Erza walked up to Natsu's front door. She didn't care how late it was, but she was determined. Yet again, Natsu had gone overboard during a mission, and destroyed half of a town, and he still hadn't received proper punishment. She was about to kick his door down when she heard a loud thump, and a ringing noise. Erza sneaked over to a window, where she saw Natsu in front of his communication lacrima, which every Fairy Tail member had at the request of the master, in case an emergency arose. It must have rung, which woke him up. He probably got out of bed to get there, which explains the thump. However, Erza had one question in her head. Who would be calling the Natsu at this hour?

Natsu waved his hand in front of the lacrima, and a screen popped up above it. Natsu looked surprised when he saw his caller on the screen. He said to the screen, "Jellal, can this wait?"

Erza froze. Jellal was calling him. Jellal. Her mind was filled with questions, but she decided to listen. She couldn't make out what Jellal was saying, but she could clearly hear Natsu.

Natsu yelled at the screen. "What could be so important that you had to wake me up at 3:00 in the morning! Some people need sleep, you know." A muffled voice replied. "Look! I'm tired, and this doesn't seem that urgent. I'll talk to you tomorrow." A louder but still inaudible voice replied. "Ok. Fine. Have it your way… What about Erza? She's fine."

Erza couldn't believe what she was hearing. Jellal called Natsu about her. She almost wanted to jump through the window, and talk to Jellal herself, but she stayed in her spot, and listened more.

Natsu continued to talk to Jellal. "She's the same Erza we all know and love. She still gets mad when I fight with Gray, eats several strawberry cakes every day, and keeps the whole guild in check. What did you say? Look, it seems she's gotten over that by now. You really think she still hates you for what you did? To tell the truth, i'm still a little angry about that. You made her cry! One thing that I vowed to never allow to happen again."

Erza just sat there and took it all in. It seemed that Jellal called to see if she had forgiven him for what he had done at the tower of heaven 7 years ago. He had formed Crime Sorciere, and moved on, but it seemed that he still thought she harbored a little hatred and anger for what he did.

"What do you mean 'What made me promise that'? I love Erza, just like everyone else in Fairy Tail. She is like family to me…..What? Do I love her as more than a friend and comrade? To tell you the truth, a little. I mean, she has all the qualities I like in a woman. She is beautiful, smart, strong, kind, and more. But she is very hesitant at forming bonds and relationships with other people. I wonder whose fault that is…" Natsu said, adding a sarcastic tone to his last sentence.

Erza was stunned. Is that what Natsu thought of her? Beautiful, smart, strong, and kind? Her cheeks had a slight red tint as she pondered over that. But then, what about the things he said after that. Was she really hesitant to form bonds and relationships with others? She didn't like that part. She was still thinking, but snapped out of her deep thoughts when Natsu yelled at the screen once again.

"What did you say? Are you drinking or something, Jellal? You're insane! Look, go to bed, get some rest, and we'll talk tomorrow when you're sober." Erza heard Jellal yell something at Natsu. "Look. What do you want! She is perfectly fine!" Natsu yelled at the screen. "Even if I really do like her, I doubt she likes me back. In fact, knowing her, the first thing she will do tomorrow is punch me in the face for destroying a town during the job we just did…...Oh, so now you are some matchmaker? Look, we'll deal with that later. I'm not going apologize to her for you and tell her she needs someone special in her life. If you really want her to hear that so bad, why don't you come to the guild tomorrow AND TELL HER YOURSELF!" Natsu yelled as he smashed his flaming fist into a table, shattering it.

Erza felt like she was going to cry. Was it that Natsu didn't care about her? She wanted to smash the wall at this point, walk in, and backhand him so hard that he would fly all the way to Sabertooth. Erza continued to listen, though, as Natsu was yelling yet again.

"What do mean take her to the Akane resort! Do I look rich to you! There is no way in hell I can afford that. Hell, I can barely even afford food for myself and happy. Almost all of my income gets taken away to pay for property damage. I may be some famous mage, but you know what Jellal? I'M BROKE AS HELL!".

Jellal yelled back, but Erza couldn't hear. She was only thinking about what Natsu just said. Did Natsu really have no money? So many things she didn't know were revealed by eavesdropping on only one side of a simple phone call.

"What? You'll pay? Well, what about the week that it will consume, where I could be taking jobs? You better pay for that too. Alright. You better be there, you know that. If you pull a 'no show', i'm going to hunt you down, beat you up, and drag your unconscious body back to the guild, and you can personally apologize then. Alright. See you later Jellal." Natsu said as he turned off the lacrima, the screen vanishing.

Erza was confused at this point. Natsu was taking her to the Akane resort so Jellal could apologize, and Jellal wanted her to have a boyfriends. Was Jellal trying to pair her up with Natsu? Well, he did practically confess his feelings, and to tell the truth, she had some special feelings for him too. 'Whatever', Erza thought. She needed some sleep. She started to walk back to Fairy Hills when she heard someone shout.

"Hey Erza, don't think I didn't smell you there! We're going to the Akane resort tomorrow, so start packing. Also, if you ever eavesdrop on me again, i'll burn down Fairy Hills. Goodnight!"

Erza stopped in her tracks. He knew she was there the whole time? And she let her stay? She couldn't wrap her head around this. She decided that she didn't care and started walking back to her room. She needed to pack, and get some sleep. This was gonna be a vacation she would really enjoy.