Chapter Nine

Smooth Sailing

Katze slipped silently back into the bedroom, eyeing up the still asleep blonde. He didn't dare wake him, because the days were getting busier. After stripping, the redhead crawled back into the bed, and closed his eyes while mentally creating a list of priorities.

"Herbs," Raoul murmured, sliding up against the younger man and capturing him in a hold. "You smoked herbs?"

"Yes," Katze answered softly, turning his head to look back into those tired green eyes. "Did I wake you?"

Raoul proceeded to rub himself with intentions against Katze. "No," he assured, moaning softly as he moved with purpose. "Ohhh."

Katze tensed as the large member from the Secondary King prodded at his ass. He could never get used to this large size filling him up. "Hnn," he grunted, trying to keep himself in check.

"Don't stiffen up," Raoul whispered, gently caressing the redhead's stomach with a soothing motion and then stroking his member. "Good boy."

The younger male let out a breathy moan, shivering as the blonde practically purred words of love into his ear. He indulged in the gentle affections his lower half was being given, pleased that Raoul really did care about his pleasure. When he felt like it was turn to return the favor, he pressed back against the large man and rocked his hips in encouragement.

Raoul inhaled sharply, a grin curling his lips upward. "You're ready for me?"

"Move," Katze simply answered, gripping onto the sheets.

Not needing to be told twice, the blonde pressed up against the redhead and began moving in a slow rhythm that had Katze's toes curling in lust. "Katze," Raoul whispered, his voice thick with desire. "Nn."

Katze moved appropriately with the man, moaning as he was laid onto his stomach and fucked harder from behind. "Oh!" he whimpered, digging his fingers and face into the bedding as hands wrapped around his hips.

"Yes, good boy," Raoul praised, pleased as Katze kept up with his movements. "Perfect, you are perfect, Katze."

A midst his lust, Katze felt himself blush and buried his face further into the blankets to conceal it. Never before had he felt this depth of emotions than when he was with Raoul. Thank whatever gods helped him be snared in this beautiful man's trap.

Riki slipped into the carriage, taking the far right seat. He was practically buzzing with anticipation, but he kept it at bay because it wasn't just Iason and him.

Serena entered into the carriage and sat down on the opposite side, her slimming, yet modest deep violet colored dress sliding across the floor with a soft sound. She tucked it in all around her, and glanced up at Riki and smiled shyly. "It's such a nuisance to have to wear puffy clothes."

"Looks like it," he agreed, feeling grateful he was not required to wear puffy clothing. Aside from that damn puffy sleeved tunic he wanted to throw into a fire and laugh as it burned.

"Have you ever been sailing before?" she inquired, genuinely curious.

"No," Riki answered bluntly, thinking she was showing off as she had said she enjoyed it.

Serena smiled. "I really hope you enjoy it," she returned. "It would be nice for the three of us to all be content with such an activity. It might even be something we do frequently when able."

Riki leaned back, relaxing as he realized there was no shaming or bragging. "Is it really that special?" he asked, now intrigued as to what her opinion was.

The young girl's blue eyes lit up. "It is," Serena assured. "There is something about it." She leaned forward, enthusiastic. "You know when you're alone and in a forest, and there are fresh scents and animal sounds..."

Riki visualized his many moments in the forests, inhaling the never ending, earthy scents of the vegetation and being surrounded by the purity of nature.

"...there is a sense of peace and calmness, as if you are one with the land?" she finished. "It's like that, but it's different with the water surrounding you. It's quiet, so, so quiet other than the gentle water moving and the far off land animals. And the air," she sighed, her eyes closing. "It's so crisp and pure, as if it could clean out your insides just by taking it in. And the water is still cool and refreshing to the touch." She opened her eyes again. "It's something else to be out on the water, your trust in a man made creation and at the hands of the gods as they guide you. It takes a lot of trust with nature to allow yourself to be with it continuously and not touch land."

"It sounds...great," Riki admitted, his excitement fueled more. He let out a smile, imagining how freeing it would feel to be in the open air and spaces. He blinked as he felt a hand touch his face, his eyes looking up to the smaller woman.

"You have the most beautiful smile," Serena whispered, caressing his face. "I wish you would show it more. You truly are a handsome man."

Riki blushed a bit, gently lowering her hand instead of slapping it like he had thought to. He wasn't going to ruin the outing by starting it out sour. "Thanks."

Serena sat down again, her eyes analyzing him. "I apologize, I didn't ask to touch you before doing so. Please forgive me."

"It's fine."

The door of the carriage opened, and Iason stepped inside, dressed up in a fancy white and gray vest and tunic shirt underneath and very fine material pants. His brown boots clipped sharply against the polished wood floors as he found his seat next to Riki.

"Are you both set then?" Iason inquired, first looking at Riki and then to Serena. "Please tell me you don't plan on wearing dresses the whole time while sailing?"

Serena laughed. "No, no. Of course not," she assured, flustered. "M-My maids practically shoved me into this, and they were going to pack more, but I managed to switch the boxes and get lighter clothing into the one that was sent on ahead."

Iason nodded, chuckling. "Good, or else you'll be dying of heat stroke by tomorrow morning when we are at sea." He gently stroked Riki's leg, then leaned in and kissed the mongrel's cheek. "And how are you, love?"

"I'm fine," he answered grumpily, playing all of his excitement off. "Are you ready?"

"I believe so."

The carriage began to move, and Riki felt his insides clench with anticipation. He couldn't help but try to imagine the scenery, smells and feelings of sailing.

The blonde caught hold of his hand, while the mongrel feigned indifference and looked out the window as they passed through the long stretch of land that surrounded the Castle. He let his hand give a small return of pressure in the hold, and out of the corner of his eye, much to his embarrassment, Iason smiled knowing his true feelings.

Riki stepped out of the carriage, reluctantly accepting Iason's hand as he led him out. He blinked, the afternoon sun blinding him and he shielded his face with his hand. His eyes adjusted and he looked up at the bright white sails looming over the beautifully and sturdy body of the royal ship. "Wow," he breathed, analyzing each polished and meticulously placed board. All around them servants rushed about to add last minute supplies and items to the ship. There was a very large wooden addition on the top of the deck with windows near the top and on the very front of the structure on top appeared to be the wheel for steering, and on the opposite side there was another box like addition about half the size of it. He looked passed it all and to the bow, impressed by the piece of wood carved like an angel reaching out its hand to the see while it rode on the back of a beast. Riki let his lips curl into a smirk. "Nice touch."

"Wow," Serena gasped beside him. "It's huge. I've never been on a ship this large."

The King smiled, amused by both of his beloved's reactions and snaked in between them, crossing his arms. "So what do you both think?"

Riki tried to play off his amazement. "It's OK," he grunted, giving a nod of approval which made Iason laugh.

"It suits your tastes," Serena piped up. "I like that touch of the blue railing. Very nice indeed."

"I'm glad you both are pleased with it, now shall we proceed?"

Riki followed behind Iason as he led them into the large upper addition he had spotted earlier. It was a large room, lined with plush seating and ornate furniture. He hummed in approval, then noticed a stairwell leading to a deeper part of the ship. "Where does this go?"

"That is where our sleeping quarters are," Iason explained, motioning for him and Serena to follow him. "Come see if your belongings are unpacked in places you desire."

Serena and Riki exchanged a look, both uneasy and tremendously impressed at the magnitude of the ship. "It's got such a unique design," Serena noted.

"There is no other ship like it," Iason revealed, motioning to the living spaces for the three of them.

Riki stared at the bed, immediately noticing it's huge size and wondered if Iason planned on having fun with him while at sea. "Where's my room?"

"Riki, your room is there," Iason directed. "Serena, you are there and I am right there." There were three doors along the right wall, taking up the whole side of the area. "Your belongings should be in each specified room."

Serena nodded,then headed towards hers. "Thank you."

Iason watched her slip into her room, then snagged Riki in his arms. "What's wrong?" he questioned, leaning in and kissing the mongrel.

"Nothing," Riki denied, then moved to his room. He looked inside at the interior, noticing a small night stand, dresser and single bed by a small portal. "Cozy," he remarked.

"Yes, it is a nice little space." Iason glanced upward to the door as someone beckoned him, then saw Cal. "What is it?'

"We are ready to depart, your Majesty," he announced.

"Very good," Iason nodded. "Bring up the ramps after your departure."

"Yes, Sir."

Riki glanced at Iason. "He's not coming?"

"No," Iason denied, then urged him along. "Come, dinner is awaiting us in the dining quarters."

"Good, I'm starving," Riki nodded, feeling famished from the long carriage ride throughout the afternoon.

ー Riki and Serena hesitated in the doorway, peering around the room which was seemingly empty aside from the table with a meal laid out. "Did we come into the wrong room?" Serena whispered, her thin, pale pink dress swaying as she shifted in uneasiness

"No, Iason came into here," Riki insisted, taking another step into the room. "Iason?"

On cue the blonde came out from around a corner, then gestured to the table. "Have a seat," he smiled.

Serena and Riki nodded, both taking seats on opposite sides of the table, while Iason sat down at the head of the table. Finally, a single maid came out from the kitchen and began serving them all what they desired to eat.

Riki did not hesitate to dig into his food, vaguely wondering how it was cooked upon a ship. But he wasn't going to dwell on it and lose time to eat.

"There are very few people upon this ship," Serena finally spoke up, pausing in her meal. "Why is this?"

Iason smiled. "I assume you both noticed the lack of people. That is so we have the utmost privacy. Only the Captain and a few men are constantly here, and they are limited to certain areas. While the maids will come and go as required."

"Where do they go? Do you chuck 'em overboard?" Riki questioned, swallowing a mouthful.

"No, my love, I do not throw them overboard," Iason laughed. "There is an accompanying ship following behind us with supplies and the servants. They come aboard by ramps when necessary."

Riki blinked. "Why the hell is there so much privacy?"

Iason leaned back, taking on a different demeanor. "I believe it would be best if we all got intimately acquainted while we are alone."

Both of the King's partners stiffened, staring at the blonde in disbelief. "Y…You mean…" Serena stammered.

"You want us to fuck three way?" Riki asked, incredibly surprised that Iason would ever allow him to be shared.

"That is a vulgar way of putting it, but yes, my wolf cub," Iason confirmed, casually sipping his wine. "All three of us are going to get intimately involved together this week. We will begin after dinner."

Serena paced back and forth in her room, neglecting to close her door and shield her nervousness from outsiders. She pressed her hands to her cheeks in worry, mumbling fearfully and incoherently.

Riki walked into the large sleeping area, realizing then why the bed was large enough for three people in the middle of the wide space. He glanced back into Serena's room, spotting the distressed young woman crumple down upon her bed. Feeling oddly concerned for her, he padded over to the door and gave a soft knock. "Hey…are you all right?"

The young blonde's head shot up and with horror she realized her error. "I…I…I am sorry," she apologized in a sputter. "I forgot to…to close…"

"You don't have to be so nervous," Riki assured, slowly coming into her room. "I don't bite." He came to a stop on the side of her bed and sat down while she was at the end. "Are you afraid of us?"

Serena shook her head. "No, no of course not," she whispered.

Riki glanced over at her, feeling like she would shake herself apart, so he moved over and grabbed her hand gently. "Bullshit. If you're not afraid, why are you shaking?" He smelled salt, reached over and touched her cheek. "And crying."

"I…I'm," Serena paused, chuckling and wiping her eyes. "Its… its just a lot to take in." She looked up into Riki's eyes. "I've come from such a small background, and to suddenly be here with both of you…its overwhelming."

Surprisingly, Riki could agree, remembering the horrors of his arrival. Part of him vowed to prevent Serena from going through so much terror. "I understand that," he softly replied.

"You do?"

"Yeah," Riki nodded. "Iason literally pulled me from the badlands and threw me into his Castle. It was a big shock." He crossed his arms. "It was a rough start, but here I am. So don't go crying a salty panic river over this."

Serena looked away. "Do you hate me for causing the King to have to take another partner?"

Riki paused, unsure of how he really felt. He didn't hate Serena, but wolves mated for life so it was hard to accommodate another person. "I don't hate you. But if Iason is mating with you…I have to accept that and accept you as a mate too. There is no way around it." Serena blinked and nodded, then turned away while blushing. "Now what's the problem?"

"W...What if I'm no good at…at…se…sex?"

Riki snorted. "That is the least of your concerns," he assured, rising up and grabbing onto her hand. He planted a soft kiss upon her forehead, his wolf instincts igniting the reassuring action. "By the end of the week you'll be laughing at your fear. Now come on."

Iason sat down on the edge of the massive bed in the center, his topless chest almost making Riki drool in anticipation. "Are you both prepared?"

"Yes," came a reply in unison.

"Are you prepared, Serena?" Iason inquired, leaning forward slightly. "I noticed you were particularly hesitant, and I do not wish to frighten you from desiring sex."

Serena bowed her head, shaking it softly. "I am ready, your Grace."

Riki smiled at the girl's bravado, shooting a glance at her. Riki had never done it with a female, as there were none when he was of age to engage in such acts. Although he did enjoy the pleasure Iason gave him as his mate, he was eager to see if Iason would let him indulge in taking her. Just once he would like to fuck someone and not be scolded for it, and gain back some of his masculinity. Serena was far from unattractive, and if he had the chance, he would willingly have sex with her.

"You don't seem particularly against the idea, wolf cub," Iason noticed. "I thought you'd be snarling up a fuss."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Riki snapped, crossing his arms. "Are we gonna fuck or not?"

Iason motioned for Riki to come forward, pulling the jealous mongrel close and starting a deep, passionate kiss. He positioned Riki on his lap, stroking his body and removing his top while Riki fumbled with the King's pants. "Are you embarrassed by our audience?" Iason whispered, noticing Riki's struggle.

"Fuck no!" Riki hissed, finally freeing Iason's engorged member from the fabric. He gave it a few strokes, while humping in his mate in need. "Can I take her?"

"You may," Iason agreed, but then disappointed the mongrel. "After I take her."

Riki rolled his eyes. "I don't want your seconds," he hissed, leaving out sloppy because he did not want to offend Serena. "You've probably had a million girls, let me take her first."

Iason smirked, then moaned softly as Riki's hand movements caused a shot of lust to pulse through him. "No, wolf cub," he replied, his voice strained. "There are rules that must…be followed."

"Fuck your rules," Riki growled, nipping at Iason's neck aggressively.

The King chuckled, then motioned a frozen Serena to him. "Come, my little dove," he beckoned.

Serena hesitated, but slowly came forward, mesmerized by the beauty of both men. "Yes, your Grace?"

Iason raised an eyebrow. "Is that how you plan to address me when we are intimate?" he demanded.

"My…My apologies, Iason."

"Good, now come onto the bed," he commanded, directing her. Once she was near the back of the bed, near the headboard, Iason gave the immersed mongrel a pat. " Hold on."

Riki protested as Iason somehow maneuvered toward the center of the bed, dragging him across it and then throwing him down. "Oof! Hey!" he growled, glaring up at Iason. "What are you dー" His arguing ended with a gasp, as the King pushed into him, grabbing onto his hips tightly.

"Ugh," Riki whimpered, glancing over toward Serena and worried what she'd think of him if he changed into partial wolf, but Iason grasped onto his face with one hand and leaned in to kiss him. "Umfff.."

Iason pulled back, then shifted his gaze to Serena. "How do you feel?" he inquired, still thrusting up into his tight beauty.

Serena's eyes were wide, staring with lust and desire at the lovers. "I am...fine," she barely whispered, her loins stirring with warm and anticipation. Her eyes locked onto Riki's quivering abs and Iason's flexing muscles, then slid down to see his large manhood thrusting in and out of the tanned mongrel.

The King let out a breath of exertion, then motioned for her to come closer. "Take this off," he commanded, tugging on the skirt of her dress. "Leave your lower underclothing on."

She fumbled with her dress for a moment, hesitating but then pulled it off and set it aside, before removing her upper undergarments as well. Her nervous blue eyes looked to him with expectancy of a task.

Iason took her hand and brought her close for a moment, gently kissing her cheek. "My little dove, I want you to kiss Riki," he instructed. "I want you two to be familiar and comfortable together."

Serena nodded, meanwhile Riki raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything because he still wanted to take a girl once. She crawled back, giving a nervous smile to Riki as she moved close and gently placed a soft kiss to his neck and worked her way up to his lips. "U...umhmff," she moaned, her eyes fluttering as Riki took control of the kiss. She crawled over top of him, carefully avoiding his throbbing manhood.

Riki's head felt light, an intoxicating scent flooding from the woman. The scent of a female in heat before him was starting to make him crave more. He gasped and broke the kiss as a none too lightly thrust from Iason shocked him back to reality, his hips being gripped tightly. Riki let his hands slide up onto the soft pale skin, latching onto the body upon him and holding her close. Their bodies were rubbing together, Iason's thrusting into him causing her to slide against his bare chest.

The stimulus was growing too much to bear for the mongrel, and the warmth of the woman's entrance protected by the thin fabric was tantalizingly close and offered relief. Riki twitched as Serena wrapped her hands around his neck and began randomly kissing him all over with the inexperience of a virgin, slowly working downward and planting a trail down to his collar bone.

Riki looked to Iason with fearful eyes, worried that Serena might freak out if he changed. "I...Iason!" he grunted, both in pleasure and worry.

"It's...all right, Riki," Iason assured, reaching over and grasping onto the younger male's member. He knew if he stroked Riki just right, he would transform. "Do it."

"W...Wait!" Riki protested, worrying that with the voluntary and accepting presence of a female would overwhelm his wolf form and he'd hurt her. He bit his lips, his body twitching and shuddering as the change commenced.

Serena lifted her head from teasing one of Riki's nipples, and pulled back as the young man morphed. "Riki!" she shrieked and moved off of him, but kept a hand on his trembling chest. "Are you OK?"

"It's all right, Serena," Iason revealed, taking this moment to flip his mate over and begin ruthlessly pounding into him with all of his strength as his beloved tightened on his erection. "Riki is a mongrel, the..." His eyes rolled back for a moment, as the mongrel squeezed him particularly hard while growling and groaning. "The last of his kind who can shape shift."

The King brought Riki's tail to her attention, while he tried to remain in control of his seed that was threatening to spill. "Do you see? Do you see my beloved's gift?" He gave the base of Riki's tail a rough massage, making the young man shiver and let out a howl of pleasure. "Yes, good boy...hnn."

The young blonde stared in amazement at the black, puffy wolf tail. Her eyes drifted along the flexing tanned back covered with sweat to the matching pointy ears. "Remarkable…"

"I...Iason!" Riki huffed, clawing the sheets and pushing himself back against the beautiful blonde. "U...uh...!" He jolted as he felt soft fingers stroked his ears in a particularly pleasuring spot, his head jerking as he spotted the blonde female. "Se...Serena!"

Serena moved close to Riki, their lips crushing together and resulting in a sloppy kiss. "You're so beautiful," she whispered.

Riki groaned as his heightened sense of smell picked up the female's thick scent and made his mind hard to navigate. Before he knew what he was doing, he was reaching out to her and grasped onto her shoulders and then found her supple breasts. But when she flinched, he paused as her scent had fear in it. "Sorry," he apologized.

"It's OK, it's OK," she assured, guiding his hand along her chest and torso. "I trust you."

The mongrel pulled her closer, taking her underneath him. His eyes skimmed her body, only then noticing that there were bruises and marks not from either of them upon her. He felt a wave of anger pulsate through him and a desire to protect her. With an unintentional huff, he nuzzled into her nape and then bit her possessively.

"Ah!" Serena gasped, but made no effort to struggle or refuse. It hurt for a moment, but then a smooth tongue lapped at her wound as if to soothe it. When Riki pulled back to give her a kiss, she smiled and whispered breathlessly. "You liar, you do bite."

Riki smirked, but then jolted as a hand wrapped around his member and started to pump him furiously. He collapsed upon Serena, their bodies grinding against each other. He shuddered as he felt her wet warmth under the fabric with his throbbing member, wanting to sink into it. "A...ah...aughh...!"

Iason slammed himself against Riki, holding him against his member as he let his seed spill inside the clenching crevice. His eyes rolled back as Riki's insides milked him of all of his fluids, before he managed to free himself. With a smile he looked down upon his two beloved mates. "You two appear to be acquainted nicely."

Riki grunted, rolling off of Serena who didn't seem harmed by the sudden weight. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, you didn't fall hard."

"Now Riki, I am going to take Serena," Iason announced, watching Riki flinch in jealousy as he crawled closer to the woman. "Come here, Serena."

Serena sat up, taking help from Riki who also sat up and was watching Iason's every move. "You will have to forgive me, Iason. I am very inexperienced."

Iason pressed his fingers to her lips. "Enough of that," he instructed, pressing his fingers into her mouth. "Suck them." With a blush, she obeyed and thoroughly wet the fingers before they were pulled out. "Good, now straighten up."

He let his fingers hover around the woman's lower regions, then slid them underneath her undergarments. When she flinched and instinctively reached out to his shoulder and grasped onto him in fear, he knew this would not work. "It is all right, my little dove," he soothed, bringing his hand up and proceeded to caress her sides. He kissed her softly and then slowly managed to turn her to face Riki. "Riki."

Knowing what Iason wanted him to do, Riki came up to Serena and proceeded to kiss and touch her while Iason calmed her into allowing him access to her entrance with his fingers.

Serena let out a small whimper as Iason slipped a finger into her, and tightened her one arm wrapped back around the other blonde. "M...mmnnn!"

"Shh," Iason soothed, careful not to move it around in her until she adjusted.

"It's OK," Riki whispered, gently caressing her sides while he nuzzled into her nape. "You're OK. We've got you."

Iason was surprised at Riki's total change in attitude toward the female, somewhat intrigued by it but also perplexed. He leaned in and caught Riki's lips in a quick kiss and then switched sides so he could whisper reassurance to Serena as he progressed. "Two fingers now," he revealed, relieved that with Riki's assistance she accepted him easier.

Riki began squeezing her breasts, making her moan before sucking on a pointed nipple and nibbling on the tender bud. Her scent was driving his nerves mad, and he found his hips swaying forward.

"Riki," Iason warned, feeling the mongrel's member rub against the slick entrance and his hand. "She is not ready."

With a growl, Riki fiercely kissed Serena, pushing her back against Iason. His member was pinned up against her belly, leaving slick trails of fluid all over her delicate skin.

"Riki," Iason repeated, his cold voice echoing in the mongrel's mind and reminding him of the consequences of disobedience. "You're being too rough."

Riki released an aggravated whine, something he had never done before and grasped onto her breasts again. He began kissing, nipping and licking all of her skin while her soft cries fueled his lust. When he felt a hand reach around and grasp his member, his toes curled in pleasure. His eyes landed upon the King's, burning with desire for relief from the tormenting stimulus around him.

Iason smirked and removed himself from his beloveds, finding a nearby container of scented oil and coated his hand. He gave his entire erection a generous coating before returning to Serena who was panting and resting against Riki's chest while he caressed her hair. "Are you ready now?" he asked her softly.

She turned and nodded, her blue eyes glistening slightly. "I am," she agreed, then sighed as Iason caressed her body to relax her further before penetration.

Riki held her close again after Iason let go of her to position himself, gently stroking her back and looked to Iason who gave him a nod. "Relax," he soothed to Serena. "Just relax."

Iason pressed himself to the slick entrance, his girth spreading the young woman and wrapping tightly around him. A soundless breath left his lips as he waited for Serena to adjust.

Serena whimpered, clinging to Riki as the pain of the penetration made her unintentionally tighten and shed tears. "P…Please," she choked, accepting a kiss from the mongrel as he massaged his hand over her belly. She jolted as Iason ran his fingers over her clit, sending sparks of pleasure pulsating through her. "Mnnff, mnnn…!"

After a long moment, Iason finally pushed all of himself within her, continuing to brush his fingers over her bud to help ease her of pain. Her womb was gripping him like a wet, hot, pulsating hand. "I am in, Serena," he breathed in her ear. "My little dove, you are so tight."

Riki continued to hold her close, feeling her heart pounding as her skin pressed against his. He gently slid his hand down and found the bud that Iason had been touching when he was trying to prepare her and began sliding his fingers around it in a circular motion. He shivered unintentionally as his finger brushed against Iason who was pulsating in the wet, tight entrance as he waited.

Iason leaned close for a moment, initiating a deep kiss with his mongrel. "You're doing good," he praised, then returned his attention to Serena. "I'm going to move now, so keep holding onto Riki."

"OK," Serena whispered, sniffling as she tried to reign in her tears. She smiled softly as Riki kissed and lapped away at her tears. "Thank you."

The mongrel held her gently as she cried out when Iason thrust up into her, soothing her shaking form and planting kisses on her face. Her nails dug into his back as she clung to him, while Iason's thrusts pushed her against him in rhythmic motions. He slid his hands up to her breasts, giving them a few hard squeezes before becoming immersed in a perked nipple which he began sucking and nibbling on.

"Ah! So d-deep!" Serena cried, her limbs shaking in pleasure and her head falling back as she panted quickly.

Iason grunted softly, finding that he was growing close to his climaxing as he was being gripped tightly by her virgin hold. With one hand he held onto her hip while the other found her wet clit and he began to repetitively and quickly stimulate it to match his increased thrusts. "You feel so good, Serena," he breathed.

Riki shot a glare at the King, but he saw that the male blonde was simply taken over by the lust for the female. He knew that Iason would always prefer him in any given situation, he had voiced it often enough. Deciding to compete for pleasuring the new mate, Riki bent down and pushed Iason's hand out of the way. The scent of the female in heat made Riki's tail quiver, and he lapped at the entrance.

Serena let out a shriek, her body trembling from the sensations of penetration and Riki's ministrations. Her hands dug into his black hair, her breath getting lost in her lungs and producing a lustful moan. "Oh, yes! Yes! So…So good!" she gasped, her breathing erratic. "Riki…Oh Riki!"

"Nngh." Iason found himself letting out a grunt, as Riki's tongue not only found Serena's clit, but his erection as well. He groaned, grabbing Serena by her hips and lifting her as he pushed up into her fast, her moans and cries fueling him to his assent. "I'm…coming, my dove," he grunted, holding her down as his erection released his semen deep into her womb.

Unable to take all everything, Serena's eyes rolled back and she flopped into Riki who caught her and started to panic. "Shit! Shit, Serena!" he called, then looked to Iason who had been thoroughly milked by the woman and then pulled out. "Did you kill her?"

"No, wolf cub," Iason assured, his voice thick with sex. "She has fainted."

Riki pulled the young woman close, then realizing that she was unconscious. "Well, shit," he growled. "I can't fuck her now." Iason crawled up next to Riki, gently stroking Serena's damp blonde hair. "She'll wake up soon," he assured. "We have all week remember." His eyes dropped to Riki's erection. "Shall I tend to you again, love?"

Riki's eyes lit up. "Fuck yeah."

Iason gently pushed Riki down onto his back, crawling closer and leaning down to take the standing erection into his mouth while his blue eyes pierced the obsidian ones.

Serena slowly opened her eyes, feeling disoriented and sore. She slowly focused on her bedside table, blankly staring at it until all of the activities of yesterday came forward. "Oh no," she groaned, hiding under the covers.

"Oh no what?" Riki questioned, jumping as Serena screamed and sat up from being frightened by his undetected presence. "What?!"

"I…I'm sorry, Riki," she stammered. "I didn't see you." She watched him curse and grumble before settling down. "How long have you been here?"

Riki shrugged. "Awhile," he bluntly answered. "Iason is discussing something with the Captain, so I figured I better see if you were alive. You woke up after Iason and I changed you, but then you went under again."

Serena then realized she was indeed wearing a nightgown and she had been cleaned. "Oh my gods," she blushed, hiding in her blankets. "So embarrassing…!"

Riki laughed. "We had sex with you, how is us changing your clothes embarrassing?" he teased.

"It just is!" Serena insisted, tearing up from her turbulent emotions.

"Hey…shit, I was just teasing you," he soothed, leaning closer to her. "Your body is really sexy."

Serena pulled the blankets away. "Really?"

"Yeah," Riki agreed. "But where did you get those marks?"

The female winced, hiding deeper in the blankets. "NーNowhere," she stuttered, averting her gaze.

"Bullshit, tell me where you got them," Riki demanded, taking her hand and running his thumb over the marks. "Who gave you these?"

Serena took a deep breath. "My father," she whispered. "He liked to punish me by tying me up and…and hitting me."

Riki felt his insides quiver with anger. "I'll kill him," he hissed, pulling her close in a hug. "You're our partner now, no one will hurt you again."

Feeling as if she had finally gained Riki's approval and as if she had people who truly loved her, Serena let out a loud sob hugging onto the strong mongrel as he silently swore to get revenge upon whoever had made his female mate suffer.