"You ready to go?" There was a knock at my door

"Yeah!" I replied "I'll be out in a sec" I was excited, which in all honesty I felt a little bad about. I mean I'm going to try and save my brother from being brutally murdered, I shouldn't be excited about that. But then again, it was also my first hunt. The only time I'd be aloud to kill anything. Well, I dont know about aloud, but I was gonna kill that son of a bitch one way or another. Plus, who allows someone on a death filled vengeance mission on the thing that killed their family and expects them not to try and kill it? They had to have seen it coming I head out the door of my room with my duffle bag in tow, step into the living room then go and set my bag down on one of the tables. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and turned around to see who it was; Dean.

"Hey" He says, looking a little dishevelled

"Hey" I respond, feeling slightly awkward for some reason.

"You ready to go?" He asks me

"Born ready" I reply excitedly

"Then let's get out of here" He moves his head in a motion that gestures for me to follow him and he leads us out to the garage and over to his shiny black impala. I throw my stuff in the trunk and move around the car, plopping myself in the back, noticing Sam is already sitting shotgun

"Hey Mo, so I was thinking you could call Noah and find out his plans for the day? So that way we know when and where to get him" Sam asks me without looking up from his phone

"Yeah no problem" I shift to grab my phone out of my pocket "Hey by the way, if he's just gonna be in his dorm, how are you planning to get in?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, looking confused and shifting to see me

I glance up from my phone "Well am I supposed to tell him we're coming then? 'Cause we can't get in without a key to the building or someone letting us in from inside. They don't just leave those things open you know."

Sam's face goes blank for once "I- I didn't even think about that"

"Mhm" I said, slightly amused at the flaw in his plan

"Uh.. Could you tell him that it's just you coming?" Sam said thoughtfully

"Like, that I'm in town or something and stopping by?" I didn't think Noah would buy that, I would have told him beforehand

"Yeah, I mean, do you think he'll buy it?" Sam asked

"I'll try my best" I dialed Noah's number as Dean got into the Impala

"Alright, let's do this" Dean said

"Yeah, Mo's calling Noah right now" Sam said

"To find out his plans for the day?" Dean asked as he started the car

The Impala made a low purring noise as Sam said "Kinda, she might have to tell him that she's coming"

"Wait what? That wasn't the plan" Dean expressed, slightly annoyed as he backed out the Impala

Sam began to explain the whole dorm thing to Dean as the phone rang

"Hello?" I heard from the other line. It wasn't Noah's voice, it was a woman's. I pulled my phone back from my ear to make sure I had called the right number, I did.

Confusion swept through me but then sudden realization followed shortly after; this must be Hannah. "Hello?" I heard again

"Um, hi." I answered thickly, noticing that the conversation up front stopped abruptly

"... Hi, are you looking for Noah?" The woman at the end of the line said. She sounded slightly impatient, which bothered me way more than it should have

"Yeah, that's why I called him" I said, a little bit of irritation showing through my voice

"Well he can't talk right now" She sounded as irritated as I felt

"Well why not?" I snapped

"He's busy" The woman emphasised

"Not busy enough for me. Do you know who-" I was sharply cut off by the phone call ending

I stared down at my phone, in disbelief. What a bitch! "Uh.. Mo, you ok?"

I looked up to see Sam giving me a confused look and Dean raising an eyebrow at me in the rearview mirror

"Peachy" I snapped then proceeded to very quickly (And angrily) dial Noah's number again. It only rang once before I heard the woman's voice.

"Who is this?!" She asked sharply

"Moriah, can you not read or something?!" I snapped

"Well, Moriah, your contact name is Mo and there's a heart next to it so, who are you?"

Aw, Noah had a heart next to my contact name, that's actually- besides the point, I'll think about that later. "Well I could be asking you the same thing, who are you and why do you have Noah's phone?" I looked away from the window to see Sam staring at me with a raised eyebrow

"Well I happen to be Noah's fiance, so who are you?" She said smugly

"Well I happen to be Noah's sister. Now put him on the god damn phone!" I was so incredibly pissed at this woman that I almost didn't hear what she said next

In a voice so soft and so small she exclaimed "Oh my god. I'm so sorry Mo"

I was so taken by surprise that I visibly raised an eyebrow

"Mo?" Why was she suddenly connecting the dots?

"Yeah, Mo. Oh my god, I didn't even think about that. I'm so sorry. I wanted to make a good impression on you oh my god, but I didn't even realize this was YOU- like I knew it was you, Mo. But I didn't realize-"

"Uh, could you just give the phone to Noah?" I asked, sheepishly trying to finish her rambling.

"Uh, yeah. He's making dinner" I heard muffled voices through the phone and assumed Hannah was talking to Noah.

It was a bit longer until I heard the familiar voice through the phone "Mo?"

"Yeah, it's me" I sighed with relief

"Hey! What's up? Is everything ok?" Noah asked, switching into big brother mode

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine" I told him

"Ok" He paused waiting for me to continue. I didn't "Uh, is there a reason you're calling? I'm kinda in the middle of making dinner right now"

"Oh! Yeah, sorry" I continued awkwardly "Well it turns out that I'm going to be in town for awhile- starting tomorrow- and I was wondering if I could stay with you?"

"Yeah! Of course! You can meet Hannah and everything. Oh! How long will you be in town?" Noah said eagerly

"Um… I don't know," I popped my head up next to Sam's, making him jump, so he could tell me "how long I'll be in town?"

Sam shrugged mouthing 'I don't know'

I gave him a dead stair and mouthed a sarcastic 'Thanks'

I fell back as Noah said "Oh, well, you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. But just so you know, the baby is due next week. You're wel-"

"Wait! Next week?! That soon?!" I exclaimed

"Yeah well it's been nine months since-"

"Yeah! Yeah I know the whole nine months thing, TMI dude" I said shaking my head even though he couldn't see me

Noah laughed "Ok, well do you need me to explain this to you? When a man and woman love-"

I tried to cut off his teasing "Stop it Noah! I did go to science class ya know"

It didn't work "Each other very very much, they-"

"Noah!" I half shrieked "I know how babies are fucking made ok I'm not five years old, now cut that shit out before I have to wash my brain with bleach!"

Sam and Dean burst into laughter even though they could only hear my side of the conversation. I moved the phone away from my mouth and sarcastically said "Yeah, ha-ha"

"Ok, well, just making sure. Let me know when you get into town. I have to go finish dinner now. Bye, love you!"

"Yeah, love you too" I said and hung up

"What was that about?" Sam asked with a smile

"Nothing" I grumbled and settled into the back, letting the anxiousness of the baby- chhils- thing, settle over me


Sorry it took this long to update. My mom passed away so this story wasn't really my first priority. Sorry it's short and if there are any spelling mistakes. Hope ya'll can forgive me. I'll try to get the next chapter up ASAP.