Author's Note:

Welcome to my House of Anubis story! This story will involve bits of the second season plot lines! It will probably be told mostly by my OC's POV (with a few exceptions of course). I picture her as a tall girl with wavy, brown hair and brown eyes. (Visual reference later to come).



There went a pair of blouses.

"Camille, honestly-"


I "accidentally" dropped a glass perfume bottle from the bed.

"Camille Morgan!" the sound of my angry mother made me slightly desist in packing.

I looked at her, her piercing brown eyes were glaring at me from my bedroom doorway. "Yes, mother?"

"All this huff and puff is of no use, young lady. You are leaving tomorrow morning and that is that. Quit breaking your things for they will do no such thing in your case."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my suitcase lying on the foot of my bed. "Your solution was to get rid of me, how well of parenting is this, really?"

"We are not getting rid of you, honey," my mother's voice mellowed somewhat. "This boarding school is one of the best."

"It's in England, mom," I pointedly reminded her of the detail she was so keen on making me forget. "And while in most cases getting shipped off to England sounds like a dream, going to a boarding school where you have to wear uniforms isn't exactly the picture perfect dream I want."

"You should have thought about that before exceeding your credit card uses," my mother snapped. "Your father and I agreed it's time you settled down and started acting more maturely."

"I'm sixteen!" I whirled around to face her. "I'm a teenager, this is what we do! I don't mature - at least not for another two years."

My mother simply looked at me again and uttered her final words, "It's settled, Camille. You leave tomorrow morning. I suggest you finish packing," she pointed a slim finger to the pile of clothes I had on the ground.

I rolled my eyes and went for them, muttering curse words I knew she would probably hear.

~ 0 ~

There is not enough words to describe how much I detested this flight...and how much I detest the nearing brown, two-story house. Kicked and shouting had actually not helped in my case, as my mother had forewarned me that morning. But honestly, passing a couple of limits on some credit cards was not enough reason to be shipped off to a foreign boarding school across the globe. I was firm on that belief and I will remind my parents each time they called me.

"Thanks," I politely said to the driver after he'd placed my suitcases beside the car.

"Have a lovely semester, my dear," he wished with a thick English accent. Once again, I politely smiled and waved him off as he drove away.

I sucked in a deep breath and grabbed the handles of my suitcases, glumly walking up the pathway to "Anubis House" - at least that's what the Mr. Sweet, the head of the boarding school, told me it was. The closer I got, the more I wondered if I really wanted to knock or just run away and stay somewhere in the city? I did have a friend who lived nearby...

Seeing as my father was already mad as hell, I decided not to push any more of his buttons. I knocked twice on the door and waited for someone to answer me.

"Hello," a short, dark-haired woman opened up with a warm smile, "You must be Camilah, the new student?"

"Camille, please," I said firstly, "and yes. Mr. Sweet just sent me over."

"Come on in," she opened the door wider and motioned me in.

As I wheeled my suitcases in, I inspected the new house in which I would be staying in for as long as I "cleaned up my act" apparently. It was a well kept house, at least that's what I got from the entrance. The wooden staircase next to me seemed to lead up to a small office on one side and another hallway on the other side. I tried not to focus too much on the unusual eye designs on the banister. There was another hallway downstairs straight ahead of me, but the doors were shut.

"I'm Trudy, your house mother," the woman introduced herself, still wearing the widest of smiles. "Anything you need just come to me."


"I'll go get Victor - he's your house guardian," she briefly explained before making up the stairs.

In the meantime, I decided to go see what the rest of the house was like. But, unfortunately, the moment I entered the living room, someone made a shout for me from across.

There was a blonde guy in the kitchen, waving from the open space where I assumed the kitchen sink and counter were. "Newbie, I assume?" his clear American voice made me somewhat relax. It appeared I wouldn't be so foreign after all. "My name's Eddie," he strolled out of the kitchen with a half-eaten sandwich in one hand.

"Camille," I lightly smiled.

"American!" he beamed, making me laugh. "Awesome! Now we got a trio - like a golden trio!"

"There's another one?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, Nina, you'll meet her soon enough!"

"Mr. Miller," a sharp voice cut into the conversation. A tall man with dark hair and equally dark eyes stood at the threshold of the living room, "I would hope you aren't already influencing the newest residence into your bad habits."

"Don't worry, Victor," Eddie rolled his eyes, "I was only saying hello."

The man, Victor, didn't seem to buy it and I assumed this wasn't the first time they had this type of tension. Eventually, he turned his attention to me. With one motion of his hand, I followed him up the stairs into his office.

"Your father has informed me of the reasons you will be staying with us for the rest of the year," Victor was going on and on, me only nodding to show I was listening, "And you should know that I am very strict when it comes to guidelines and rules. I will not have any silliness going on."

Nod, and nod, and nod.

"You are to follow the rules or I shall be forced to phone your parents."

Nodding again. I should have known my parents would pull this kind of stunt on me and keep an eye on me. Too tired to start an argument with this new man, I just let him continue on without an interruption so we could finish faster. Eventually, glorious freedom came and I was released back to the living room. Surprisingly, Eddie was still there...only now he was eating an apple.

"Do you always eat this much?" I had to ask him.

Eddie sniggered as he straightened up on the couch. "You'll come to realize I love food very much."

"Yeah, well, apparently I'll be here to realize many things," I shook my head.

"Let me guess, this wasn't your first choice school?"

"Not at all. I had a very nice school back at home but...let's just say I went over some limits and this," I gestured to the place, "is my grand punishment."

"Well, if you'd like, I could be one of your friends in this grand prison," Eddie shot me a wink and took a bite of his apple.

"I'd like that," I nodded, "So, where exactly is everyone else? I doubt this big house is just for you and me."

"They're coming," Eddie shrugged, "They stayed back for some class but they should be here any moment now."

"Why weren't you with them, then?"

My answer was a great big scoff. I think I was going to like being friends with Eddie.

When we heard the front door opening up, Eddie motioned me to follow out and greet them. I admitted, I was just a little scared to meet so many new people I would be now living with. What if they were slobs? What if they were utterly rude? Or cheaters when it came to homework?

"Alfie, I don't want anymore gifts!" went a tall, chirpy blonde as she and a tall, dark-skinned guy came through.

The guy, Alfie, just cheekily smiled at her. "Oh, but how can you refuse them!?"

"You're both so annoying," a girl with reddish brown hair came up behind them, her blue eyes flickering from one another in, well...annoyance.

As the rest of the students came in, they took notice of the suitcases pushed to a side and of my presence beside Eddie.

"Let me guess," the red-brown haired girl began, leaning on her hip, "you're new here?"

"I'm Camille," I nodded.

"Another American?" she rolled her eyes, dismissing my introduction. "Don't you people ever think about going to school in your own country?"

I blinked rapidly, but said nothing.

"That's Patricia Williamson...isn't she lovely?" Eddie said sarcastically, earning himself a small glare from the girl in question.

A third girl, this one with dirty-blonde hair, spoke up. I instantly recognized her as Nina, the third American. "I'm Nina Martin," she extended a hand for me to shake.

"Hi," I shook her hand.

"And this is my boyfriend, Fabian Rutter," she grabbed the guy with cute brown hair by his shoulders. While it was a very discreet move, I knew she was trying to ward me off from flirting with her guy.

"Hello," I said to Fabian, who sheepishly waved back.

"I'm Amber!" the chirpy blonde went up and gave me a hug, surprising me.

"I'm Joy," a small brunette stepped up and shook hands with me, "I guess you're going to be my roommate. I should have figured that was why Trudy tidied up your part of the room."

"Poor girl, stuck with the most boring roommate in the house," Alfie dramatically swayed his head, receiving a whack from another small, dark-haired girl.

"Alfie, don't be rude," she looked at me with a kind smile, "I'm Mara, and don't listen to anything he has to say."

"Don't be rude to my friend, Mara," the last student, a tall blonde guy, sarcastically scolded her. "Hes' only saying the truth," he and Alfie snickered while Joy shot them both murderous glares.

"Don't listen to him," Joy began to say, "That's Jerome and all he ever does is prank people for a living."

"Not true," Jerome narrowed her eyes at her, "if I discovered how to make a living off playing pranks I wouldn't be here anymore."

I smiled.

Joy rolled her eyes and looked away from him. Jerome then flashed his blue eyes on me. "And, forewarning you, Alfie and I do love to play pranks on the newbies."

"Don't I get some sort of pass for being new?" I made a face, trying to figure out on what planet that was a way to welcome someone new.

"You would think," Alfie smirked and the two had themselves a good laugh.

~ 0 ~

Though tired, I was more hungry...which was why I subjected myself to dinner surrounded by complete strangers. Being the center of attention, I was questioned about the reasons of coming here.

"It was my fault, I guess," I was explaining, "I didn't measure the consequences and so I went over credit card limits."

"So, you're one of those snobby rich girls?" Patricia arched a menacingly eyebrow at me.

"No, I'm not," I assured, "It's true, my family's a little wealthy but I have my feet on the ground, I promise."

"How long do you think you'll be here, then?" Joy asked.

"Until my dad decides I can come home."

"Another rebel," Eddie, who sat beside me, nudged me with a smirk, "Nice."

"I'm really not," I laughed, probably contradicting my words, "I just happened to go over my limits."

"Where are you from?" Nina inquired.

"Los Angeles," I smiled politely.

"Oh, that is so cool!" Amber gaped. "I've been asking Daddy to take me there over the holidays but he refuses!"

After that, each took their turn explaining to Amber why her father probably didn't want to let her anywhere near the shopping centers. I figured if this was how everyone interacted with each other I could take living here for some time.

When everyone was finished with dinner, Trudy informed me of the rules concerning the cleaning up. Each week two students picked up and cleaned the mess. Having heard of my wealthy status, she probably figured I would be squeamish over a little cleaning, to which I had to laugh and once again assure them all that I had a good sense of reality. Although her choosing Jerome to help me clean up probably wasn't her best idea.

"Are you sure daddy's little girl can clean?" Jerome taunted once everyone had cleared out.

"If you haven't noticed, Daddy's little girl isn't even in the same country as him so even if I don't know how, you'll probably teach me," I said with a sarcasm smile.

"This should be fun," he playfully rubbed his hands together.

"Okay, c'mon, you can't do anything mean to me," I scowled, "I'm the new girl, you're supposed to be nice."

"Hmm..." he picked up a couple of glasses and headed for the kitchen.

"C'mon! Give me a break! I'm way out of my comfort zone here!"

He put the glasses in the sink and looked up with a teasing expression. "Your voice just cracked..."

"It does that when I'm scared," and of course it had to happen again. He started laughing and I crossed my arms. "You know what, I thought you were cute, but now, you are so not cute."

He smiled slyly. "You thought I was cute?"

"I thought, now I don't," I turned back for the table and started piling dishes.

"But you did..."

"Now I don't."

Jerome laughed and finally let it go. We surprisingly worked fine together and while he washed I cleaned the table. In the middle of it, Eddie sauntered in from the living room.

"Camille! Wanna go meet the world outside this school?" he asked.

"Victor said something about curfew..."

"We still have another hour," Eddie shrugged. "What do you say?"

"I still have to help," I gestured to the pile of dishes in the sink where Jerome was still washing.

He stopped washing and looked up. "Know what? Why don't you just go?"

I blinked. "Seriously? Why?"

"Because you told me I was cute," he flashed a smirk, "I'll let you out of helping me today."

I rolled my eyes, but still it made me incredibly happy. "Thank you," I left the towel beside the sink.

I hurried after Eddie, and of course the first thing he asked me after leaving was, "You told him he was cute?"

"Get off it, I didn't mean it like that," I groaned but he just laughed at me.

~ 0 ~

Later that night, I returned from Eddie's introduction grip and opted for a quick shower. I frankly smelled like airport mixed with Trudy's dinner and I would rather not smell like that for the next day - my first day at school. I stripped off my clothes and went in for the shower.

Mistake number one.

With eyes shut, I grabbed my shampoo bottle and poured some on my palms. I rubbed it over my hair.

Mistake number two.

I washed it off and finished the rest of my shower. I put on my pajamas and began drying my hair...

The next things that came out of my mouth were beyond incoherent. I stared at myself in the sink mirror and nearly had a heart attack.

My hair...was faded blue...

"OH MY GOD!" I couldn't help scream in a mortified way.

The laughter coming from the hallway told me all I needed to know. I stormed out and sure enough found both Jerome by the end of the hallway.

"You died my hair blue!?"

"Welcome to Anubis house," Jerome mocked a long bow.

"Are you kidding me!? Who does this kind of thing!?"

"You clearly have not met someone like me," Jerome said, rather impressed by himself.

"Of course not!" I marched up to him, "Because no one is as deranged and rude as you are!"

"Compliments won't get you anywhere!"

"I will get you back for this, Jerome, I swear to you!"

But my threats went in one ear and out the other. Jerome admired his work and turned on his shoes. It only made me burst with more anger.


"Goodnight, Camille!"

"I will get you back! I'm gonna get you back!" I swallowed hard and returned for the bathroom where I continued to pick at my blue hair.

Half the night I probably spent washing and washing the color out.