Hey! This is the last old chapter I have, so updates from now on will contain longer chapters as requested c:

Part Five

As soon as the filthy deed of murder had been done, words appeared high up in front of every individual person, wherever they may be, that said: 1/6. Of course, only Stan knew what that truly meant. He willed himself not to think about it, though. It made him too sick to his stomach. If the others knew... Well, he didn't know what they would do but it probably wouldn't be good. Wait... one out of six?

"Does that mean...we're all going to die," Stan's eyes went wide.


Craig woke up to the sound of screaming, and not just anyone's screaming... Tweek's. It was enough to make him bolt up and look around to see the blond over in the corner of the room, covering his head with his arms and screaming like he'd seen a ghost.

"Hey!" Craig got up and ran over to him, bending down. "What's the matter?" It didn't even occur to him at first that they were not in his room because it was quite dark. As for Tweek's reply, all that came out was muffled by sobs so Craig couldn't make heads or tails of it. He caught a few words, however, some of which were 'voice,' 'game,' and 'countdown.' Deciding he was far too tired for this, he just sat down and threw an arm around the other boy until he'd finally calmed down enough to explain their situation...

Which was to say... he didn't understand what was happening for a while. When Tweek finally did calm down, nearly an hour had passed, but Craig didn't mind. He was patient, if not a little bored. He did wonder where they were, though. This wasn't his bedroom from what he could see, but there was a door. Maybe he could convince Tweek to get up and follow him.

"Hey," he nudged his friend. "Let's keep going."

"W-what!? Are you crazy!? When you're -ngh- l-lost, you stay put!"

"But we don't know if we're even lost."

"Not the point!"

Craig sighed and looked around again. He felt like this was going to be a terribly long day.

Another shorter while passed and Craig got up, brushing his pants down and walking toward the door. "We have to go. Nobody's coming. We're alone." This only seemed to frustrate Tweek even more and he grabbed at his hair, nearly tugging it out of his head. "Tweek... stop."

"But I -nn- c-can't!"

"Did you take your meds today?"



"I forgot, okay?!"

"Take them now."

Tweek gave him a long, hard stare as if to say he didn't want to, but Craig only frowned and said, "Please." To which Tweek finally gave in and sighed, nodding his head. He pulled a little bottle out of his sweater pocket and fidgeted with it for a while before managing to get it open. Pouring two pills into his hand, he glanced into the now empty bottle, "Sh-shit..."

"You ran out?"


Craig sighed again, "You better go get more when we get out of here. You know they help you." He bent down in front of Tweek to get a good look at his eyes. Tweek tried to avoid eye contact entirely, but Craig was having none of that. He cupped his cheeks and forced him to look back. "Why didn't you tell me you haven't been sleeping..."

"What! I have-"

"Clearly you haven't. You look like a raccoon."

Tweek just mumbled something to himself as a reply. Truthfully, Craig knew the guy had a lot of problems, but he still loved him. Yep, love, definitely love. Not brotherly love either, it was far more than that and Craig had told him that before, but he never got a real answer out of the jittery blond. He could wait, though, however long it took. He could wait.

"We're going," he took his hands, lifting him up into a standing position and pulling him toward the door. Tweek didn't seem to be particularly fond of this idea because he started complaining, but Craig held on firmly. "It's going to be fine, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you."

"Y-you can't promise that! Besides who says that's what I'm worried a-about!"

"Relax. I can..." he felt the slip of paper in his pocket, which had appeared earlier that hour. "Even if it costs my sanity..."


"Oh god..." Alone, Kyle walked down the dimly lit hallways, still dragging along his IV. He felt horribly weak and tired and desperately wished he was back in the hospital... something he thought he'd never say. "Where is everyone... Stan?" he called. "Kenny, Cartman? Craig, Tweek?"

Something skittered behind him and when he heard it, he gasped, turning so quickly that he tumbled over, swinging the IV down with him. "Ouch, ouch!..." his eyes widened as he saw something lurking in the shadows in front of him. "Guys...? This isn't funny if it's you! I don't want to play this game!"

He pulled himself back up using the IV as support and quickly turned on his heels-well, as fast as he could in his state. Still, he could hear whatever or whoever it was following him. That only prompted him to go faster. Was this a dream? Some sort of sick joke? A hallucination? It couldn't be real... There was no way! "Someone! Answer me, please!"

He turned a corner and almost slammed into a wall, but there was a door, which meant getting away from whatever was following him. He quickly swung it open and went inside, slamming it shut behind him and pressing his back to it. With heavy breathing, he looked around his new surroundings. Still, nothing looked familiar to him. In fact, it looked even worse in here. It was a bit lighter, which allowed him to see more, but honestly, he almost wished he couldn't. The area was built like a maze, with already more than five ways to go and each way look more complicated than the last.

"This is so shitty," he mumbled, trying to pick a way to go. What did they say for mazes? If you stick to a specific side, you'll make it to the end...? Only, which side was it... "Right it is," he said, making a guess and just heading into the third way. "I hope this is okay..."

He walked aimlessly for a long while until he came upon another door. "Am I at the end..." he pushed the door open again and came face to face with a terrified Tweek and a less than pleased Craig.



"Tweek! Craig!" Kyle's eyes went wide with relief. "Oh god, I thought I was alone here... It's good to see you two... Do you have any idea where this is? What's going on? How we got here?"

"Calm down, we don't know," Craig muttered. "We're just as lost." The more relief Kyle felt, the more anxious Craig did. He knew what his paper said and he knew what it meant... Somehow, this 'game' was all about the things they typed on their last wish surveys. There was no coincidence in these alleged 'tasks.' Speaking of, he wondered if Kyle or Tweek had gotten slips of paper... or any of the others for that matter, since it was becoming clear they weren't alone at all. If they all filled out the surveys with their wishes, chances are, they were all in here. Where, was the question.