A/N: Gees guys, I am so sorry that this is late. The only excuse I have is that I found myself having to move towns rather suddenly and I didn't have internet access. Here is the last (very short) chapter, more of a drabble really.

Disclaimer: I wish I wish upon a fish.

That Sunday it had been decided that they would take Machiko to the park with the playground that she so favoured. She was just like a commoner in how she loved running around in the dirt and making up games rather than playing alone with her far more intricate toys at home.

Right now that same little girl was tugging on Kyouya's pant-leg. "Tou-san, come lift me. I want to go on the monkey bars."

"I'll be right there Ma-chan." The little girl cheered and ran off. Kyouya rolled his eyes indulgently at Haruhi before standing to join their daughter.

Haruhi had been silent pretty much since they left the apartment. She had resolved to tell her husband how she felt but was waiting for the right moment. And she was scared.

She could not be blind to the facts. This was an arranged marriage, not a love match. There was a very real risk that he would simply rebuff her. An even more painful possibility was that he would say something kind but non-committal. If he did that she would have no idea where she stood with him. But she needed to do it soon, before her courage failed her. Either way she needed to know.

When Kyouya returned, she took a deep breath. It was now or never. "Kyouya, we need to talk." She felt like that was a good strong opening. She did not hear his breath catch.

This was it, he thought. It was the moment he had been dreading. She was bored of him. 'Please,' he prayed silently, 'at least let me spend time with Machiko. Don't cut me out of her life.'

Oblivious to his spiralling panic, Haruhi continued. "I understand if you feel differently, or you don't agree with me, but I realised something recently. I think I love you." Blunt as ever, the words fell out of her mouth without any ceremony.


Haruhi thought his incredulity was due to something other than shock and it made her nervous all over again. "I don't really know how it happened, or when, but it did. It's okay if you don't feel the same. I didn't say this to pressure you or anything."

Her rambling stopped when he placed a hand against her cheek and turned her to face him. There was nothing in his expression but an overwhelming tenderness that made her gasp. "I love you too. Have done for years."

"You have?" There was relief in her voice.

"How could I not?"

He kissed her then and she responded whole-heartedly. Both of them oblivious to Machiko going "ew! ew! ew!" in the background.

A/N: So... did you enjoy that. I hope you did. I know sneak peeks will no longer be a thing, but I still dearly love reviews and reply to every single one. So drop me a review please. One reviewer gave me an idea for a sequel, so I may try and write that. But for now this is the end. Love ya guys.