Ok, so its been almost a year. Im gonna try to get back into writing again, as I have more time this summer. Expect more chapters :)

"Should someone stop him?" Ultear said.

"Nah, just let him get out his anger." Jellal replied.

"Thats a really deep crater." Meredy added.

Natsu was still very angry that he let Erza get kidnapped. To get some anger out, he decided to blow stuff up. Thus creating a massive crater next to the resort. Natsu jumped out of the crater next to Crime Sorciere.

"Ok im good. Lets go find that machine." Natsu said.

"Wait...can't you just use your nose?" Jellal asked.

"Now that you mention it, this dagger has no scent. There must be some kind of spell masking it."

"Great. So we have to use the machine. Lets start walking."

"Where exactly is this machine?"

"Its….in the Magic Council's HQ. Heavily guarded. Hopefully the council won't be there."

"Yeah, if you guys get caught then you're screwed."

"Oh we aren't breaking in. You are." Jellal said.

"Why not?"

"Too much of a risk. You forget that we are fugitives."

"Oh, right."

"Then its settled. This should only be a day's walk".

Erza woke up to a kick across her face.

"Good morning Titania! I hope you are ready for an eventful day!"

"What's eventful about being chained to a wall?"

"This" the man said. Suddenly, a lacrima appeared and projected a video on the opposite wall. She saw some people walking and talking. One of them had pink hair, another had blue hair… wait! This was Natsu and Crime Sorciere!

"What is this?"

"Just your friends who I'm about to ambush."

"Your here. They are probably far away. How can you ambush them?"

"Im already there. Cloning magic is a really cool think yaknow?"

"Cloning magic?"

"Yup. Your friend didn't beat me up. He beat up my clone. If he ever wants to stop me, he'll have to kill the real me. Oh look, the ambush is about to start. Lets watch your friends suffer, shall we?"

Natus stopped dead in his tracks. Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy both turned around and looked at him.

"Why'd you stop, Natsu?"

"We're surrounded. I can smell it. Show yourselves!"

Immediately, 4 hooded figures walked out from behind the trees next to the pathway, surrounding Natsu and his friends.

"Whoa! You guys all look like that guy I beat up! You guys like siblings or something?" Natsu said.

"Its cloning magic. We've dealt with this guy before. I doubt any of these men are his real body." Meredy replied.

"Precisely!" One of the men said. "And I can keep cloning and cloning until I kill you." Suddenly the four men glowed bright yellow, and split. Suddenly, there were now 8 men instead of 4.

"Thats a cool party trick dude. But can it beat this?" Jellal said as he pointed one hand at the ground and the other at the sky.

"Jellal NO! What are you doing!" Ultear yelled out, but it was too late.

"SEMA!" Jellal yelled. Suddenly a large meteor fell out of the sky, hurling itslef towards the people below.

Natsu, Meredy, Jellal, and Ultear all ran away. Ultear used her time magic to make the ground crumble around the 8 men, trapping them. The meteor stuck them, disintegrating their bodies.

"That was easy!" Jellal beamed. Ultear kicked him in the crotch. He instantly fell on his knees in immense pain.

"You IDIOT!" Ultear yelled. "You just made a giant explosion! What happened to 'laying low'?"

After the meteor struck, the projection on the wall disappeared. The man fell on the ground in immense pain, and coughed up blood.

"I see that somehow, when your clones get hurt, so do you. Looks like you are in for a world of pain if you want to kill Natsu and Crime Sorciere." Erza said.

"They'll...pay for this!" The man said in between gasps.

After a long walk, a lot of lecturing from Ultear about responsibility and not carelessly going overboard, and Jellal getting kicked in the crotch multiple times, Natsu, Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy arrived at the Magic council HQ. It was practically empty due to the Magic council investigating the explosion Jellal created.

"See, look. I made a diversion. Totally planned." Jellal said.

"Shut up." Ultear said. "Now Natsu, do you still have the dagger?" He pulled it out of his pocket. "Good. Now, when you break through the front doors, go down the stairs to the floor below. Thats where they keep the magic equipment. Find the machine, use it, and bring back the location of that guy. And don't try to fight anyone. Just go in, and out."

"Got it." Natsu said. He hurled a fireball towards the front doors, destroying them and knocking the guards back. He ran straight into the building. "Im gonna find you Erza! I have to!"

A little rusty but glad I got a chapter out. Thanks for reading and as always feel free to PM me suggestions or put them in a review.