Disclaimer: I Do Not Own The X-Men Or Anything Related To The X-Men. I Also Do Not Own The Chapter Title Song, 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' By Mariah Carey Either.

The Chapter Title Song Is, 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' By Mariah Carey.

Thank you for reading the last chapter everyone. I appreciate you guys and gals taking time out of your busy lives to look at this new chapter. This story has grown on me since the start, and will hopefully have a sequel someday. Thank you for reading through this story and enjoy the new chapter:

As the stewardesses' voice drifted over the airplane speakers and alerted everyone to return their seats to the full upright position and turn off their electronic devices, Remy LeBeau chuckled to himself and locked his phone screen. He placed the device in his pocket and started to gather the stuff spread haphazardly on his fold down tray.

"What's so funny?" The woman in the window seat to his left asked as she stretched out her arms.

"Jean's e-mail."

"How is she feeling?" The smaller brunette piped up from the seat behind the pair. She ignored the request of the blinking light above their heads to buckle her seatbelt and leaned over their shoulders. "Is she still sick to her stomach?"

"Oui." He admitted and laughed when the woman next to him made a dissatisfied expression, "Keep making that face and it could freeze like that, Anna Marie."

"At least I'm not laughing about my friend's morning sickness, Cajun." She countered giving him a look that clearly stated she figured the laugh would come back to bite him in the butt.

"Wasn't laughing at that." Remy leaned closer to Anna and showed her the message, "They told Big Nate today. Apparently, he is royally pissed his new brother or sister won't be there for his birthday party next week."

"Did they tell him he has to wait about six more months?"

"Would you want to tell Nathan that?" Kitty laughed after taking the question for Remy.

"Good point." Anna smiled and noticed a few familiar landmarks outside her window.

She still wasn't sure how she'd somehow wound up flying back to Mississippi with one Remy LeBeau. It all seemed so unreal to think they were talking, let alone trying to be friends. Part of her was unable to avoid wondering if he ever missed the warmth of their stolen kisses, as much as she did. Every so often, she couldn't help but stare at his face or his muscular arms and remember the way he once whispered in her ear and held her so tightly against his chest.

"I kind of thought we'd have like taken your personal jet," Kitty mumbled to Remy after the steward snapped at her for not being buckled up.

"How much money, you think I got petit?" He chuckled then turned his attention to Anna who was sitting with a content, if not dreamy, smile plastered on her face.

It was hard to imagine he had once been considering leaving any trace of Anna Marie Darkholme behind him. Somehow, through her overactive flight reflex and his frustration, they'd settled into a new relationship of sorts. Being friends was great on some levels since it let him stay close and yet still gave them room to figure out who they were or might want to be in the future. But it had its own problems as well.

Sitting next to her without being able to take her soft hand in his own was starting to pull at his last nerve. Was it so bad that he wanted to wrap an arm around her waist and kiss those full pink lips again? They had both agreed it would be best to take things slow. It had been an agonizingly long five weeks since their official heart to heart. They kept everything civil and friendly through each interaction, but maybe that wasn't enough for the young man anymore. He didn't know what she felt, a thought that ate at him quite a bit, but he was starting to understand that he wanted more than just being Anna's buddy. He wondered if Anna realized each day spent near the real her, made him want to be close to her even more.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

She blinked her eyes as if she had been far away from the noisy airplane, "What?"

"You keep that goofy grin on your face and people might start suspecting things, Chere." The nickname slipped out of his mouth like sliding into a pair of comfortable shoes.

"And what might they think, Swampie?" She leaned closer to him, telling herself it was just to hear him over the gate change announcements.

"That you may be daydreaming 'bout some handsome fella taking more than just an interest in those lips."

She wasn't sure if his head moved first or if it was her own, but she leaned yet a little closer, wondering the whole time what was racing through his mind.

She whispered, "Is that so, Caju-"

The landing gear hit the ground, forcing her body to snap back into the seat. Remy gripped the armrests and silently cursed under his breath as their possible moment passed them by. Goofy grin, stubborn pout, or sweet smile didn't matter, he realized as his brain continued to grumble, that what mattered was how much he really wanted to kiss Anna Marie Darkholme.

Maybe they weren't a couple, then or now, and maybe they were stupid to not take things even slower. But at that moment he didn't care. All Remy LeBeau wanted, was a chance to hold her in his arms and not have someone, or some air pocket, ruin the scene.

When the seatbelt light finally went out, Anna unbuckled and tried to regain her sea legs. She didn't have anything against flying, when the weather was nice and the plane stayed level, at least. The trick pilot who flew this contraption had apparently decided today was national loop-dee-loop day. Not only had that been hard on her stomach, but her anxiety level had been riding its own roller coaster between thoughts about the flight and thoughts of a certain Swamp Rat. She just couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened between her and Remy.

She'd been scared to talk with him even after their get-to-know-you coffee and Bella's pep talk. Part of her was afraid that maybe time, even the few hours before she approached the tour managers later that morning, would be enough to wake him from this whole dream. That possibly, the moment she stepped into Ororo's hotel room, the spell would be broken and she would go back to being another random groupie in his sight.

The fears, as it turned out, were completely unfounded. Remy, through some courage or dedication she couldn't understand, walked right into her meeting with Ororo. Anna's plan, as misguided and poorly figured out as it was, had been simple; take the blame for everything, apologize profusely, drop out, and run for the hills. If it weren't for Remy's suggestion, the plan would have gone off without a hitch.

Who would have ever believed Belle and Ororo would agree to another substitution? It was all so simple really. Anna would stay on to teach Belle some of the newer songs and come show time, the right girl would finally dance onto the stage. The audience still got their opening act and Belle got her overdue credit. In the end, the whole thing was probably cinched the moment Logan gave The Gambit's frazzled manager a small wink. Quick as it was, Anna knew that it meant something since it gave Ororo the last boost of confidence to agree to a temporary attempt of the plan.

"Did you hear anything out of Belle?" Kitty asked her as Remy fished stuff out of the overhead compartments.

"Yeah. She took the offer she got to open for that new techno group."

Kitty raised an eyebrow as she took her bag from Remy and started to follow the crowd towards the door, "Why would she do that? I mean, there were like a ton of offers from other places that were better."

She knew exactly why her cousin took that particular offer. Belle wanted something she earned on her own. It was the same reason Anna turned down the offers fake Bella Donna received at the start of the tour. There was no longer any reason, or want, for the women to pretend to be something they weren't or rely on the approval of random guys. It was a fresh start for everyone involved.

Anna was determined to get musical attention under her own name, no matter how hard it would be. While Belle was focusing her energy on her career and not the three men in the new band she was working with. It was a healthier place for both of them. And even with the uncertainty surrounding her relationship with Remy, Anna could still say she was actually happy.

She smiled to herself as the thought occurred to her. Teaching Belle the new moves and trying to start a real friendship with Remy kept her so busy there hadn't been time to stop and ruminate about all of her worries and fears. Each night when her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep almost instantly. For the first time in a long time, she felt almost good about herself.

"Anna!" Raven's voice greeted her the moment they reached the baggage claim. She engulfed her daughter in a tight hug and then turned her attention to the others.

"How was the flight?" She inquired casually enough as she stood surprisingly close to Remy.

"Turbulent," Anna mumbled, distracted by the way her mother seemed to be staring at the Cajun. What was she up to now?

"Good, good." Raven answered as if she hadn't heard a word, "Now, let's get these bags and head out. You are due at rehearsal in less than thirty minutes."

"You must be joking." She blinked in shock and hoisted her checked bag over her shoulder. "You knew we weren't getting in until three, mama."

"And you know the rehearsal slots fill up fast." Raven countered and took Anna's carry on.

As they made their way through the crowded airport, Anna could practically smell the fishiness of her mother's actions. The smiling woman was way too happy for just a normal greeting. She seemed as weirdly bubbly as she had been when Anna first called to explain what happened between her, Belle, and Remy. What was going on in Raven's twisted little mind? And why was Kitty suddenly racing faster than all of them to the parking lot?

"I don't know if all of you will be able to fit in here," Raven announced as they approached her overstuffed car.

As Kitty threw in her bag and Raven added Anna's carry on and checked bags to the last free spots in the backseat, the whole thing began to make sense. The two pranksters busily climbing into the car's only free seats were forcing them to stick together. Despite Remy and Anna's insistence, they were just friends, it wasn't enough for Kitty and the meddlesome Raven.

"Funny mama." Anna frowned after watching Remy shove his bags in the back hatch area. When she looked back to the front of the car, she watched Raven whisper something into Remy's ear, before shutting her car door. "You seriously plan on taking our stuff and leaving us in the cold?"

"Heaven's no." The older woman smiled broadly and handed Anna a small amount of money, "You and Remy can ride a cab over to the rehearsal hall. I already told him the best way to get there."

"What? Why would he need to kno-"

"Don't worry, Chere." Remy smiled at her and Anna felt her heart skip a little quicker. She knew that crooked grin and had been waiting for what felt like an eternity to see him share it with her again. "We'll be fine."

As Raven and Kitty pulled out of the parking lot and into the street, Remy directed Anna over to the waiting line of taxis. He flagged one down easily and whispered the directions so quietly to the cabby that she wasn't able to understand a word. Even without an explanation, she knew they were heading the wrong way as the cabbie took a left onto the main road instead of a right.

"Seriously," She sighed and watched Remy smirk, "Where are we going?"

"There." He pointed towards a building she knew extremely well as the taxi pulled up to the curb.

The Sugar Cookie Diner was a staple in town. They had been a part of the city since the early days of fifties malt shops and poodle skirts. To Anna, the importance of the diner was far more personal. Their grilled cheese sandwiches were the only food she would eat for the first three months she lived with Raven, her mother had taken Kurt and her out for one of the place's fancy hot chocolates every year on their birthdays, and it had been in their favorite booth in the far back that Raven first asked if she would like to be part of their forever family.

"How did you?" She gave the cabbie the money her mother had handed her earlier and noted it was almost the exact fare amount. "She planned this, didn't she?"

"Seems so." Remy laughed and watched Anna pull out her phone when it emitted a jingle.

Anna stared at the screen and couldn't help but smile; Enjoy a day out and don't think about any shows. I'll see you at home tonight.

Maybe her mom had a point, as well as an uncanny ability to understand what Anna had been thinking for the past few weeks. She wanted a chance to spend alone time with Remy and this seemed as good as any. She'd have to remember to thank her mother later.

Also bought you some extra make-up. No reason to show off hickeys to a room full of old women before we ask them to donate thousands.

Then again, Anna figured to herself as she pocketed her phone before a third text could appear, maybe she would thank and grumble at her mother.

The streets and walkways outside the diner were pretty much empty from traffic due to the cold weather and the Christmas rush having long since ended. The pair walked into the surprisingly crowded diner and ordered two of the special hot chocolates to go. Most of the people seemed content to snuggle in a cozy diner booth, but Anna was more interested in showing Remy around the town.

They waltzed in silence down the sidewalks, only breaking the companionable quietness long enough for Anna to point out a few landmarks. Remy nodded his head accordingly and asked a few questions, but most of his attention was spent staring at his beautiful tour guide. He was still tossing the idea of 'just friends' versus trying for something else in his head and had not gotten much farther in the debate than he did on the plane.

When she suggested they take a seat on a bench near the large fountain in the center of town, he readily agreed and noted she sat closer than absolutely necessary. The question of what she thought about their situation was placed just as deeply in his head as the question of how he felt about everything. Anna appeared like she was interested in being more, but there was just so much that he didn't know for certain. It all seemed so much easier when she was just Rogue and he was just Remy. There was no stress, at least not on his side, just a fun atmosphere of flirting and friendship.

"So," She eyed his half-finished hot chocolate with a small smile, "What do you think?"

"Not bad."

"Not bad?" Anna spun out the words in false shock then playfully scoffed at him, "That, my friend, is the world's best hot chocolate."

The term 'my friend' stuck out to him far brighter than any of her other statements for the past half-hour. Still, he managed a smile and tossed his own comment right back at her. Anna grinned a tiny bit wider, causing her eyes to shimmer brightly.

The feeling of his heartbeat quickening forced the young man to take the next step. He couldn't live in this weird middle ground. Remy wanted to know what she was thinking.

"Anna," He spoke slowly and watched her eyes like a hawk. She always stared at him a little strangely when he used her real name as if the novelty of the sound still hadn't worn off. "Are you happy?"

"Well, yes. I mean…"

"You mean?"

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" She turned away from him, feeling her nerves overcome her calm façade, "I mean, Bella and I are actually getting along, Ororo didn't kill Kitty and me when all the stuff came out, and you and I are still friends."

There was that word again, "Oui. We're friends."

"Yeah." She felt her heart beat faster as all of the ideas about what they could be raced past her mind, "And it's great." She stood up and motioned to the opposite direction of their bench, "Why don't we go see th-"

"Anna," He gripped her hand and gently pulled her back down. Realizing it was now or never Remy gazed into her eyes, "Are you happy being just friends or maybe," He leaned in closer to her face and spotted her familiar grin sneak onto her lightly tanned face, "we could be something else?"

Anna closed the gap between them the moment his words cut off. She felt his hand hold hers a little tighter and his head shift to accommodate the growing force of their kiss. He reached out his free hand, letting it tangle up in her deep brown locks, and left it cupping the back of her head as she pulled her lips away. Anna's breath came out faster as she softly laughed and left their foreheads lightly touching.

"Is that supposed to be a yes, Chere?" He teased through that heart-stopping crooked grin.

"I think I could definitely handle trying to be a something else, Cajun." She kissed him once more and for the first time since meeting Remy LeBeau, felt nothing but pure happiness.