Summary: She unfurls herself, like a bobbin, into their tapestry of politics.

Genre: Political/Drama

Pairing: Katara/Zuko


The last thing she remembered was Aang's lips pressed against hers. It was a fumbling wet kiss that conveyed more desperation than it did passion, but he was twelve, he didn't know what else to do and the world was burning around them. There was no room for surprise or discomfort. The smell of astral fire clogged the air and she tasted the tears running down her face, mingling with their messy lip lock. Her blue garbs were torn and bloodied. Aang's right shoulder looked to be melted off, the tissue beneath red-black and sizzling.

She let out a breathy sob into her friend's neck as the fresh image of an exiled prince and his sister consumed in fire took vanguard in her mind. Azula had cackled through the flames and all Katara could do was run. The death clung to her, a heavy stink of destruction, and she felt it closing in. Her chest heaved painfully and although she could barely breathe she kissed Aang again. There was no romance, no sparks, but she felt her friend closely and that was all that mattered as the Phoenix King descended upon them.

She wrapped the both of them in her favourite element, the blue satin, and waited to burn.

Word count: 209

A/N: So the updates will be sporadic at best, the chapters will probably range from grossly short to abhorrently long and I only have a very vague outline for the plot. This is just me being a boob and having a jolly (by writing some really serious dark grim junk here - lik y would u even do dis?). Oh well, I hope you enjoy this unreliable goof-off story.

A/N(Edit): Forget what I just said about chapter lengths. I'm fickle and I'm sorry and please look at the next A/N for the all important deets.