ttm note

hey all! so I'm still in the works on this (obvs) and I'm working out a bit of stuff here. First, how do y'all like the chapter length? In "Hands" people said I was "click-baiting" by having short chapters. Honestly that's kind of just how I write (which is funny because my notes are always so long) - there it was for time, here for POV changes - and I'm not really sure what I get out of more clicks from you guys? As far as I know it doesn't put me any higher if you sort by popularity or whatever. I'm also posting in chunks so you guys aren't getting on, reading 150 words, and getting frustrated. Anyway, lemme know what you think of the chapter length. I guess I'll put up a poll or something.

If you don't want spoilers for the rest of this story, stop reading here.





so Harry doesn't die in this fic, but I need a little help moving forward. First, ~stuff~ is happening for both Draco and Harry (sharing dreams, napping) and for Neville and Harry (helping him through a panic attack, sleeping in the same bed) what with both Draco and Neville really doing their best to make sure Harry's okay. Originally this story was going to be Drarry, but now I really like Neville? What do you think? I've gotten up to the 42 chapter and y'all can let me know now or at the next update, but I can't decide which direction I want this to go in.

Part of me wants to go with Drarry bc I love them together, but part of me also wants to go with the rarepair Narry? Heville? (Both of those sound real gross..) and I can't really find anything wrong with Neville. Ture, you don't have to date someone just because there's technically nothing wrong with them, but it also feels like I would have to fabricate a reason Harry chooses Draco, with so much of their history and drama, over a good friend he's had for years (I'm proudly team Gale and team Jacob tyvm), and I don't want to invent a flaw in Neville when I'm trying to give him so much (very deserved) growth and keep him in character.

I was also throwing around the idea of having Harry end up single. I really don't like the "love fixes my mental illness" trope that I see in a lot of fics so I can go in that direction too. I could also do a very healthy "I really love you, XXXX, but I'm not in the mindset for a relationship" and wait a while before anything becomes romantic. OR (jesus!) I could make Harry ace or aro and give him a life partner, but not have it be romantic or not have it ever become sexual (I don't really plan to have it become sexual anyway). I guess I'll make a poll for this one too, but feel free to PM me or comment suggestions.

Thanks! XOXO faceless