I think this is the chapter all of you have been waiting for!
Enjoy it!
I enjoyed writing it!

Saria's POV

"This will sting" Erik warned before he poured wine onto my wrist. My mate had taken me down to his lair and I was able to regain consciousness shortly after. He first cleaned off my shoulder with his own peroxide to disinfect my bite wound. The peroxide didn't last because it was the last he had, he then used simple bandage wrap to put around my bite so my right shoulder was wrapped up at the moment. He had then let me have some privacy so I could get out of my ruined dress. He had gone to my room and retrieved some of my clothes, so now I wore my blue tank top with fresh pants the color of dark brown. My hair was out of its braid since I had shifted earlier. I wore my black slippers on my feet. Afterwards I met up with Erik again and he was now tending to my right arm where I was also bitten.

"Son of a bitch that hurts" I said as the alcohol stung over my bite. Erik actually smiled before he used warm water to clean away the wine and dried blood. Afterwards he put the same wrapping around my warm and secured it tightly before he stopped.

"My wounds will heal in twenty-four hours" I told my mate as he stood to wash his hands. Erik only nodded before he excused himself. He was wearing the same outfit he wore last night which made him look hot. He returned five minutes later and sat in front of his organ where his stool was. My eye patch was on top of a book nearby.

"Are you human?" he asked to start things off. I shook my head.

"No I'm not tell me Erik you know what werewolves are right?"

"Vaguely" Erik answered.

"I am a werewolf shifter or shape shifter if you prefer to call it that, however we are larger than our wild cousins" I began. "And like our wild cousins we live in packs, my mother died due to hunters so my father raised me by himself"

"And that creature that was about to attack me was another wolf shifter?" Erik questioned.

"The one who did this to my right eye, blinding me" I answered him by putting a finger right at my scars. "His name is Joseph, he's the one who murdered my father and tried to rape me, tonight he saw you as a threat and he wanted to put an end to that threat by killing you"

Erik suddenly stood up and he walked over to me. He then gently touched my scars and I allowed him to look at them closely.

"He did this to you?" He asked.

"Yes I was trying to save my father and when it was too late, Joseph turned on me for interfering into his fight, he first bit me in my right eye which caused the blindness before he used his claws to create the scars, afterwards he became the leader of my pack, that position was my birthright, for ten years he ruled over my friends and my fellow pack mates with abuse and violence, every other year he would take a new mate or wife, I was his next choice, he said that no one but only him would want me now that I had my right eye messed up, and now he wants to kill you, and tonight I wouldn't let that happen"

"He won't get near you again I won't allow it" Erik growled.

"So you're not afraid of me?" I asked as him.

"No I'm not, I have no reason to be, tonight made me realize something, something I have been too blind to acknowledge"

I arched an eyebrow at his comment. Erik then helped me to my feet and I felt my face turning red.

"For a long awhile I thought I was in love with Christine, all I wanted was to make her happy and make her singing career thrive, however you came here to my opera house, the moment I first heard you play the violin distracted my thoughts of Christine, your voice then made me want to get to know you, you didn't shun me away when we met face to face"

"Are you"

But the Phantom of the Opera placed a finger to my lips.

"I am no longer interested in pursuing a woman who is in love with another, I want you Saria, but only if you'll have me"

"Are you saying you love me?"

I immediately placed a hand to my mouth. I cannot believe I just said that. Erik smirked.

"At first I wasn't but overtime and getting to know you, did I understand that my feelings for you were stronger than those I felt for Christine so yes I am in love with you and that love will grow stronger if you want to be with me"

"Of course I want to be with you!" I exclaimed. "Sorry I shouldn't have raised my voice, but when I was on the roof watching you spying on Christine and Raoul it broke my heart, hell Christine made me angry, I do not like it when you are hurt physically, mentally, or emotionally, so yes I love you Mr. Opera Ghost, I always have"

I then turned my head away now feeling slightly embarrassed. Erik put a gloved hand underneath my chin and made me turn to him.

"You're also leaving something out" he said. "What is it?"

"Wolves mate for life in the wild, and like them wolf shifters have a single true mate, in human terms a mate is a spouse, only the bond is more precious, you are my true mate Erik, our mating bond was revealed before that asshole Joseph tried to take you from me"

Erik was silent for a second before he released my face and he then pulled me into him.

"I am honored" he stated. He then leaned in and soon his lips were upon mine. I closed my left eye and kissed him back. Holy SH*T!

The way this guy kissed out of this world. I could not believe it was actually happening. I did a fan girl squeal in my mind as the kiss continued. As soon as it began the kiss ended and I growled.

"Was that a growl?" Erik teased.

"Yes it was I didn't want you to stop kissing me" I answered gently patting his chest with my hand.

"They'll be more to come" he teased again before he pressed his lips against my forehead, then they went to my right eye. I felt a tear slide down my face as he kissed my eyelid and then he did the same to my scars. Erik wiped the tear away before he brought me into his grasp once more. His forehead touched mine, as one of his gloved hands was intertwined with my right. I now could look forward to what the future had in store for us, now that I found my mate, and if Joseph dared to try kill Erik, I would put an end to him first. For Erik was my true love, my mate, no he was my Phantom of the Opera and I will protect him with my life as I know he will do the same for me.

I can hear the fan girl squeals!