Thank you all so much again for your support for this story! This is the final chapter. As always, I welcome your feedback.

I do not own Major Crimes or any of the fabulous characters.

Chapter Three

A week had passed since the FBI had absconded with their drug dealer case. Sharon had tried to work whatever angles she could, but the squad ended up hitting too many "classified" walls. Then, a new case fell into their laps and everyone reluctantly moved on. And now it was Saturday once again, and Sharon was home preparing dinner for her and Andy. He was on his way over, and she had told him just to use his key when he got there.

She was busy mixing ingredients into the pan for her homemade shrimp scampi when she heard music fill her condo. She set the sauce to simmer and turned to find Andy dancing towards her to the sensual sounds of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together". She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth in an effort to suppress the grin that was attempting to spread across her face. And then as he got closer to her, he began singing along.

"I'm so in love with you, whatever you want to do is alright with me, cause you make me feel so brand new, And I want to spend my life with you," he sang enthusiastically, and she couldn't help but laugh at his adorable gesture. He took her hands in his and pulled her towards him incorporating her into his little impromptu dance as they moved in rhythm with the words, Let's, let's stay together, loving you whether, whether, times are good or bad happy or sad. She laughed and he enjoyed the sight of her so full of happiness. So full of life.

"You're in an interesting mood," she beamed.

"Nope, just happy to see you," he replied before leaning down and capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. When they pulled apart, she was sporting a beautiful smile. "And, I have good news," he added before bringing their dance moves to a halt. She tilted her head to the side in interest.

"Good news?" She asked intrigued. He nodded while keeping her in his arms.

"I got an offer on my house, and it's a good one," he beamed. Surprise dotted her features.

"You did? Andy, that's fantastic! Congratulations," she said with a smile.

"Yeah? You're really happy about it?" He asked carefully.

"Of course," she assured him.

"Because now that my house is sold, Honey, we're going to need to kick our home search into high gear," he said searching her eyes for any hesitation. He saw none. "You okay with that?"

"I am. Despite my initial fears, I'm looking very forward to sharing a home and a life with you," she promised, and he pulled her closer to him. A slower song had replaced the previous one and he swayed slowly with her. Their bodies close, their hearts beating loudly, and their humid breaths sending pleasant sensations throughout each other's bodies. Andy nuzzled into her hair.

"I love you, Sharon. And I can't wait to share our lives together under the same roof," he whispered. The words warmed her heart while his hot breath on her neck warmed her core. God, did she love this man. They continued to dance closely until the timer went off and broke them from their spell. Sharon finished making their dinner while Andy set the table. They stole glances, chaste touches, and even a few short kisses as they worked together. Sharon couldn't help but imagine this becoming their routine once they were living together.

After dinner, they retired to her room to finish what they had started earlier in the evening. Their love, passion, devotion, and desire for each other morphing into a physical expression as they melded their bodies together and made love slowly until the desire became too much and they skillfully brought each other over the edge.

Later as they laid together basking in the afterglow, Sharon gently caressed Andy's chest while he held her close to him.

"So, about the house hunting," she said quietly. Andy hummed in response. "I might have found something that's perfect for us," she added, looking up to gauge his response. He looked down at her.

"Yeah?" He asked. She nodded.

"It has three bedrooms like we want, and it's close to work and in our price range," she said with a smile. "And there's even a pool for me," she added.

"What's the catch?" Andy asked suspiciously. After their experience with toxic mold, he was a bit reluctant to get too excited over a house.

"Well, there's no black mold, I can promise you that," she assured him. "And I wouldn't exactly call it a catch, but the house currently belongs to one of my old sergeants from FID," she added hesitantly. He studied her a moment.

"You want me to live in a house that belongs to a member of the rat squad?" He asked.

"Well, you're currently sleeping in a bed owned by a former member of the rat squad. And come to think of it, you just did a lot more than sleep with her in said bed," she teased.

"Yeah, and she's their former leader. The Rat Squad Queen," he teased back. She slapped him on the chest playfully.

"I didn't hear you complaining," she laughed.

"Nope, and you won't. Just like you won't hear me complaining about this house if it works out," he assured her before leaning over and placing a kiss to the top of her head.

"I talked to him about it yesterday, and he said he'd hold off on any offers until we get ours in, so I was thinking we could go see it tomorrow and make a decision," she said.

"That sounds good to me," he replied.

"I was a little reluctant to move on this, but now that your house has sold, that certainly makes things easier," she explained.

"Well, it hasn't sold yet, but it's looking good. Guy wants to pay all cash. Should go through quickly," he said while squeezing her a little tighter. Sharon sat up in surprise.

"Cash? Andy, that greatly shortens our time table," she said. He nodded.

"I know, which is why I'm hoping your rat's nest works out," he joked.

"Hmmm... and I was going to say that you could stay here in the interim, but now you're on your own, Mister," she replied with mock seriousness.

"What? I'm sure it's a very nice rat's nest," he teased, and she slapped him playfully again. He rolled her over and covered her body with his own. "Truth is, Sharon, I don't care what it's like. As long as you're happy and we're together, I'm happy," he said before leaning down and capturing her lips in a heated kiss.

One Month Later

Andy set the last box down on the floor of their new living room and looked around. The room was a sea of boxes, and he wondered where they were going to put all this stuff. Of course, there were compromises to be made, discussions to be had, and probably more than one trip to storage units and Goodwill in their very near future. He didn't mind any of it because all of it meant living a life with Sharon.

Despite his initial reservations, Rusty had been just as excited about their new house as Andy and Sharon were. The house meant more space, bigger rooms, more privacy, and a sense of normalcy that Rusty had been denied during his childhood. The trio had worked out a few quirks when Andy's house sold and he was forced to move in with Sharon and Rusty for close to two weeks while they waited for their new house to be available. Even though Andy just wanted Sharon to be happy, he had fallen in love with the "rat's nest" the moment he stepped through the beautiful open foyer entryway. The master bedroom being on the main floor while Rusty's large room was upstairs over the garage had all interested parties satisfied. Everyone was happy to have some much-needed privacy.

Andy deftly navigated his way through the sea of boxes and found the woman he loved diligently unpacking necessities in their new bedroom. He stopped in the doorway and admired her for a few moments before looking around and fully taking in the fact that this was their place, together. It brought a smile to his face.

"Last box is in. How's in going in here," he asked. She put the pile of books in her hands down on their bed and walked over to him.

"Good," she assured him, running her hands up and down his chest. "To tell you the truth, I've been feeling a little giddy about all of it," she confessed with a smile.

"Yeah? Well, I haven't been able to wipe this ridiculous smile off my face, so..." He replied, pointing to his own goofy grin. She pushed up on her tippy toes and kissed him softly.

"We have a lot of work to do, though," she said, sobering them both up instantly. He nodded knowingly.

"Looks like you got a good head start in here," he said. "Bed's all put together," he added a bit suggestively.

"Well, we have to have some place to sleep," she reasoned.

"Among other things," he said with a waggle of his eyebrows. She laughed and he leaned in and captured her lips once again.

"If we keep this up, we'll never make it there tonight. There's a lot of unpacking to do before we go to bed," she said.

"Or... we could skip the unpacking part and go straight to bed," he offered, and he saw the smile she tried to hide cross her features.

"You are a very bad influence," she said before pushing the door closed behind him and pulling him towards the bed.

"That's why we work so well together. I'm the rule-breaking, impulsive one, and you're the rule-following, sensible one. It's a perfect match," he said before she claimed his lips and began pulling his shirt up his body and over his head.

"Yes, and as the sensible one, I'm going to suggest we stop talking," she added pulling him onto the bed with her. And with that neither of them said another intelligible word for quite some time. The boxes and decisions and storage units could all wait. Neither Andy nor Sharon were in a rush. They had the rest of their lives, and neither planned on going anywhere.