In the last Chapter

The long battle finaly ended. And at the end of it, the mastermind, well Reiji in other words, appeared before us all and told everything regarding this tournament. But of course Yuya couldn't accept such thinking and challenged him to a duel. And just before the both of them began...

Raiden's (POV)

"If you want to let your anger out on someone Yuya, then, I'm more suited for it than enyone else... After all, I knew the truth behind all of this, but didn't say a word too." hearing these words from my lips both Yuya and Gongenzaka widened their eyes in disbelief, the others who were present either knew this or simply didn't care...

The next moment Yuya hung his head, his body trembling.

I don't know if it's from the shock or from anger, maybe both...

"Raiden... how could you... this...!" while still trembling he said in a weak voice

Guessing his next words I cut in:

"It's no joke. From the beginning I knew everything: about the true meaning behind this tournament, about the coming of the Obelisk Force's and about the possible outcome of this Battle Royale." I said without hesitation or sympathy, but of course Yuya couldn't take this and said:

"I thought you and I were friends... but you tricked me!" He yelled angrily "If only you said something... If only you said to me something! Then Yuzu...! Yuzu would be...!" he continued to yell as tears began to roll down his face once again

"Tricked? No. More like Used you all. I won't apologize and neither feel I sorry about it. Besides, you can't change anything now, but if you want to try, then accept this duel." everything I said was a lie although they were also the truth, but this should be enought to make Yuya accept this battle.

"Fine! If I win, the both of you will pay with your promise from before!" after his words I smirked once and turned to Reiji

"So this is the deal, you don't mind do you?"

Before answering me, he adjusted his glasses then said:

"So be it then, do what you want." after thanking him mentally I turned to Yuya

"You heard him, so let us begin." I took out my duel disk from its holder and then the both of us activated them

But just before starting Reiji interupted us

"Wait. Let's first create the appropriate stage for this battle." saying this he rised his arm and shouted:

"Action Field - City of the Future: Heartland! Activate!" and with this my old home town appeared aroud us once again

At the sight of the city Shun cleched his fists in anger.

'Damn you Reiji. What are you planing with this?' as I thought this he countinued

"Now then, before the duel starts why don't you tell us what happened to your home Kurosaki?"

"..." as expected

"Silence huh? Then instead of Kurosaki tell you us this Raiden."

"Don't feel like it. Besides, am certain that there are some people that won't believe the story if they hear it from my mouth." saying this I shifted my gaze only for a moment towards Serena, but when she noticed this she scowled at me angrily.

"Fine, then I tell it." after adjusting his glasses once again, Reiji began:

"There was once a peaceful town and their citizens that lived without a care." do you really need to tell this like a fairy tale?

"Untill Academia's Professor invaded them without warning..."

"...shut up..." muttered Yuya silently

"They destroyed their home..."

"Shut up." this time I heard him and Reiji most likely too

"And they mercilesly hunted and carded everyone they saw, one after the other..." but he still continued

"SHUT UP! I don't want to listen to this anymore!" Not accepting the story Yuya yelled this time as loud as he could

"It seems I hit someones nerve, well, I told everything important so fell free to continue." after finishing this sentence our duel began.


Raiden - 4000

Yuya - 4000

"I set the Pendulum scale with my scale 4 Entermate Trump Witch and the scale 6 Entermate Lizardraw!" as he shouted this his monsters descended in a pillar of light and his pendant began to swing between them "With the set scales I can summon lv 5 monsters simultaneously! Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear now! My monsters! Stargazer Magician (def 2400)! And Entermate Partnaga (def 2100)!" he summoned both of them in DEF position strengthening his defenses

"I'll activate Parntnaga's effect! When he's normal or special summoned I target a monster on my field and that monster gains 300 Atk for every 'Entermate' monster currently on my field! I'll target Stargazer Magician! (Atk 1200 - 1500) And as long Partnaga is on the field he prevents my opponents monsters whose levels are equal or less than his own to attack! Next I activate the spell card Pot of Greed to draw two cards!" after saying this Yuya draw his extra cards and looked at them

"I'll set one of them and end my turn!"

'It's just like you to start the duel with Pendulum summoning Yuya, and your Partnaga's effect is usefull, also in many situations he get's to be annoying, more so on the first turn...' while thinking this I said: "Mine turn, draw."

'...Although pretty much useless against me...'

"I'll start with the spell card Graceful Charity. With this I draw three addition cards but discard two afterwards." I did what I said and discarded Chaos Emperors Guard and Evilswarm Kerykeion

"Now then Yuya, I warned you didn't I? To not get in my way, if you think this will be like the last time we dueled then be prepared. Because I won't show any mercy nor kindness." after saying my warnings I took two cards from my hand

"I'll summon Evilswarm Castor and you know his effects when he's normal summoned I'm allowed to normal summon one more 'lswarm' monster this turn thats why come, Evilswarm Knight Altarios. But it's still not over when Altarios is successfully normal summoned I can special summon one lv 4 'Evil' or 'Chaos' monster from either my graveyard or face-up from the Extra Deck. But I only have monsters in the graveyard so resurrect Evilswarm Kerykeion." if you plan to use Pendulum monsters Yuya, then I simply conter with Xyz monsters

"I'm overlaying my two monsters to build the overlay network!" As the galaxy vortex portal appeared Castor and Altarios turned into dark energy orbs and entered the portal

"Evil Serpent! Who's rage controls their mind! Be now the oppressor! And free our comrade's from the enemies hand's! Apear! Rank4! Evilswarm Bahamut!"

Evilswarm Bahamut [Dragon/Xyz/Effect] Dark Rank4 Atk 2350 Def 1350

"Next the effect of Bahamut, by detaching a overlay unit I target one of my opponents monsters, I'll chose your Stargazer Magician and then by discarding Vassal of the Chaos Emperor who's also treated as a 'lswarm' monster I take control of your monster, go Bahamut! Brain Corruption!" After Bahamut devoured one of his units Yuya's magician let out a pain filled cry and afterwards was teleported to my side


"It's not over yet, next I'll activate Kerykeion's effect. By banishing a 'lswarm' monster from my graveyard I'm allowed to add another one from the same place to my hand, I'll banish Chaos Emperors Guard who is also treated as a 'lswarm' monster and add Altarios to my hand." I did what I said and showed Yuya the card

"After the activation of this effect Kerykeion gains another one, and of course I activate this one too. Now I'll need to normal summon another 'lswarm' momster, I summon Altarios to the field once more." as my knight showed himself a second time I continued "Of course I could special summon another one, but this time I won't, because I'm overlaying my monsters to build the overlay network!" as the galaxy portal appeared once again I began my chant:

"Corrupted Dragon of Darkness, with wings formed from Ice! Show yourself before our enemies with your overwhelming might! Xyz summon! Appear! Evilswarm Ophion!"

Evilswarm Ophion [Dragon/Xyz/Effect] DARK Rank4 Atk 2550 Def 1650

"You should know Ophion's effect so there is no need to explain, I detach a overlay unit to add Final Step Towards Infestation from my deck to the hand." Just like Bahamut, Ophion also devoured one of his units, and then a dark mist like energy that enveloped my deck, after a second a single card came out and was levitating before me, taking it from there, the duel disk shuffled the remaining cards in the deck. And now...

"The finishing touches, from my hand, I activate the spell card Creeping Darkness. With this I banis two Dark monsters from the graveyard to add a lv4 Dark monster from the deck to my hand, but I only have two monster in the graveyard so I'll banish them to add Evilswarm Orthros to my hand." once again I showed the card to Yuya before continuing "Because my Vassal was banished his effect activates, I can use him and other banished monsters to Xyz summon a monster, I'm overlaying my three banished monsters to build the overlay network!

- The symbol of begining, descent as a serpent who's power will end the life of those who were foolish enough to stand in your way! Xyz summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Evilswarm Ouroboros!"

Evilswarm Ouroboros [Dragon/Xyz/Effect] DARK Rank4 Atk 2750 Def 1950

With this I have all of the Rank4 Evil dragons on my field. Just as I finished summoning the last of them, all three roared in union before they battle.

"Before attacking I use one of Ouroboros units to activate his first effect." compared to the other two, depending which effect you use, one of Ouroboros heads devour a energy orb, in these situation it was the first one, so the middle head was the one who got to swallow the unit

"Go, Returning Darkness! I now target a card on your side of the field and return it to your hand, of course I send your Partnaga back." my last monster fired three dark balls at Yuya's sending him from the field

"And with this your defense is destroyed without even attacking."

Serena's (POV)

I watched as he performed his consecutively Xyz summoning one after another

'Those momsters... are those, true Xyz monsters?' I asked myself this, after all, they are nothing like the monsters I read about in all those reports.

Those reports stated that Xyz momsters are weak and have limited effect usage, but looking at the way he reused these cards I don't get that fealing at all.

'Hpmf! Who am I to fool myself! It's his monsters after all! He always had this habit! And just like always!... like always with that cold voice and expressionless face he slowly robs his opponents hope with a faint smirk...' after thinking about these thinks I asked myself one last question:

'Are you really from Xyz? I still can't believe it, this must be a lie... after all you...

Answer me... say that it's a lie... please... Raiden...'

Shun's (POV)

'What the Hell are you up to this time?' I asked Raiden in my mind

'If you added Pandemic instead of your other card then I'm certain that you would win this farce in one go.' thinging about the reason of his actions a thought suddenly hit me

'Wait. Don't tell me... that you remembered 'that' part of your past?!'

"It's no good. Compared to they last duel this is..." said that big guy besides me interrupting my thoughts. What was his name again? Ga, no Go yeah it was Gon... Gon, well whatever, it's not important

"Wait, they had dueled once before? What was the outcome of that?! Who won?!" yelled the other, Weasel I think. I'm sure Raiden called him often like that. But that's beside the point now, the conversation they have are somewhat interesting

"Through most of the duel they were evenly matched but in the end Raiden won with one of those dragons and with a unexpected pendulu summon."

'Just as I anticipated. He wasn't called the 'Shinigami' just for show. It's true, those dragons arent Raiden's strongest monsters, but you could call them his decks 'backbone'. It's already a bother to deal with only one, and if he has all three of them on the field then it's almost over.' yet all this is not important!

'Raiden, if you really remembered 'that' then I'll need to do something about it...'

Raiden's (POV)

"It's time to battle, go Ouroboros! Attack Yuya directly!"

"I'll activate my set card! The Continuous Trap card, Entermate Pinch Helper! I can only activate this card if my opponent declares a direct attack, that attack is negated!" as he said this Ouroboros stopped mid air and came back to my side of the field

"If the attack was successfully negated I get to special summon a 'Entermate' monster with no more than 800 ATK points from my deck, only his effects are negated. I summon Entermate Return Tantan! (400/600)" so you planned to stop two of my attacks with this huh, but...

"Don't think it will go just as you planed. Ophion attack Yuya's Return Tantan!" for just a moment I could see that Yuya wondered why I used my strongest monster to attack his, but the reason is simple

"I'll activate the quick-play spell card Infestation Chaos Halberd and target Ophion! The targeted monster gains 800 ATK and deals piercing damage!" (2550 - 3350) my monsters sword like tail was changed to that of a helberd who's bladed part looks almost like the Evilswarm symbol, although the midle blade is somewhat longer.

"I'll activate Pinch Helper's second effect! By sending this card to the graveyard I receive only half the damage from this battle!" Not as I planed this but whatever.

With his new power Ophion cut down Yuya's monster in half with one swing, but this isn't all, the shochwave also coused him some damege.

Yuya 4000 - 2625

"When Return Tantan is destroyed by battle I return one card from the field to the hand! I target my Stargazer Magicia! Come back to my side!"

'Not bad Yuya. You improved somewhat from our last duel, even though your monsters effect was negated, it doesn't matter if it activates after his destruction, not only that, with this it was possible to stop three attack. If it wasn't for your kindhartedness then you would be trully useful to us in the battle against Academia, and yet...'

"I still have one attack don't forget that, Bahamut direct attack!"

Yuya 2525 - 275

"If you continue to play like this is a game, then you won't have much time. I end my turn with this." I said to Yuya coldly



"How can you duel like this?! This isn't how you supposed to duel! I never wanted it to end this way!" did you thing I wanted it Yuya?

"We treated you like one of us... a valued Friend! Raiden remember the time we spend our first duel together! You had fun during that time or am I wrong?!" as he asked this, I closed my eyes, remembering that day and all the other day's we all spend together...

"It was...I'll admit that."


"But..." I cut in, before he could say the rest "No matter how enjoyable the detour, eventually one must return to their appointed path." this is what I believe. Although it was fun, there are some thing's I need to take care of no matter what.

"Your wrong! There is no such thing as a 'appointed path'! Everyone chooses the path they want to walk for oneselves!"

'Naive. There was a time I believed in those words myself, but... now their gone. After being crushed over and over again, they are nothing more than just simple words to me.' while thinking this, Yuya continued:

"Yuzu, Gongenzaga, Ayu, Tatsuya, Futoshi, the Principal we all hoped you will be friends with you forever! And not just them! I'm sure that even Sora feels the same way!" say what...?

"Enough is enough Yuya. Shut up and continue, I honestly don't care. If you believe in what you just said then that's good. But don't forget, I'm not you. I have my own believes and principles, if you wan't me to change them then you need to force me to." he was surprised, if not shocked amd yet he still asked one more question while looking at the ground

"The bond we all have Raiden... does it mean nothing to you?"'s, huh?...

"..." I didn't answer him, no I couldn't, I don't have the right to. And that's why I stayed silent...

"I see..." his fist trembled once "If it's like this, then I show you. The power of bond's!" looking me in the eyes, he shouted this

"My turn! I'll draw!" drawing his card he continued "I activate the Pendulum effect of Lizardraw! I draw one more card but then I shuffle him back into the deck!" he did what he said, then took a card from his hand "I activate the spell card Magical Sky Mirror! I target one spell you used in your last turn and resolve it with this card!" it's not hard to gues what card he will target, after all I only have one he can use and that is...

"Graceful Charity! I now draw three and discard two cards!" Once again he draw his cards

"Now I normal summon Entermate Pararhino and activate his effect! I target your Ophion and negate his effects!" his little rhino shoced my dragon a little, but with this he can special summon higher leveled monster

"I also activate his other effect! I target your Ouroboros and special summon a 'Entermate' monster from my hand, I summon Entermate Mammosplash! Now the targeted monsters Atk becomes the same as Mammosplash's!" (Ouroboros atk 2750 - 1900)

"Next comes Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy Mammosplash and Pararhino to draw two cards!" as he draw, Yuya said

"It's here!" must be his partner

"I re-set the pendulum scale with my already set scale 4 Entermate Trump Witch and the scale 8 Xiangsheng Magician! With the set scales I can summon monsters trough Lv 5 and 7 simultaneously! Swing once again, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Revive from the Extra Deck Entermate Mammosplash! And from my hand Stargazer Magician and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" as Yuya's monster appered on the field he began his real move

"With Mammosplash's effect I can Fusion summon a monster from the extra deck using him and other monster as materials, but he is banished instead! Now I fuse Mammosplash with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Dual-colored eyed dragon! Become one with the blizzard behemoth, and give birth to a new power! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Ferocious dragon with luminous feral eyes! Level 8! Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon [Dragon/Fusion/Effect] EARTH LV 8 Atk 3000 Def 2000

He summoned the Fusion monster I saw in his duel against Sawatari and Ankokuji

"The effect of Stargazer! Once per turn when a Pendulum monster leaves my field I can special summon him - Horoscope Divination! Come back Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

Next I activate the pendulum effect of Trump Witch! Once per turn I can Fusion summon a monster using only monsters I control! I fuse Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Stargazer Magician! -

Wielder of mysterious powers, become the bright light and dwell in the eyes of the dragon! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Arcane dragon wielder of ancient magic! Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon [Dragon/Fusion/Effect] DARK Lv 8 Atk 3000 Def 2000

Now he summoned another Dragon, but compared to the other one I never saw this one yet.

"I was able to fusion summon thanks to Yuzu, who in return learned them from Sora to protect her friends! That also includes you as well Raiden."


"These two Fusion monsters are the bond I share with Yuzu and Sora! And I show you their power! Battle!"

Serena's (POV)

"Battle! If Stargazer was used as a fusion material Rune-Eyes can attack three times!"

"Hell yeah! That Shinigami has no set cards on the field! After this attack Yuya will win!" shouted the 'big mouthed' guy from before

Because I couldn't stand his baseless blabbering I said to him:

""Your wrong!"" But unexpectedly someone else said the same thing, there was no need to look aroud to find him, after all he stood beside me, that's right it was Kurosaki

"Hou? How do you know that?" he asked with suspicion

"Hpmf! I just know, I dueled him countless times after all! It's true, I never saw these monsters he's using now, but his strategy is always the same no mater the cards."

"I see..." just like that he dropped the conversation

"Oy! Oy! Don't just stop there! Explain to us what you two meant!"

"I don't see a need to tell you this Weassel." said Kurosaki with a frown

"What was that?! My name is Sawatari!"


"Why you-!" the two of them glared at each other, this continued for a few moments until someone stopped them

"Calm yourself Sawatari! But I the man Gongenzaka would also like to know, could you tell us?" he asked me

'This isn't really a secret, besides after a few duels against him you all would understand nevertheless, so why not.' thinking like this, I asked them:

"Can one of you tell which cards are in his graveyard?"

"Of course not! After all those summons, detaches and re:summons how can someone remember them?! Besides, what does it matter those cards are used already!"

"Hmpf! Amateur." frowned Kurosaki once more

"What did you say!" ignoring his tantrum I continued

"That's it. The moment you get confused and can't tell what card he has there, means that you already stepped in his trap."

"Your exaggerating!" he begins to annoy me

"If you don't believe her, then look for yourself!" said Kurosaki, motioning with his chin to look at the duel

"Attack Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Triple Spiral Sky Shot!"

"I activate the effect of Chaos Emperors Guard from the graveyard. By banishing him I nullify any damage I would recaive this turn." said Raiden while showing his opponent the card before banishing it

"But your monsters are still destroyed!" yelled back Sakaki

"Now you get it?" I asked them this

"This is it?! You just need to find a way to prevent him from using them!"

"Like i said, amateur..." once again he said annoyed

That Sawatari began to argue once again with Kurosaki

'But it's true... if someone thinks like that, then there is little chance to beat him.'

Just as I thought this Kurosaki asked me out of the blue

"There was something you wanted to ask me?" oh right I almost forgot

"Tell me Kurosaki, what Yuzu and Akaba Reiji said is it true? Did the soldiers of Academia really do that to your home?" he looked me in the eyes and said

"Yes. Not only did they destroy it, they even kidnapped my sister Ruri for some reason." he said with a sad expresion

"Your sister?" He nod once and said

"But there is one thing I don't understand. Why do you look so much like her?"

"Do I really look like her?" thats hard to believe, but after meeting Yuzu it can be possible

"Not even twins look so much alike." I see... wait?

For some reason my heart beating suddenly quickened

'Does that mean... that the reason he was all the time besides me is... because I'm similar to that Ruri girl...?'

Raiden's (POV)

"You just destroyed all my monster, but let me ask just in case. Are you finished?"

"I set one card and end it with that."

"It's my turn, draw." I looked at the card and thought: 'This Comes at the right time'

"I activate the spell card Chaos Flash!" after the activation, nothing happened, just as everyone wondered what's wrong I begat to explain:

"On the End Phase of the turn I activated this card, I'll need to draw cards from the deck equal the number of times I summomed a monster from the Extra deck.

Next I activate the effect of Evilswarm Orthros, by discarding this card to the graveyard I add one card from the deck to the hand." I did what I said and then...

"I special summon two monsters, first Evilswarm Mandragora from my hand, I can special summon this card if my opponent has more monsters on the field than I. The second is Orthros from the graveyard, once per turn I can special summon him this way, but if I do he's banished when he leaves the field." only that doesn't matter

"Before you said something about bonds Yuya and if they mean something to me. Let me tell you, even now, I still have a bond with Sora..." although I'm sure it's not one you can accept

"It's the bond of hatred! And just like you, I show you with these two monster! I'll banish my two 'Evil' monsters from the field, to soummon this Warrior -

Evil beings become one, in order to give birth to the Cursed Knight! Fusion Summon! LV 8! Come, Bringer of Apocalypse! Evil-Eyes Paladin!" the both of them will be banished

Evil-Eyes Paladin [Warrior/Fusion/Effect] DARK Lv8 Atk 2800 Def 2000

After the cursed paladin came out of the fusion gate I took the card I added with Orthos and activated it

"Infestation Chaos Fusion! I can use this card to Fusion summon any DARK monster, but if the Fusion monster is a 'Evil' or 'Chaos' monster I can also use monsters from the graveyard and banished zone as meterials by shuffling them back into the deck. I shuffle Orthos and Guard from the banished zone and Altarios from the graveyar into the deck and fuse them together! -

"Evil monsters! Combine your powers inside the dark door and show us your new form! The Three Headed Guard of the Underworld who won't let anyone escape! Appear! Level 9! Evilswarm Cerberus!"

Evilswarm Cerberus [Beast/Fusion/Effect] DARK Level 9 Attack 2050 Defense 2050

And now my second Fusion monster came out of the gate.

"I got these monsters after the duel with Sora and Kano. And just like they used them against us, I will use these Fusion monsters to exterminate Academia." I said with a blood freezing cold glare that made Yuya shiver for a moment

"E-exterminate?! Is stopping them not enough for you?! I understand you wan't them to pay for your Hometown but...!"

"And here your wrong Yuya. They destroyed Heartland? I honestly don't really care much about that. Carded numerous people? Sure, I'm angry and won't let it slide, but it's still no big deal. What I can't forgive them no matter what is, that they took Ruri, injured Shun and if not for them Yuto would be still here!" and if that's not enough they even dared to hunt Serena and Yuzu, and hurt you and Gongenzaka how can I forgive them?

"You see Yuya I'm the type of person that is willing to sacrifice thousands just to save one."

"That's wrong! You should try with all your stenght to save everyone!"

"Please, it's already difficult to save just one. You can't possibly save everyone. Besides, I don't wan't to hear thase words from you Yuya."

"What do you mean?!" he said angrily

"What? So you didn't notice? Even if the reason of your anger was this tournament and the carding of others. That was soon replaced after hearing the news of Yuzu."

"Wha!?" he gasped in shock

"Well, I don't blame you. That's only human nature, most people will say the same thing like you did, but everyone forgets about that the moment something happens to them, or to someone they care about."

"No your wro-!"

"I'm not wrong." I said without hesitation

"Even if your not. Just for reasons like that you carded Kano?! And let others get hurt or worse?!"

"The reason why I carded Kano was none of them. Besides, is it really wrong to hurt others or even kill (card)?"

"Of course it is! That's just simply wrong!"

"Oh really? Then for a example let's say, a mother and her child go to the convenience store to buy something for diner. But they were unfortunately enough to run into a robber with a knife. I don't know what he thought wen he swung the knife around as he was escaping." normaly such stories end here, but not this one

"One of his swings managed to cut the mothers neck, when the Ambulence arrived it was already too late... Although the robber was cought the next morning. But he was only a minor under the influence of drugs, so he wasn't even punished like he needed to be." a sad story no? Nevertheless, this is a story about the boy not the robber

"At some later time, the little boy found that person, the only thing he wanted was a apologie, he just wanted to hear he was sorry. But what did he get? Ridiculing and a beating. At that time, the boy's mind turned red from anger and latter he decided for revenge. Now then Yuya, was it really wrong of him to do such a thing just for all the unjust he recaived? If so, then what would you do instead of the boy?"

"Thats..." Yuya hesitated to say something

"You see, you're also hesitating out of pity don't you. But don't worry, this was just so that I could hear your answer. Don't take the story too seriously." I said simply and continued

"More importantly let's continue." and just like this we concentrated on the duel

"When Cerberus is Fusion summoned he gains half the combined attack of the two none strik materials. Because Guard has no Atk, my monster gains only 875 points. (Cerberus 2050 - 2935)"

"I also activate Evil-Eyes Paladin's effect, by banishing a 'Evil' monster from my hand and graveyard this card absorb's all attack of my opponents monsters. From my hand I banish Evilswarm Hraesvelg and Castor from the graveyard to activate Paladin's effect."

His shield oppened in half and a eerie powerd robbed Yuya's Dragons strength. (2800 - 8800)

"Now battle. Cerberus attack Rune-Eyes and Beast-Eyes! My monster can attack twice during every battle phase, but because the effect of Paladin was used, my opponent can only recaive damage from him. So this attack just destroys your Dragon's." after Cerberus finished them off I asked Yuya:

"Now that these monsters were destroyed, doe's that mean I also destroyed your bond with Sora and Yuzu?"

"Raiden you! Don't tell me the only reason you destroyed my monsters was for this!?" he asked pissed

"Of course. Yuzu aside, I can't accept a bond with Sora other than hate." I said with a frown

"Now Evil-Eyes Paladin attack Yuya directly." as I ordered my monster, Yuya activated his set trap

"I activate Pendulum Miracle Shuffle! By shuffling Pendulum monsters from the graveyard or face-up from the Extra deck back into the deck this card activates a series of effects depending on the number of cards shuffled! From the graveyard I shuffle Partnaga and Gongcat and from the Extra Deck: Return Tantan, Stargazer Magician and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yuya grabbed the five cards showed them to me and placed them on top his deck, afterwards the duel disk shuffled them

"Because the number of cards were five, I first draw cards from the deck equal to the number I returned!" he shouted as he draw them "Now the attack of your monster is negated, also I gain LP based on that monster curent attack!" (275 - 9075)

"No matter, I end the battle phase." just when I did that Paladin's Sword began to glow with the same eerie energy

"If my monster attack's after activating his effect I can destroy one monster on my field expect himself, if I don't he is send back to the Extra deck and I recaive 300 poits of damege for every card curently banished." There is no reason to take damege now, so I destroyed Cerberus.

"Cerberus goes to the Extra deck instead of the graveyard, but because he was destroyed with a card effect, his last effect activates. I can add one card from the graveyard and two from the deck, I add Infestation Chaos Fusion from the first place and Altarios and Chaos Emperors Guard from the second." adding the cards I said: "Now I activate Chaos Fusion once more and shuffle Castor and Hraesvelg back into the deck to fusion summon Evilswarm Cerberus!" howling to his revival, my monster came back to the field

Evilswarm Cerberus [Beast/Fusion/Effect] DARK Level 5 Attack 2050 Defense 2050

"If he was summoned using only two monsters Cerberus effects on the field are negated." because of this, I placed him into defense position

"With this, I end my turn." At that same second, three dark-red lights flashed in quick succession. From this suddenness everyone shilded their eyes, expect the one's who listened to the effect's explanation, or knew it beforehand. If you wan't it specifically, they were: Me, Shun, Reiji, the ninja and Serena.

"This was the effect of Chaos Flash, I got three new cards." and now it was Yuya's turn

"I'll draw! I activate Pendulum Call! I discard a card from my hand, to add two 'Magician' Pendulum monsters from the deck!" again with the magician's?

"I'll add once again Stargazer Magician to my hand! And the second is Xiangke Magician!

Swing once again, pendulum of souls! Pendulum Summon!" after saing this one light came out of the pendulum gate

"Stargazer! Next I normal summon Entermate Drago Remora! Also, I special summon from my hand Entermate Helpprincess! She can only be special summoned if a 'Entermate' monster is normal summoned this turn!" Yuya has now two Lv 4 monsters...

'Don't tell me, you plan to use 'that' monster against me...' as if to answer my speculation Yuya continued, although with something unexpected...

"The Pendulum effect of Xiangsheng Magician! I target Stargazer Magician and change his level to that of a another monster! I change it to the same level as my Helpprincess!" (Lv5 - lv4)

"I overlay my now Lv4 Stargazer with Helpprincess!" at that moment... when the familiar vortex appeared... I saw...

"Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!"

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon [Xyz/Effect/Dragon] DARK Rank 4 Atk 2500 Def 2000

"...Yuto..." I muttered quietly

There can't be a mistake, the one I saw... the one who summoned Dark Rebellion just now... was Yuto.

'That can't be... after all he was...' just to make it clear I glanced towards Shun, but just as i feared, he didn't react at all.

'So it was just my imagination? Or are you fighting to stop me from this path?' No. Even if he really is dueling together with Yuya, he can't possibly think like that, not after all what happened...

I shook my head to disperse these thought's. Then asked Yuya something before they reappeared:

"So, if Fusion summoning was thanks to Yuzu and Sora, then doe's it meen that your Xyz summoning is thanks to Yuto?"

"That's right." he nod once while saing

"I see." I said just this

'Then show me, if you deserve my best friend's monster or not.'

"I activate Dark Rebellion's effect! Treason Discharge! I target a Lv5 or higher monster on your side of the field and halve it's Atk! I target your Paladin!" (Paladin 2800 - 1400)

"But that's not all! Now Dark Rebellion gains the lost Atk!" (Dark Rebellion 2500 - 3900)

"Once more! I target the same monster! Treason Discharge!" (Evil-Eyes Paladin 1400 - 700) (Dark Rebellion 3900 - 4600)

"And thanks to Drago Remora's effect all Dragon type monsters I control gain 500 extra attack points!" (Dark Rebellion 4600 - 5100)

"Battle! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon attack Raiden's Paladin! Lightning Disobey of Rebellion!" once again, instead of Yuya. The one I saw was Yuto as he made his familiar move.

*sigh* "After this attack I would get 4400 poits of damege, if only I didn't add this card back to my hand." I took the one card you guessed and send it to the graveyard

"By discarding Chaos Emperors Guard from my hand I can negate damege I would recaive once. With this just my monster is destroyed, nothing more. And don't forget, even if there will be a next turn, I can banish Guard to null the damage. Now then Yuya, what will you do?"

"Just you wait, I win this duel! I set two cards and end my turn!" he shouted this to me

'Hey, Yuto... do you think it was for the best that this happened to you? If not for that, we three could fight together. We could avange everyone from Heartland. But not like this, not with Yuya. Even if the two of you have similar beliefs and are similarly kind. He is way too naive. At least, you knew when you needed to fight... If thing's won't change, then... everything will be meaningless...'

"My turn, I draw." when I looked at the card a feint smirk formed on my lips, and then I said silently, almost in a whisper: "You decided to finally show yourself."

"Let's get it over with. I 'sacrifice' Ophion, Ouroboros and Bahamut from the graveyard to special summon this deck's 'Ruler'!" after saing this I began my chant:

"The Great Dragon! Devour the power of your offerings and honor us with a audience full of despair! Come forth! Evil-Eyes Chaos Pendulum Dragon!" as he descended from the sky, the four massive wing of his coused destructive wind waves that destroyed all nearby building's. Only after he landed they disapeared.

"Because I offered three monster to him, so he gain's 1000 points of extra Atk, and can attack three times this turn." (Evil-Eyes 3000 - 4000) to the power boost he made a sky-earth trembling roar

"Next I normal summon Evilswarm Knight Altarios, just like the first time I use his effect to special summon Kerykeion. Nevertheless, I can't really use his effect at the moment, that's why I change Cerberus to Attack position." the four 'Evil' monsters were ready to jump at any moment, that's why I shouldn't let them wait for too long, that's why...

"Go all my monsters, destroy Yuya's dragons and attack him directly." Declaring this without even the slightest bit of emotion, my monsters headed towards Yuya's field

"Not so fast Raiden! I activate the trap card Entertainment Flash! If I control a 'Entermate' monster, what I do. All your monsters in Attack position are changed to defense! And they can't change them until your next End Phase!" after finishing his explanation all my monsters stopped the charge and returned to my side while taking a defensive stance.

And yet, there was one who couldn't accept such outcome. That's right, it was Evil-Eyes. After his attack was forced to a stop he roared angrily. It was a roar like never before, a roar filed with hatred and anger.

The next moment he turned his head and looked at me. No, it would be more accurate to call it a glare.

It was like he told me something like this - "What the Hell are you standing for? Do something!"

'Fine, fine, be it your way.'

"It seam that you angered someone you shouldn't have, well whatever..." I said while shrugging with the shoulders "I activate the effect of Infestation Chaos Halberd from the graveyard, I can banish this card, then target one monster after the other on my opponents side up to the number of 'Evil' and/or 'Chaos' monsters on my side of the field and destroy them."

"Because of the effect of Drago Remora, dragon type monsters on my field can't be destroyed by card effects!"

"I considered the possibility of him having such a effect after the first one, but it doesn't matter, the monsters targeted by this card have they effects negated."

"What!?" after leting out his surprise the halberd came out from the ground piercing through his Entermate dragon in one go.

At the same time this happened Evil-Eyes sprung into action, he dashed forward and made something like a round kick towards Yuya's last monster only he used his tail instead. The tail didn't hit but I think it never intended to, from the sudden action Dark Rebellion lost his ballance just for a second. And the next thing happened in that split moment.

While still in mid-spin Evil-Eyes grabbed the halberd and pierced Dark Rebellions chest with it. Was that all? No, with his strenght he lifted the still pierced Xyz Dragon with the halberd up and then made a blood-swing like action sending him to the ground. But before Dark Rebellion could somehow stand up, the Evil dragon stepped on his head crushing it. After this display of cruelty he roared once in satisfaction.

"How could you Raiden?! You wen't over the board!" I ignored him and said this instead

"Don't relax just yet Yuya, the Chaos Halberd has also a additional effect, for every monster destroyed my opponent gets 500 points of damage. Meaning you now take 1000 damage." At thase words my dragon toosed the halberd towards Yuya, although he managed to dodge the blade, it was impposible for him to do so entirely. (Yuya 9075 - 8075)

"I can't just look at this anymore! I the man Gongenzaka will help you Yuya my friend!"

"Right! I also help out with this, besides I still have something to pick with this Shinigami!"

Shouted both Gongemzaka and Sawatari activating their duel disk's.

"If the two of you wan't to join then be my guest." saing this I narrowed my eyes and said couldly: "But I warn you. This is a duel between me and Yuya, if you dare to interfere... then I take the two of you out first."

"Stop!" I was interrupted by Yuya's shout "This is our duel! I will end this by muself!"

"Yuya..." Gongenzaka wanted to say something but stopped after lookind in his eyes.

"I understan." saing these words he took Sawatari and dragged him away.

"It's good to know that you want to end this duel by yourself, but enough of this light exchanges of hits, if you won't get serious then how do you want revange for Yuzu?"

"I won't! I find a way to save her no matter what! I don't care about revange I'm not like you guy's!" *sigh* it seems I need to take things higher

"And if I she was waiting for you? Would you still say things like that?" these word's took him by surprise

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I said. What if everything I told you was a lie? She was never carded, and is still somewhere out there waiting for resque. Would you still not consider revange?"

"Raiden you. Your serious just now...? Was everything really a lie? Answer me!" he yelled, while tears began to form on his eyes

"If you want to know the answer for this, then you need to beat me firs. Here is your chace, I end my turn."

Listening to this, it seems that Yuya finaly snapped. His eyes turned dark with red and the air around him also changed, just like the first time he summoned Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon.

One of the reasons I said all this was so that I could confront this Yuya. I wanted to know if it really was the influence of Yuto. But looking at him from this close, I'm sure that it's nothing of the sort. But then again, what's the cause of this berserk like behavior?

'If I wan't to somehow separate the two, I need to know this...' just as I prepared myself to take on the berserk Yuya, he somehow calmed himself and placed his hand on his deck

"Draw!" looking at the card he widened his eyes

"I will win this, together with Yuto and the card he entrusted to me! I activate the spell card Shuffle Reborn!" he has this card as well? This could be interesting...

"Because I don't control any monsters, I now special summon Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with his effects negated! And then I shuffle one card from my field back into the deck and draw a card! I target Entermate Trump Witch!" after sending the card back, he closed his eyes and concentrated one his draw

"Come!..." Yuya shouted "Thanks Odd-Eyes." then said silently

"I activate my trap! Wings of Misdirection! With this card my only monster get's 800 Atk poits, also the effect and activation of all cards you currently control are negated!" (Dark Rebellion 2500 - 3300)

'What's your plan with this Yuya? I'm really curious now.'

"I re-set the pendulum scale with my already set scale 8 Xiangsheng Magician and the scale 3 Xiangke Magician! With the set scales I can now summon monsters trough Lv 4 and 7 simultaneously! Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw a final arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Revive from the Extra Deck Entermate Drago Remora! Also from my hand Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" when Yuya's partner appeared on the field both he and Dark Rebellion roared a few times at Evil-Eyes, and he in return just smirked, or it seemed to me at least. For a moment I thought they talked about something but that must be just my imagination...

"Next the effect of Pendulum Miracle Shuffle from the graveyard! All Pendulum monsters from every graveyard and face up from the extra deck are returned back into the deck!"

"So that was your goal, not bad." Yuya has currently only his Stargazer in the graveyard, and I on the other hand have only the Guard

"Because I can only activate his effect when I would recaive some damage, you returned him back to the deck preventing his effect."

"That's not all." I raised a eyebrow wondering what he ment "After returning the card, I can destroy one pendulum monster on the field, and I chose your Evil-Eyes! Thanks to my trap card his effects are negated, so he will be destroyed on the first try!"

"What?" I watched surprised as my monster was forced to leave the field

'Evil-Eyes...' it's the first time that someone managed to destroy him...

"From now one, my real turn begins. I activate the pendulum effect of both magician's! Fist Xiangke, I target a Xyz monster on the field and change his Rank into a Lv!" as he had only one monster it wasn't difficult to gues on who he will use this effect (Dark Rebellion Rank 4 - Lv 4)

"Next I change Dark Rebellion's level to the same as Odd-Eyes with Xiangsheng Magician pendulum effect!" (Dark Rebellion Lv4 - Lv7)

"I promised Yuto to bring smiles with my dueling, that's why I make you understand how important smiles are!"

"..." I was silent, not even muttering a word

"I overlay my two dragins! Dragon of dual colored eyes. Unleash that black scale of wrath, eradicate all opposing enemies! Xyz Summon! Come forth, Rank 7! Dragon with eyes of rage! Supreme King Black Dragon - Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!"

Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon [Xyz/Pendulum/Effect/Dragon] DARK Rank 7 Atk 3000 Def 2500

his new monster appered from the overlay portal similarly like my dragon before

'This is the monster he used against Sora just before. The Overlayed form of both Yuya's Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Yuto's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon.' although I saw him just for a moment

"I received Yuto's dragon with a promise." Yuya said while clenching his fist with determination

"...Promise...huh..." I muttered these words faintly, not hearing what I said Yuya continued:

"And from that promise, this bond was born! This monster is the proof of my bond with Yuto. With the help of this card, I will fulfill his wish!" after hearing Yuya's words, I felt something shattering inside of me

"SHUT UP!" I couldn't contain myself anymore, so I began to yell

"How dare you talk about his wish and bond's as if it's only natural! What the hell do you know about him?!" my blood boiled with anger as I continued:

"You know him at best for a hour! What bond could you possibly have with him?! Or are you trying to say that it's enought to just met with someone to have a bond with him?" Don't make other's lough

"I know him for almost ten years now! Do you seriously believe that you could have a bond with him stronger than mine?!" that's right, for ten years now, he is one of the few who was besides me, even after knowing all the things I did...

"Even I...!" the next few words came in a wishper and "...had a promise with him..." a single teardrop rolled down from my eyes, falling to the ground, shattering

Flashback Raiden's (POV)

"Whoa, with this deck it's no wonder that everyone call's you a Shinigami." said my friend in astonishment and with a hint of sarcasm

The both of us were drinking some coffee in a Open-Air cafe, while at the same time looking trough our deck's.

"Give me a break Yuto."

"Sorry sorry, but seriously, it's a strong deck." he paused for a moment before asking me this: "Raiden, are you sure about this?"

"Meaning?" I understood what he meant, but just to be sure I wanted to hear it from him

"I'm asking you. Do you really want to build a new deck and seal this one?" His serious eyes made me think for a few seconds, then choosing my words carefully I said:

"Yes... This is the "Shinigami's" deck, not mine. Besides I promised you all, that I won't use these cards anymore." Yes, after 'that' incident I promised my friends that unless my heart is engulfed by hatred I will never use that deck ever again

"Also, it's really annoying to use a rental deck during tests just becuse I couldn't use that deck."

"Haha, yeah that's also true, but you can only blame yourself." he said jokingly

"So, what's your plan? Build a deck around that card?"

"You mean this one?" after hearing what he said, I took out a 'single card' holder from by breast pocket and opened it. Inside was a single card, my most treasured and at the same time my most mysterious one.

"I can't use this." I said simply while showing him

'It's not that I don't wan to use it, I can't use it. After all...' the card is black. A pitch black card. No momster picture, no Level, no Rank, and no text, nothing. Everything was black. Expect one short sentence, with letters as red as blood. It was...

"I see, so you still didn't find a method to use it. Then we need to begin from the start." said Yuto interupting my thoughs

"Not really." I said this, and took out another deck "I have here a prototype, although not a very balanced one. Thats why I would like your help."

"Let's see what you have here." as Yuto began to look trough the cards I asked him

"Thank's Yuto. But why did you invite me today?"

He called me suddenly this morning and asked if I could meet him. I'm not saing there is something bad about that, but usually the four of us go out together and not like this.

"I can't go and invite one of my best friends out sometimes now?" he said and took a sip from his coffee. But I noticed that his face turned a little red, only faintly

"Yuto you...Don't tell me that you want to confess your feelings to Ruri and are about to ask me to help you by distracting Shun. So that he can't get in your way?" I said jokingly, but unexpectedly he almot spit out his drink in my face, I don't know if it was out of surprise or maybe shock

But if not for the waitress who by chance was walking beside our table at that moment, I would have coffee in my face now. Luckily in the last second I grabbed the empty tray from her and blocked it.

"H-h-how the hell did you know that?!" he said flustered, while his face grew even redder

Returning the tray to the waitress I apologized for the suddenness. After that I turned my gaze to Yuto

"Ahaha! Are you for real? I was joking you know." I said laughting

"But are you sure about this?" calming muself I asked Yuto this

"Of course, I'm serious!" he shouted determined

Hearing this, my lips changed into a smile

"No, I mean... Shun is coming this way."

"WHAT?!" Yuto stood up and turned around suddenly, only to...

"Don't be so stiff, I'm joking. Joking."

"Raiden! You-!" he clenched his fist angrily while glaring at me

"Well, jokes aside. What should I do about Shun? Should I 'Bug' him?"

"You can't do that!"

"No, I can. Did you forget to who you're talking to?" Besides, there are no such thing's that you can't do, there are only thing's your not good at

*sigh* "I can guess what you think. But let's say that you could do it, how do you get some of those 'Bug's' in the first place?"

"Don't worry about that, I still have some left from my old 'part-time job'." I said nonchalantly but Yuto on the other hand...

"Throw them out!"

"Fine, fine I think about it..." after saing this I noticed something very bad... and whispered to Yuto

"Oy, Yuto. Be quiet, Shun is heading this way."

"Do you seriously believe I will fall for the same trick twice?"

"Well, I warned you so don't blame me." telling him this, I raised my right hand gesturing

a greeting "Hi, Shun."

"Seriously, drop this already...I said this won't work again."

"Hi, you two. What are you guy's up to?"

Hearing these words, Yuto suddenly froze in horror, his face drained of all colour...

Just to be sure, the one who asked this was of course Shun, our best friend. But in this situation our, well more like Yuto's greatest hindrance...

'Man, that's quite a blatant reaction. Yuto.' thinking this, I answered Shun

"I asked Yuto to help me building a new deck."

"That's good and all, but why did the two of you leave me out of this, huh?" he asked clearly irritated

"Well, I tried to call your house but Ruri said your not home." a lie, how could I call him out if Yuto was the one who invited me to begin with. Nevertheless he is't the type who sits home, so I would call this just a harmless white lie

"I wanted to ask your opinion later because of that. But how about joining us?"

"No thanks. I have a appointment with Kaito, so I take a look at the result next time." saing this bluntly, he turned to leave with a wave of his hand "See you two later."

"Wait Shun." just as he took a few steps I called out to him

"Hmm?" he turned his head

"If I told you that there is someone who want's to confess they feelings to Ruri. What would you do?" hearing my words Shun went silent, Yuto on the other hand turned pale

"Oy! What are you doing!?" I only smiled to Yuto's wishper

The next moment Shun walked to us, and then he grabbed me on the collar and yelled angrily

"Who is it?! Who is that punk?! Tell me!"

"Well, I know all too well what'll you do to the one who does that. But let's suppose it's Yuto, what would you do?" at this, Yuto turned even paler by now he was no different as a corpse

Only Shun's answer was just as I anticipated

"Don't make fun of me now! Yuto would never do that! But he is my best friend, so I would only send him to the hospital."

"I'm also your best friend, so what if it..." I couldn't even finish my sentence, defore he already answered

"I'll murded you on the spot!"

"Talk about different treatment." I said jokingly, after all, I was always like this with him

"Whatever, but before we get serious could you let me go first?" I asked pointing at my collar

"Tch! Fine." Shun clicked his tongue in protest, nevertheless he released me, and waited for my answer

"About this... I was just joking."

"Raiden, you-!" I could see some veins popping on his forehead, but to my suprise he calmed himself the next second

*sigh* "I won't fall for your provocations." We'll see about that

"If you say so." shrugging with the shoulders, I started a new topic

"Say Shun, are you free this weekend? How about the four of us go somewhere out? Just so you know I already asked Yuto and Ruri and their coming." hearing this Yuto made a surprised face for a second, but I brushed it aside for now

"If it's like this then sure." Shun said

"Good, afterwards how about some sparring? I can spare the time to kick your ass any day of the week, my friend."

"As if you could do that! You better prepare yourself to get a beating!" with this words he walked away

After disappearing from our sight Yuto yelled:

"Are you out of your mind?! I almost had a heart attack there! Why the hell did you do that?!"

I showed him three fingers and said:

"I had three reasons: First - with this we diversed his attention. Even if he finds out, at first he will think it's some king of bad joke, also you heard what he said, at worst you get only a painfull beating. And hey, at least you'll still be alive compared to the others who dared to try."

"Hahaha." he let out a bitter laugh

"Second - a chance. This weekend after Shun and I leave to the usual place, the two of you will be alone. So, use your best chance you get and confess."

"Wha?! This a little too sudden? The weekends are in two days! I'm mentally not prepared!"

"That's not my fault. Besides, you need to say such things as soon as possible otherwise you can change your mind. Oh, and also, I belive you guessed already but Ruri doesn't know about this. So do your best and invite her." I could do it muself, but like this, it's more interesting

"Third - also the main reason. I simply wanted to tease you." I said while smiling

"Raaaiiideeen!" Yuto on the other hand clenched his fist while a vein popped on his forehead just like Shun before. I wonder why?

And yet, the next moment he...

*siiighh!* "I give up. Just do whatever the hell you want..." hung his head in defeat

"Then I go and preapere the 'B..." before I could finish, Yuto cut in rudely with a yell

"No 'Buging'!" he made one more big sigh, and then said:

"Honestly, you can be a real pain sometime..."

"Well, thanks for the compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you! But whatever, compared to your previous self I prefer this side of yours better." Yuto you...

"Raiden. I want to ask you something regarding Ruri..." he made a brief pause, then looked me into the eyes with a serious expression

"Do you perhaps L-"

"Do not finish that sentence." Yuto suddenly stiffened while shock crossed his face

I realized a moment too late what I've done. I just made the most murderous death stare I could have done

"I'm sorry Yuto... after all that time, it seams It'll became a habit to threaten others..." Damn it all! Compared to how it was at first, it's better now. But whenever i'm angry, suprised or some other unexpected feelings appear my old habits come to the surface...

"Ahh! No! Don't worry! I know you didn't mean to..." saing this, Yuto went silent and the atmosphere around us changed to a awkward one...

'This isn't really a apologie, but the least thing I can do is answer his question...'

"I do like Ruri..." I said without hesitation. Hearing these few words Yuto returned to his senses and oppened his mouth as if to say something.

Without letting him do so before he listens to the end, I continued:

"But don't get me wrong. It's not the same 'like' that you have."

"What? What do you mean?" of course he would get curious, although there is no reason to be. After all...

"You should already know why." I paused, then closed my eyes "Ruri... she reached her hand out to me, when others accused and feared me... If it wasn't for her, and of course for you two as well. I most likely, would have already drowned in my own hatred." oppening my eyes I looked into Yuto's with a feint smile

"I was saved by her kindness, that's why I like her, as a friend, or familly. Also that's the reason I want to protect her and nothing more."

'And that is also why I can't like her like you do, Yuto.' after this unvoiced though, I slowly colected my cards from the table and stod up.

"You know, I trust you Yuto." if it would be some other guy... I would beat him to his grave, just like Shun would

"Hm?" but of course, Yuto couldn't read my mind. That's why he didn't undestand and wondered why I told him this.

"Nah, don't worry about it." brushing his confusion to the side for now, I placed the cards back into the holders and turned to leave. But before that, I said one final thing:

"I do my best in helping you, I promise this."

... ... ...

... ...


But that promise never had the opportunity to be fulfilled...

All because on that day, the world of all my friends were plunged into the depts of despair...

End of flashback Raiden's (POV)

'Because of them! Because of those bastards! My best friend's most important day was ruined! It's all because of them!' I clenched my fist, at that time I was so angry that I didn't even notice the numbing pain in my hand.

But all this never mattered to begin with...

"...That is correct. Hate..." I felt an incredible chill. It was as if all the sweat on my body had evaporated in a single instant.

"Who the fu*k said this?!" I yelled in return while looking around.

At least that's what I intended to do, but alas...

The words died in my throat.

'What is the meaning of this?' this was like a bad joke. I literally couldn't move my body. Literally.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I couldn't even make a damn sound.

The only thing I could do was helplessly listen to the arrogant voice who continued without a care...

"Hate. You do not need anything else..." I couldn't understand every word that was said, it seemed that my hearing slowly began to worsen as well...

I don't know who or what the owner of the voice is... but I do know one thing for sure... "He" is someone, humans refer to as "Evil".

"...Hate, Obliterate... I shall..." in the middle of this "Conversation" my vison together with my consciousness began to fade.

At first it was something akin to a lack of sleep. The next moment, I just felt lethargic.

In the end, everything disappeared into a sea of pitch-black nothingness...

Both my mind and body, was gradually... embraced by a merciless and yet... gentle... darkness...

... ... ...

... ...


Serena's (POV)

I was absentmindedly following the duel. The reason was simple.

My mind was currently occupied with something more important, and that was...

'Could it really be the reason? Just because the two of us look alike?' as I was pondering these questions, from the corner of my eyes something catched my attention.

No, it would be more acurate to call it 'forced'.

I couldn't believe what i just saw, Raiden, the Shinigami... was clenching his fist so strongly that drops of blood began to rain down to the ground... His face the picture of anger and hatred itself...

"Never show emotions during a battle. Instead forge them into a peerless blade that can cut down all obstacles..." this wishper escaped from my lips

'These words were your teachings. I could call them your creed even... And what about them now? Take a look at yourself... Just what happened to make you like that?!' at this thought I could only gritt my teeth in anger.

'What in Slifer's name was so important that I didn't pay attention?!'

But this outrage of mine was stoppend in the next few seconds...

Suddenly without warning, Raiden's arms hung carelessly and his shoulders drooped without any strength.

But this was not the reason. The reason was a simple shiver...

After that shiver ran down my spine, the sorrounding area was filled with a chilling cold.

It was not that the temperature was cold. There was a source of coldness that was enough to flay skins and rob consciousness.

In fact, while quiqly looking around I noticed that a little girl really fainted.

The rest of them were barely conscious...

He*k, even I need to concentrate, otherwise I could end up on the ground.

But on the next moment I forgot all this.

In the middle of this chaos was Rajden, looking at his hand while closing his fingers one after another into a fist. He did this two or three times. I can't remember it well, because at that time something else made me utterly baffled...

"...fufufu...,hehehe...,hahaha!" it was the pleased laughter that escaped from his mouth

'Did that Shinigami...? ...Raiden just now...laugh...?'

'It seams that hell finally froze over...'

"Are you all right Raiden? Why are you laughting so suddenly?" his opponent asked him this. Well, I can understand him. Just a moment before he was yelling angrily and now he was pleased? It was as if he lost his mind...

"How foolish of a question is that human?" who...?

"But so be it, I shall answer you this one time. A mere human and a lowly servant believes they can best me. That is so laughable it is impossible to perceive this as something other as a jest."

"What?! What's that supposed to mean?!" of course Sakaki was furious to receive a answer like that and shouted back. And not only him his dragon beside him was also roaring as if saying something. But that only happened for a short time.

"Silence." a simple word.

Only a single word was needed to silence everyone. It was neither a yell nor a order.

It was only a word, but it carried so much authority that no one dared to speak up.

'This is... This is very similar to the Professor...' the only difference would be...

"I do not wish to hear your pathetic excuse. Either fight or begone." ...Death...

That is the only difference I could hear. The 'Proffesors orders were absolute', that is something that everyone from Academia knows. No one could defy his authority, expect a few bold ones. But Raiden's just now... it was not like someone couldn't do something, no one dared to. The moment he said the words, I and most likely everyone else felt the same thing, death... it was as if a blade was beside our throaths waiting to cut our heads down.

But I only had a single question this whole time...

'Who...? Who the hell is that? He is not Raiden!' it is his voice, it is his body... But it's not him! I'm sure about that! After all, he would never...



Reiji's (POV)

'I knew the saying: 'Beware the wrath of a quiet man.', but... is't this a little to much of a difference?' His apparence was the same as always, the same expressionless face. I could even say that he's more expressonless now than he used to be. The only thing that would be different would be his eyes, his red eyes they seemed darker, almost blood-red as if possessed. But that's something that I most have imagined. The cause was most likely his sudden outburst of anger from before...

I intended to show Sakaki Yuya that the world isn't so simple as he thinks it is, and I believe Raiden thought the same thing but, now I don't even know what will happen.

"Fine, if you don't want to listen to me, then I just force you too!" yelled Yuya as he rised his hand

"If Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon is special summoned using a Xyz monster who's rank was threated as a level he destroys every monster on my opponents side of the field whose level is 7 or bellow! Overlord Howling!" as Yuya's dragon began to howl all monster on Rainden's field were destroyed. Wait, all?

"And that's not all you recaive their total attack as damage!"

The whole time, Raiden had a unimpressed expression. He silently took two cards from his deck, at the same time tosing one of them towards the incoming damage, dispersing it.

"How!? Wait, your fusion monster!" It seams Yuya noticed as well, only a moment too late.

Raiden's monster should be level 9, but that was somehow changed and he intentionally hide that fack. And because he was destroyed with a card effect his effect activated, allowing Rajden to add some cards to the hand, and the card he tossed just now was most likely his Guard...

'Yuya definitely grew stronger as a duelist, he made the best decision and returned that card back into the deck stopping his opponents combo. Nevertheless, the difference between his and Reiden's battle experience is too overhelming. To survive, to reuse, to last as long as possible... his deck shows that he was fighting countless times without rest... but Yuya has now the best chance to win, Rajden has no cards on the field amd he can't use the effect of his guard the same time he was sent to the graveyard. A duel is not over until the last card was played or the life poits hit null of course, but this situation...let's wait and see.'

"I detach a overlay unti from Odd-Eyes now he can attack once for every monster that was destroyed to this point! So I can attack three times! Imperial Wrath Revolt - Strike Disobey!" the dragon charged at Rajden his fangs sparking with electricity

"Final Step Towards Infestation."

'What!? He just... could he really get to this level just by fighting against Academia...?'

"How? How did you activate a trap card from your hand?!" asked Yuya in astonishment


'It seams he has no intention to answer, huh.' that's what I thought when he ignored Yuya but to my surprise


Somewhere unbeknown, Rajden's (POV)


"... ..."

"... ... ..."

"...Ugh." what the...

My head began to hurt so I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, only to say:

"What's going on here? Where am I?" Black. That was the only thing I could see. No matter where I looked be it right, left, up or down. Everything was black, black and black...

"What happene-... oh right..." I remember now, there was that voice. Then I got sleepy and lost consciousness.

'What was that voice? I will need to think about that latter. If I didn't have a big enough pain with my amnesia, and now this, great. *sigh* whatever...' I have still other things to do.

'The last thing I need is to lose by default because I fainted. I wonder what happened to the duel?' just when I thought this, a little hole appeared before me. It wasn't bigger as a kay hole, not knowing what to do in this darkness, I decided to risk a peep...

"...What the...!?" I was furious after seeing that, how can I still duel if I'm right here

'Wait, don't tell me...' a possibility came to my mind, but I still didn't want to believe it. That's why I tried something to make sure of it.

"Oy, you...! I don't know who or what you are, but this is my fight! No one has the right to interfere without my permision, so give my body back!"

"..." silene, when I began to wonder what to do next...

"Hou, you already regained consciousness, Shounen." once more I heard the voice but saw nothing

"So it really was you. If you already bothered to say something, does that mean you're returning my body to me?" I asked this, but my question was ignored

"And that is not all, you also can sense my presence and hear my voiece now. It is indeed very imressive." from the way "He" spoke, and from the tone of his voice, I understood one thing.

"He" wasn't answering my questions to confirm anything. "He" only spoke on the slightest whim.

No matter what I would say, "He" couldn't care less.

"I already received your offering, then so be it. In regard to your accomplishment, I shall grand you your wish. But do not forget, all enemies deserve only the courtesy of a painfull end."

I'm not so sure what "He" ment by that, but after saying this my senses slowly began to return to me. Only this was not all, "He" still said something that bothered me for a while:

"I shall wait. Wait for the day where you let the world be turned to a Dark Despair...fufufu..."

After those words my vision was clear and his presence disappeared together with his laughter as if all of this was a bad dream.

'What was that just now...?' when I thought this

"How? How did you activate a trap card from your hand?!" Yuya asked this while shouting.

'That's right. I can think about all this later, first we need to finish this.' taking a quick glance at the card in the graveyard, I answered Yuya.

"I can activate this card from the hand if I don't have any monsters on my side of the field and my opponent declares a direct attack that would inflict 2000 or more damage at once. And if all the conditions are met, the battle phase is forcefully ended."

"...Your back to normal?" what does he mean by that? Well, whatever

"Don't bother yourself with that, more importantly, are you finished?" Yuya wasn't satisfied with my answer. Nevertheless, he answered after realizing he won't get anything out from me unless he wins.

"...I'm done with my turn. But I won't let it end like this!"

"My turn." That's what I wan't to hear Yuya. But I'm sorry, this duel was long enough. Besidess, I don't wan't that voice to come back...

"I won't draw. Instead I activate the trap Final Stap Towards Infestation from my graveyard. On the start of my draw phase, I can banish this card to add a "lswarm" or "Infestation" card from my deck instead of my normal draw." taking the card, I paused for a second

'At first, I only wanted to make you realize the way of the world, to change your way of thinking even a little before it hurt you, or maybe I just wanted for you to let out all that anger... but now, after you mentioned Yuto, you made this duel personal, and I realized that we are too different... That's why I intend to end everything between us, here and now...'

"I set the pendulum scale with my scale 5 Magican of the Chaos Emperor and the scale 10 Evil Magican Girl. Now I can summon monsters through level 6 and 9 at the same time -

Swing, my Pendulum. With the Sword of Hatred, carve a path of Blood that signs the beginning of Annihilation! Pendulum Summon! -

Now great Emperor! Who destroys everything standing in his path! Appear before your enemies and show them your eyes full of Wrath! Come!

Evil-Eyes Chaos Pendulum Dragon!" as my partner returned to the field he was looking down on both Yuya and Odd-Eyes with overhelming confidence to finish them all.

"So you plan to use pendulum summoning like last time? It's true, you won our first duel thanks to his powerfull pendulum summoned effect. But, this time it will be different! Because the effect of Drago Remora, dragon type monsters on my side can't be destroyed with card effects!" I silently listened to Yuya, then I muttered some words while looking at the groung

"You're cursed..."


"'You're cursed. Cursed to hate, and to be hated in return. You will carry this curse on your back until the day it devourers you.'" hearing these words, Shun oppened his eyes wide, after all he knew the meaning behind those words. But in the end he decided to said nothing

"What are you talking about?" wondered Yuya

"Nothing much, really. I just remembered this sentence whose origin is the same as your 'Smile'." thinking a little, Yuya...

"...You can't mean-"

"Enough about this." I cut in before he could say it aloud, then I countinued with what he was saing before this

"Using pendulum summoning like last time, was it? Your wrong. Your not the only one who can do a Xyz summon out of pendulum summoning."

"That may be... only you have a single monster on the field." I only smirked to Yuya's words

"Compared to your pendulum summoning Yuya, mine are different. You will get that at the end. But now, the pendulum effect of Magician of the Chaos Emperor! If I Pendulum summon only pendulum monsters then I can special summon him from the pendulum zone to my field, and if I do, his level becomes the level of one other monster on either players side. I'll chose Evil-Eyes level!" (Magicial lv7 - 8)

"Two level 8 monsters?!" I ignored Gongenzaka and the others and continued:

"The pendulum effect of Evil Magicial Girl! When a Pendulum monster is special summoned to my side of the field from the pendulum zone I can also special summon her." after she came to my field the pendulum pilars dissapeared, but for some reason the "Sword" was still swinging abowe me

"Well at least she isn't a level 8 monster." said Sawatari sarcastically...

"Now her effect, once per turn I can change her level until the end phase. I change it to level 8." she chuckled mischievously at Sawatari's remark and changed her level (level 5 - 8)

"Yuya. Even I can't imagine what will happen next, but... if that dragon of your's is the bond with Yuto's ace monster... then I, show you a bond with all of his deck!" I rised my hand towards the sword, then closed my hand as if grabbing it

"With the Sword of Hatred, I build the Overlay Network!" the wortex appeared on the ground as my two magicians jumped inside of it. My last monster on the other side flyed towards the sword

"Evil-Eyes, tear off the chains of destiny to wield it's power!" at my signal he grabbed the sword with on hand, the chans with the other. And then as if it was paper he tear them appart. But did he wield the sword? No, he throw it inside the Galaxy Vortex.

When the sword disapeared, something unexpected happened, the usual golden light from the vortex was changed to a mix of frezzing blue and bloody red.

But Evil-Eyes still didn't enter. It was as if...

'He waited... waited for something, but what?' just when I asked this myself, my pendant began to shine. Just like last time , but this time, it seamed no one other expect myself noticed it.

The next moment Yuya's pendant also glowed

"Wha?! What's happening?!" just for a moment, it was only for a second. I saw the image of Yuto behind Yuya, in that split second all of his monsters appered, all of The Phantom Knights: Cloven Helm, Ancient Cloak, Fragile Armor, Silent Boots, Dark Gauntlets, Shadow Veil and so on.

All of them lined themselfs before Evil-Eyes. What happened next even surprised me.

They all kneeled before him with one knee, and then one after another they jumped inside the network.

When the last of them disappeared, only then, did my monster enter.

The next instnat the light on Yuya's pendant wanished opposed to my that shine so brightly that I needed to cower my eyes, and then-

A card flew out from my extra deck, it was the blank card I had. Then the blankness slowly changed. After what seemed to be a few seconds, everyithing one the card was now at it's rightfull place.

Even after that, the card was still in one place, it was as if it waited for me to take it.

I didn't see a reason to not take it, only after grabbing the card the light from my pendant weakened but never faded.

And then... I began my chant:

"The Evil Dragon! Drain the Blood of the fallen warriors to break the shell that binds your powers! -!" and then it happened

I gripped my chest with one hand and continued with all my strenght:

"- And with your newfound gaze, Freeze the depths of Hell into Oblivion!"

Inside LDS' control room

"This is taking too long, where are they?" said Akaba Reiji's assistant Nakajima

'I have a bad feeling...' just when he thought this

"This is-!" shouted one of the staff members

"What's wrong?"

"Nakajima-san! We're receiving a strong duel energy!" seeing him panicked, Nakajima asked yelling

"Which summoning method?! Did Academia come back?!"

"N-no sir! It's Xyz energy but..."

"But what?! Out with it!"

"It only appeared, but it allready exceeded all previous numbers we had, and it's still rising at this rat-" just as he was about to finish his sentence

*~~~~~~~~~~~* a loud alarm sounded off

"S-sir! The energy is too great! At this rate the systems will overheat!" yelled another

"Then turn them off!"

"We can't! They not reacting anymore!"

"Damn! Shut everything down forcefully!" Nakajima ordered, only it was a second to late

"Kyaaa!" One of the staff's monitor exploded

Just as if they were domino's the others began to explode on after another.

"Damn it!" yelling this, he took out his cell phone and called Akaba Reiji, only...

"The number you have dialed is not available please try aga-!"

"Shit!" he cursed angrily, then he looked out of the window... and then he stupefied, the phone falling out of his hand.

"What in the name of..." that was the only thing he mustered to say.

... ... ...

Meanwhile at the Stadium

"Long! They taking too long! The Battle Royale allready finished a hour ago!" complained Ayu while puffing her cheeks

"Now, now Ayu-chan. They should come any time now, have a little more patience." said to her Sakaki Yoko with with a smile

After a few minutes, Shuzo and Tatsuya ruturned. They tried to go out of the stadium, but it looks like without result as both of them shook they heads dejected

"They wont let anyone out..."

"Just like Tatsuya said. The guards are telling us "It's too dangerous" but... the Action Field should be already deactivated. I hope nothing happened..." said Tatsuya and Shuzo respectively

"Hm? What's wrong Futoshi? You're too silent."

"I-I don't know, for some reason I shivering like creazy."

"Oh come on! That's nothing new!" saind Ayu

"For something like this you need to be a hot-blooded duelist!" Yelled Shuzo

"Yes, yes. But now that Futoshi-kun mentioned it, I'm also shivering slightly."

Just when Yoko said this


"What's wrong Ayu-chan?"

"Look! Look!" she pointed at the sky while jumping up and down

"What? So that's the reason I'm shivering!"

"Snow? It's really showing!" said Tatsuya, and then he and the other kids became excited

"Oy, oy. We are in the middle of Summer! How can that be?"

"Shuzo-kun, could this be the reason why they won't let anyone out?"

"Hmm? Ohh! You could be right Yoko-san! Maybe the Action Field malfunctioned!"

As the two adults talked about this, the snow began to fall stronger and stronger.

At some point it turned into a raging blizzard, everyone inside the stadium began to tremble from the intense cold.

Because it was so cold and some peaple also paniced at the sight. The organizators were forced to close the roof. Some staff also runned around to give out hot drinks and blankets.

But, no matter what they all did... every next second was colder as the other

"W-w-why is it so c-c-cold!?"

"I-I'm f-f-freezing!"

"N-no! S-stop!" yells from some random spectators could be heard as the snow continued to fall outside the stadium...

... ... ...

... ...


Rajden's (POV)

"The Evil Dragon! Drain the Blood of the fallen warriors to break the shell that binds your powers! And with your newfound gaze, Freeze the depths of Hell into Oblivion! Chaos Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 8! The Supreme Emperor Black Cruel Dragon - Phantom-Eyes the Oblivion Knight Dragon!"

Phantom-Eyes the Oblivion Knight Dragon [Dragon/Xyz/Effect] DARK Atk 4000 Def 3500

During my chant dark clouds engulfed the sky. They were so thick that no sunlight could penetrate them. What's more, the next moment snow began to fall.

Then again, as I just mentioned this was only during the chant, but now that I finished, the showfall turned in to a blizzard.

What's more, the Overlay Network was emanating a fog like substance that chilled the air, what in return caused the temperature to fall even more.

And the instant this happened, He appeared...

A more bipedal form than before. From horns to claws, everything expect the wings were covered in anmor.

'Those armors are... The Phantom Knights?' although similar, now they looked newer, like they were dragonized to fit this form. Beside this, he now had eight wing, between all of them were crimson colored cloak's, numbering a total of six. But the most bizarre of them all was his body... it wasn't there, istead there was his soul. In the few places where there was no armor, somethink akin to a soul was there. Or maybe you could call it a ghost or spirit. Only that didn't matter, now, that his body was gone, nothing could hide this massive suffocating power...

But he never cared, he was silently letting his might rage as if he didn't notice us in the first place.

When the portal dissapeared he was in the air, slightly descending with crossed arms and clossed eyes.

At this awe robbing sight I didn't even notice at the time that the temperature by this poit was already twice if not thrice lower than before.

And when he finally landed, everything in this world froze instantly. And I mean that literally, the ground, the trees and building, everything in the horizon was engulfed in a thick layer of ice. It was similar to the Glaciel field.

Just before this happened and the dragon appered both our pendants glowed once again. Only compared to mine, Yuya's light also spread to the others, as if protecting them.

'If not for this light... Yuya, me and the others... would have...' I shoke this thought out of my head

'This is not the time to... I won't show mercy...prepare yourself to witness my hatred...'

and then, the three units that were circling around him stopped, freezing and falling to the ground. Then, they burst open changing in to armored crystals and were now behind my dragon.

"The units... changed?" wondered Yuya

"That's not quite right, after absorbing my hatred and resentment they evolved into Chaos Overlay Units. That's right just like your Pendulum-Xyz, this is a higher art of Xyz summoning. I'll call it - Chaos Xyz Summoning!"

"Chaos... Xyz..." muttered Yuya, and then he yelled at me: "Are you out of your mind Raiden!? Just look what you did! Are you saying it's fine as long as you fulfil your revenge?!" Maybe he's right, from other people's poit of view i'm in the wrong, but to me...

"By sacrificing something, you gain something in return." this was always the case

"Let me show you that price! If a Pendulum Summoned Evil-Eyes Chaos Pendulum Dragon who didn't activate his effect was used as a material to Xyz Summon this card, then Phantom-Eyes attaches every special summoned monster from the Extra Deck from my opponents side of the field as Chaos Units!"

"Did you forget the effect of Drago Remora? My monsters won't be destroyed!"

"Hmpf, indeed that monster has a really annoying effect for his size. But let me ask you, when did I say that they will be destroyed?" I said with a smirk

"This monster attaches them without destoying them, so the effect of your little one is useless."

"I won't let that happen! I activate the effect of Wings of Misdirection from my graveyard! Now, by banishing this card with Xiangke and Xiangshen Magicians I target a monster on my field and increase his attack by 800, I chose Odd-Eyes Rebellion! (3500 - 4300) Also until the end of this turn the effect and activation of all your cards that you currently control are negated!" your talking big here Yuya, but in the end, you did the same as me. You sacrificed something to gain something in return... Nevertheless...

"Hou, you still had a ace in your sleeves Yuya, if only you could have used it during my attack it could get troublesome... Only, take a look around Yuya. What do you see?" I asked him this instead

"What is there to see? Because of your monster the only thing I can see is Ice!"

"Your right. You could also say that everything you see is already inside his realm, don't you think?"

"Stop talking in riddles and get to the point! What are you getting at?!"

"So be it, I tell you then... This dragon is the natural oppressor of pendulum cards, turning your deck pretty much useless. Let me show you with his effect - Absolute Domain of Zero!" until now, both of Phantom-Eyes eyes were closed. But after saying what I said, he opened them, showing the calm 'deep-red' color of them.

Only opposed to that calmness, came another wave of cruelty. That dropped the temperature so much that it couldn't even be compared to the previous one's...

Then from the grond, a dozen of Ice Pillar's were emerging one after the other encircling me, Yuya and our monsters. In the end we were inside a wall made from ice.

I don't know why he made this, maybe so that others couldn't interfere, or that no one could escape. Well not that it matters, but at least the others outside should feel the wind and cold not so strongly like this.

On the other hand, inside of this wall was hell, a Freezing Hell.

But the one's who had it worst of it all, were the target of that look, namely Yuya's monsters. Both of them were frozen solid in a instant, and then they crumbled under their own weight. But that was still not all, the little shards that remained were molded my the mist in to a crystal like object.

That's right, the both of them were now Chaos Units, decorating the Cruel Emperor.

And then without the slightest bit of sympathy, I said to him:

"This monster is unaffected by all spell and trap cards. Also, on the turn he was Xyz summoned this way, he can attack once for every Chaos Unit currently attached. Meaning a total of five, that's more than enough. Battle, Phantom-Eyes attack Yuya directly." suddenly underneath Yuya a Icicle formed itself almost piercing him... (8075 - 4075)

I did say almost, it looked like something blurred pushed him to the side, getting most of the damage for him. For a second, I thought it was Odd-Eyes, but that can't be right?

"Once again." cold mist surrounded him, just like last time, it was as if something blurred took most of the attack instead of Yuya. (4075 - 75) Only now I thought it was Dark Rebbelion...

It's time...

"The ones who defied the rules of Darkness, shall be Judged by 10,000 Swords!" for the first time, Phantom-Eyes moved, he moved one of his arms slightly and the...

*Snapp* snapped with his fingers, after a moment of silence, a massive amount of fog was created in the sky. Then inside of that fog snowball appeared, they changed in to ice rocks, then icicles, and finally Swords made of Ice.

At first it was only ten, then hundred, thousand, five thousand, and lastly ten thousand.

When the last of them appeared, I said the name of the last attack:

"Diamond Dust Impalement!" at my command every sword rained down mercilessly

"Arrgghhh!" the only thing that could be heard was the sound of impact and Yuya's cry.

Only when the last of them fall, everything was over (Yuya 75 - 0)

Raiden - 4000

Yuya - 0

WINNER - Raiden

After I deactivated the duel disk and the swords wanished, I walked over to where Yuya was. He had countless cuts on his body, thanks to LDS' solid vision technology, these wounds should heal in a few days.

"You asked me, how could I do something like that,. It's simle it's because I'm 'Evil'." as I was talking, he slowly got on all fours while hanging his head

"No matter if it's love, justice, or your so called smiles. None of them can ever touch Evil. The result of our duel is proof enough. After all, it is not those feelings that can oppose Evil. It is an Absolute Evil that overpowers Evil itself!" after those words I turned to leave

'That's right. In order to obliterate Academia, I'll become the Absolute Evil that hunts them down!'

"Damn it!" this was the last thing I heard from Yuya

... ... ...

... ...


A/N: Hi everyone, sorry for the long wait. But as many of you noticed this chapter is longer compared to the other. That's why it took me so long to write it. I don't want to make it sound like excuses, but this was one difficult chapter I tell you. There were multimpe places in the duel were I was forced to change things here and there, but I'm satisfied with the end result, and hope that you all as well.

Now then, I would like to request some help with some attack or effect names. No matter be it from actual monsters like Ophion or OC one's.

Next here is a Question I would like to ask. Who is your favorite OC monster in this story up until now and why. Please send the answer as a PM or review.

Now for the new cards first is

Evil-Eyes Paladin [Warrior/Fusion/Effect] DARK Lv8 Atk 2800 Def 2000

Nothing really new, I only added some adition effects, because I will use them latter, the adition effect is: When you activate this effect your opponent can only recaive damage from attacks involwing this card. At the end of the battle phase, if this card attacked using his effect you can destroy one other monster you control expect this one. If you don't send this card back to the extra deck and recaive 300 poits of damege for every card currently banished.

Pendulum Miracle Shuffle trap

Shuffle Pendulum monsters from your graveyard or face up from the extra deck inside the deck to activate these effects in sucesion depending of the numberr of cards

2+ draw a card for every monster you shuffled back

3+ negate a attack

5+ you gain live poits equal the attack poits, of the monster whose attack was negated.

You can shuffle this card and every pendulum monsters from the graveyard and face up from the extra deck from all players into they respective decks. And if you do you can destroy one pendulum monster on the field

Infestation Chaos Halbert quick-play spell card

Target one 'Evil' or 'Chaos' monster you control. The targeted monster recaives 800 attack poits until the end of this turn, also he inflicts piercing damege.

You can banish this card from your graveyard during either players turn. If you do target and destroy one monster after the other up to the number of 'Evil' and/or 'Chaos' monsters you control, also the targeted monster has his effect nagated. For every monster destroyed by this effect your opponent recaives 500 poits of damage.

You can't activate this effect the same turn this card was send to the graveyard.

Final Step Towards Infestation trap

Negate a direct attack and end the battle phase. You can activate this card, during either players turn from your hand if: you control no monsters and your opponent declares a direct attack that would couse 2000 or more damege.

At the start of your draw phase if this card is in your graveyard. You can banish this card to add one 'lswarm' or 'Infestation' card to your hand.

Magician of the Chaos Emperor (the currupted form of Dark Magician) Lv7 Dark Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect attack 2550 def 2050 scale 5

P/e: If you pendulum summon only pendulum monsters you can special summon this card from your pendulum zone in face up attack position. If you do, the level of this card becomes the same as one monster you target.

E: This card is also threated as a 'lswarm' monster. This card gains the effect depanding which summoning medhod he's used for:

Xyz- you can treat this card as two materials, also add a Rank-up or -down magic when this overlay unit is detached.

Fusion- you can threat this card as two matterial, also you can replace one of the strick materilas with this one.

Synchro- you can double the curent level of this card, also when this card was used as a material in a synchro or dark synchro summon, you can add a tuner or dark tuner monster from your deck to the hand.

Ruitual- you can use only this card as a offering.

Evil Magician Girl (of course, the currupted form of Dark Magicial Girl) lv 5 Dark Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect scale 10, attack 2050 def 1650

P/E: if a monster is special summoned from the pendulum zone, you can also special summon this one in face up attack position.

E: this cards name is also treated as a 'lswarm'. Once per turn you can declare a level from 1 to 10, this card becomes that level until the end phase ( even if the card leaves the field) you can pay 500 LP to target on monster (quick effect) one the field to change that cards level to the same on as this cards current one until the end phase (even if that card leaves the field).

Phantom-Eyes the Oblivion Knight Dragon

[Dragon/Xyz/Effect] DARK Rank 8 Atk 4000 Def 3500

3 level 8 DARK 'Evil' and/or 'Chaos' monsters

This card is unaffected by all spell and trap cards. If this card was Xyz summoned using a Pendulum summoned Evil-Eyes Chaos Pendulum Dragon who did not activate his effect, this card gains the following effect: Attach every special summoned monster from the extra deck your opponent controls to this one. If you do, this turn only this card can attack for every Chaos Overlay Unit he has.

As long as this card has a Chaos Overlay Unit, every card that leaves the field or would be send to the graveyard are banished instead.

Once per turn, by detaching a Chaos Overlay Unit, your opponent needs to send card(s) from his field or hand to the graveyard equal the number of spell/trap cards on the field.

(Note: the original idea came from the phantom knight, spell and trap support. And as their, lets say 'ruler' he is unaffected against them)

He's too overpowored you say? Well, maybe. But there are many anime monster with overpowored effects. For exaple lets take Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, in the anime he is a way too overpowered with most of the cards being xyz ones, his effect will definitely activate, no?

Also this Oc card requires 3 level 8 monster, they not so easy to get to the fild. Besides his strongest effect requiers to not use Evil-Eyes mass destruction effect, so I think it's a fair price. Also, he is unaffected by ALL spel and trap cards meaning my own as well, so no rank-up magic with this one monster.

Now, then there is three chapters to go until the start of the synchro arc and only one duel to go!

Also a little spoiler to the next chapter: 1)Yuya's 'confrontation' with... quess who? Yes, you quessed right!(or not.) It's Shun!

2) Raiden's new style and something from his past will be revealed, telling us why he did what he did in this chapter; 3) Raiden and Serena, will have a chance to talk out things. Also they will do something that begins with the letter D. I lett you chose from this: a)Driving; b)Dance; c)Drinking; d)Date; e)Duel.

See you all next chapter!