring has long passed and now it's the beginning of summer. Even though the seasons are changing, I'm not. There are still many things I can't do on my own.

I look down at the simple stress ball I hold in my right hand. I've been told to squeeze this multiple times a day to regain strength in my hand, specifically my thumb. Reisi told me that Iwa's bullet severed a tendon in my wrist, which made it impossible for me to move my thumb. I can move it now though, but it's a little stiff. Too stiff. Is it going to stay like this?

My eyelids lower slightly as I stare at the scar left behind from the wound. Even now, I still find myself thinking about that day a lot. I let out a sigh, staring ahead at the wall instead.

Ever since I visited Taki, I no longer suffer from hallucinations of him. Even though those hallucinations no longer appear, I still think of them. There's no way I could forget them. They were so real to me. I don't even refer to them as "hallucinations" out loud.

Regardless of that, my mental state has improved a lot since then. Well, sometimes I still have little episodes every now and then, but they aren't as bad. At least, I don't think they are. Maybe I've just grown accustomed to them. Some things still trigger and unsettle me. I've been trying hard to not get discouraged, but despite my trying it's not working all that well.

I still can't walk on my own. My legs just don't listen to me, really. I can move them after thinking about how to for a minute or two, but they don't support me at all. I'm really starting to think I'll never walk again.

The doctors told me my chances of walking again were slim, but "slim" is still something. I clung to that for so long and now it's growing out of my reach. It really is frustrating.

Reisi said he's fine with me as I am, and I know he is. However, I'm not okay with me. I want to be able to move around on my own, to do things on my own, and maybe even hold a sword again. I want to go back home and live like I once was before. I want to be a Pirate again. My eyes widen slightly at my own thoughts.

A Pirate again.

"...Can I?" I whisper to myself, my eyes drifting over to the television attached to the wall, currently showing a live broadcast of the news. The audio is muted, but there are subtitles displayed. I can already tell what the broadcast is about just by the chaos displayed behind the newswoman currently speaking. There was another major crime from a superpower holder.

That's right, superpowers still exist. My mind has been so traumatized with what happened to me that I haven't really gave much thought to what else happened. What became of the Slates? Clans, are they still active? I know my Pirates have been busy these days, so Scepter 4 is still going strong. But, what about HOMRA and the Alien Clan? The Green Clan?

I turn my attention away from the television and at my side table, eyeing the sleek red marble. That's Anna's. She must've come and visit me at some point when I was still trapped in that horrid sleep. Seeing that marble must mean she's doing well, although I'm clueless about everyone else.

Upon waking up, I received hardly any visitors. I've learned that was Reisi's doing, and I'm grateful for it. I was far too unstable, and honestly I didn't want to see anyone then. After I visited home that one time, I told everyone I was fine now and I missed them, and that I wanted to see them more often. Since then, they started stopping by to visit me here.

They don't stop by much though, and if they do their visits are short. Even though the whole showdown with the Green Clan was months ago, things are still hectic with superpowers. What's the deal? I'm completely clueless.

Everyone's been so careful not to bring up that day around me, due to the fact I'm so sensitive about it and it triggers terrible memories. I don't want anyone to speak about it, but because of that I don't know what happened. I only know what happened to me—no one else. I'm not even sure how Reisi survived. I don't even know… if Uncle Seigo is still alive. Could he have survived like Taki?

I let out a sigh, having not thought so intensely of these things until now. My mind is just running away today, and I have a feeling it's because for the first time I'm sitting alone in my hospital room.

Reisi's currently out on the field and working away, trying to restore order. He's been putting his job off to be with me and to make sure I'm doing okay, helping me too. It was hard for him to leave me alone. In fact, he wouldn't leave until I told him to just go. Even that was hard for me.

I wanted him to stay with me. Him being away makes me feel lonely and frightened. I can't keep holding him back though, and the world out there needs someone like him. People need him, and he needs to save those people. It's the right thing and what he loves to do. He's the Pirate King who sets sail through uncharted seas, quelling storms and destroying enemy ships. A King. Are Kings still even a thing?

I sigh once again, only this time more heavily. Why have I waited until now to think of these things? Not knowing bothers me a whole lot. Reisi's Aura was unstable before, he practically lost it. Using it was dangerous and would cause his Sword of Damocles to fall. It doesn't seem to be that way now though. I remember Reisi using his Blue Aura effortlessly when I visited home. Thinking of his Aura suddenly has me thinking of my own.

I remember triggering my own Aura myself in my extremely unstable mental state. Yes, I nearly attacked that stupid therapist with it. Using my Aura then was unintentional, but it revealed that I still have it. Do I still have it now?

I raise my hand in front of me, gazing at it intensely while swallowing thickly. My Aura hurt me once before, failed me even when I needed it most, and the last time I used it was unintentional. What'll happen if I use it of my own free will right here and now? Will it try to freeze me over again? Or, will it even listen? What even became of my powers as a Strain?

My Strain abilities is something I haven't even thought of or used in the longest. The thought of it being gone saddens me, but the thought of using it scares me and I'm not sure why. I'm even scared to use my Aura. I can't be a Pirate without it though. I need to know if it's still there despite my fears.

Lowering my eyelids, I let out a shaky breath while holding my hand in front of me. I focus deeply, concentrating severely, searching for something within me I haven't sought out in so long. There is it. A familiar and cool sensation.

I slowly open my eyes and see hazy mist surrounding my hand—layers and layers of high pressured air swirling around my limb. My whole hand soon becomes invisible and I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding. It's still there—the power that saved me. I'm glad. Now, what about the power Reisi gave me?

A thump makes my focus shatter away, and my hand becomes visible again. I look to the side, seeing my stress ball I've set down at some point now on the floor. It rolled off of my bed from my movements. I slowly lower my hand.

Whether I still have my Aura or not doesn't really matter right now. The same could be said about my Strain abilities. I should be focusing on getting better and regaining my strength instead of these things. That's the most important thing, because most definitely I can't be a Pirate again as weak as I am now.

I reach for the ball, moving and stretching my body as much as I can. Thankfully it didn't roll too far off. Well, that's what I tell myself at first. The top half of my body is hanging off the bed at this point. It didn't look like the ball rolled too far, but now I'm proven wrong.

The tips of my fingers brush against the ball and make it roll even further away. My teeth grit and my eyelid twitches in irritation. Then, my body starts to slide off the mattress along with the sheets. I gasp and try to catch myself. Not being able to support my own weight in the slightest or grab onto anything, I topple onto the icy ground with a loud thud.

"Ah… ow…" I hiss out, every bone in me rattling and every muscle throbbing. Even months later I'm still sore and achy. My eyes that have squeezed shut upon impact slowly open and I pull the sheets off of my face, staring blankly at the ceiling.

I'm currently too stunned to move, and I know somebody is going to come in here in a panic after that loud sound. At that, I shut my eyes again. Being worried over constantly, not being able to do anything for myself… it's annoying.

I start to sit up with achy limbs, my hand moving to my forehead as a headache starts to form. As predicted, the door to my room opens in a flash. I look over to see a very startled nurse present. This hospital is swarming with hundreds of them. I feel like I'm trapped in a beehive. She runs over to me quickly, grabbing onto my arms in an effort to help me. I tense instantly.

"Here, let me help—" She begins, then she's the one who grows tense.

"Why is it that everyone here thinks they can touch me…?" I inquire softly, cutting her off. My shoulders tremble as I idly laugh to myself. My blazing eyes meet hers and she grows pale. "Let go of me!"

Quicker than I can even blink, she releases me and runs off like I'm a ferocious monster, a scream lying on her tongue. My lips curve upwards into a smirk and I look after her retreating form, snickering.

I really have nailed giving people the evil eyes. I don't think there's anyone in the world as good as threatening people with just their eyes like I am. Seriously, I can silence people with a single look—oh.

My inaudible laughing comes to an abrupt halt and my smirk fades at the violet eyes staring at me. Those stunning orbs shine in absolute disappointment, obviously having witnessed everything that just transpired. What I was just thinking and snickering about was a lie. Reisi has me beat by a long shot.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" He questions, walking over to me as he murmurs to himself. "Causing trouble the moment I leave…"

I'm torn between looking to the ground in shame at that disappointed look he's giving me and grinning from ear to ear at the happiness I feel at him being back. I thought he would be gone much longer, but he's back before dark. I want to smile; however the shame gets to me and so does guilt.

I gaze down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers. No matter how much I don't like being touched by these nurses and doctors, and no matter how funny I think it is when I manage to scare them off, I shouldn't be doing that. They're just doing their job, after all.

Reisi's boots are soon able to be seen from the outer corner of my eye, and I hesitantly look over. He crouches down beside me with a warm smile I didn't expect. My lips part when he reaches out and caresses my cheek with a gentle touch that reminds me of a feather-stroke.

"Tell me," He whispers softly, his eyes sparkling like stars in the night sky. "What am I going to do with you?"

Happiness instantly overpowers my guilt, and my lips curve upwards into a smile. I shrug lightly and lean into his touch blissfully. That's a question I don't know the exact answer to, but I have countless guesses, and one of them happily bounces off of my tongue.

"You can kiss me?" I beam, and he chuckles lowly.

"I can do that."

Then, so many tender feelings engulf me. The second he leans forward my heart races in my chest, and from the very moment his lips fondle mine it's like I'm falling in love all over again. His movements are slow and loving, his hand stroking my hair as he kisses me softly.

He kisses the corner of my lips afterwards followed by my cheek, then he picks me up so suddenly I let out a surprised gasp. I find myself on top my bed when he sets me down. I blink a few times, watching as he picks up my stress ball. His face bears a smile. He looks the very definition of happy today, and that makes me feel warm inside.

"Did you have a good day?" I ask him with a smile, and he hums in confirmation. He sits down next to me and holds out the squishy ball. I take it into my hands thankfully. "I can tell. You seem really happy today. Something good must've happened."

"It was just an average day. Busy and tiring. Really," He murmurs, bringing his arms around me and holding me close. "I'm just happy to see you."

I lean into him naturally, happy to see him just as much as he's happy to see me. That's what I think, at least. Normally I always claim my feelings are greater than his, whether that's love, sadness, or happiness. Oddly, it's hard to claim that right now. He's practically glowing. Have I ever seen him this happy before?

"Seriously," I peek up at him with a pout, my eyes shining curiously. "What happened?"

"Nothing." He smiles, and I narrow my eyes.

"I don't believe you."

He laughs at that, releasing me and planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. My lips purse as he stands and walks over to the small fridge residing on the other end of the room. He opens it, pulling out a fruit tray I didn't even know was there.

"Being away from you made thoughts weigh heavily on my mind," He begins, taking steps back over to me. He places the tray on the rolling bed table, moving it close so I can reach it. "Thoughts of the present, thoughts of the future and even the past. Good thoughts. In other words, I just couldn't stop thinking of you."

My cheeks grow a light rosy color as I smile and feel all tingly inside. My Pirate King is so sweet and he's everything to me. He was thinking about me just like I was thinking about him. His tall frame now being directly in front of me, I reach out to him and wrap my arms around his midsection as tightly as I can.

"I was thinking about you too." I say, my eyelids lowering. "I missed you a lot. And," My fingers curl into the back of his coat. "I was thinking about other things, too."

"Really, now?" He inquires, his fingers massaging my scalp. "What were these other things?"

I unwind my arms from around him, my gaze moving from him to the window. The remaining clouds in the sky are starting to fade away from the intense summer sun. I squint slightly, the light from the giant star reflecting off of a distant building and making it glow brightly. Naturally, I look away from it, then find myself staring at my necklace resting on the side table.

"What happened to your Sword of Damocles?" I ask, peeking up at Reisi. "Did it get better? And the Slates, did Yashiro destroy them like he planned?"

His violet eyes widen slightly, and he blinks a few times in surprise. He appears confused for a second or two before he moves to sit beside me. The tip of his index finger grazes his chin in thought.

"That's right… you don't know." He says more to himself than me.

He looks over in my direction. I eagerly face him, crossing my legs and leaning forward in anticipation. He smiles at my actions, chuckling lowly and adjusting his glasses.

"It's a bit much." He informs and takes my hands into his, giving me a worried look. "Should I tell you little bits at a time? The last thing I want to do is overwhelm you."

My lips curve upwards. He's asking me if I'm ready to hear such things, and if I'll be able to handle it. I think I'll be able to. I want to know and it's something I have to know. I know all too well what happened to me, but I don't know a thing about what happened to everyone else.

"I'll be okay." I grin and scoot closer to him to cuddle, leaning against him. "Tell me everything."

Just like that, he's smiling again. His eyes shine affectionately, and he somehow looks even happier than before. Me leaning against his side isn't enough for him, and honestly it's not enough for me either. He takes me into his arms and moves me so I'm sitting in his lap. Then, he starts talking away.

I listen intently as he speaks and informs me of things I didn't know, keeping quiet the whole time. He continuously runs his fingers through my hair and my eyelids slowly lower. I'm suddenly immersed in so many feelings. Most of them are good, most. Although the good outweighs the bad, it doesn't make me blind to it in the slightest.

My Sword of Damocles was just beginning to form while Reisi's Sword of Damocles was just beginning to fall. That relieves me yet also frightens me. The whole Damocles Down thing is terrifying. Years and years later after I survived Kagutsu's, it's still terrifying to think of. However, no matter how scared I am of it, this Damocles Down was different.

Yashiro was somehow able to focus all of its energy in one spot. He succeeded in destroyed that Slates. He saved Reisi and prevented the Slates from forcing its power onto any more people. That makes me smile. He did it. He faced everything head on just like he said he would. He made things right, and I'm so glad.

There are no longer any Sword of Damocles, which means Kings are no more. Despite that, Reisi claims that his Aura has become stable again and still bears its Kingly strength. I find that strange, but also somewhat consoling too. He also says that Yashiro is currently researching that shards left behind by the Slates to figure out what's going on. That must mean the Alien Clan is still intact, and that's good too.

It also turns out that HOMRA is doing well too, although sometimes still breaking the law with their gangly activities. I find myself shaking my head in amusement at that, and I can't help but smile once more at how Yata and Fushimi are friends again.

One of the biggest shocks to me is how the Prime Minister was fired. It's more funny than it is shocking though. Serves that man right. I don't like him at all. Reisi says he and Yashiro worked together on carrying that out, which is… way more shocking.

They originally went after him for violating protocol, firing Reisi when he had no right, and for his involvement with JUNGLE. As an investigation went underway, it turns out he did a lot more illegal things than just that. He was stealing government money, not to mention he was involved in tons of other scandals, and also eliminating anyone who threatened to take over his position. It's a good thing he's behind bars now.

Just thinking of that man makes me angry. As if I could forget how rude he was being to Reisi, and now finding out all these other things makes me nearly growl out loud. Maybe I actually would have if it wasn't for the other things I discover.

"Uncle Seigo… he's really dead?" I whisper in question.

Reisi doesn't answer right away, and that brief moment of silence is all it takes to confirm what I doubted. Just like that, my vision becomes blurry and my chest constricts. He really did choose to die with Nagare. Was that his way of saying he had nothing else to live for because they lost? What an idiot. Yet, I'm no better. Wasn't I about to do the same thing for Reisi?

"You know," I begin, smiling forcefully. "Maybe me and him weren't all that different."

"You two are nothing alike." Reisi instantly disagrees, his tone a little bitter that I would even compare myself to Seigo. I shake my head in objection, leaning back against his chest.

"In his last moments, we were. He must've loved Nagare a whole lot. He couldn't imagine life without him, so he wanted to die with him. I was about to do the same thing for you, and because of that..." I murmur, lowering my eyelids. "We were very much alike."

Silence hovers instantly after my words, and Reisi's arms noticeably tighten around my midsection. I can feel moisture welling up in my eyes, seeping through my eyelids and sticking to my lashes. A knock at the door grabs my attention.

I open my eyes and see Doctor Ishikawa stepping into the room with a smile, her daughter Makoto right behind her. They are both smiling and I forcefully return the gesture. These two are the only ones I can tolerate.

"It's time for your physical therapy." Doctor Ishikawa informs, walking further into the room along with Makoto. I watch mutely as Makoto grabs my wheelchair and moves it over to me. Reisi's arms slowly unwind from around me.

My eyes bore into the wheelchair before haltingly looking off to the side. That chair is like a curse to me, constantly reminding me that I'm too weak to support myself. I hate the creaking sound it makes when I sit in it and the squeaky sound it makes as it rolls along. It's a confinement I can't escape from, just like the room it's about to take me to.

I give a small nod just before Reisi helps me into the chair, and only watch absentmindedly as he wheels me after the doctor and nurse. The hospital smell floods into my nostrils, and the same scenery of the hallway and multiple rooms pass by. Suddenly, I feel depleted of energy.

"Are you alright?" Reisi asks from behind me, leaning down and slightly forward so he can take a look at my dull face. I only nod and he lets out a soft sight, straightening up. "I'm sorry."

I look over my shoulder and with widened eyes. He's staring ahead now. Why did he apologize? The happiness that practically rolled off of him just moments earlier is gone and replaced with something else. It almost looks like guilt. Guilt? For what?

"What about you?" I question with a frown, a crease forming in my brow. The outer corner of his lips twitch upwards and he looks at me once more. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." He answers.

"Then, why did you apologize?"

"I thought I annoyed you, is all."

I gasp and turn in my seat hastily, gazing up at him while my hands settle on the backrest of my chair. His eyelashes flutter in surprise at my horrified face and his walk starts to slow down in its pace.

It's only then I realize my simple nod to his most recent question may have come off as rude. Although it is true that I'm a little annoyed right now, I'm most definitely not annoyed with him.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry." I answer his question with words this time, speaking so quickly they almost aren't comprehensible.

He blinks a few times before his expression softens. Letting out a low chuckle along with briefly shaking his head, he smiles at me in a way that makes the organ in my chest warm greatly. My head tilts at his low and amused laugh.

"It's clear to me now that you'll never learn."

"Learn what?" I mutter, my eyes narrowing.

"That no matter how hard you try," He leans closer to me and blood rushes into my cheeks. "I'll always see through whatever lie you tell."

His eyes hold mine, and I'm unable to look away no matter how hard I try. My lips part and release a heavy breath, and I only turn back around in my seat when I'm able to tear my eyes away from his. Now, I'm the one feeling guilt. I stare down at my lap, my fingers curling into my pale gown.

"...I'm frustrated." I admit weakly, and his chin rests atop my head.

"I know you are." He whispers. "Things are taking longer than you would like, and you don't like needing help with every little thing. The list can go on and on. But, don't let your frustration block out all the things to be happy about." He kisses the top of my head. "You're able to take steps now."

"But not on my own." I grumble in irritation, thinking of how I'm only able to succeed in taking steps when I'm holding onto something. My legs are still far too weak to support my body on their own. "I can't even make it to the other end of the bars…"

"Did you even listen to a single word I just said?" Reisi's finger prods against the back of my head, and I try to swat it away. He only smiles at my failed attempts. "Akira, three months ago, how many steps were you able to take?"


"How many steps are you able to take now?"

My lips compress together and I remain silent. I look off to the side at nothing in particular, feeling Reisi's gaze drilling a hole into the back of my head. I prop my arm up on the armrest of my chair, my cheek pressing against my balled-up fist.

"...Not enough." I mutter, honestly having no clue. Reisi lets out a heavy breath.

"How could you not be paying attention to these things?"

The rolling of my chair gradually slows until it comes to a complete stop. I blink a few times in bewilderment, watching as Makoto and Doctor Ishikawa get further ahead. At the rate they are walking they'll leave us behind in no time. Before I can look over at Reisi in confusion he steps in front of me. The rich and profound expression he wears makes my breath get caught in my throat.

"Ten steps." He informs me. "That's how many you are able to take."

That's more than I expected, and I suddenly feel bad at how I'm oblivious to these little things while he's not. I haven't been counting my steps at all. What I've been focused on is how far I can go. For the past couple weeks, I've always been falling in the same spot. Isn't that the most important thing? How far I can walk?

"Does that really matter though?" I whisper, averting my eyes. "For days now, I've been falling in the same spot over and over again no matter how hard I try. So, does it really matter how many steps I can take if I can't pass that single point?"

"Of course it matters." He interjects softly, crouching before me and placing his hands on my knees. His soft violet orbs gaze up at me and I slowly look back at him.

My lower lip holds a small tremble, and he smiles warmly and in a way that refreshes me. He raises his hand towards my face, using the pad of his thumb to wipe at the tears that gathered at the outer corner of my eyes. Being on the verge of crying again makes me feel pathetic.

"Every little improvement matters." He says. "Akira, you're capable of doing so much more than you think. You can do anything you set your mind to, and that's the problem."

"Problem…?" I murmur, my lips parting in surprise when he presses his finger against my forehead.

"As of right now, your mind is the only thing holding you back. You're thinking too much and those thoughts are pessimistic. Am I right?" His lips downturn slightly. "Every time you go in that room, you don't ever think of making it further. You don't think 'I will do better today.' All you wonder about is where you'll fall down this time, and that's what's stopping you."

I can't even say anything in return, because no words at all can form on my tongue. I can't even manage a nod, too shocked at how he can see right through me. He's absolutely right. He always is and always will be. Is it really that obvious?

He plants a gentle kiss on my nose before moving behind me once again, continuing to roll me forward. My eyes are somewhat wide as I stare ahead, and my fingers move and hover over my forehead.

"You need to be more positive. That's one of the first things that drew me to you—your positivity. Everything always seemed fun to you. No matter how bad the situation, you always radiated a light." He continues. "'Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.' Don't you remember telling me that when I was down?"

I do remember telling him that, and it makes me smile sadly. The memory seems so far off and blurry, almost dreamlike. That happened such a long time ago, and things were so much different back then.

I was only a rookie in Scepter 4 at the time, not even fully aware of what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that I wanted to stay with my Pirate Crew and Reisi. Back then, I was still completely unaware of my true feelings for him. Back then, I was more carefree and naive, bubbly and energetic, wasn't I? I was completely childish. Over the years, I've really changed.

Everything I went through shaped me into who I am now. Am I better now or worse? I can't even walk, and I snap easily, not even able to keep my own emotions from consuming me entirely. I have scars now too that'll never fade. I feel wistful for the past. How I wish days could be like that again. Those days were the most ideal.

Training daily, swimming in the pool and holding birthday parties, drinking tea in my precious home. My chest grows painfully tight. I don't think things will be like that again with how I am now. Those happy and feelgood days are really long gone. I at least long to go back home once again where I feel most comfortable. This place is like a prison to me. When can I leave? I want to leave now.

Before I even know it I'm in the rehabilitation room, positioned at the far end of the parallel bars while still seated in my chair. I stare ahead and at the end of the bars—where I need to make it to. Then, my gaze drifts to the halfway point I always fall at. It's a new day but the daily routine remains the same. But, for every time I come here, the more drained I feel.

"Are you ready?" Reisi asks, grabbing onto my hands so he can help me stand. I look at him before looking at Makoto and Doctor Ishikawa. They both are smiling in encouragement.

"You can do it, Akira." Makoto smiles. "I know you can!"

"Just takes things one step at a time." Doctor Ishikawa nods. "You've been doing great."

That's the thing, I haven't been doing great at all. I unconsciously make a scowling face while Reisi helps me onto my feet. He leans forward, lips by my ear as he whispers.

"Remember, don't let your thoughts limit what you can do."

I stare up into his eyes, realizing that just now I was thinking negatively. Evidently, it's easier said than done to do just that. However, I have to at least try. If I don't, surely I'll be trapped here forever.

Reisi smiles when I give him a short nod. He helps me place my hands on the bars then moves aside and out of my way, although staying close to help me if needed. My fingers curl tightly around the cold metal and I draw in a breath, swallowing thickly.

Don't think too much—that's what I keep telling myself repeatedly in my head. I just need to take it one step at a time. No, not even that. I just need to not think at all. All I need to do is walk.

I take one step forward. It's small, but I'm getting somewhere. After that single step I take another, finding myself counting each step in my head. One and two. Soon enough, I find myself all the way up to the number ten. That's all the steps I've been able to take. Can I make it past that number? A voice I haven't heard in a long while speaks to me.


I pale and sweat forms on my temple. My knees buckle beneath me and I start to fall. As always, Reisi catches me smoothly before impact. I tremble and my breathing is heavier than normal. I try to level it out quickly before he notices, and I utterly fail.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, worried. I look over at him to see utmost concern on his features. I force a smile and shake my head.

"Nothing. I just… it's nothing." I lie through my teeth, and he frowns.


"I don't want to say. So please," I grab the metal bar and start to gradually pull myself up, irritation clearly in my tone. "Don't ask anymore."

Instantly after those words escape my mouth, I pale even further. I slipped again, and seeing that hurt on his face just proves it. Quickly, I look down at the sleek floor instead to block out that expression, but its reflection shines clear even against the floor.

"I mean… I'm—" I start to whisper weakly.

"Let's try again." He interrupts, and I pathetically nod, my hair falling over my face and casting a shadow.

Patience is something I don't seem to have anymore, especially in this room. I can't endure anything. My frustration at even being in this situation overpowers me and as a result I take it out on other people, even those closest to me. It isn't fair to them. It isn't fair for Reisi.

Even after everything, he still remains by my side. He loves me very much, and it seems I've only really realized that since I've been placed in this hospital. Through my angry fits, through my hallucinations, through my clouded mind and despite my appearance, he's still here.

When I'm ready to try again, I make it a point to keep my mouth shut no matter what. I won't even respond to the encouraging words being thrown my way, because I know that I'll find myself slipping again somehow.

I start taking steps again, not counting at all this time and keeping my gaze downcast. Reisi walks next to me and I find myself staring at his reflection through the flooring. A large scratch on the floor stretches across his face. A familiar scratch. Oh. This is where I always fall. I can never make it past this point. But, this time I will.

I move my leg past the deeply scratched tile, telling myself I can do this. However, another part of me seems to be screaming it's futile and that I'll never walk again. If I've been stuck here for weeks now and haven't been able to go further, isn't that enough evidence that I'll be bound to a wheelchair forever? Wait. What am I even thinking? I can't think this—!

My legs give out from beneath me once again, and Reisi catches me once again. He helps me up and I try again, and again, and again. I've lost count of how many times I've fell down, but regardless it's far too many. Before Reisi helps me up once again, he pauses when I bring my hand over my mouth and choke.

"Akira…" He whispers my name sadly, crouching down next to my trembling form. My eyes are squeezed shut and thick tears are spilling down my face. This wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to sob like this.

His hand cradles the back of my head and he holds me against him. Being held against his strong chest and the scent of him comforts me. However, I'm tired of breaking down like this. I'm so tired trying and failing.

"I want to go home…" I whisper out, my fingers curling into his attire. He tenses at my words, but even more so at my impending outburst. "How long do I have to stay here and go through this? Nothing's working! I'm going to stay like this forever don't you realize it?! I just want to go home! Let me go home! P-please, let me go home!"

"I know, baby." He murmurs tenderly, running his fingers through my hair and trying to soothe me. "However… you can't come home just yet. Soon, but not yet. Your overall health still isn't ideal enough. There's still more you need to overcome before you can come home."

I slowly push myself off from him, and his hands settle on my shoulders. My now puffy eyes bore into his and it feels like my heart's tearing into two at his sad expression. I've been causing that expression a lot lately and way more than those happy one's I love.


"What?" He questions in confusion at my single word, and I swallow thickly, whispering with a broken voice.

"C-Can you go? I… I want to be alone now."

Somehow, instead of a hurt expression like I expected, he gives me a dull look. A crease forms in my brow when he takes me into his arms and stands, carrying me like a baby. My arms instinctively loop around his next and he exits the room.

"R-Reisi put me down." I snivel burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"I don't want to." He counters. "Just like I don't want to leave you either. I've spent the entire day missing you. Now that I'm finally able to see you, you expect me to just leave because that's what you want?"

"Y-yes. Because, I'm just being a nuisance to you right now."

"You never were and never will be a nuisance to me. How many times do we have to go through this?"

He walks me back into my room, instantly moving to lie me down in bed. I find myself beneath the sheets before I even know up, staring up at the ceiling. The mattress sinks in beside me and I sit up quickly, seeing Reisi sitting next to me.

"Just get some rest for now. I'll be nearby if you need me." He says, and I shake my head.


Any other words I wanted to say are muffled by his lips on mine. My eyes enlarge and I freeze all over, surprised. His fingers trace my jawline and he presses his forehead against mine, his eyelids lowered. My heart cramps.

"Staying by your side is the least I can do." He whispers. "Tomorrow…" His eyes slowly open to gaze into mine. "The weather is supposed to be nice. It'll be the first day of fall, as well." He smiles warmly. "Would you like to go out with me? We can do whatever you'd like."

The longer his eyes hold my own, the more it feels like I'm melting. I blindly reach for his hand, somehow finding it and holding on tight. There are many things I would like to do, but I can't do even half of those things. Everything I can do is so limited there's almost no point. He could take me anywhere in the world, and all I can do is sight-see. I don't want to do just that.

However, I'm dying to get out of here. I feel like I'm losing myself in this awful place, and perhaps I've already lost myself. If I were to leave even if it's just for a short moment, will I find what I lost?

I slowly nod and he kisses me softly once more. Easily, I can feel his delighted smile. His happiness makes me feel happy too. I'm glad I agreed, even though deep down inside, I know a part of me almost refused. I really am such a mess.

"What would you like to do?" He asks, his fingers running through my strands of hair when I lay back down. There's nothing really that I can do, so I can't really answer.

"Surprise me." I answer, pulling the covers up and over my nose. "I'll do anything that you choose."

He stares at me silently for a short moment. It's clear there are many thoughts running through his mind, and he almost looks dismal somehow. Things only appear that way briefly. It's gone so quick I question if it was even there at all. He wears a smile again.

"Alright." He says tenderly. "Tomorrow, I'm going to make sure you have the best day of your life. So, look forward to it."

"The best day of my life?" I question, lowering my eyelids slightly at that while my lips curve upwards. "Really?"

"Really." He confirms with a low laugh. "Do you not believe me?"

"Well…" I begin, almost just saying "of course I believe you" until I realize he'll see through that. My lies really are becoming pointless to the point that I'm even starting to question their use. "Actually, no. I don't believe you."

"Oh?" He smiles, his head tilting ever so slightly. "Why's that?"

"Because, all I'm good for is being dragged around like a dog on a leash."

He wordlessly stands up, and it's clear I must've upset him. But, I told him how I actually felt, and I oddly feel more content at that instead of going with a lie. Even though he's upset, there's something else there too. I watch as he moves towards the large window and as he stares out of it. He opens the glass and my eyes gradually widen.

The cool outdoor breeze floods into the room, making the curtains blow about and even his attire. The refreshing air hits my face and weaves through his hair. He turns around and faces me I find myself falling even deeper in love with him.

His violet orbs bewitch me, the sunlight making them shine bright. That smile he wears takes my breath away. How he stands there so tall and proud, everything about him makes me breathless. His deep and sensuous voice flows in my direction.

"I'll prove you wrong." He says, slowly starting to smirk. "I'm always right, aren't I?"

It's only then I realize the scorching warmth in my cheeks. I bring my hands over them instantly. How long have I been blushing like this? He starts making his way towards me and I bury myself deeper into the mattress.

"Akira," He says my name in a way that makes me shiver, leaning over me. "I'm going to make you realize just how perfect you are."


I lay on my side, my back to the door. My eyes gaze out the window and at the same scenery. It's a very early morning, only sunrise. The only growing difference is the leaves on what little trees I can see. They are gradually changing color. It must be getting even cooler outside. It is the first day of fall, after all.

Rolling onto my back, I drape my arm over my forehead and stare at the ceiling. I haven't seen Reisi since yesterday. I happened to fall asleep and when I woke up, he was gone. He must've had something to do. But, I know he'll be back soon. Despite my thoughts yesterday, I'm actually excited for today. I wonder, what does my Pirate King had planned for me?

A knock at the door makes me look over. I expect whoever's knocking to be a nurse or Reisi, but I'm completely wrong. I sit up in surprise when Seri and Mr. Kusanagi come walking in.

"...Seri." I whisper. "Mr. Kusanagi… what are you doing here?"

The two of them walk into the room in perfect sync, seeming very content together. They both smile as the approach me, and I find myself smiling in return. It feels good to see new faces.

"Visiting you. What else?" Seri answers smoothly, plopping down at the edge of my bed. "Is that a crime?"

"No." I narrow my eyes at her, that smart response getting to me. "Just unexpected."

"The Captain was right. You are a lot more short-tempered than before." She leans forward, flicking my forehead. I bring my hands over it with a grimace. "Get it together."

"Seri," Mr. Kusanagi shakes his head in disapproval at her actions, sitting in a nearby chair and smiling at me. "Hey, Akira. It's been a while since we met face to face like this."

I rub my forehead for a moment longer before lowering my hands with a small smile, genuinely happy to see him. It really has been a while. Seeing that he seems very much the same in appearance and personality relieves me.

"It's good to see you, Mr. Kusanagi." I wave at him. "I hope you've been well."

"Same to you." He smiles, leaning forward in his seat. "You seem to be doing better."

I give a small nod. It's no lie that I'm doing better than before, but in some ways it feels like nothing's changed. Or, really, some things really haven't changed. I stare down at my lap. My heart feels heavy suddenly.

"I'm… trying." I whisper.

"So, how much longer do you have to stay here?" Seri asks, making me look over.

"I don't know… but," I slowly start to smile. "Reisi said he's going to take me out today. I'm really looking forward to it."

"That's nice. I bet getting out of this place will do you some good." Mr. Kusanagi says. "It'll be a nice break from everything, too."

I blink a few times. A break? That's something I didn't consider this as. My condition is something I can't get a break from no matter where I go. Despite that, I nod in agreement with a forced smile.

"Where are you two going?" Seri asks, extremely curious for whatever reason.

"I don't know. I told him to surprise me."

"Do you have an outfit in mind?"

I pause at that question. An outfit? Dressing up didn't cross my mind. I haven't worn any of my actually clothes in forever, and I doubt my clothes would even fit me anymore. I've always been dressed in this drab hospital gown. Seri notices my dazed expression.

"Were you planning on going outside wearing this?" She pulls on my gown with a disapproving expression. "I cannot allow you to do such a thing. This will be your first date with the Captain since you've woken up. Have some pride, will you?"

"Well, it's not like any of my clothes are here!" I retort with a glare. "It's not like I have a lot of freedom here. Do you think I want to wear this?"

"You should just—"

"I should just what? Pretend that nothing's wrong with me? I'm tired of faking smiles and doing things because people tell me that's what I should do. Every day, I should try to walk even though it's hopeless. Every day, I should take these medications to help with pain and depression. It's annoying. You're annoying me —thinking you know everything and what's best for me just like everyone else. If you're just here to give me a to-do list then you should just leave."

Silence hovers in the air instantly afterwards, and my glaring eyes stare into Seri's wide ones. It takes a full minute for what I just said to sink in and my lips slowly part. I duck my head, turning away from her while biting down harshly on the inside of my cheek.

"Akira," Mr. Kusanagi speaks carefully, cautiously even like I may even snap on him next. "Seri's just trying to help."

"...Sorry." I whisper, bringing my hands over my face. "That was… sorry…"

"It's alright. That apology was meaningless. My feelings aren't easily hurt. Why you're so snappy is understandable and I was prepared for something like this to happen." Seri waves her hand through the air like nothing happened, and it only serves to make me feel worse. "The truth is, I already knew about this date. The Captain mentioned he would be absent from the office today because of it, and that's exactly why I'm here."

"W-What?" I whisper out, fighting tears as I stare at her.

"I knew you wouldn't have an outfit. So, I came to help you."

As she explains this, she pulls a suitcase out of seemingly nowhere. My eyes widen when she opens it, seeing nail polish and makeup of all sorts stocked inside. She curses under her breath, looking over at Mr. Kusanagi.

"I left the outfit in the car. Go fetch it for me." She practically orders him, and he sighs, although smiling.

"Sure thing, my honey~"

Seri glares after him and all I can do is clutch at the fabric of my gown over my chest. She came all the way here to help me get ready for today? Even after I rudely snapped at her, she's still set on doing this? I'm such an idiot.

"Stop looking sorry like that." Seri scolds, grabbing a bottle of white nail polish. "Seriously, you act as if you haven't said worse things."

"But, I haven't." I snivel when she grabs my hand, placing it in her lap as she gets ready to paint my nails.

"So, you haven't called me 'Barbie' before?" She inquires, raising a perfect brow. "That was very hurtful."

Before I even know it, I'm laughing. I'm completely engulfed by those distant memories of me and her always bickering. It's only then I realize we never truly stopped doing that. Even now, we still fight with each other through words. It's weird, but it's something I like to do. She smiles at me.

"I know it must be exhausting being here, but try not to lose confidence." She says, carefully dragging the brush against the length on my nail. "This will all be nothing but a distant memory soon enough. An unpleasant memory, but when you look back on it, I'm sure you'll be very proud of the things you've overcome here."

"...Thank you, Seri." I smile, feeling warm inside at her words.

"Of course. You know I'll always be here for you, right? If you want to lash out, just call me. That's something we've always done, so don't hesitate."

It suddenly hits me how much I really missed her. I nod happily with rosy cheeks and a bright smile. She smiles some more. This is perhaps the first time I smiled genuinely like this in front of her in a while.

"Now, let's surprise the Captain with your gorgeous looks, shall we?"

She must be only flattering me, that's what I think. But, when I recall this is Seri I know she's telling the truth. My cheeks grows a shade darker and I find myself thinking of Reisi. He said similar things and I've been skeptical this entire time. I must really be blinded.

"Do you really think that I'm pretty?" I ask her nervously.

"Of course." She answers firmly. "In truth, I think you've grown even prettier than before. Although there are some changes, none of them are flaws. You look more mature, seasoned." She smiles amicably. "Your looks back then must've been comparable to a bud, because right now you are most definitely in full bloom."


Reisi arrives at the hospital in casual clothes. A plain white and long-sleeved collared shirt, and khaki pants to go along with. As for footwear, he's wearing a comfortable yet posh pair of tennis shoes. Since he plans to do a lot of walking today and visit various places, the wanted to aim for a more comfortable look.

The moment he steps into the hospital he's greeted by the staff. He's quite well known in this place due to the fact he's always here. Akira is just as well known, not only because she's the one he visits, but also because of her short-tempered nature towards others these days. She must've ran a handful of people off the job from her actions. He finds himself shaking his head lightly, although smiling.

Before he actually takes Akira out, he plans on taking her home first so she can pick out what she'd like to wear. He figures she will also be very happy with visiting home and his clansmen. He's very excited for today. It's been a long while since he's taken his Pirate Queen on a date.

He steps into her hospital room with a smile, although that smile falters when he notices she's not present. Makoto is the only one in the room and tidying things up. He blinks a few times in surprise. Where's Akira? He feels worried suddenly.

"Oh, Mr. Munakata." Makoto faces him a bows in greeting. "Good morning."

"Good morning." He greets, then getting straight to the point. "Where's Akira?"

"She's in the central garden." She answers with a bright smile.

"By herself?"

"Well," Makoto begins, sweat trickling down the side of her face as she smiles sheepishly. "You know how she is… wanting to be alone all the time."

"I see." He sighs, waving. "Thank you."

Instantly after those words, he hurries out of the room and down the hall. Worry runs through his veins. He's aware of how Akira is, but he doesn't like it all when she's left alone. He feels as if anything could happen to her. Sometimes he reminisces that horrifying moment when she had her hands tightly around her own neck. He hates to think of that and knows she didn't even realize what she was doing, but it's not something he can simply forget.

She's trapped in her head even now, set on thinking she can't do anything or enjoy anything because she can't walk on her own. There are still other things she struggles with. It didn't take him much to notice that she hesitated in agreeing to go out today.

He understands. It sucks. He can't even fathom what it must feel like to be in her shoes. Just seeing her like this tears him apart. Even though she's not completely the same as back then, he wants her to realize she's still wonderful and perfect to him. More importantly, he wants her to be happy with herself. That's the most important thing to him—her own self-happiness.

In little to no time he reaches his destination. He passes through the glass doors. The fresh air engulfs him along with the smell of asters and pansies. There is a small chill in the air that signals the start of the autumn season, although it's a comforting sensation.

He ventures through the garden, looking around in all directions in search for the one most precious to him. He locates some people, but they aren't her, and when he reaches the center and deepest part of the garden, he smiles when he sees familiar golden hair. His feet carry him closer only to pause halfway when his breath is taken away at the sight.

She is standing on her own, her wheelchair off to the side. Before her is the glistening pond swarming with colorful koi surrounded by autumn bloomers. The shadows of the trees dance across her form, the sunlight hitting her in various places.

Her hair is pulled back by a white ribbon, her bangs left free to frame her stunning face. She's wearing light mascara and a subtle shade of eyeshadow, bearing such a natural and glowing look. Her lips are glossed and look so soft to the touch.

The high-waist peach skirt she wears flutters in the breeze, stopping right at her knees and flaring ever so slightly. She wears a white and button up blouse that's neatly tucked in, her long sleeves rolled up at her wrists. The sandals she wears share the color of her skirt, and the blue necklace he gifted to her glistens on her neck.

Even though her striking appearance no doubt has him breathless, the fact that she's standing on her own makes him completely forget how to breathe. She looks so tall standing there, no longer small and fragile. He takes a step closer and she looks his way.

Her lilac eyes sparkle, growing brighter as soon as they lock with his own eyes. Her lips curve upwards into a charming smile and her cheeks are instantly shaded a light pink. His heart flutters in his rib-cage, radiating a warmth at that genuinely smiling face. He moves closer to her with a wide smile, taking her all in. Briefly, he's at a loss of words.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any more beautiful…" He whispers softly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. She places her hands on his chest with a bright smile. "Akira."

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any more handsome," She cutely copies his words, laughing. "Reisi, my Pirate King."

He chuckles lowly, taking a step back and holding onto her soft hands. Her nails are painted. He looks over her attire once more, not being able to help himself. She looks so beautiful, and her current happiness adds to that beauty. It's been too long since he's seen her dressed up like this, and this has to be the first time she's wearing that necklace since the incident. Despite that, something else stands out far greater.

"You're standing." He says, feeling completely overjoyed and proud. He looks over to the wheelchair that's not too far off, but not nearby either. "Did you walk over here?"

"No." She answers, appearing skittish and disappointed suddenly. "But, I stood up on my own. Standing is easier than walking."

"Even so, look at how much you accomplished. Before you weren't able to do such a thing, and look at you now. You never cease to amaze me, my Pirate Queen."

"Well," She smiles slightly. "I wouldn't be able to do these things without you and everyone else supporting me. I'm sorry if I don't thank you enough, and I'm even more sorry for giving you and everyone else a hard time."

He shakes his head lightly at her apology, thoroughly accepting it even though a part of him doesn't deem it necessary. She's constantly apologizing for things that aren't her fault, and he knows that she'll never stop.

"There's no need for you to apologize." He murmurs, lightly giving her hands a squeeze.

Despite his words of comfort, her eyes fall from his and stare dismally at his chest. He frowns slightly. It's obvious something is on her mind and troubling her. With a small frown, he cups her cheek in his palm, making her look back at him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, feeling her tense ever so slightly. "Did something happen while I was away?"

She doesn't speak to answer him, only responding with a small nod. Her bright eyes become melancholy, briefly losing their shine while her lower lip holds a slight tremble. It seems not a single day can pass by where she doesn't wear this expression that breaks his heart.

He hopes that after what he has planned for today that she will be as happy as she was back then—perhaps even happier. Regardless, he knows things will never truly be the same. The scars are too deep. Even so, his love for her is still endless.

"Let's sit." He speaks tenderly, scooping her up into his arms with ease and moving towards a nearby bench.

He carefully sets her down atop the wooden seat, then takes a seat next to her. She grips her skirt tightly with her trembling fingers, and he drapes his arm over her shoulders. It's more than easy to tell that whatever happened upset her greatly.

"What happened?" He asks, kissing the top of her head.

"Well…" She begins, swallowing. "Seri and Mr. Kusanagi visited earlier, and I…"

As she tells him what transpired during his absence, his eyes slowly widen and a small frown forms on his face. She tells him every single word she said to his Lieutenant, not leaving anything out. By the time she's done filling him in, her hands are covering her face. He can't stop himself from letting out a sigh.

Ever since she broke free from the shackles of her coma, she definitely has been more quick-tempered. Sometimes it seems like she's improving when it comes to not snapping at people, and sometimes it seems like things are just getting worse. He knows for a fact that things are getting worse. Her patience has long but left her. For everyday she's confined here, it gets further and further away.

He doesn't want to keep saying it's okay, because in a sense it's not. However, he also knows it's not her fault she's like this. She didn't ask to go through all that trauma. Everything she went through, and seeing her trapped here now, it plagues his mind. Admittedly, as the days go by, he's been starting to feel regretful—even more so than the regret he felt that day.

"Ms. Awashima forgave you, didn't she? If so, you don't need to worry too much." He speaks. "Also, I know it's difficult, but you can't keep snapping like this. It isn't healthy."

"I-I know. I'm sorry." She whispers.

The heaviness to her voice and her obvious tight throat makes him study her closely. Sure enough, like he suspected, he can see tears seeping through her fingertips that are still concealing her face. He pulls her hands away, revealing her tear-stained face and smeared mascara.

"You're ruining your makeup." He states, and she draws in a sharp breath and attempts to cover her face once again, only this time in embarrassment. However, he doesn't let her.

"R-Reisi," She starts up, displeased at how he has her wrists confined. Her eyes widen a notch when he pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket with his free hand.

Gently, he wipes her tears away and any smeared cosmetics. Her cheeks protrude outwards like chipmunks as she pouts in irritation, and he merely smiles at how adorable she is. Once he's finished she looks off to the side, her ponytail swishing at her dramatic movements.

The majority of her makeup is now gone, but if he's being honest, she looks even more ravishing without it. Nevertheless, whether she's all natural or dolled up, she's beautiful regardless. He puts the handkerchief back in his pocket, standing then picking her up without warning. She lets out a surprised gasp.

"Let's go. I don't want to wait any longer." Reisi says with a smile, walking towards her wheelchair. "I want to cherish this day with you."

"Where are we going?"

"You told me to surprise you, remember?" He smirks when her cheeks darken.

He carefully sets her down in her wheelchair, staring into her lilac eyes that glisten. His hand raises and caresses her cheek, his thumb lightly stroking her velvety skin. He presses his forehead against hers.

"You're going to have to wait and see. All I'll say is that I guarantee that you'll love it."

The organ in his chest skips a beat when he feels her hand in his hair. Her fingers run through his tresses, lightly rubbing against his scalp. Her lips are curved upwards and her features are soft.

"Reisi," She utters tenderly, and he hums lowly. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles, and she shakes her head which makes confusion wash over him.

"No, I mean I really, really, really, love you."

He chuckles lightly. It's almost as if she thinks he isn't aware of this. What a silly thought. He leans closer to her, his lips hovering by her ear as he whispers;

"I know you do. Now," He moves behind her, pushing her wheelchair along to get away from this hospital. "Let's go have some fun."

A/N: Soooo, I may have already gotten pretty far into writing the prequel for this story. :3

It's focusing primarily on Akira's life before she met Reisi ! (* ^ ω ^)

I'll upload it soon to accompany this precious story that's so near and dear to my heart.

Also, has anyone watched K-Seven stories? I really enjoyed it.