Okay, I know I already have two other stories out, but I couldn't resist the idea! So, this first chapter may seem a bit boring, but it get's so much better! I promise! And about the story The Dragon Healer:A Legend Controled, I might just cancel it. As in, I won't post any more chapters for it. I just don't have any ideas for it. The spark is out. The lightbulb is expired. I might continue it, you'll just have to check back every now and then. So, sorry for those of you who really like that one. I hope this makes up for it. Hope you enjoy.

I flew alongside other dragons, mostly Nightmares. We were heading for Berk for another dragon raid. I always lead these things, but I never took any food.

Berk was my home. I know I shouldn't be using my powers to attack my home, but they deserve it! They treated me like an Outcast!

When Berk came into sight, I looked over at the dragons behind me. "Nightmares go first, starting now."

The Nightmares dove down and started firing at houses, and stealing livestock.

"Nadders, go ahead. Gronckles, follow me." I called, and dove down for the Great Hall.

"Gronckles, go for the Hall. I'll deal with the catapults." I headed for the catapults, and started blasting them as fast as I could. Earlier that day, I had learned that Snotlout and Astrid were put on catapult duty. And almost no one even compared to them in accuracy!

Almost as soon as I blasted the first one, I saw Astrid fire one at a nadder. I blasted the catapult, but Astrid just groaned and went to a different one.

"Fire!" I turned and dove just in time to avoid getting beheaded by a bola.

"Oh come on! I almost had it!" Snotlout yelled.

"Yeah well so did I and you blew it!" Astrid yelled.

I rolled my eyes and kept moving. I noticed my mother, Valka the Fierce, in the center of a fire.

"Jackpot." I whispered.

The wind whistled against my wings as I dove in, and I shot a warning blast in front of her.

She stared at me, and grabbed the nearest bola. Before she could throw it though, I blasted her. But it didn't kill her. That was for later.

In just one little week, I could leave this place! I was so tired of being treated like an Outcast, especially from my own mother!

I landed at the back of my house, and turned to human. Yes, I alway lead the dragon raids, but halfway through them I turned back to human, and I would help out gobber in the forge. I had to make sure no one got suspicious.

I ran through the house and out into the village. Of course, other people were yelling at me to get back in the house.

"Why are you out here?"

"Get inside!"

"Get back inside!"

I ignored them though.

I dodged a pair of vikings carrying a log, just to run into another guy.

"AAAAAAAH! Mornin!" And he carried about his day.

I reached the forge, and put on my apron.

"Look who decided to show up! Thought you'd been carried off." Gobber says.

I picked up a hammer and walked over to the wall. "What? No." I put the hammer on it's place on the wall. "They wouldn't know what to do with all this." I flexed my non-existent muscles for emphasis.

"They need toothpicks don't they?"

"Enlighten me."


I looked out the window and saw the usual five water brigade. Fishlegs was a...beefy blonde guy with his hair tucked into a small helmet.

The Thorston twins are Ruffnut and Tuffnut. They argue litterally all the time.

And then Snotlout, who sadly was my cousin. He was your average viking; strong, tough, and major ego.

And then there was Astrid. She was my crush, until she started to join in the Oh-hey-let's-torture-Hiccup-for-the-rest-of-his-life club.

She was the average crush. Blonde, blue eyes, strong, tough, and basically the usual way-out-of-your-league crush.

A blast came in from one of the nightmares, and they all ganged up. They were terrible at their job but great and being dramatic.

I smirked. "You have no idea what's coming."

I felt Gobber's hook pick me up and over. "Not just yet, Hiccup. You said you wouldn't go after them until you left." He said.

He was the only one that knew about me leaving in one week. He was the only one who treated me like a friend. Maybe even a son. He had the right to know.

"Oh come on! You know I wouldn't do it in broad daylight!" I pointed out.

"Hiccup, I'm not sure you should leave." He said.

"What makes you say that?"

"You can't swing a sword, you can't lift an ax, you can't even through one of these!" He held up a bola, and someone took it from him and used it on a gronckle.

"There goes one of my sentries." I mumbled. "Look, it's the only way I can escape this place! You know how much I've been wanting to leave. They've been treating me like week old cod!"

"I know, but how are you even gonna survive?" He asked.

"I told you, I'll load a boat with some fish, some weapons, and other supplies. I'll be fine, Gobber."

Said person sighed. "Look, I have to get going. The raid's almost over, and I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow." I walked out of the forge, thinking about how I'm going to convince Gobber I should leave place.

Suddenly, there was a high pitched screech.

A dragon was either killed, or gravely injured, and headed for Raven's Point. That meant I had to go out and release it in the morning. Hooray.

Like I said, this will get better, just hang in there! Hope you enjoyed and please review!