Found Girl

A/N~ This is a post Kenzi sacrifice story. After she sacrificed herself for Bo and her friends, Kenzi starts making a few realizations about herself and Dyson. Then something happens that changes everything. This was created for Hippychica23, who asked me very nicely. Also this is AU so no complaining about it not resembling the show at all. ~A

Chapter 1

As Kenzi stepped through the portal into the afterlife, she tripped. Not the most composed or graceful thing she had ever done but there you were. Where ever there was. Kenzi looked around. On the positive side no fire and brimstone, which was a relief. On the negative side no color, unless grey was really considered a color. On a different negative side, no people.

In this case that might have been a good thing. None of her friends had followed her into the afterlife. At least not so far. She turned to look back to see how things were progressing on earth only to discover the portal closed behind her. She felt a pang of fear over that. She had known she wouldn't be able to go back once she crossed over but she had hoped she'd be able to at least watch over her friends, like a guardian angel of sorts.

Kenzi sighed already a little homesick, and missing her friends. She started moving through the mist in a random direction. As she walks along it suddenly occurs to the goth girl that despite the fact that she is in very high-heeled boots and not dressed as warmly as should probably be needed for the afterlife she is perfectly comfortable. Her feet aren't tired or sore. The temperature isn't too warm or too cold. She's not tired in any way, she is in fact perfectly comfortable.

"So I'm in heaven then." she whispered to herself, a bit awed with the realization.

"Not quite," said a vaguely familiar brogue accented voice from just beside her. She whirled and it took her a moment to recognize the strawberry blond hair and the twinkling jewel like eyes of the perpetually young woman beside her, "Ciara?"

The other woman nodded sedately and then was nearly knocked over by the younger woman as she threw her arms around the redhead and gave her a way over-enthusiastic hug. "Thank Gawd. I mean it's horrible that you died and you're here but I'm still really glad to see you and really glad that you're here and I'm sorry I seem to be babbling and I'm going to stop now."

Kenzi still hadn't stopped holding the woman's arms but she was finally able to get the babbling under control after a few more minutes. Then she asked a little hesitantly, "You remember me?"

"Of course I remember you Kenzi. You were one of the most lively humans I've ever met. You had so much fire in you, I'm actually very sad that you're here." the Celtic princess replied in her sweet tones.

"Actually it was very painless I sacrificed myself so the others could win an un-winable battle," Kenzi said reassuringly.

"Oh I wasn't talking about you dear. I was talking about how hard my sweet Dyson must be taking it. You being soul mates and all." Ciara replied.

The Celtic woman babbled on about how devastated poor Dyson must be. Then she carried on to explain that this wasn't heaven but some sort of fae purgatory. Unfortunately Kenzi was stuck, mouth hanging open on the whole soul mates thing. So it was a minute or two before she re-hinged her jaw well enough to get the other woman back on track.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold the phone, what are you talking about the D-man and me being soul mates. He was your soul mate first. Then he thought you died and he moved on to Bo, and then you came back and he went back to you…." Kenzi paused for breath here as she had been pacing and freaking out at the same time and both activities still apparently required oxygen. Even in heaven, who knew.

Which gave Ciara the opportunity to cut in as she laughed and said, "Oh you silly child. You only have one soul mate ever. Even if you do live as long as we do. Actually living as long as we do is an advantage. We actually have the time to find our soul mates as opposed to you humans who very rarely have the time to find that one in a billion."

"How do you know we're…soul mates," Kenzi asked the other woman carefully her hands balling in to fists over and over in nervous agitation.

"It was as plain as the nose on your face that the two of you were meant to be together, Kenzi. Which is why I couldn't understand why you went with Hale." Ciara said baldly.


"Because I loved him," Kenzi said automatically.

"Liar." Ciara said without heat, "I mean you did love him yes, cared for him, but you weren't in love with him." Then the fae woman added, "Besides which when we were body switched, you must have seen your matching soul marks. I know you were in the bathroom for an exceedingly long time, and just between us girls. I'm almost positive that it wasn't because you couldn't figure out how the different…ahem equipment worked."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Okay that sounded lame even to Kenzi's ears. Still she continued to glare boldly at the former princess.

"Kenzi dear, I'm on your side." Ciara said, not backing down, "And I have been watching."

"Watching?" Kenzi said in a breathless squeak.

"Not like that, my dear. Although if it had come up I most definitely would have enjoyed it. No I'm talking about the number of times that you went out of your way to save my sweet Dyson. Frequently at the risk of your own life. The Norn, which I enjoyed immensely by the way. A chainsaw? No fae would have ever thought of that." she said with a giggle.

"And then after the Garuda when you went back for him when he had decided he was ready to die. There were countless other times as well." her brogue thickened a bit as Ciara continued. "But I digress. I know you have seen the soul mark Kenzi, I know you've seen him transform. I'm almost certain you saw him when we switched bodies and I imagine there have been other times. Then of course there was the kiss…" she said, as she gazed at the goth woman pointedly.

Kenzi couldn't help the blush rising on her cheeks and she thought it might still be visible despite the heavy makeup she was wearing. Still she opened her mouth again to deny, deny, deny.

Then she thought about it. While she had instantly said that she had loved Hale when asked why she chose him over Dyson, she knew the truth. The response was by rote, not because of an abundance of feeling but it was expected. Just as it was expected that she deny any other feelings for the werewolf other than sisterly type friendship, because Dyson belonged to Bo.

It didn't matter if they were on or off in their odd relationship. As long as Bo had feelings for Dyson he was off limits as anything other than friend material. It was in the girlfriend/sister code. Fine print but still there. Then there was the added problem that Dyson still considered her the tragically fragile little human sidekick. Not a suitable mate, lover or anything else for the powerful Dyson Thornwood.

Yes she had seen the matching mark on him but she had thought it was just a tattoo. She called herself at that moment on her own bullshit as she thought to herself, "Sure Kenzi, a tattoo. Of the exact same design as the one she had on her hip, in the exact same place." Even she knew better.

"Good then we're ready to begin." the sweet voice spoke again from behind Kenzi. When the goth girl turned to face the fae princess though she was gone. Kenzi called and searched for the other woman for some time before giving up and going back to wandering.


Some time later Kenzi wasn't sure how long because lets face it no daytime or nighttime in purgatory for the fae. She should have asked Ciara more about that, how the whole purgatory for the fae thing worked. She wondered where the fae princess had disappeared to and how she had just vanished into thin air.

Yep that was Kenzi's mind blather again, The goth had discovered that while she didn't apparently have to sleep here, it did help her focus when she did manage to get some sleep. Things were beginning to get a little more focused the longer she was here and right now the surroundings at least were looking more like a forest than a fogbank

She wandered until she found a large tree with really high roots. Then slid herself between two of the roots. This was purgatory not heaven after all and she felt safer being hidden from sight as much as possible. Even though she hadn't seen anyone here other than Ciara, she didn't want to take any chances. As she started to doze off she had a last thought of how she was able to come to the fae purgatory when she wasn't even fae.

She dreamt of Dyson holding her and comforting her after the foot soup incident. Hugging her on several different occasions and after the kitsune incident, how he'd held her close as though he couldn't have stood the thought of losing her. She had convinced herself that it was just her imagination at the time. The connection of the matching marks and the werewolves increasing affections registered as two separate things.

She remembered switching bodies and the interesting problems it presented. She in Dyson's body, looking at Dyson's body and getting aroused by it. Which of course caused the body she was studying so intently to become aroused. Which was what led to her running to the bathroom and being gone for the extended period of time that Ciara had mentioned.

She remembered the very odd, yet very arousing situation of masturbating in Dyson's body. One hand stroked over his face, tracing the sculpted lines of jaw, nose and cheekbones. She smiled deliberately because Dyson so rarely did and saw the crinkle of laugh lines at the corners of the eyes, wondering how he got them.

She used her fingers to trail down his neck and shivered at the sensation. Noticing that not so little Dyson seemed to like the attention to big Dyson's neck a lot. The rest of Dyson's body was now covered in goose flesh and was enjoying everything that Kenzi had been doing so far, and she wanted more. She wanted to do more. Kenzi locked the door to the restroom and wished for better accommodations for what she wanted to do. Unfortunately they were trapped by the spell, and Trick's apartment was off limits and all the other spaces in the way station were occupied.

She removed Dyson's clothing and was shocked at seeing the mark on his outer thigh. She had seen parts of it before for brief instances when he had shifted in front of her but never the whole thing. Now she saw it and recognized it but just figured it was a tattoo that looked incredibly similar to her mark. After all the werewolf had other tattoos and figured this was just a very odd coincidence. The mark distracted her for a few minutes and the erection Dyson had been sporting had flagged. As she traced the outline of it with her fingertip, it began to return.

One hand continued to trace the lightly furred chest of the fae male, while the other hand, stroked up the hip with the mark and then down toward where the fur became denser as it arrowed down to his now fully engorged cock. When Kenzi touched that rose pink organ with a finger, it jumped up into her palm.

Meanwhile the other fingers had found his nipples which had hardened into sensitive little nubs. Kenzi actually found her mouth watering at the expanse of flesh set before her to explore. She began to stroke Dyson's cock as her other hand continued it's exploration of the cop's body. A giggle exploded from her lips as her fingers trailed down Dyson's left side and she found a heretofore unknown very ticklish area on the werewolves ribs.

The discovery tripped her right into another dream, and this was a dream not a memory resurfacing. Kenzi saw herself in the standing mirror and behind her was standing the jean clad werewolf. She had interrupted his work out, at the moment she couldn't remember why, and for the life of her she didn't care anymore.

His long lean fingers sat on her shoulders gently but implacably holding her in place, as he moved closer. Until she actually felt the inferno of his body standing behind her. One hand traced down her arm along the long sleeve of a blue dress shirt she didn't recognize. "You still doubt me. You think it is because of this that I have confessed my feelings," he whispered into her hair as his hand continued down to trace her leather clad leg where the mark lay and where he touched her skin blazed to life. Kenzi gasped as heat pooled in her like molten lava.

His hand gliding back up over her cloth and leather clad abdomen didn't help as he continued to speak his lips tracing the shell of her ear. His hand came to rest over the area just below her breasts as he said, "It's what's here that has inflamed me my little Alpha, not the mark."

"Your heart, this generous, brave, and loving organ. It's beat is how I set the movement of my soul. It is the standard by which I measure the better qualities of myself." he said and Kenzi wasn't any where jaded and cynical enough to doubt his words because she watched his eyes as he spoke. They were glowing but not the amber of his wolf, the glowed with love, desire and an amazing peace.

There had always been a wildness to Dyson, a dangerous element that Kenzi had always understood and accepted. That wasn't entirely gone just tempered and if the werewolf was to be believed it was due to her presence in his life. The thing was Kenzi did believe, she believed in Dyson.

While Kenzi had been distracted by her inner thoughts, Dyson had been busy. He had unbuttoned the blue shirt and it now hung open exposing her small pale frame and the inner aspects of her breasts. She relaxed back into his strong frame trustingly as his fingers unbuttoned and unzipped the leather pants she was wearing.

He braced her as he slid the pants down her legs. Then he traced back up her lower abdomen and along the loose sleeves of the shirt back up to her neck. Another giggle startled from her lips and she awoke to find herself till in purgatory at the base of a tree now covered with a blanket of leaves. One of which was tracing that certain place right at the base of her jaw where it joined with her neck. She giggled again even as her tears started falling.


Meanwhile back on earth: Dyson has been feeling a little lost since Kenzi had walked through that damned portal into the afterlife. After a few days of mourning, which involved a whole lot of drinking, ugly crying sessions, Bo had basically abandoned him and gone back to Lauren. Dyson didn't really begrudge the woman the doctors comfort. He did have a complaint about his former lovers lack of empathy.

It had taken the succubus exactly two weeks to get over the loss of the girl she called her sister. Even Trick was taking longer to let go of the young human. The former Blood King never really said anything but he would frequently look over at the bar stool that Kenzi had staked out as her own and get misty eyed. On a few occasions the werewolf had even seen the fae barkeep set a glass of top shelf vodka down in front of the stool. As if he were expecting someone to come in soon and take the seat.

Dyson laid down and was soon fast asleep. A hand cupped his chest just above where his heart beat and said, "There's something missing in there." He looked up from where the hand lay and met the grey eyes of Kenzi.

"You're probably the strongest person I know," Dyson had responded. A jar of liquid was thrust unceremoniously into his hands and he glanced up at Kenzi. Kenzi in his blue dress shirt, wanting to be close to him to stave off the night terrors of discovering her friend wanted to kill her.

He hated to admit it but the tiny woman's skin moved against his like silk. Then the attack and his fear that he had killed Kenzi. Then actually finding the real Kenzi hadn't quite rid him of the fear of losing the diminutive human.

"You know you can't really lose someone you never actually had in the first place. Right D-man?"

He turned and there stood Kenzi in his blue dress shirt and nothing else. "Tell me you're not Inari."

The brunettes face screwed up into a look of distaste, "Please give me a little credit, D. I'm me in all my glorious Kenziness. And if you dare to mention that nasty foxy beast in my presence again…"

"Yeah, yeah I know off, with his head." Dyson said derisively.

A charming grin slid across the young woman's face as she glided closer, she stroked the werewolf's bearded cheek, "Not a chance, sweet stuff. I could think of dozens of things I would rather do with your head, with both of them actually than removing either of them."

She was tougher than most humans. It didn't mean he wasn't gentle with his all too fragile human. Not because he was afraid she might break but because he loved her and loved taking care of her. She giggled as he stroked her throat and she in turn tried to start a tickle war with him.

He dodged her fingers and the two chased each other around the apartment for a few minutes until he finally caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her. Trapping those devilish fingers at her side as he whispered in her ear, "Now my little vixen can we play another game?" With that he pulled her back flush against his body. His desire evident even through the layer of denim his legs were still clad in, and the cotton dress shirt she was using as a night shirt.

Dyson really wasn't sure why she bothered. It wasn't as if it would last for the next fifteen minutes anyway. He turned her around and hummed a familiar Russian tune, as he danced her around the room. In between the complex steps and the humming, he managed to unbutton the blue shirt. He managed to bare her shoulders to his hungry mouth.

Kenzi moaned softly as her nimble fingers worked the stiff leather of his belt. On a twirl out away from his body she pulled the bet through the loops and toss it on the bed with a flourish before being reeled back into his slender, muscled frame. She unbuttoned the faded denim, and slid her palm into his jeans and caressed him. "Commando Detective Thornwood? Were you hoping to get lucky?"

"A little more than hoping," Dyson said with a cheeky grin.

"I can tell, you're a little chubbed up, sweetie." Dyson burst out laughing and leaned his head on her shoulder.

"What didn't I say it right?" she asked, in an offended tone.

"Yeah, actually you said it perfectly and trust me very accurately, just hearing you use Irish slang is…a little strange." Dyson said into her shoulder. His hands slid up her sides under the shirt.

The werewolf suddenly shrieked as her fingertips dug into his side right over the sensitive area he tried to keep hidden. He hated his uncontrolled laugh he thought he sounded like a horse. When he gasped for breath it was enough t shock him out of his dream. "She's still in there."


Although Bo wasn't aware of it, Dyson and Lauren had developed a therapeutic friendship. The human would talk to Dyson about all things fae and also about her relationship with Bo. Lately Dyson would talk to Lauren about Kenzi and about the amazing lack of feeling currently being shown by Bo over losing her supposed 'bestie.

Lauren really had no reason for the cold attitude and had even mentioned that Bo had for lack of a better way of putting it had forbidden the mention of her former best friend. Right now she was giving him a dose of pain medication specifically made for fae. He had begun having rather severe headaches and just general pain since shortly after Kenzi had sacrificed herself. It had started out being an occasional thing now it was at least every other day. Lauren was growing concerned but could find no physical cause for the pain.

She asked the werewolf if he was having any other odd symptoms and he mentioned the dreams, blushing as he did. Lauren saw the blush and smiled a little cheekily as she said in a low voice, "I take it I'm getting the PG version on those dreams?"

"Let's just say that they were more intense than any of my time with Bo ever was."

The doctor made a production of fanning herself and the werewolf saw her freeze and he could practically see the gears moving in the lady doctors eyes as she said, "You know this reminds me of something but I'll have to do some research. In the meantime the usual rules apply. Don't use any alcohol or other drugs while taking this. Come back and tell me if you experience any side effects." She had given him his bottle of pain killer and Dyson had gone to the Dahl to check in with Trick.

They were having a bit of reminiscence about Kenzi when Bo had come in. She had sat down to order a drink and tossed a coin on the bar. A coin that Dyson recognized and snatched off the bar, hr studied it for a second and glared at the succubus accusingly.

"This isn't yours," Dyson said sharply holding the coin up in front of her. "I gave this to Kenzi for good luck."

The succubus looked at the pair in a strangely accusing way. "So what? Kenzi is gone and she's not coming back."

"So you think you have the right to what…get rid of her things?" Trick asked incensed at his granddaughter's behavior.

"I am her sister," the succubus said coldly.

"No, no you're not," Dyson said sharply. "This is not how family behave. I lost my Pack centuries ago and even I know that." He stood from the bar stool and dropped some cash on the counter before storming out of the Dahl. The coin now firmly secured in his pocket.