Disclaimer: I do not own Overwatch or any of its characters.

Overwatch Zero

Chapter 1:

The Drunk

The seedy bar at the end of street sounded like murder was going on inside. Loud screams reverberated of the dirty wooden walls. Along with its blaring destructive music, the shifty bar at the edge of the South American city gave off an aura madness and debauchery. The blonde woman in her dainty white blouse, looked at this seedy bar with a gaze of worry. Yet her up most concern is for the man in front of her. His short white hair did go well with his black jacket and jeans. A more relaxed look then his armor, yet the air around him and his piercing blue eyes still gives of a stature of man fighting one long endless war by himself. Even though he isn't alone anymore.

"Are you sure about this place Jack?" The woman asked, completely unsure if this dingy bar will help them in their mission.

Jack let out a small groan in frustration. He doesn't know why Angela came with him. She's way too soft for this and being covert isn't her thing. He should have brought Genji, but the damn ninja is still hovering around his brother.

"Winston's little computer 'girlfriend' is taking too long to find out where the Talons are." He grunted, walking towards the door. "By the time they find them, someone will be dead. Again. I can get that info faster and easier."

As he walked through the door, Angela sent a small glare at his back. Not knowing how long she'll be able to handle his standoffish nature. With sigh she followed him in the bar. Then ducked her head just in time avoid a bottle being flung from some howling monster. That turned out to be a young woman, whose short lavender hair and many pricings gave her the look of some sort of human porcupine.

She was yelling at a larger man whose muscles seem to be the size of his head. He too along with every other ruffian in the bar is dressed like a thug. A mix black leather and coats with multi colored hair and grim expressions. She couldn't help but glance nervously around the loud pub. Even seeing gory scenes on the blood stained battlefields, Angela cringed at the lawless images before her.

In the corner to the left there are a couple kissing quite madly while a few men were trying their hand at arm wrestling and few were drinking themselves sick. One man sat alone on the far end of the bar. His head flat on table as if he is either dead or hopefully unconscious but his right hand still gripped his drink of alcoholic beverage as it was the only thing keeping him up right in his chair.

She squeezed herself through the masses to reach Jack as he easily waved through the throng sweaty people to reach the bar counter where the barman, a large round man with shockingly clam blue eyes, cleaned the cup in his hand. She reached the counter with a sigh of relief as Jack got comfortable. Looking quite out of place in her graceful snow white gown in the dirty bar.

"How do you take it?" Jack asked her bluntly.

To which she responded with near agitated stare, making him blink in realization.

"Ah. I forgot that you don't drink." He turned form her heated gaze to the bartender to order his own drink.

"Vodka and bourbon. On the rocks. Straight."

The bar man didn't even bat an eye at the choice of extreme liquor and nor did Angela since she knew he can never get drunk. But it still worried her. Even with the enhancements form his experiment, she couldn't help but fret about his health. Yet she knows that if she mentions that they well be stuck in another argument.

As she watched a man be kicked in the groin by what she thinks is his girlfriend, Angela gave a huff of indignation. Her mind wondering back to what her colleagues in the Red Cross are doing. She had told them that her old friend Winston had called her for project; obviously not giving a time of when she'll be back. While it isn't wrong on what she told them, she has a feeling the higher ups won't like her assisting a bunch 'terrorist'.

"So…" She asked the old solider plainly. "What are we waiting for?"

Sipping his drink, Jack said nothing. Only making her outwardly sigh in annoyance.

Before she could even scold him, the door of the bar slammed open as five men swaggered into the pub. The atmosphere around them made the whole place seize up. Almost everyone had stop moving to look at them. They didn't look like the normal rabble in the bar. But they are still obviously an unsavory bunch with their cold gazes, and dark purple jackets. They looked to be part of some organized group with their heads shaved. However, the man in the middle, mostly the leader of the pack, had a head of short hair.

"The hell you guys looking at!?" The thug snapped at people in the bar and walked to the other end of the pub to the table with the drunk on it while everyone else continued their business.

"Hey!" The punk roared at the drunk only getting nothing as a response. "Move it buddy! You're in my seat!"

There was a grunt and nothing else.

The man clicked his teeth and then grabbed the drunks shoulder. Only for the drunk to stop him with a swift and tight grip around his wrist. A blood red eye gazed out from under the left side of hood and a slurred but young voice spoke form behind the white scarf.

"Yous workeds fores Ralons yeah?" The man slurred his speech as the alcohol in his body slowed and due his mind.

"The Talons?" The man could barely hold his laughter at the drunk's accusation. Although the people around that heard the name are swiftly put on edge. Shadowy hands hovering over concealed weapons.

"Listen buddy, I don't know what your- "

His face met the table in a painful slam. As it bounced up, a fist crashed into him making him tumble back with a bleeding cheek.

"Argh!?" He landed on his rear with a shocked grunt. Clutching his jaw in pain while others stared wide eyed at the event that had just unfolded.

The drunk finished his drink in one swift swig and stood up on shaky legs. His right dark blue eye and heated red left eye glared hazily at the group. He pointed at them with a gloved hand.

"Tell me wheres dsaria is or I'll kick your assesih." His ruby and sapphire orbs finally took in the scene of the man holding his chin in pain form his punch. His cohorts surrounding him, unsheathing their stun batons.

"Again." The drunk corrected himself.

"Ice that punk!" The thugs charged. The electricity of their batons snapping as they swung them. The sloshed man grabbed the purple clothed punk coming to his right. He rocketed his fist in the man's stomach almost ten times with blinding speed until swing him around to get shocked by his partner.

As the one thug dropped to the floor, a flying knee crashed into the face of his friend right before his legs were tripped. But his trip to the ground was sped up with a cloaked pounded his chest into the wooden floor board. Shattering the boards and creating a large new hole in it.

"Ha!" Sparks flew as another thug slashed his weapon proudly and with great skill. Yet a simple overhead block of an arm, a jab to the throat and spinning around house sent him flying through the air and on the other table across the room. Breaking it as he landing on it. The 'drunk' moved with the skill of a master as he ducked and waves though the other gangster's swings.

Down to two men the head of the gang turned to everyone else in the bar, "Get this guy! NOW!"

Others in the bar stood up and brandished their own weapons. Men and women rushed into the fray with pipes, chains, switch blades, broken glass bottles, and even a few chairs.

A sizzling snap kick shoot the baton wielding man's head up, making him fall backwards into unconsciousness. His partner fair worse as his arm was broken when his horizontal attack was countered with his arm being caught on the drunk's knee as drop his elbow. Shattering the fragile bone and making the man scream in pain just before being taken out by an uppercut.

A quick back step allowed a woman's switch blade to ghost by the cloth of his scarf as she slashed at him. She took her second blade, spinning with acrobatic ease, to try cut at him. Yet the sliver blade broke on his left arm with a clang instead of the satisfying squish of flesh. He pushed her back, disarming her blade and kicking her through the air.

A piping wielding muscle head rushed him, brandishing it wildly. He was quickly taken down with a right hook to the jaw and a powerful side kick that sent him sailing into the wall. He tried to move only for his arm to be pinned to the wall by the switch blade being thrown.

He gazed lazily at the gathering hoard of violent patrons. His body wobbling and waving awkwardly. His eyes showing thirty-two people armed to kill. Although there really is only fifth teen people left standing.

"Fien. I'll kicks all fifthyish- seventy-fiveish- ten…." He wobbles both his feet and his words. "I'll just beatish all yous guys."

Angela watched the carnage with worried eyes. And quick reflexes as she ducked a flying chair. She looked at Jack as he calmly drinks. Completely ignoring the chaos behind him.

"Shouldn't we do something?" She asked forcefully.

A man was slammed face first on their bar counter. Breaking the glass bottles and cracking the counter top with a painful groan right between them. He tried to get back up, but Jack took a full bottle of beer and shattered it on the man's head. Knocking him back out into dream land while soldier finished his drink.

"There. I did something." The guff army man turned his attention to the bartender who seemed just as natural as him. "Hey. Give me another round."

Jack placed his cup on the out cold man's head. The bartender took the cup, filled it back up, then placed back on its perch.

"Ugh…" Moaned the thug as Jack took his drink.

The brawl continued on with great vigor, even if it all is one sided. The drunk was taking people down left and right with quick and powerful strikes of a skilled warrior. Even with the drug in his system, his body still moved and coordinate like a sober man. Which is only making the head of the group increasingly more nervous.

He watched as the whole bar of ex-cons, people of military backgrounds, and thugs are tossed and kicked around like rag dolls. Still with his butt on the ground, he looked on, flabbergasted as a gaint of a man was thrown over him and back first on table. Another person and land on him, breaking the table splinters.

"Crap!" He cursed, observing as a pipe holding man had his weapon turned against him. The inebriated man whacked the attacker across his head. Then Tossed the lead stick to bounce off the skull of a running bottle wielding woman.

"The boss didn't mention anything about a psycho like this!" He stood up and turned to the door. Whispering to himself in utter fear. "I am so out of here!"

But he's words didn't fall on death ears.

"Heys!" The drunk roared as he head butted a man. "Iamz not fin-finis-GET BACK HERE!"

While the drunk chased after him, fighting his way through the throng of combatants, Jack's ears twitched with interest.

Jack finished his drink and stood with a grunt, "Got our man."

Confused, Angela jumped up with him. Petering behind him nervously while dodging flying bodies, bottles, and another weapons. Squeezing herself through a bunch of burly men and sweaty bodies being bunched together. She barely kept up with Jack as he easily waved through the masses of people. His eyes on the drunk as he elbowed one man in the face behind him and jabbed the throat of another.

'Hard to believe this guy's been drinking.' Jack observed the fight with a soldier's eye. Watching the young man take out thug after thug with swift crippling kicks, blurred punches to pressure points. Jabs, hooks, haymakers. He moved like man with years of battle experience.

'Jujitsu. Karate. Myautai. This guy seems to have his bases covered.' Jack side stepped a woman sailing in the air as he got closer to center of the action. 'His movements don't look disoriented, but…'

"Damnshi! S-stop movingish so much!"

'He sure he as hell sounds like it.'

As soon as he said that he watched as the drunk back handed a person that tried to sneak behind him without even looking. Then flip him over his back and knock them out with punch.

'I am going to have to be careful with this.' Jack thought through the chaos. The drunk finally caught up to the leader of the group after kicking the last guy through a wall.

"Augh!?" The leader squeaked as he was lifted up by his coat.

The drink wobbled a little as he held his target up. "Nows you tells me where-hiccup-Sairas ids!"

Jack stepped quietly up to them. The plan in his head ready to be set in motion.

He tapped the drunk on the shoulder.


And sucker punched him in the face and right out of the window.

Angela sighed as she massaged her temples.

The leader sigh in relief of not getting his butt handed to him, "Thanks for that."

Jack's blue eyes glare down at him cruelly.


The leader of the purple clothes thugs was tossed out the window. He landed right next to the hooded drunk who groaned in pain.

Jack walked out of the bar. Grabbing the punk by his head and pining him up against the wall.

"Alright." Jack growled, the sacred on his right eye glowing red hot. "The way I see it you have two choices."

He nodded his head to the unconscious man that had just beaten a whole bar. "I leave with your new friend. Or..." He tightens his grip to emphasize his threat.

"I can turn you into a walking pretzel."

The man just laughed in the old soldier's face, mocking his threat. "Ha ha! You know I am with Talon right buddy? You ain't going to do nothing I -AHHH!"

The man's arm was suddenly twisted behind his back like a birds wing. He crumpled to the ground wailing and gripping his arm in pain.

"That's one loop." Jack crackled his knuckles. A deadly aura around him promising nothing but pain.

"That's enough!" Angela stomped her foot and shoved Jack out the way. The look of utter anger on her face as she glared at him.

To his shock she actually started to help the man up, scolding Jack all the way.

"I know we need information, but this isn't an interrogation. This is torture!"

Jack tried to reason with her, "An- "

"Silence!" But she shot him down quickly and painfully. Having the wounded man lean on her shoulder as she leads him to the alley way. She smiled motherly at him as she guided him.

"Don't worry sir. I am a doctor. I'll fix that arm right up." She beamed bright at him. Making the man form Talon blushed a little.

"Well looks like someone knows how to treat a guy!" He sneered at Jack as him and Angela disappeared into the alley way.

"Tch!" Jack punched the wall next to him on frustration. He knew that he shouldn't have brought her along with him. She too soft for this. Hell this whole idea of bring Overwatch back together was dumb in the first place. Why the hell did he listen to that damn monkey is-

"Ah! Thanks beautiful." The voice of the Talon agent echoed out the alleyway. "You know how abou- eh? What is-Argh!? Ahhh! Stop! Dear God sto-AGHHH!"

The bloodcurdling screams lasted for a full minute. Jack could only blink in surprise after the horrid roars petered out. He waited for a few more seconds before deciding to check it out. Before he could peak his head in, Angela popped out form the corner with a wide smile.

"I've got all the info we need! Let's go tell Winston." She walked down the street in oddly chipper mood.

Jack watched her walk away, her white blouse flowing behind her. A bright red splotch at the bottom of her dress that was never there before made him shiver a little. He waited a moment then he could peak into the alley.

"Whoa…" He winced at the image he saw and quickly turned away. Honestly he doesn't know why he was so shocked.

"I forgot why they called Mercy; She doesn't have any when she's pissed."

He rubbed the back of his head and fallowed out of the city.

A large fuzzy eyebrow is raised in extreme suspicion as Winston looked at his two comrades. The large gorilla; a sentence for once not used as an exaggeration, couldn't help but look at Jack with critical gaze. Trying to get the man to join them was almost unbelievably difficult. His vigilante ways made him hard to track down. And when they finally found him he shoved off any type of friendship or a chance to join up with them.

He even shot him a few times. If it wasn't for mercy, they may have never even gotten him to help. Although he understands why Jack has had such an abrasion to the rejoining Overwatch. Many of the pervious heroes, like Jack have been hurt by its dismantlement or are dead. For years he searched for answers as to why Overwatch was ordered to disband, and the death of his many friends. And there were times that Winston himself wanted to join him. But he just can't approve of his vigilante actions, and maybe the damage they caused was a good reason for them to disappear.

"And you're sure you didn't cause too much of a ruckus getting this info?"

Jack gave a small gaze at Mercy who merely looked back him calmly.

"There was something like a 'ruckus' being caused."

Winston groaned. Dreading to hear what the nine o'clock news will report.

"Well at least your information checks out." He turned to his massive computer Athena. Winston had moved her form their African base when it was invaded and now they are all station in the Amazon hold. It is an old base hidden between the mountains deep in the forest. It has an abundant of facilities. Made to house a small army of people with a training room fully stocked with practice bots. A large bountiful and clean kitchen filled to the brim with dishes and ingredients for its patrons.

Currently they are in the mission room with a large circular room with a round holographic table. Two other women are with them. A large muscular woman with short bright pink hair. Even as she is slouched against the wall she is almost Winston's height. Her dark blue armor didn't cover her powerful arms, and the X shaped scar on the side of her head gave her a very standoffish aura. Yet her deep sea green eyes are gentle and filed with kind warmth.

A very petite woman sat crossed leg in a chair with a freckled face and curious chocolate brown gaze. Orange goggles sat atop of her short full brown her. Her yellow skin tight track suit glowed brightly in dim light of the computer room. She sat between two Japanese men. One is a bow man with a cool pensive look as he stroked his facial hair in thought. Dressed in loose kimono with a bow strapped on his back.

The other man, if he can really be called that, is dress in full green and sliver metal armor. Two blades strap on his back as he watched everyone with cool emerald air.

Winston stood in front of the large computer as he brought up an image on the screen that should off a city in a desert in Egypt. A large dusty brown tower in the distant is the focal point as the image zoomed in on it. It has a bright white trim that gleamed in the heat of its dry home.

"I've done my own investigating and found out where they are meeting." He gestured to the image on the screen. "But I couldn't find out when they are meeting."

"Which we did." Jack answered. "Widowmaker, Reaper, and those two weirdos, Junkrat and Roadhog, are all meeting at that tower at seven pm tomorrow."

"So we'll storm in there, take down those tossers, and then bobs yer uncle ya?" The british woman grinned cheeky.

"I don't think it vill that easy." The large Russian woman lamented.

Jack and Winston agreed with her with curt nod.

"And we may have bigger problems than that." Winston zoomed in at the top of the tower. Focusing on the two letters in gold V and C.

"The Vishkar Corporation?" Angela looked rather shocked at the building logo. "You don't think Satya is involved with them?"

"I am hopping she is not." Winston charcoal eyes grew dim in worry as he looked at the screen.

"It doesn't matter." Jack said plainly. A slight growl in his voice. "She's a target like the rest of them. We take her down no matter what."

"Hold on Jack!" Winston is quick to question the veteran's icy words. "We don't know all the answers yet and- "

"Use that big brain of yours Winston." Jack's blues eyes seared into the gorilla. "For them to be causing so much havoc with that much man power, they need more than just Talon being their supplier. And while there are a lot of shady corporations out there, none of them are shadier then the Vishkar Corporation." Jack left no holes in his accurate assumption.

Yet Winston shock his head defiantly, "Satya isn't like that. I've spoken with her just a few days ago. She told me that they having been working on the renovation project in Rio to help out the poor."

"To which they blew up a tower and nearly killed everyone inside." Jack cut off Winston as he tried to form a rebuttal.

"Listen I'll tell the same thing I told you before agreeing to this. "The hardness of his eyes froze mostly everyone in the room. "This isn't like before. This is not some sort fan club where we're back by NATO. We're barely even organized. We're aren't a team. Trying to do this 'old fashion way' is only going to get us all killed. Once we take down talon, I don't want to even see that single come up again."

He turned to the rest of them grumbling out an order before leaving, "I want you all to be ready at five am tomorrow."

As he left the room became a vacuum of silence. But Angela filled that emptiness with tires sigh along with a rub of her temple.

"I'll go talk to him." She walked down the hall after the stern man with her face harden in angered frown.

That knocked Winston out of his stupor. Adjusting his glasses, he addressed everyone, regaining his stolen energy.

"R-right. Well then. You heard the man. We all have too ready bright and early the next morning." He turned off the computer and walked back to his own room.

Jack sat in his room. A Spartan style room that didn't have much in terms of items. A simple bed, with his weapons hanging over it along with a neat and clean desk right next to it. He is looking over his gun with harsh criticism. Making sure to have every piece in its place and it's muzzle is clean for the next morning.

Angela walked on this scene. Watching the harden soldier painstakingly fiddle with his rifle. Just like any warrior, he is calculating and swift. But she can tell that, even with that combat prowess he is just a man. A man bitten by the cruelness of this world and is biting back with equal ferocity.

"That wasn't harsh." He said suddenly, not looking her in the eye. "That was the truth."

His bladed words bounced off of her with a sigh, "That chip on your shoulder is going only going to make you crankier."

Jack sighed, finally turning to the woman that's more of Sister then a friend. "Angela- "

"Jack. Enough." The doctor silenced him. Her icy stare was powerful, yet calm. As if looking at the eye of storm.

"I am not going to say 'things will get better' or 'that I understand what you're going though'. What happen to our friends-our family, cannot be reversed or made better with simply kiss and a smile."

Her eyes grew downcast, a mourning smile shadowed her lips, "I…miss the old days just as much as you. But I am not going to sit around and mop about it."

Angela boldly stepped into his room, gently taking his shoulder and looking at him in his hard blue eyes.

The kind doctor's glare sent an odd shiver down his spine, "Like you."

"To Winston, to everyone, this is more than just being the band back together." Angela smiled more warmly. "It's about protecting this world. So the tragedy that happen to our family, doesn't happen to anyone else."

"….." Staring into the kind woman's meaningful look, Jack felt his walls of anger dissipate. Angela is close friend. A woman who knows him better then he knows himself at times. She knows what makes him tick, and what makes him explode. Many times he wonders if he would still be the same man if it wasn't for her.

His heart became stone after the incident. Closing off all doors to anyone to fight his lonely war. But Jack knows without a doubt, he would jump back into the hellfire for Angela without a second thought.

"And if you don't take that massive stick out your butt, I'll just put so much drugs in your coffee that he'll be smiling for days." That, and she is the only one who can actually make him worry about his own wellbeing.

With mirthful chuckle, Jack growled out. "You know, your damn scary when your pissed right?"

The doctor giggled as she patted his head playfully, "I'll take that as a 'I'll try.'"

Sparks of blue crackled form Winston's soldering. The small black box he is tinkering with glowed light green whenever he touched it.

"Hm. And that. Should. Just about- "

"E'llo Winston!"

Weather it was Tracer's sudden appearance by blue streak or Winston's own folly, the device he was working on suddenly shot an electrified net at both him and his speedy friend.


"Watch it!?"

Both of them ducked to avoid the net as it soared over their heads and right into the wall behind them.

"Er sorry love." She apologized, looking wryly at the statically charged net. "Didn't mean to spook ya."

Winston sighed, but was not detoured. "It's alright. My mind wasn't really on this project anyway."

"What Jack said is bother'en ya in't it." It is more of a fact then a statement.

The talking ape sighed, slumping in his chair. He took off his black rimmed glasses and looked at them. Memories of another Winston, a fatherlier figure then mirror of himself, hovered through his intelligent mind.

"His not wrong Lena." He spoke somberly, yet it isn't really sad. It's more of a realistic realization then anything. "We aren't what we're before. A massive group of highly trained men and women back by the world's leaders. There's not even ten of us."

He looked through his clear lens of his spectacles in nostalgia. "I know we can help. I know we can change the world. But it's not an uphill battle. It is attempting to move the stars with our bear hands."

Tracer drape herself over her furry friend in reassurance. Grinning brightly enough to light up his workshop. "Well you've got these big 'ol hands and a big 'ol brain. The way I see it, we probably wouldn't be able to get into space to try and move those stars in the first place if it wasn't for you."

"Besides," Tracer shrugged. "Jack's just worri'in about us. He'll come around."

Lena grinned cheekily, "And if he doesn't. Mercy will just beat all the grumpiness out him!"

The great ape wasn't convinced. Not even Tracer's boundless enthusiasm could lighten his mood.

"Or..." The former pilot tired again. "Are you worried about Satya?"

"Hmmm…." The grumble form Winston's throat is a painful 'yes.' "She secretly has been funding my research for years, until recently. I consider her as much of a friend as everyone else. But…"

He sighed in deep regret. Hardening his eyes as he stared at the memory of his father. The memory that made gives him the strength to push forward every day.

"Jack is right. I…we can't do this halfheartedly."

He put his glasses back on and looked to his old friend. "If we want to protect this world, we have to cut some comers. We are not what we once were. We are better then what we once were."

The great aped blinked for second to rethink his words. "Or are we better than we were before? To be honest those words sounded a to better in my head then out loud…."

Tracer laughed quietly at Winston's face as he thought of how to better end his little speech. While he may be a genius, Lena has always saw him as more kid at times. A little naïve to the world, always curious about things. Kind of like her really.

It drew her to him. There similarities and odd differences is what makes their friendship so strong in the first place.

"Well, no matter what big guy." Tracer grinned, the freckles on her face winking at her friend. "You'll always be me mate!"

Winston smiled at that.

"Thanks Lena. Now let's have a look at your accelerator." He took a few tools form his desk and mentioned her to come closer. "We don't want it shutting down on us like last time."

"Hmm..." Hanzo looked over the 3-D holographic map of the tower and buildings around it with a meticulous eye. Hunched over, he spun the image slightly. Homing in on the tall apartment and business buildings. Cool black eyes gazing at their roofs.

"That would be a very good spot…." He mumbled to himself. His Japanese tongue stumbling over the english words like rock rolling down a steep hill.

"Still mulling over the battlefield brother?"

Hanzo did not turn to silent footsteps of his cybernetic brother. But the thumping of Zarya's boots did make him pausing in his planning and address them.

"You should be resting, da? If you don't get up early enough you vill not be able to eat any of my famous breakfast." Zarya's boasted hearty with one of her kind smiles. Her thick Russian accent oddly enough made her seem all the friendlier.

Genji turned to address the mother bear of a woman. A grin behind his metal mask. "While we all enjoy you cooking, Mrs. Zarya, I think we should have something light that morning. All that protein may make us too big to fight."

"I am more concerned about their sniper then our breakfast, brother." Hanzo turned form them and brought up and image a woman. Her beauty is, and forever will be, the first thing anyone would notice. Her lovely heart sped face, with small but piercing and seductive golden eyes. Her skin, a tinted blue, added to her eerie allure as her curvy figure is only a small factor to her beautiful but deadly nature.

"Widowmaker." Genji stated the woman's name in acknowledgment.

"When Mrs. Oxton had told about her encounter with this woman, I honestly could not believe it to be true. But…"

He opened up a digital file, allowing a slew of documents to pour out over the screen. All of then about the deaths of important political figures, random no names, high priced business men and women, and heirs to powerful clans. Everything done by one woman.

"And these are only the known cases." Hanzo said. Needing no other words to express his thoughts.

He looked over the buildings again, rubbing his chin in thought. "These buildings all have amazing vintage points."

"And your looking to see which one this assassin will be preached?" His brother asked walking up to the desk next to him.

"No. I am looking to see how much of this is a trap." That made Genji's head turn.

"Vhat makes you so sure?" Zarya asked, looking at the layout herself now.

"It is as I said: all these buildings provide perfect cover of a sniper." He pointed to the alleyways between the buildings. "And for men to be pouring out through them. And look, they all form a semicircle around the tower."

"The perfect place to block our exit." Genji finished the dire thought for him.

"They may plan on leading us there." The tactician thought grimly. The many possibilities of their defeat swarming through his mind.

A large gentle had clasped his shoulder, breaking his dark imagination so he can look up to see Zarya grinning down at him.

"It is best to sleep on such thoughts yah? It will only make us less prepared for the next day." She folded her arms, declaring her idea with a bright smile. "Come! I will fix you two some of my famous stew. It will fill your belly and make you sleep like a proud lion!"

While Hanzo would not push away from such kindness form her, his analytical mind torments him with worry. He was about to politely decline, but his brother easily stopped him.

"She is right brother." Genji said, his voice still oddly reassuring even through the steel mask he now wears. "Even if we go over these plans until the cherry blossoms bloom, we will never be able to put them into action if we are too tired."

Hanzo sighed with a smile. He is outed two to one on this decision.

"When did you become so wise, little brother?"

"I believe it was the time I stopped thinking with my lower half." Genji sounded too serious about that statement.

Hanzo almost rolled his eyes, "Mrs. Zarya, is there any dish that will case my sibling's vulgar demeanor?"

Zarya bellowed with a small laugh, "I believe I could work that out him with one of my training routines!"

The cyborg's green glow somehow got green, "Please Mrs. Zarya. I already lost one body. I do not wish to lose another."

For those who know me, I back after an unintentionally long hiatus. For those who don't, I hope you enjoy this thrilling tail as my first story in this archive!

Leave a review and tell me what you think! Good or bad critic is wanted and loved!