Helooo people! Again with another chapter, let's keep our heads high and enter the beautiful world of Stormy Fairies once again!

Disclaimer: PMD Explorers of Sky belongs to Chunsoft, or else Team Skull would actually have a background;

Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, or else Lucy wouldn't be such a butt monkey

The team consisting of Natsu, Happy and Croagunk stood behind the bushes of the mansion while Lucy stood waiting in front of the door with a maid costume on. The mission was simple: get inside, find the book, and burn it. The plan was even simpler: Lucy would get inside, sneak into the library and steal the book, nothing to worry about.

That's what they thought until a huge gorilla-like woman popped out of the earth looking down on the celestial mage. Croagunk visibly flinched when some dirt hit his face, and Happy noticed:

-What's the problem with dirt Croagunk? You don't like to get dirty? – The cat asked, getting a halfhearted glare from the ninja:

-Far from it. If you want, you can get Thunder to answer you. – He said.

The trio's heads snapped to the sound of Lucy being thrown toward them, the ninja was quick to catch her and ask:

-It didn't work?! Why?

The celestial mage only sunk further into the ninja's arm, looking depressed:

-The duke is crazy: he called me ugly, compared me to the gorilla lady and his horrid maids, and the simply ditched me!

The poison-type sighed, he had little experience on the aspect of women, but even he knew that the duke had extremely bad taste:

-Well, you did your best, we just need to…

-Go back to operation 1! – Natsu interrupted as Happy grabbed him and Lucy and flew to the mansion, Croagunk following behind.

Inside the mansion, the duke was pondering about what to do next:

-They think I am an idiot. – He muttered – the girl was too dumb to hide her mark, and those new explorers should learn to wear more discrete attire.

The fox-like girl standing by his side tried to hide the sly grin on her face:

-Shall I deal with them, sir?

-No, you are the grand finale, it took me a long time to get you out of those stupid policemen's grip, and I can't throw you into battle.

-Always with the best decisions, sir. - The girl said, getting dismissed by the duke, her nine tails waving gracefully behind her.

-Now… - the duke laughed – How should I kill the mages this time?

It was surprisingly easy to get to the rooftop, so they let the poison-type work on the lock picking while they discussed the next action:

-I don't understand. – Natsu said – Why do we have to enter by the rooftop instead of following the original plan of blowing up the front door and wrecking everything?

-Because – Lucy explained – Even though we are on a job, this is still robbery. And no matter how many monsters and thieves you've fought, Everlue is the most influential man in town, he's no villain. Our best chance is use as less violence as possible.

As if on cue, Croagunk motioned for them to get inside, holding the window open. Once inside, they started wandering around, oblivious to the crystal ball with a wolf figure on top of it watching their every movement. When they reached the upper halls, Lucy reminded them:

-Our best chance is to sneak into the library, so we have to be swift and quiet, like ninjas.

Natsu and Happy nodded eagerly while Croagunk simply muttered a "yes". Right after that the gorilla maid and the other workers of the mansion sprouted out of the ground, startling the group:

-Intruders detected! – The gorilla maid shouted

-They found us! – Lucy screamed, surprised.

As the mansion's crew approached, Croagunk leaped onto the air as a sphere of poison appeared enveloping his right hand:

-Sludge Bomb. – The ninja muttered.

And just like that, half of the crew was knocked out by the purple shockwave, courtesy of the poisonous attack:

-Come on! Let's help him! - Natsu said while wrapping his scarf.

-Aye! – Happy exclaimed

-NINJA! – The duo shouted, finishing the rest of the maids off.

-Let's go, this will hold them back just for a few minutes.

-Time skip-

After finding the library, they began searching nonstop, inspecting every bookcase, every wall and even below the tables and carpets, until:

-I found it! –Natsu exclaimed in triumph. Just when he was about to burn it, Lucy snatched the book from his hands:

-Wait! This author… is Kemu Zaleon! He was a mage as well as a writer!

Croagunk smirked in amusement, while Natsu and Happy were at a complete loss:

-I'm a big fan of his work! I thought I have read all of his titles. Does that mean this one's unpublished!? Amazing!

-Whatever, let's burn it. – Natsu said, lighting his hand once again, with a bored expression. Said statement seemed to have insulted the celestial mage:

-What are you talking about!? This is a cultural heritage! There's no way we can burn it!

-Milady, I understand you are in a state of adoration for this writer, but we do have a mission to follow. – Croagunk said, still smirking.

-Then let's pretend we burned it! I'll keep this book! – The maiden exclaimed

-I don't want to lie. – Natsu said bluntly, while the others just nodded.

-You heard me, right!? This is the only copy in the world… if we burn it, I can't read it anymore! – Lucy exclaimed, exasperated.

In the midst of their argument, they didn't hear a distinct laugh until the Duke himself sprouted from the ground:

-So that's what you were after. I'm allowed to do whatever! I'm a genius.

-See… all because you were slow! – The Dragon slayer scolded, earning a soft "sorry" from Lucy and a disapproving glare from Croagunk.

-Hmph- the Duke snorted- I was wondering what the mages were looking for so frantically… And it was that worthless book.

-S-so can I keep the book then? – Lucy asked hesitantly.

-No. – Everlue answered –Regardless of how worthless it is, the book still belongs to me.

-All we have to do is burn it and we'll be done here. – Natsu said, clearly out of patience.

-No! Absolutely not! – Lucy said stubbornly.

-Lucy! It's our job! – The Dragon slayer shouted, as if scolding a misbehaving child.

-Then at least let me read it! – The Celestial mage said, promptly sitting down and reading the tome with a serious face.

The Duke was furious:

-How dare you touch the book that belongs to the Duke of Everlue!? – He bellowed angrily- Come, Vanish Brothers!

Croagunk, Natsu and Happy turned to the sound of rumbling only to see a passageway between two bookshelves opening slowly:

-It's finally time for business. – A voice from inside the tunnel said.

-If we get paid without doing actual work, mama will get mad at us. – A deeper voice retorted.

Two men, one with pointed ears and oriental features holding a giant frying pan and other with tall structure and a large nose emerged from the passage, both of them using a cloth with a wolf engraved on it.

-Look at that cloth on their arms! – Happy pointed – They're from that mercenary guild, Southern Wolves!

-He hired guys like that!? – Natsu exclaimed.

Croagunk remained stoic.

Everlue laughed:

-Southern Wolves are always hungry! Prepare to die. – He gloated

For what seemed to be an eternity, the Mages, the Southern Wolves and Everlue had an intense stare down…

Until they remembered Lucy was still reading the book, crushing any epicness the previous scene had.

-What a joke. – The smaller of the mercenaries muttered angrily.

-They claimed to be the mages of Fairy Tail…? – The larger one asked himself, just as angrily.

At this point the Duke had lost his patience:

-Vanish Brothers! Retrieve the book at once! And kill them!

The mages got into a fighting stance when Lucy started running with the book to the opposite direction:

-Natsu! Buy me some time! – She demanded to a bewildered Natsu – This book seems to hold some kind of a secret!

-Secret!? – Everlue exclaimed, clearly surprised as well.

-Lucy! Where are you going? – Croagunk asked.

-Let me read it somewhere! – The celestial mage answered, entering a room and confusing everyone in the library.

Secret!? I didn't notice when I read it. Might it be a treasure map or something!? I've gotta act quickly! The Duke thought, leaping into the ground while saying:

-Change of plan! I'll get her myself! Vanish Brothers! Obliterate the brat and his little ninja friend!

-"Little Ninja Friend"? – said ninja was royally ticked off.

-If you want to follow him, go ahead. – The dragon slayer said, catching Croagunk off guard. – Happy, can you go after Lucy?

-The opponent is two Southern Wolves! I'll support you! – Happy exclaimed.

-And don't expect me to be taken over by rage, I'll stay. – The ninja stated.

Natsu smiled and said:

-Don't worry guys, – he cracked his knuckles – just myself will be enough

Both the exceed and the Pokémon hesitated, but each ran into a different direction, both of them shouting "Be careful!" along the way.

-C'mon, "flame" mage. – One of the mercenaries exclaimed.

-How do you know I'm a flame mage? – Natsu pondered, confused.

Both Southern Wolves laughed:

-We saw everything on the surveillance crystal. That girl is a … keyholder type. A stellar spirit mage, isn't she? 7 contracts. The cat that flies in the sky is no doubt an ability type. "Wings". And you, you wore flames on your arms and legs… you're most likely an ability type, a Flame mage. – Both mercenaries said, alternating between each other.

-You observed us well… - the dragon slayer stated, lighting his hand on fire – That means you're prepared to end up charred, right?

-Unfortunately, allow me to decline- the smaller of the brothers said, wielding the frying pan firmly – Because flame mages are the easiest kind of opponent for me.

-Far from the library, but not too far-

Croagunk was running in what appeared to be a long darkened hallway. Some minutes passed, and the ninja suddenly stopped:

-Come out wherever you are. – He said to apparently no one – I know you're there.

As if on cue, the entire hall lit up with what appeared to be will o' wisps floating near the walls. The poison Pokémon chuckled to himself:

-You know, by doing what you do, you're ruining the reputation of all your tribe, all the way far back into Treeshroud Forest. Such a shame, really.

-To hell with my tribe. They can drown for all I care. – A dry voice said behind him.

Croagunk turned around to stand face-to-face with a beautiful girl wearing oriental robes. She had beautiful yet dangerous dark eyes, long cream hair, fox ears and nine tails swaying behind her.

-Normally I would say otherwise, but I'm in a hurry. – The ninja got into a fighting stance – Come at me, foxy.

-Tsk, so rude. – Ninetails got into a fighting stance. – Someone ought to teach you a lesson.

Whooo, new chapter! F*ck yeah! This one was tough to write. Anyways, here are some explanations:

1. "Why did Croagunk flinch when dirt hit him?"- take it as if he was attacked by a weak Ground- type attack: it does not hurt, but it annoys him. And yes, the type advantages are an important asset to the fic;

2. "Why is Ninetails helping Everlue?"- She is not helping him because she is grateful for what he did; she just wants to beat someone up.

3. "Are the gifts given by Thunder relevant?" – Not yet. Or… are they!? (cue mysterious music I the background)

4. "Is Ninetails' tribe relevant?" – Not really. All Pokémon that come from dungeons come from clans or tribes (take the Manectric and Luxray tribes). Don't worry, our exposition bird… er, I mean Chatot, will explain it to our heroes later.

Anyways, thank you for your patience fellow fanfiction writers and readers. As you all know, it's been a tough year for everyone until now. Hikari signing out!